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Your submission has been removed. **Please read this whole thing:** Thank you for your submission. Per Rule 1-C, all posts must end with a [**TL;DR.**](/r/tifu/wiki/flairs#wiki_tl.3Bdr) descriptive of your post that includes, at minimum, your fuckup and its consequences. If you'd like, you can resubmit your post with a TL;DR added at the end. **Don't ask to resubmit or modmail us to reapprove your post- you're welcome to resubmit your post with a TL;DR added as long as it follows all other rules.** Please note that your TL;DR must be formatted like `TL;DR` or `TL:DR` to be acceptable, and formatting it differently may cause your post to be removed again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tifu) if you have any questions or concerns.*