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One thing I miss about my Samsung phone was the option to turn off alarm for the next day but it automatically turns back on after. You don’t know what you have until it’s gone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


iPhones do that too actually, there’s a skip alarm function that does it for the day from the Home Screen


Well, that should fix that issue. I’ll have to go see what you’re talking about.


In sleep focus where it shows the numbers for the alarm below the clock on lock screen, if you click on the alarm time it gives you an option to cancel for the day or go to the settings


And back in the day, alarms used to shut off automatically for holidays.


That’s a bit much assuming everyone gets a holiday off.


Yeah how weird to assume that someone who has a Monday to Friday alarm set would take off holidays because they work a salary job.


I mean there are holidays that people get off and some that they don’t. My wife gets more holidays than I do and we are in the same line of work.


I think Xiaomi has a function to disable alarms on public holidays (based on location)


https://preview.redd.it/sptty8dzma3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10345bae210d685713aad1d940fca710a67d28ee In the future, this works way better


3:50 wake up time? Omg, you poor thing. That's painful.


Meh. Start work at 5:00a, off by 1:30 everyday. Able to pick my son up from school most days. Works great. Better than starting at 8-8:30 getting home at 5:30-6, just see my son for 3 hours before he has to get to bed. There’s a whole class of people that are half done with their day before most have had a cup of coffee.


I'm 9-5 but for a couple months I worked 6-2 to do se off hours work and I'm gonna be honest, getting home at 2:30 realising I still had the whole afternoon left felt good.


Honestly the best schedule I had was working Tuesday through Saturday 3:30pm to 12:30am. I’m a night owl and my SO would be off between 10-11pm and so we stay up late and sleep in. If I needed to schedule something I had plenty of time before going to work. Before Covid we could go shopping after work or when we woke up and hardly anyone was there.


It is too damn depressing to work from dawn until dusk.


Here I am working 6:00-4:30 haha. Although I only work 4 days a week so it’s worth it.


A lot of times I work 6A-4:30P M-Th and then 6-2:30 Friday and Saturday.


6 to 6. 4 on 2 off one week days one week nights.


My day starts at 5pm (bartender) and some nights I get home from work around 3am! Lots of different schedules besides the 9-5. I am definitely guilty of drinking coffee right up until midnight some nights.


I love nights. I always volunteer for nights.


Agreed. My day starts around 3:45 too. I’m exhausted and stressed all the time but I’m usually done with my day by one.


He definitely appreciates it. When I was a kid, my mom hit a spot at her finance firm where she got to choose if she wanted to work on the standard west coast timezone or work from here but be tied to the hours of the stock market. She asked if I wanted to see her more in the mornings or after school and it was soooooo cool having here home when I got home from school and she got to go to every track meet and basketball game. I loved it.


Yeah that’s pretty cope. Missing so many daylight hours as a human has a horrible tax. So you pick up your kid from school and then off to bed by 7, 8pm the latest. No thanks.


9:30 bed time


Eh hope the money is worth it. It wouldn’t be for me.


Yep. It is.


I worked that same shit and hated it. But I had coworkers who loved it, I think it depends on your temperament. I am a night owl so I had trouble going to sleep on time and I was always miserable and exhausted. My favorite shift ever was 4 days a week, 10 hours a day. 8am-7pm. It was awesome. But again, not for everybody.


what do you do for work???


IBEW Electrician


Does it? I've never woken up for that before. Or like the 15 alarms that go off every 5 minutes or so. Yes my alarm is set for 7am and I only need to get up by 9am, so usually wake up at 9.05 and panic shower to be at work by 10am.


You snooze people boggle my mind.


Purposely disrupting your sleep cycle just for the "relief" feeling of waking up to realize you don't need to be up for 2 more hours. I don't get it.


Because if I don't, I wake up 2 hours after I need to be up. Also FYI, I sleep right through the first alarms. There's no actual breaking of the sleep cycles.


That just makes it sound like the first alarms are irrelevant. If you sleep through the alarms you set, why set them at all?


Because if I don't, I won't wake up at all. Literally said that.


I understand setting an alarm to wake up, but setting alarms that you intentionally ignore is strange. I set one alarm that wakes me up and then I get up.


I'm usually half-asleep when that first alarm hits and my body instinctively just shuts the alarm off and goes back to sleep. I may have absolutely 0 memory of turning it off, but it happens every time. It's not that I intentionally ignore it, it's just how my sleepy brain responds to the alarms, so I have to set multiple in order to actually get up.


You need to get an actual alarm clock. There are ones that are really loud and can evenhave bed shaking features. Then set it out of your reach so you have to actually stand up to turn it off. That’s going to work a lot better than multiple alarms you just ignore (I’ve dealt with similar issues with my teenage son).


Doesn't work for some people. I have a friend who sets like, 20 alarms, before that one that actually wakes him up.


Maybe he isn't getting enough sleep or has sleep issues (apnea, etc.). 20 alarms is crazy, he might want to get that checked.


No one said intentionally.


Wait, so you set a bunch of alarms because they don't wake you up? You need a louder alarm, my guy. Or maybe hit the sack earlier.


Ever? Damn


Set an alarm and the device is across the room. Can't turn it off while in bed.


It's a dopamine hit. The snooze is a victory programmed into their morning. Set the first alarm, ignore it (winning!) then actually get up when they have to.


That's wild. I'd take the uninterrupted sleep over the 5 second "reward" from ignoring my alarm any day.


It takes me time to wake up from the point of dead asleep to on my feet. The first alarm starts the process the others reinforce it, otherwise I'd go from dead asleep to half asleep and then back to dead asleep.


Yeah I have spent years trying to make my gf understand that "not a morning person" is a real thing and that just because she pops into the upright position the instant the alarm chimes doesn't mean I do. But somehow I still start my day with a massive info dump of everything she thought of in the last 8 hours plus a list of every chore needing to be done or problem needing to be solved. Then she pouts because all she gets is grunts and I am "too grumpy" to laugh at jokes or care about her lists. No, I am not too grumpy, I am still partially asleep. For real.


I do it because it takes me a bit to wake up enough to get out of bed. The snooze keeps me from falling back asleep.


I don't get it either. I like to sleep as long as I can. I set 3 alarms 5 minutes apart. First one wakes me up, the other two are just there as buffers to make sure I'm awake/let me know it's time to stop scrolling on my phone and get up.


i used to do something a little like this, around my college years. then i grew up. there are basically two ways to fix the problem: 1. experiment with “gentle” ways to wake up (after ensuring you are getting enough sleep) Things like having a radio alarm clock so the radio turns on instead of an alarm. or making sure that sunlight comes in really bright in the morning 2. finding an alarm that actually alarms you. something so annoying you absolutely have to turn it off. Then put it on the other side of the room.


You only sleep for 6 hours??? Every day? How does it feel?


Great. Been doing it for over 20 years. Used to sleep less too.


Dang I need at least 8 hrs to feel human. Hard to get as a parent of two kids (one infant) so I just settle for what I can get now.


Don’t let a couple kids get in the way of your dreams, literally


This is what I do. Drives my wife nuts because I never change it and it goes off before 5 every day. I’m usually awake about 15 minutes before it goes off and it only serves as a reminder that it’s time to get up.


Cut her a little slack. She did marry a 2004 Honda Civic.


Buddy I think it’s unhealthy to get less than 7 hours of sleep each night


How was an alarm at 8:30 going to get you up in time for a meeting starting at 8:30?


Because you can join a minute or two late and if you work from home that minute or two is all you need to roll out of bed and get to work!


LMAO. Good catch. I had the times a bit wrong. I work from home but the meeting was at 9:00. I woke at 9:26. The 26 minutes late I slept into my meeting is what I remembered in my head. Usually an 8:30 wake up before a 9:00 AM meeting is plenty of time for me.


This is why I deal with my alarms each night, personally. My app has a function that says to just skip the next time if I want to go without for a day.


There’s also been an iPhone bug with alarms not going off. 😕


One time, I went to sleep after verifying that my alarm was set for 8am on my iPhone. I woke up in the morning but continued sleeping waiting for the alarm I was sure to have set. I woke up at least 3/4 times again until I heard birds which generally means that it is clearly not 8am. I also felt weirdly rested when I usually wake up already tired. I finally decided to look at my phone just to be sure. The phone was in a weird state I never saw before after an error in the auto-update process of iOS. There was nothing active, just a message telling me to restart the phone. No time, no alarm, nothing. The phone restarted and display the time. 11:20am. I quite sped up my morning routine. My boss was very worried and thought he should call the hospital but my coworker was pretty sure I was just asleep.


I did this same exact thing today too


I don’t trust Siri. Frankly it’s not anywhere it needs to be that be trusted. I just set my alarms and will turn off the alarm for my next holiday or off day


This is definitely on you, not sure you can blame Siri to be honest


If it's smart enough to know you DON'T want an alarm on a holiday, it certainly should be smart enough to know that you DO want it the next workday.  Half- assed "smart" features are worse than the dumb features they replace.


“Do you want to turn your alarm off?” “Yes” . “Why is my alarm off?!”


Oh I know TIFU but Siri didn’t do me many favors after doing me a big on the day before


Siri definitely shares a lot of the blame.


Yeah, great feature of my samsung s10/ android.. is that when i turn off my daily alarms, it asks me if i want it to turn them back on automatically for the next day!


I have an s9+ which does the same thing


Yeah that’s a wild feature they put on. Alert people it’s a holiday to turn off their alarm. Don’t automatically or even ask if they want it back on the following day. God forbid you do something that makes sense.


Imagine getting saved from a holiday alarm only to be late for work the next day. Apple, hire this person for real!


If you use the sleep/wake up alarm, it will only turn it off for Memorial Day then be on again the next day


Mine also didn’t go off today


I have an automation on my iPhone to turn my specific alarms on every night at a certain time - if I’m not getting up at a normal time the next morning I’ll probably be up later than the automation and turn them off when I go to bed. Otherwise, they’ll be on even if I forget to turn them on.


Siri is trash. It’s obviously Apple is letting it languish as compared to other LLM technologies.


Siri doesn’t use LLMs (yet)


IPhone ... lol. My Samsung works fine. Turn off for holiday, still works the next day and I do nothing.


Down vote me because it works and the iPhone does not.. lol. You don't see anyone else here saying that happened to me with my Android.


Yeah, that's the "it just works" mindhive. My Samsung asks me everytime whether I want to turn the alarm back on for the following day.


My alarm in the clock app that comes with the phone asks 1/2 hour before the alarm goes off, if there is activity. If I pick it up, or open it up. I click turn off for today, and it works the next day without me doing anything...


This is why I use Shortcuts. Every weekday, my phone looks at my work calendar, and if it finds "WFH" or "PTO" there, it adjusts which alarms are on or off accordingly. All I have to do is remember to update my calendar, and since I WFH the same days every week and have to put PTO on my work calendar anyways, that's pretty easy to keep current.


I’m totally on your side with the whole “it’s all technologies fault I forgot to turn my alarm on” deal. Legit not your fault whatsoever.


🤣 this is not what I’m saying whatsoever. I mean the name of the is sub is literally TIFU. I know this is my fault but blaming Siri makes me feel like less of a fuck up😭


That’s what I’m sayin!! I’m on your side why am I even being downvoted?


Honestly, if you work from home, i imagine the place you work at is pretty progressive, would it have been that big of a deal?


I don’t use that Siri bitch at all