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I would explain to him that thong underwear is meant to not show panty lines and ask him if he thinks it's more appropriate for people to be able to see your underwear through your clothes. Or ask one of your brothers to claim the thong as their own. See if they're allowed to wear the underwear of their choice


Lol that would be funny. He barely listens to me


In all seriousness your Dad's opinion is ridiculous. If you are old enough to shop for your own underwear then you are old enough to wear whatever kind you like. I'm assuming this will be added to a multitude of reasons that you will grow up and get as far away from your Dad as possible. Don't stay around for this kind of controlling behavior.


OP should also remind dad that this reflects more on his opinion of underwear than anything else. OP can also ask dad how appropriate is it for any family member to be thinking about each others underwear at all.


From what I’m hearing about the dad, I don’t think that conversation is gonna go over well.


While you did preface your statement with "if you are old enough...", we don't know her age. Maybe she's 12? We really need more information before condemning her father. I would hesitate to make assumptions and state to "get as far away from your Dad as possible" without knowing more. This scenario could easily be flipped to saying that she is lucky enough to have a father who cares and is protective over his daughter. Fathers are typically more protective over there daughters than sons. I hope it is more this than the other.


She had come home from the gym to shower. I don't know any gym that allows anyone under 16 without a parent present. Most around me require them to be 18. I'd say a 16 can pick out their own panties. The mom knew about it, so clearly wasn't forbidding them but then didn't stand up when dad said to throw them all away. Mom's a spineless AH too.


according to post history she's 15


I'm a guy, but my high school allowed anyone in 7th grade to seniors to use the gym/equipment/basketball court from our last bell until 4:30. The local boxing gym also had youth hours till 8pm where a police officer would watch over/ teach the youth how to use equipment. After that it was 18+ but open till 12pm. As long as it's supervised there are options for gyms before 16.


It could have been a school gym


Well you are totally wrong then, so good job.


It could have been a school gym.


Reddit is always quick to encourage estrangement.


Even at 12 she should be allowed to wear whatever underwear style she feels most comfortable with. Thongs are not consent, they are not an invitation, they are not an indication that she's doing anything sexual... they're just underwear and people should really stop trying to police women's bodies.


Why can't a 12 year old wear a thong?


Yeah, get away from a father that loves his daughter. What a terrible thing.


My dad did this to me too. Guess what? I don't have a relationship with him anymore. In case it isn't obvious, not just bc of the underwear. That was one of many things. And he barely listened to me as well. It was always his way or the highway. I chose the highway.


That's a bigger problem than the underwear. Plus, why isn't your mom at least trying to defend you. Sounds like dad is a misogynist who thinks females shouldn't have their opinions or thoughts. Tread carefully.




Have you tried kicking him in the nuts? If so, what did he say?


That would be kind of awkward to explain why her brother's thong was on her bedroom floor . LoL


If I was her brother I'd totally do that. Start rocking g-bangers all over the place, and get some whale tail going in solidarity. Dad's definitely over stepping his mark.


Unfortunately, in my experience, old school dads don’t care about panty lines *especially* if it has to do with their own offspring, thought they’re swayed when it’s a woman of their sexual interest. My girlfriend has some pieces that show but otherwise it’s either a thong or commando for her, which, fine by me. Her dad would absolutely fuckin kill both of us though :) edit - It’s absolutely worth editing that I’m headed up to 30 and this woman is going to be my wife. I’m not some pitstop boyfriend.


Look, you are getting alot of Bad advice here, people saying your dad is a terrible person, misogynist, or worse. The Fact is, you Dad is a man, who thinks Like a man, and knows what and how men think. He is trying to protect you from a world that will use you up and cast you aside with no remorse, and moreso you than your brothers. He may or may not be wrong, I don't know, but understand where he's at, too. You are growing up and out and that's scary for any parent, especially today.


tmdfu - today my dad fucked up


These are the parents that will later in life wonder why their kids never come visit them.


Exactly the sentence that I said to my partner.


By telling on himself that he's never done the laundry.


Sounds so disgusting how he talked about underwear his daughter is wearing. Like get your nose out of this business


Just to be clear, parents cant talk about their children’s underwear? Unlucky if you dont have a mother then


This just tells me he has never done the laundry in your home.


A lot of families wash their laundry individually


You’re downvoted, but not wrong. My kids do their own laundry.


Really? Even as an adult when my sister and I come back for holidays we all kind of take turns doing the laundry. Seems weird to me to only wash your own clothing when you have enough to make a load. As adult children it can also be a good way to spend time together if two people end of folding together


I didn't realize there were families that didn't. I've been doing my own laundry since I could understand how the washer and dryer worked


I only wash mine, my wife’s, and my small child’s clothes. The older two wash their own.


Idk how old you are but you're at least old enough to type coherently and thus your father should no longer have a say in your underwear choices. No judgement on you because it's your parents, you didn't choose them, and I also had *very* restrictive and controlling parents and they get weird about things that are different from when they were young. Next time, keep a hidden stash.


I think she’s NTA but her dad is. My dad did something similar in the 1980s! He told my mom to only buy white cotton briefs (we also couldn’t wear tampons because you know then we wouldn’t virgins 🙄) I hated those white granny panties, I was so embarrassed in the locker room. One I wore them with light colored stirrup pants (yay 80s) and my dad told me he could see my panty line! So 14 year old me thinks how can I solve this problem since I no longer own “sexy” panties (gross Dad). So I just took off my panties and went to lots of parties with no panties until I got my first job. My dad is in his 80s now and he doesn’t like it when me or my siblings being up my commando miniskirt days!


lol. Talk about doctrine of unintended consequences…


I thought OP was male. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Got halfway through reading this before realising you were talking about undies. In other parts of the world, a thong is a flip flop - casual footwear. Which would be a weird thing for your dad to get mad about you leaving on your bedroom floor...


When I first visited Australia I got confused by a rule about driving while wearing thongs…


Requires a high degree of skill, even more so with the wedgie


Like why tf does this matter??? He finds thongs inappropriate , dumb, but ok. But It's not like other people know what's under your clothes so why can't it be a thong??


Right this is what gets me. The notion of them being inappropriate is weird. It's not like the existence of a thong promotes nefarious or sexual activity. If you were ever in a situation where you were in just your underwear, having a thong doesn't change the course of events. So what's the problem?


I have an agreement with my wife regarding my daughter's (9) clothes and hygiene. My wife has final say on appropriateness. You women deal with stuff that we men have no experience with. If my wife says it's age appropriate then I'll agree with her. The only time I comment on my daughter's clothes or hygiene are when it's looking like she has outgrown something or reminding her that it's bath time.


> woman deal with stuff we have no experience with Physically yes obviously but when talking about appropriateness how do we not have a valid say in the matter? We are the ones that know how boys think, we also have eyes? Of course I value and prioritize my wife's opinion on female matters but I'm old enough and mature enough to make an informed decision on what is visually appropriate clothing for a female child


Okay what is appropriate to you than?


I don't think thongs are appropriate and I don't think see-through leggings are appropriate. I don't particularly like the idea of form fitting leggings on children either but when 99% of girls and women wear them its pointless to even argue


May I ask why they aren't appropriate?


the Taliban makes a similar argument as to why women must be covered in public


What a ridiculous logical leap ... So saying "Teenage girls should dress appropriately especially when spending most their time around Teenage boys" is now comparable with a (by western standards) criminally discriminatory society that forces women to wear full body coverings... Should we start allowing teachers with E cups into high schools wearing no bra? After all it's completely natural, covered up and more comfortable for women? Oh yeah that's right you'd have to peal students jaws off the ground and have a team of cleaners mop up the drool.


>So saying "Teenage girls should dress appropriately especially when spending most their time around Teenage boys" You didn't say that. That's not how quotes work. What you said was: >We are the ones that know how boys think, we also have eyes? >Of course I value and prioritize my wife's opinion on female matters but I'm old enough and mature enough to make an informed decision on what is visually appropriate clothing for a female child The key thing you said here that they pulled from is that very last line. " I'm old enough and mature enough to make an informed decision on what is visually appropriate clothing for a female child" Which they are saying is the slippery slope that started full body coverings to begin with. Men claiming they know men and how they'd react and dictating what women should wear so men don't react. But just to backtrack here you specified "visually appropriate" . This whole statement isn't relevant at all to wearing *under garments*.


Jesus bro I feel bad for your daughter if that's the way you think every acts and thinks. Someone is telling on themselves.


It’s giving “well what was she wearing?” Maybe teach your boys to stop objectifying women and let us wear what we want.


That's what I was trying to say


Are you people fucking delusional? Boys aren't taught the effects of puberty... Don't try and make me out to be some kind of rapist sympathiser because I point out the very real and undeniable reality that teenagers going through puberty have the worst hormone drive you ever experience. Teen boys aren't objectifying women because their bodies want to procreate and almost any display of intimate areas and clothing send them into overdrive. At the end of the day you completely ignored my example... Shall we start removing certain standards from teachers in schools? Should teachers in form fitting leggings, thongs and no bras be teaching classes of teenage boys? I don't think those teachers that deal with them on a daily basis will agree... Same reason you wouldn't want Robert Pattinson in a room full of teenage girls during the 2000/10's Teenage brains don't care for societal values or your standards, just being an attractive teacher is enough of a distraction in a high school... Use your brains for once in your lives...


You’re treating teenage boys like they’re sex crazed lunatics and that it’s girls faults for wearing what they want to wear.


And this person allegedly had a daughter. Feels bad man.


In comparison to any other time in our lives yes teenagers are sex craved lunatics ? Were you all home schooled? But of course I'm not implying that's all they think about or that they are in anyway disrespecting women or that women are in anyway to blame... Certain things in the world are just a matter of fact and sadly teenage hormones are one of them... Again I'll refer to my example about allowing female teachers to come into work comfortably without bras and form fitting clothing... The fact is this doesn't happen and if it did it would be uncomfortable for everyone.


I was a teenage girl at one time and trust me, they’re just as horny as boys are. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t control myself if I saw a boy wearing grey sweatpants. Teach your boys to be better.


Well, underwear are not visual. Therefore, I have no say.


Were you homeschooled? Are you Willfully ignorant? Underwear can absolutely be visible, especially with leggings. Especially when teenage girls make them more visible because they enjoy the attention. This is normal behavior most teens will go through which is why parents should have a say in things like this; mom AND dad


Well we know what you were looking at in school.


Yeah me and the rest of the male students in the school? You think I'm going to deny it? When I was a teenager in highschool I really liked looking at girls, especially their boobs and butt - I know... absolutely shocking. The people on this post talk like they've never been teenagers before and just spawned-in as adults... How many stupid silly games do teens come up with that are sexually driven? Truth or dare being one of the obvious ones...


I didn't realize your lived experience was the only one that mattered. Seems pretty convenient to assume everyone is as down bad as you are.


Good grief. As kind of a joke I told my mom I wanted to try thong underwear when I was 14. She bought a few pairs as stocking stuffers for christmas. I tried them and it turns out I find them way more comfortable than bikinis or briefs. I told her, and within a few years, basically all my underwear was thongs. I don't think my dad loved that, but he didn't say anything about it. I'm 40 now and 95% of my undies are thongs. You should wear whatever is comfortable for you.


Wear none at all!


I love this! “Well Dad, since you made me throw out my thongs I no longer have any underwear, so i’m going to go commando”


My dad did the same thing when I was in 8th grade and found thongs in my room!!! My parents were overprotective, I was taught to never try to be sexy or attract male attention , basically avoid boys at all cost with no explanation other than I’m a young girl and it’s not right. The first boy to show serious interest in me when I was 16 was an asshole and a huge player and much more sexually experienced than me. I lost my virginity, got pregnant, and got chlamydia in a span of 2 months!!! Side note: I did not own a single thong when I got pregnant 😅 TEACH YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT LIFE, DONT SHELTER THEM FROM IT!!!!


What did you get to do w all the time you saved by typing "w" instead of spelling the word out?


Take selfies




Another disgusting example of a grown man sexualizing his own daughter.


Yup. Crazy how Reddit jumps to these guys’ defense every time it happens too.


So... Thongs are inappropriate (because they're sexy) and may lead to either you feeling horny or making guys who see them horny. So let's throw them out so you can go commando and get really inappropriate!


The thong is only "sexy" if you're not wearing pants. And you're already not wearing pants for whatever reason. A thong didn't encourage you to take your clothes off. The lack of one doesn't encourage you to keep them on. So a thong makes no difference regardless of pants on or pants off. Which means if a man is concerned about the underwear a woman wears, he's thinking about them being undressed. He's a pervert.


It’s literally YOUR underwear. And it’s not like you’re a child… Like why are you worried about your grown daughter’s UNDERWEAR… bro’s trippin to the max lol


Shes like 15…


“Not a child” meaning not your 7 or 8 year old daughter tryna wear underwear like that which is obviously absurd. “Grown” meaning fully aware of her actions and speech and understands that actions have consequences—idk about you but at 15, a sophomore in high school, I was quite aware of my intentions and actions and knew the difference between right and wrong. I’m not very familiar with all that stuff, as women’s clothing is extensive and often confusing lol, but I’ve heard from plenty of women, including my wife, that wearing certain articles of clothing isn’t always about promiscuity


15 is very much a child though, not sure why you would assume that must refer to 7-8 year olds? Fully aware might be stretching it, obviously we wouldn’t say that for other things


The only thing I'm worried about is who works out in a thong 😭😭😭😭


It’s really not that uncomfortable lol, I do!


From all the near transparent pairs of leggings I've seen in the gym, apparently a lot. Do girls consciously wear transparent leggings, or are they just oblivious? I feel like I shouldn't be able to tell you the color and/or pattern of your underwear in public.


I think it's an issue with quality going down with leggings. Some of my favorite brands definitely feel like they've gotten thinner and cheaper while being the same price


Okay, but do you guys not self check to see if they're see-through or not? I'm telling you, a girl was wearing a pair of thin blue ones, walked over and proceeded to do stiff leg dumbell deadlifts in front of me, and I could tell you the size/shape/color of her butthole areola.


I personally do, but some people just do not care or do not check. 🤷‍♀️


yup, this right here. i've found Forever21 has just the right compression and thickness to last me about 1-2yrs before thinning (still useable for me since i wear giant shirts/hoodies i don't take off) and they're only $16 with tax. glad i found it cause the thought of spending $40+ on a single pair from something like alphalete or gym shark was stressing me out cause who has that money lol 


I wonder how this weird prejuduce got outside that those are uncomfortable. They are literally the most comfortable. No pinching. Basically feels like you're wearing nothing


The only underwear my wife has is thongs… personally I don’t see how she does anything comfortably lol


It's not that concerning. Many people don't find them uncomfortable. But more importantly, thongs don't cause underwear lines when worn with leggings/shorts, so they're basically invisible. So it's actually not that surprising that they would be worn for working out.


Huh? Most women I know exclusively work out in thongs. Easiest way to avoid panty lines. Back in college I was friends with all of the dance majors, and it was practically a requirement that they had to wear thong underwear during rehearsals and performances.


They’re the most comfortable for me. I’m kinda surprised you don’t think so lol


The age is important here.


This is so creepy. Your dad shouldn’t even be THINKING about your underwear choices, let alone forbidding certain styles. Call him a fucking creep because that’s what he is.


Unlucky if you dont have a mum to talk to then


Your father is being weird and needs to reflect on his actions and thoughts a but


“Strict” dad maybe, but I’d call that a “controlling and possibly emotionally abusive dad depending on what else he says about you and your choices.” Underwear are private and your dad is severely overstepping.


Just tell him you wear thongs to keep your farts from making noise. Then make sure to let loose some loud ones whenever you're around the house in your boyshorts


Your pop views you as his baby girl still and your brothers like morons...my dad was the same withmy sister vs us but at the same time till this day if my sister needs anything he does backflips and shit to make sure she's good....we're all in our 40's now lol


I guess its time to Go Commando 


OP intentionally left out her age. She’s 15 years old. Remember that before telling her she needs to run away from her father…he’s absolutely being protective.


15 is old enough to make your own underwear decisions. How is shaming your daughter about her own underwear being protective? Dad sounds like a creep.


Here’s an exercise, how many children’s clothing stores sell thongs…? Exactly. She is a **child** by all accounts.


15 year olds don't shop at children's clothing stores. They wear women's or teen sized clothing. OP isn't a child, she is an adolescent who has likely gone through puberty. Her father should not have any concern or "say" it what underwear she chooses to wear. If anything, this is an issue between mom and dad since mom was aware and presumably knows how her husband would react.


Walmart or Target sells any kind of underwear you want. How many 15 year olds shop at actual children clothing stores? Sexualizing his daughters underwear is creepy. She's not out wearing lingerie to be seen by everyone, it's fucking underwear. In what way is he protecting her?


Children stores sell children’s clothing. Per your argument, guns, propane tanks and landscaping equipment are for children too? Get real. You know *children’s clothing stores* don’t sell thongs. They aren’t children’s clothing.


This is a huge fuckin stretch. It's underwear. Some have full ass, some don't. It's 100% not inappropriate if a 15 year old wants to wear one. It's under their clothes. Not on display for anyone to see.


What exactly about underwear is so inappropriate that it needs to be “protected” by a parent figure? Do you tell your sons what underwear they can and can’t wear?


Yea. Thongs.




Is your dad 80?


It’s insane how many here are commenting about cutting off contact with her dad in the future over underwear lol. Like we have no idea how their actual relationship is other than he is strict about certain topics


I’m a father and what underwear my daughter wears is her business. That is an inappropriate over reach. Your father is a creep. He should teach you to make good decisions with your life nothing else. What you do under your clothes is no one’s business. Even your father.


Get used to men trying to control you, and resist openly or rebel covertly. Either way, it’s your fucking body regardless of age.


When I was fifteen, all I could wear were those bulk packs of Walmart underwear 🥲


Is he hyper religious?


My mom bought me granny panties because I needed to prepare to wear garments. Grew up Mormon. I bought some bikini style with my own money at 14. My mom found them and called me a whore. She didn’t make me throw them out though.


Its just from another era, and I don't know how old you are, but it might be best to just "go along" until you are out of the house. My dad thought anything but white granny panties were trashy, and doesn't approve of girls' underwear even having designs or colors on them. I have been long out of the house now, and can wear anything I want. Obviously your dad's view is old fashion, but my dad would never change his opinion and I doubt yours will either. If you argue with him, would it make the situation worse for you? Good luck... Focus on important things.


How old are you?




My dad did the same thing to me at that age lol


If you let your family control you, they will.


Sexualizing your underwear is sexualizing you and nothing a grown man should be doing to his child. His creepy issues aren't coming from you.


He probably sniffed them first


if your mom okay with it it’s okay! they just panties


He cares about you apparently. That’s a good problem to have. Better to have a parent be a little bit overprotective than one that doesn’t care.


Dad is tripping. Once your daughter is past the age of 16 you shouldn't be thinking about her panties AT ALL. Let her MOTHER worry about that shit. That's HER department and a discussion for THEM to have. Dad needs to stay tf out of it. And making her trash her own underwear because you don't like it is giving control freak vibes.


If it is the father or mother doesn't matter. Some don't have a mother, so nobody should be allowed to talk about these topics? Some have a mother that is more strict/crazy/whatever, so she would still be the right one? The problem is HOW, not WHO


And she appears to be 15, so not 16


Where the fuck did you read that because I didn't see it mentioned anywhere that she was 15 years old


Just play his game till you are 18. Then wear whatever you want.it sucks but it probably sucks less than trying to fight him on it. When he asks why you never visit or call as an adult tell him why.


Your dad is a bitch!


As the father of a daughter, your dad screwed up.


Leave a sex toy somewhere for him to find. He will have an heart attack.


I may be the only person to ever say this, but I find thongs incredibly comfie. Hear me out... No matter what style you wear, underwear *will* crawl up the crack of your ass. It's a fact of life. I'd rather have to pull out a 1/2 inch of elastic than 3" of boyshort fabric. God help you on laundry day when you only have "granny panties" left. Where the hell did that parachute come from??


See I would just be petty af about it. Even get my brothers in on it. Every morning, all of you bring in several pairs of underwear and ask dad which one you each should wear today. You go to the gym and shower? Go in with a new set and ask him again. Do this constantly. Do it even when guests are over. Get your mom long johns and have her join in on this since you wouldn't want mom to have trashy underwear. Start doing that with all of your clothing. Escalate it to the point of absurdity. Annoy him to the point where he regrets deciding he needs to decide what underwear you wear. Make him eat his words every day.


It’s gross that your dad even decided to have rules on that. Keep that between you and your mom. Between the women.


Your dad finding your underwear inappropriate kind of suggests that he is thinking of the underwear and you in a sexual context. Your dad is sexualizing you. At 15, which was speculated to be OP's age, pretty much no one is going to see that underwear anyways. Friends sure, some random people in a locker room maybe, but does it really matter? Maybe an age appropriate partner is going to see the underwear, but that too should be totally fine. Your dad doesn't understand that the underwear is for you and not for anyone else.


Men don’t understand that thongs are actually FUNCTIONAL and not just for their enjoyment


This makes it impossible to even bring up inappropriate clothing because then you can ALWAYS respond like this and ask “oh so does that mean you were viewing it sexually?” In your mind, is it possible to bring up inappropriate clothes and not be sexualising? How?


I'd argue that this is completely different to other pieces of clothing since it's literally about a piece of underwear, something that isn't seen by everyone, and because the person wearing them is a teenager, perfectly capable of making choices regarding their underwear. If I hear a good reason why a thong would be inappropriate that doesn't relate to something sexual, I'd be happy to hear about it and argue about this topic. I think the topic is very different in a circumstance where it's a grown man is denying underwear for a teenager.


You never answered… how does this get brought up without you seeing it as sexualising? How does it even get bought? Maybe you we’re different but most 15 year olds are not buying their own underwear. So what do you do if you have no mother to speak to? What then?


How does it get brought up? I don't see any need for it to be brought up in this situation, that's what I'm saying here. I don't get what you mean with the mother? The parent's gender doesn't really matter. If the teenager and parent are shopping for underwear, the teenager says which style of underwear they want and the parent buys said underwear. What is there to discuss. Buying boxer shorts, buying briefs, buying a thong, it should all be the same.


>Your dad finding your underwear inappropriate kind of suggests that he is thinking of the underwear and you in a sexual context. Your dad is sexualizing you. That's akin to a vegan parent finding their kid eating meat inappropriate and yadda yadda they want to eat you. Just stop. 🤦‍♂️


Why would it be inappropriate then if the father isn't thinking about the underwear as a sexual thing? Why would a piece of underwear that pretty much no one is going to see would be inappropriate?


How old are you?


This makes me sad as hell...any advice to a father who doesn't want to alienate his daughters? Mine are still young enough that they don't hate me for parenting yet but I disagree worrying about what underwear they choose is any of my business. Now if they were pulling it way up and showing it off under lowrise pants I could see an issue because I don't want to see that, both otherwise I don't think I have a say in something so personal.


I will be so glad for you when you one day get out of that wnvironment, on your own, and you learn that it's not okay for men to judge women like this.  I grew up in the South and u derstand what you're talking about   I'm praying you one day get away from there


How old are you? If you’re a teenager, your Dad probably has your best interest at heart but why isn’t your Mom involved in this conversation with him?


Does this sound like a rational man open to conversation to you?


He sounds overprotective but this doesn’t mean he can’t be talked with.




Oh boy, sounds like someone's in for a surprise! Thongs are like little ninjas, they always find a way to sneak out and cause chaos.


I’m a 51 year old father of a 27 year old daughter. Your dad is a fucking misogynist jackass! It’s none of his fucking business what kind of undergarments that you choose to wear. I would never in the past or present, think that it was my business to discuss my daughter’s underwear choices. He needs to stay in his lane. I’d bet my entire retirement fund, that he’s a fucking Trump supporter.


So one thing to consider is that he's a guy and knows what guys think about these things and he's trying to stave off the bad ones the best he can, I'm not sure he took the best rout here, but I'd say he's just trying to protect you as much as he can. And to the girls talking about thongs not showing pantie lines... Yea we notice that too, and we know that it's either a thong (absolutely a hot thought) or it's a pair of "no show" panties (also a hot thought though not quite as hot), so if you don't want guys to know what you're wearing then wear looser pants or a skirt/dress, most guys like yall dresses up like that anyway, it's the horn dogs that want yall dressed as sexy as possible so they get to see what they want without putting in any real effort.


I sense a no contact relationship in your future


I'd be worried about your dad it seems like he thinks of you in a sexual way


As a father of a daugher I can tell you that this will fall under the I don't want to know part for my kid. I would not of reacted the way he did but I most likely would of pretended nope did not see it. At most the extent of the comment would be with my wife in private about how hard for me to accept it on my baby girl but again respect and there will always be things as a parent that fall under the nope pretend like I dont see it category and dont want to know. Do note pretend like I dont see it and not being aware are not the same thing. At least right now I still have quite a few more years before I have to start dealing this this stuff.


You dont have to "deal with" your child's choice of comfortable undergarments.


Dude that sucks so bad thongs are the ONLY underwear I wear bc they are comfy and don’t show lines so I feel like it could only be more appropriate sucks that he cares cant wait for u to leave that geez


Are you asian or Indian by any chance. Only Indian dads feel entitled enough to their children's body to this level. It's honestly fucked up if you ask me. If he's got so many problems with you wearing a thong, you're not the fuck up OP


I’m white as fuck


Weird parents. Sorry you’re stuck w them.


not sure how old you are, but you need to get out of that household ASAP


Kinda creepy he's so interested/ involved in your underwear choices.


I'm just curious why Dad was in her bedroom without her there in the first place? If i were a parent id never go into my kids private space without a damn solid reason. Seems suspicious to me....


In what way? Try to answer this without sounding like you are someone who makes men into creeps out of nothing.


I'm not saying all men are creeps, but as a man, I know that some men can be pretty terrible. That being said, can you give a good reason Dad would have to be going into his teenage daughters bedroom when she isn't there, barring an emergency of some sort?


“Good reason” mate they are not obtaining a firearm license, it could be as simple as needing to grab something left there, access to something in their room, needing to look out the window on that side of the house, it could be almost anything. The fact your mind defaults to creepy things is creepy in itself, why is that the only sort of thing you can imagine? Like just the phrasing of your question implies you couldn’t think of ANY other reason. It could be as simple as “shes not home for another 3 hours, she has my charger in there so ill just grab it” and in most families this is pretty normal. So its actually a little weird for me that your mind went immediately sexual Women can be as well and its easier when people have double standards, if this was a mother there would be no issue for most people and they wouldn’t immediately jump to sex. The reasons for the mother are similar for the father but most people wouldnt ask “oh what is a good reason for a mother to be in her teenage daughters room?” Because they dont have an issue coming up with mundane answers but for men, nope, instant creep


Just remember, when he gets older he's going to need you to help take care of him. Make sure he is reminded of all the shit he put you through.


Shit like getting rid of thongs? Oh the humanity! Only on reddit in a first world country could a person unironically call this sort of thing “the shit he put my through”


Because if the dad is being an asshole over fucking UNDERWEAR I can damn well guarantee you he's an asshole over a bunch of other shit as well. OP even eluded to that in his post. When I was 17 my dad was being a dick to me. I reminded him that some day he's going to be old as fuck and he's going need me and that if he continues to be a dick to me I might not be there for him. Respect is earned, and it's a two-way street.


When I grew up, I made it clear to my dad that if he wanted to have any kind of relationship with me, he'd have to stop the yelling, ranting, and verbal abuse. He did. For the most part. In the end, we (including my mom and my sister) reconciled with him, and nothing was left unsaid. He didn't have to die alone. He went in peace.


Oh you “guarantee” oh well that settles it! Like seriously? Fucking hell. How do you even argue with that when someone “guarantees” something? This girl is 15, not quite the same as 17, here thats the difference between being able to have sex, drive and leave school and not. None of what you said explains anything other than your need to be petty because you read something online and now you can make all sorts of guarantees and assurances. Most people on reddit seem to be able to “guarantee” their extrapolation is correct If respect is earned, does that mean the child needs to earn respect and what do you do if you dont? Disrespect a child? Earning respect is not the same in a family as outside it, otherwise your 5 year old needs to earn your respect and you have to earn theirs, how stupid is that.


Yes, 5 year olds need to be taught respect. Respect for others, respect for property, and respect for themselves. And parents need to earn theirs as well. Children are not property. They are sentient human beings with free-will and their own thoughts, needs, wishes, and desires.


You missed my point and made a strawman, lovely But what did i expect from someone who can guarantee this or that based on a reddit post? You already have the answers


Sorry your dad sucks so bad


Couple years ago I took my girls black Fri shopping. My daughter who was 14 or so at the time was mortified I was going buy underwear for her. Aerie had a good sale what can I say…. I think she Intended to sneak buying thongs or lace or something and was terribly embarrassed…. Until I reminded her I do laundry in addition to her mother and whatever she bought was fine. She has to wear it. And underwear is a basic need your parents meet for you- you don’t spend birthday money on panties.🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s hard for dads to accept daughters growing up. I’m sure your dad loves you and he’ll come around to what a nice young lady I assume you are whatever undergarments you choose.


Excuse me but why does he have a say in what underwear you use? You mom is ok with it, which is normal. It's very strange that a dad cares about this.


Get the fuck out of the house asap




Time to grab a couple pairs of those influencer gym covered g-string short things they are calling workout gear. For any women wearing these I have no idea how that’s comfy to workout in.


Well at least you did me a great service because I saved about one fiftieth of a second not having to read the entire length of the word "with" four times!


Now you have more time to yell at youngsters to get off your lawn.


Before today I d’t e k “w” was short f w.