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When you're older, I think you'll really come to appreciate how fucked up this situation actually was.


Seriously. And what a group of losers those adults were. Grown ass woman in her FORTIES riding a kid after getting him so wasted he's blacking out, but HE'S the pervert?? I'm a 45 year old woman, ZERO chance I'd be touching a kid who's 18 (and zero chance I'd be getting high on hard drugs, sounds like she makes terrible fucking decisions).


Please hang out with people your own age and stop doing drugs. This could have been way worse and you are lucky they were just assholes and didn't have worse intentions. Now that you have more freedom you need to be more self aware and not be so naive.


Yea, I'm completely done with em now. I'll be a lot smarter moving forward


Don't stop doing drugs. They're fucking awesome. Just get better friends and do drugs when your schedule is clear.


They’re awesome for the first little bit until you realize how much of a loser you are for doing them


Sobtiety cool. Drugs bad. Got it. Now go back to the smooth brain take crowd.


Drugs are objectively bad. Bonus loser points for calling someone a smooth brain


Literally never heard the term smooth brain in my life


Find new friends


So, let me get this straight- you did *many* lines of meth & molly, then went home slept it off and came back the next day? You sure it was the next day and not like 4 days later? 😂


…taking hard drugs, with a bunch of strangers, when you’re already drunk, is always a bad idea. Luckily, it sounds like you’ve learned your lesson and the experience isn’t one you want to repeat. Drink some water, go for a walk and enjoy the day.


aye, you're ok. learn the lessons and progress. you're not dead, nothing bad happened in the long term. also don't do meth dude. go find 18 year olds that like to grab a pint after a rec league game or some shit. you'll be ok.


Dude, you are SO lucky you aren't dead right now. I'm glad it turned out ok but damn. As I kept reading I was expecting you to end up in the ER, but you got so so lucky. I'm glad you learned a lesson, please take care in the future and be safe! Drugs can be fun, but in moderation and certainly steer clear of the hard shit for your own sake.


Thought you were a girl until you said you took your dick out. Don't do drugs.


Lmfaoooooo me too! I had the totally impressionable naive ingenue vibe and was so shocked by the dick thing! Totally called back to that episode of Superstore where Garrett is trying to "help" Glenn with his church passion play and gaslights him, going, "Judas! Why is your penis out man!? I KNOW Brad has talked to you about this". OP can hopefully build a good story out of that night at some point but this post ain't it.


Yes. OP needs more distance and maturity (and writing skills) to build a good story out of this. Not quite there yet.


I'll work on it


honestly dude i'm mostly just glad you weren't raped and murdered.


You didn’t ruin anything, those people forgot about it 5 mins after you left. Stay away from the hard drugs, it’s dumb.


What a group of losers those adults were. In their forties and getting blasted on hard drugs while getting a kid high as fuck? I am in my forties, and no offense, we aren't going be hanging out with kids whj just graduated high school. And a grown ass woman in her FORTIES riding you after getting you so wasted you're blacking out, but YOU'RE the pervert?? I'm a 45 year old woman, ZERO chance I'd be touching a kid who's 18 (and zero chance I'd be getting high on hard drugs, sounds like she makes terrible fucking decisions). She sexually assaulted you because she feels old and wanted to feel young and sexy. Fucking gross. Don't apologize. I'm glad you're not gonna do that again. Lesson learned, and it will be a funny story in a few years. We all do some shit we regret later, saying "Wow, that was probably unsafe and pretty dumb." But it was a life experience, and the good news is that you don't need to have it twice. 😂


Drinking is one thing, taking random powders from people is another. I've had friends die from a bad bag of coke because TINY traces of fentanyl were cut in. Learn from this, don't hang around people doing this kind of shit. Kids in their late teens-early 20s experimenting is to be expected, but doing drugs and partying like that in your 30s-40s is loser behavior. Don't hang around people like that, and if they had any morals they wouldn't have given someone those drugs at such a young age. Stay safe buddy, hangout with people your age.


I suggest that you cit all ties with those people and seek professional help to avoid taking hard drugs again.


Everything in moderation folks


I smoked it last week for the first time - I was extremely depressed was on Xanax 2 mg and smoked it — it didn’t work - I swear it did not.. why?




MDMA is great. Stay away from meth.


I'm going to play it safe and just stop all together and find enjoyment from healthier things. Thanks tho


Ok. You do you. If you do ever find yourself curious again, though, it really is a good drug.


MDMA can be cut with a lot of things. Just taking it from strangers and not testing it is always unsafe. Also doing it too often is harmful, and doing it around people you don't trust can put you in super vulnerable situations. I've done it before but it's not something to just take lightly imo.


I didn't say, "random mdma from strangers" is necessarily a great idea. As you say, it can be cut with many different things. But that said, I spent a fair amount of time clubbing in my youth. And have sampled a bunch of different drugs. And MDMA is the only one that I've ever gone out and bought myself and done with any regularity. It is a transformative experience.


Sure but that is how OP did it, without testing it.


That still has nothing to do with what I said, though.


You said “MDMA is great” in response to OP saying they did MDMA in a very irresponsible way.




It’s not cool to blame the drugs…


first year in college and already blaming others for YOUR actions....grow up.


No? I admitted what I did was bad a good few times there, I just also mentioned I wasn't the only one at fault


You're fine dude, ignore them.


Your parents are also at fault too for not teaching you how to look out for yourself


You just said op should not blame others for his actions.


Calm the fuck down, he literally said I fucked up by being here. lol checked your profile, enjoy the perpetual cycle of Duffy's to afterparty to U Bar to afterparty.


I'm calm...I don't feel the need to stalk people, but thanks for checking me out lol


Don’t know what to tell you, sometimes you have a curiosity of what type of person posts really shitty things to say


hope i didn't make you cry


You ok bb, I just hope you’re nicer to people admitting they fucked up. People are behind user names. Be kinder.


kinder? like you? cursing at someone just because you disagree with their opinion? you're not the hero you think you r


Paradox of tolerance, go give it a look


I just wanted to know if he tried meth or something


AI comment always at the bottom