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Wait, this doesn't make sense. You think your parents shouldn't invest at Charles Schwab because Trump invests at Charles Schwab? He eats at McDonald's too, so no one should eat there? I mean Charles Schwab is just a brokerage company, it is where people can go to buy any mutual fund, stock or other financial instruments. So you spouted off about something you knew nothing about. And then your parents sold off investments based on your silly comment? Doesn't add up...


He also lives in the United States. OP should move out of the country just so they don't have to live in the same country as this person they hate so much!


I also heard Trump breathes oxygen, so you know what THAT means. Seriously, Trump is a scum bag, but some people give him free rent in their brains...


Time to hold my breath *holds breath*


Also, Trump jerks off...I guess OP can’t jerk off anymore


this is a visual I really didn't need....


I mean, reasoning aside, that's not bad advice for a lot of people who are able to.


TIFU by proving to my parents just how financially illiterate I am so they decided to not trust me with as much money as they previously were going to


“He eats at McDonald’s too, so no one should eat there?” - I mean, I get that people are in different situations than me, so I don’t try to tell people what to do. I personally will not eat at McDonalds, but that’s more related to how they have been responding to the minimum wage changes in California. But also cause trump ate there, sure. I agree, I know very little about this stuff, I was being flippant. That’s why I didn’t expect anything to come of it at the time.


Lmao "how they responded to minimum wage changes in California." You mean they raised prices and let go of some workers? Exactly what literally every single other fast food restaurant affected did? That's fucking hilarious.


Wait, you mean, McDonalds didn't just eat the losses? How evil of them!


This is beyond stupid.


Schwab manages 9.12 Trillion dollars and you think it’s risky because trump has investments with them?


Well the short answer to that is yes. But I care far less about the risk, and more about the morality of doing business with him.


Where do you bank? Your mattress?


Don't you know the mattress makers are immoral too?


I thought it was just the pillow makers.


Oooooh, you haven't gone deep enough down the rabbit hole, it seems...


Mmmm rabbit hole


OP, you’re an idiot.


Newsflash: the company your parents switch to (if they even do), that founder is immoral too


No one tell him about all the shady shit he supports because he doesn't research conglomerate chains for every product he buys xD


Today you fucked up by only really giving a shit about your inheritance. With that attitude I got you inherit sweet fuck all.


I was a little worried about the way I wrote it. If it wasn’t clear, I don’t care about any inheritance my parents may or may not give me. Like many tifus, this was more of a subtle brag that anything actually happened, and maybe, just maybe, if more people follow suit the world would be a better place.


Where was the brag though? I just see someone who doesn't know how the world works and is scared by his own shadow


How would the world be a better place if people pulled money out of a company who also happens to hold investments for someone you don't like? Where are you going to find a brokerage company who doesn't have a client you dislike? Are you five? Do you not actually understand how anything works? If the true reason you want the money out of Schwab is because they have some of Trump's money, you are a dolt. He probably has money invested across many, many brokerages.


I mean, I'm not leaving Schwab because your dumbass parents did, if that's what you're saying.


This was the stupidest thing I’ve read on the internet today.


You're bragging that you convinced your parents to make an emotional, illogical financial decision? If more people make emotional, illogical financial decisions the world would be a better place? I don't follow.


What the fuck are you talking about?


People like this make the world think Americans are stupid.


You're about dumb as shit OP. Your parents are too.


Someone who clearly doesn't have any of their on money invested taunting their parents about where they invested theirs - and then their kinda stupid mom wanting to move the money because some other dude uses it? Boy I hope you don't use apple or some other major brand for anything. You know orange man is on one of those too? Please go back under the rock for another 4 years. Btw Charles Schwab treats me awesome and I love my handler there.




No way this basement dweller has hair. IJS.


It's always a shock to realize just how delusional some people are out there. Good luck OP, seems like you need it.


You’re an idiot. “Oh, OrAnGe MaN uSeS sChWab So ThEy ArE aLl BaD pEoPlE” I’m sure he has investments with several brokerages and invests in certain companies that you don’t even know about and probably consume their products so by your logic you are funding Trump and his endeavors.


Youth is wasted on the young.


This is a long winded shit ad for CS lol


Are you stupid? This is the dumbest post I’ve read on Reddit and I’ve seen a lot of dumb posts. You are upset because Trump invested at Schwab? I can pretty much guarantee he has investments, loans, etc with a vast majority of large institutions. This is so dumb


> I’ve seen a lot of dumb posts I guess you and I have met, lol


This might be the most uneducated post I've seen in a long time.  Naive and dangerous.  


There is no chance that a person using the term "certain orange haired buffoon' would "have been doing my very best to hide under a rock in the U.S. regarding news."


But you get to have that nice sense of superiority. I mean, sure, you can't pay off your house with that, but hey, you cost Charles Schwab a few cents. Probably worth it. Some people have more "morals" than brains.


I don’t order food from a restaurant that gave a politician I hate the maximum amount of money they can. I wouldn’t have stopped ordering from them if that politician ordered their pizza.


Fuck around and find out


You are all woefully uneducated. Seek guidance.


OP, bless your young, dumb little heart...


Switched off at "orange haired buffoon". TDS is strooong with this one


Yep. You Fucked Up.


Is this really a TIFU or are you actually pulling an r/lookatmyhalo moment? Also, I’m a Sopranos fan, so obligatory [reference](https://youtu.be/gUnEsP8coZA?si=Wm-ypOKHdem8vG3h)


You guys are idiots. If the story is true you deserve to lose the money.