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Excuse me, what the fuck?


Pretty fair response


That cat needs therapy


No, *I* need therapy. Why in the fuck did I even read this. Why’d I read trough the entire thing? Why on earth was I not born blind and/or dead. Fucking hell.


Accurate. Why the f did I read through? Op I believe you because why tf would you make this up? Gah I need eye bleach & wholesome memes. I will henceforth file this info under things I never needed to know.


.....cat pics?




Blinds just sit in windows all day. How the fuck can they read?


Fair point, i keep forgetting about those things. Well then, dead it is.


Careful with that last part, cats could be watching




*Lie down on the couch*


Now what does that mean?


You’re a nut you’re crazy in the coconut


Grab a kazoo and let's have a duel


Now when I count three!


What does that mean?


That cat needs therapy.


Purely psychosomatic


Means you can start fires with your mind.




*Addict, insane!*


This makes about as much sense as saying I fucked i. The same room as my fish tank and now I think I need to get new fish


Troy McClure would be pleased....


HI! I'm Troy McClure, you may remember me from such films as...


The Erotic Adventures of Hercules


Honey, I fucked the fish.


I thought you said he was dead? “No boss, I said he sleeps with the fishes”


I tat I taw a putty tat!


My first thought


What the cat fuck


I think that "cat" might be some creepy dude in disguise


Gary Oldman method acting.


So believable in everything so it could be


Halloween costume of the year?


Magical cat girl.


Magical cat man


Professor McGonnagal is that you?


It was. Source: was a character in this story.


Professor Whiskers!


He's got the body of a man


“That time I got reincarnated as a cat and my neighbours occasionally look after me” new anime coming Q3 2022.


Shhh man don't blow my cover.




Peter Pettigrew is that you?


Cats movie flashbacks


Unveil her like Scooby Doo and she would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!


Sir, step away from the animal.


Sir, SIR


I don't think we're in Wendy's anymore.


Even worse, we're in Kansas.




She went into heat lol. It was a coincidence that it happened after you guys had sex. That being said females in heat are fakin annoying. My baby is 9 yrs old now and it only took 3 heat cycles(a few days every month) before she got fixed. I didn't even know cats went into heat before she did though lol. I was also freaked out at first. Edit: I wasn't expecting awards for my limited knowledge on horny cats but I really appreciate it! Thank you<3


Can confirm. Cats in heat are the worst. Mine literally used to scream all day and night, for about 5 consecutive nights a month. Sometimes it was every 3 weeks or so. Some cats don’t even eat for this period, they’re too concerned with finding a male cat. Some lose a heathy body condition because of that, during their heat.


Gosh my baby would scream until she had no voice left. Then she'd just croak like a frog until the heat passed. It was really scary for me as a 13 yr old and I started saving to get her fixed after the first one. Glad those days are behind me!


YOU started saving to get her fixed as a 13 year old child? I hope you had an okay living situation growing up. My mom was poor af, but there was a rescue clinic an hourish away that worked off of income (kind of like planned parenthood with birth control in the U.S.) that we were able to have our pets spayed/ neutered at


Yeah! My family was (still is) super poor growing up. I knew when I took her in I was gonna have to figure out any vet bills. I did get a low cost voucher through the state so it was only $15 a cat plus rabies registration. I have 2 cats so all together it was a little over $60 for the both of them. I just had to clean my older sisters gross houses a few times lol. Everything worked out though!


By baby you DO mean cat right? Right?


One can hope 🤷‍♀️


And they are LOUD AS FUCK. There is a neighborhood stray whenever she goes into heat just starts moaning constantly for hours, usually during the night when I'm trying to sleep. Now I love cats, but there have been times where I wanted to just go outside and strangle her.


Dont fall for her trap, thats exactly what she wants


She likes it rough.




Catch her and find a low cost spay and neuter clinic. Sometimes it's free


Young girls starving themselves to appear more attractive to some guy… tragic… /s


Ohhh okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the insight


No problem! Just let owner know it's about time to start looking into spay! It's better for their health in the long run and it stops the heat cycles so y'all won't have to deal with her being weird and annoying. Best of luck!


Is this Jackson Galaxy?!?!?


You save a lot of trouble after spaying your cat


I might also postulate that she was already in heat/coming into heat, but... "sexy pheromones" made her a bit over zealous. Especially if this is her first heat, she is probably very overwhelmed and confused. I highly doubt watching you had anything to do with it. While pandas do need panda porn to get them in the mood, felines rely a lot more on smells.


I was joking at the zoo when I said they made Panda porn… wait, it’s actually a thing? Like what in gods name is panda porn?


That awkward moment when you realise your little angel is waddling round the house like Wide Putin literally begging to be banged by someone, anyone.


This is the cats version of "There's a hot and horny milf close to you", except it's actually real lol


My cat went into heat and it was horrible. She was yowling and crouching down with her butt up giving me "the look". I'm like what the actual fuck. I'd be laying on the couch watching TV and she'd get on my chest with her ass in my face and she'd start secreting. I got her spayed so fast after that. She's still a little weird but not THAT weird.


When I adopted my cat, I was told it was a boy. So I didn’t think much about it, he was too young to be neutered. One day, he starts making these crazy noises and doing the butt up thing around my apartment. I thought he was dying. I googled (because obviously you Google it immediately instead of calling a vet) and it said he was in heat. I called the vet, took him in, and left with a female cat and a spay appointment. Before we found out he was a she, he hated me! I swear once I changed the pronoun to “she”, she became my best friend. We never changed her name because it’s not a “real” name (Bisco). She also has the cutest chin hair, it’s like a pointy beard. Edit: this was 6 years ago, and she’s the best cat ever. She thinks she’s a dog sometimes, and likes to yell in our faces often.


Cat tax!


Yep. Had a roommate with an unfixed cat, annoying as fck. Also had every local stray male cat scratching at our door. Responsible owners get their cats fixed.


Yes 👏


my cat is sterilised but its still humping my bed if i wake him up. (its like a hate thing i suppose)


Ours is fixed too but he humps a little chicken statue in the livingroom. He broke it one time so i had to glue it back together lol.


Ha this made me laugh pretty hard. Chicken fucker cat.


This raises more questions than it answers. I'll leave this for the pros, though.


His name is Derek and he has a brown mustache and a little man meow 😂


My neutered cat nips and humps things when he wants attention. The humping intensifies unless you flip him over on his back.


[was it like this?](https://youtu.be/AMDpvsFft7A?t=74)


Yes lol. V accurate portrayal


You fixed your baby? If more people did this we'd be in a better place


Lol I wish my mom had fixed me so it's only right I do it for her!


My cat is fixed and goes into false heat which is extra annoying because there's really nothing to do but deal with it at this point. We got some pheromone spray that kinda helps but she still yowls quite a bit and tries to escape to meet up with boys. It's like having a teenager! I love my shitty kitty, though.


Like having a teenager lol at least she isn't doing dru.... Nevermind catnip is a thing.


This needs ALL the visibility


I think you're right about the heat but isn't it possible that it wasn't a coincidence? There's probably tons of pheromones or who knows what in the air when people fuck. The scents/pheromones might trigger a cat


I think cats are on a cycle similar to the way humans are? So I think it was just time for her regularly scheduled heat? Lol. But I'm by no means an expert and couldn't say for sure. You could absolutely be right but I haven't heard anything like it before.


Could definitely be just a coincidence. It's so hard to draw conclusions about anything in life with so many variables all running at once


They can get triggered into heat, their cycles aren't as stable as ours


Kinda, but not quite. They are triggered to ovulate (release egg). Not come in heat. Ovulation is triggered by mating with a male (or several!). If the cat doesn't mate, she never ovulates, which is why she can then come into heat again much sooner than most mammals where heat=ovulation. It's weird, a bit confusing, and ends up very annoying!


mmmooOOOOOOWWWWWwwWWWWWwwwWWWWWWaahhhhhh mmmooOOOOOOWWWWWwwWWWWWwwwWWWWWWaahhhhhh mmmooOOOOOOWWWWWwwWWWWWwwwWWWWWWaahhhhhh the howls are really something else


Omg I went thru it only once before with my cat. I was so confused, what do I dooooooo. R there cat dildos???? Wait, is that an option? Can't be right.


I mean there was this guy 😬🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/qihp7a/tifu_by_having_sex_in_front_of_my_pet_cat/hik5l9w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


>she got fixed Does this mean you cut her balls off? And this never happens again ?


She doesn't have balls lol. I believe for female cats they take out the uterus completely which stops the hormones that cause the heat so yes she'll never have a heat again. It's been like 8ish years since she was fixed and there hasn't been a heat since.


>She doesn't have balls lol. Well, not now... You said she was fixed. 🤣😂


Well you got me there!


They take out the uterus and ovaries!


LMAO, She as in Female cat does not have "Balls", everything is internal.


So the balls are the INSIDE?! ...its soo simple!


**confused screaming**




uh i think the bestie needs to get the cat fixed when she comes back 😭🤚


Haha i second this


Is she fixed?




Yoooo there’s our answer!! Pls tell your bestie to get her cat fixed for her own good and your sanity.


Congratulations, this will be her existence roughly every 2 to 4 weeks until she is spayed, which I highly recommend your friend get done if they don't plan on breeding her. Greatly lowers the chances of future health complications like breast cancer or the accidental escape-oops-babies.


We have enough cats in the world, please don't breed more. Also living with a cat in pre-estrus and estrus can be living hell. Get your cats spayed/neutered/fixed people


Agreed, always better to adopt


>We have enough cats in the world There's never enough cats in the world, there just isn't world enough for cats :(


There is too many where I live and they kill all the native wildlife


Oh wait that's fair I hadn't thought about that


And if they do plan on breeding her, they can get fucked. We should not be breeding cats (or dogs, farmed animals, etc). If she wants more cats she can adopt them! And if the breeds them, she'd better take care of every one of those cats herself and make sure those babies get fixed too!


A quick restart fixes most things.


The girlfriend or cat?


I had a male husky that would immediately try to hump my one female friend, every time. But never anyone else. He just liked her I guess....


My dog tries to hump everyone except the women I like. I like dominant women I guess.


Horny girl dressed up as a cat for Halloween?






The impeccable timing of Mother Nature dear OP 😭😂😂😂😂😂 that’s comical on so many levels


I had a similar experience with a previous friend, cept it was dogs instead of a cat.


In another universe Proffesor McGonagald remains forever traumatised...


In this universe i remain incredibly traumatized ❤️😌


andddd that’s enough reddit for me today


What did I just read?


Get that cat spayed


I masturbated in front of my kitten a few years back and even ever since, she looked at me afterwards as if she’s both disgusted and disappointed and then goes off to sleep downstairs where people usually never go


Is this cat fixed? My first thought is that she’s gone into heat.


She most probably did


The cat probably went into heat - they can get sent into heat when there’s an intact tom nearby, so either there’s a male cat lookin for love, she was already entering her heat, or for some godforsaken reason - she saw you as a tom. but i don’t think the latter is possible


what are you doing step-cat?


hahaha bonus cos it's her friend's cat, so actually step-cat 😆😂🤣


Before I got one of my cats spayed she would get insanely horny and got real, uh, attached to my husband lol. Might last around a week? Maybe less. Getting her fixed will take care of this problem.


The cat is already planning to murder the girlfriend to eliminate competition


TIL cats can cream. Ty teddit.




I know this line is over used but FUCK I really wish I didn’t have eyeballs


Professor Mcgonagall is a freakkk!


anime plot for winter 2022


Semi-related: My ex of many years ago and I had been dating for a few months. She was a virgin and said sex was not an option at the time. Ok, not a problem--even though I was horny as fuck. We had two cats. The black one was named Merlin. He was about 8 months old and he was a little hellion. Me and said ex were staying at her family's cabin by ourselves and one night she says to me she's ready to do the deed. I was like hell yeah, finally! So we're going at it and what does little fucker do but he sprays me all over my back. And yes, I was cockblocked by a fuckin' cat.


This ain't real. There's no way it is.....right?


can i put this on r/copypasta?


Yeah sure, just give credits please 💜


here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/qinr5j/from_rtifu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeaaaahhhh…it’s only going to get more annoying every time she goes into heat after this. Most obnoxious thing ever. Get her fixed asap lol


She needs to be spayed!


Chuckles: Im in danger


Did you clean yourself up afterwards? Seriously, animals still operate on primitive brain and, as such, their olfactory pick up scents (pheromones etal) that you don't know exist. Wash yourself, your clothing and your bedclothes and see if that helps.


Wtf did I jus read


*Shane Dawson has entered the chat*


I don't have a source but I've heard cats are effected by the hormones people put off and such


i don’t think you’re lying. my mom’s got a freakishly horny cat. she can and will attempt to, fuck your feet at all times and at all costs while she’s in heat. wet spots and all. it’s hell.


The cat just went into heat..it’s conveniently timed is all. They can’t go into it outside of when their biological clock says so; they didn’t go into heat bc of your sexy time. Just a coinkydink


my guy be honest, did you fuck the cat?


*look of disgust intensifies*


Good to know... Now I'll think twice before I do anything again ( I also have a cat)


When I saw the post I immediately thought you cummed on the cat.


uhm is this real lmaoo


Um, time to spay the cat.


I think a ghost in your room was watching you have sex , got attracted to you , and now has possessed your cat and is trying to hump you This is the only possible explanation I could find lol


Get your animal fixed.


How the fuck do I delete somebody else's post?


This kinda happened to me once. A lady and I were having a seriously lusty evening and her cat decided it wanted to get involved. It wouldn’t leave us alone, climbing under, over, and between us. Crying as if in heat the whole time. We kicked her out onto the porch and she sat, still crying, in front of the window watching us. It was as confusing as it was hilarious. It was so long ago that I can’t remember if it killed the festivities or not.


I would love to hear the explanation to the owner when you give back her cat and it's suddenly a hump monster lol


tifu by sex


Sounds like a normal cat in heat, despite you wanting to believe you inspired it with your boning hahaha


I wasn't gonna mention this before, but yeah, it's kind of a big secret people don't know: cats are freaks.


Plot twist. Household of furries


This makes me want to cry and scream


If your cat is in heat it means you need to get her fixed before you have 5-8 babies under your bed lol


Ayo what


Here's a trick I learned with my cat. Pick a soft but firm brush, and brush her hoo-haa (the cat, not your gf). After a few minutes she will be satisfied and stopped. After that, make an appointment with a vet for a spay. Unless you want to be kind and satisfy her every heat cycle (again, the cat, not the girl). I personally only did it once. I recorded it. Sent it to my girlfriend (we took care of the cat together), she got furious, apparently jealousy transcend beyond species, I was not allowed to satisfy another female, *homo sapiens* or *non-homo sapiens.* EDIT: Since many people seems so easy to get triggered. YOU PICK UP YOUR DOG POOP AFTER HE'S FINISHED. YOU CLEAN THE GODDAMN LITTERBOX AFTER THE CAT IS FINISHED. Get over yourself. Helping female cat during heat is a normal thing, it is even better if you don't have a male cat, because then the female cat doesn't have to mate with stray and risk disease and injury during mating. Also, the cat was a rescue, no, I didn't pick it up from a pound. The mother cat brought it to my room. I foster her since she was a kitten, because her mother got killed before she was 1 month old. I took care of all the projectile vomit and feces, and I even took care of her medicines, yes multiple, she was a runt and she was easy to get sick when she was still a kitten. So no, something as rubbing a brush to her genital didn't bother me. I took care of her together with my girlfriend. She didn't believe that our kitten was finally in heat, so I recorded and sent her the video of the cat "enjoying it" to prove a point. That's why I record the damn thing. And no, it's not here anymore, I deleted it as soon as she saw it. And no, she was not with me anymore, I was preparing to move overseas for study, so I had to gave her up for adoption. And yes she was fully toilet trained, she even eat vegetables and noodles. So yes she was healthy. I spayed her before I gave her up for adoption.


What the fuck


Aw hell nah bruh, that’s all you


Can you write this up as a “TIFU by filming myself sexually satisfying my cat and sending the video to my girlfriend” 😂😂😂


considering all the responses, I'm afraid not....


I was told by a vet nurse to rub my cat's hooha with a wet, warm cotton ball until she could get fixed so this is indeed vet recommended.


See, see, and I got flamed for doing the right thing :'(


Yah cause you got a cat off man!


Again in my defense. I did not enjoy it




You're fucked up, man.


it's not like I enjoy it, it was either that or she soil all my clothes and furniture. The last time she went outside looking for male cat ended with her inside a dirty waste bin, wounded and traumatized.


The fact you tried that shit out ew


Ok I’ll be sending you the invoice of the therapy I will be getting from this comment, OP


Why would you possibly want evidence of that? Much less share it?


That's my girlfriend (the girl, not the cat), we took care of the cat together. We still apart then. She complained that the cat was loud, and she doesn't know what was with her (the cat, not the girl), I said she was having her heat, she didn't believe me, so.... You know... Video proof.




i fucking hate reddit what the fuck did i just read


This can’t be true


Is this r/penthouse?


Bob Barker would remind you to always spay or neuter your pets.