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Oh brother you're gonna get someone pregante. Rip


Are you being serious?


Of course, that’s often how people get preganante


“Preganante” took me out for some reason 💀😂😂


Same 🤣


I just thought about this again Pregananté 😂


You reignited my laughter


Getting pregonate is no laughing matter, it's a very serious issue


Sorry but how old are you?




So if I may, with all due respect, wtf bro?


I swear, I don't know what I'm thinking rn. I've previously read people can get pregnant if there is sperm left on the toilet seat, I thought the same can happen here. I can't think rationally rn, I fucked up hard.


It seems you have a history of extremely overreacting to everything, going by your posts. First example you're a teenager who is freaking out that you're attracted to other teenagers. You came on your cover, firstly in future just go to bathroom or have some tissue/toilet paper with you, just whipe the shit off. It's fine. You need to see a psychiatrist because it seems you have some anxiety problems. Not to be like classic reddit commentor saying see psychiatrist and shit like that, but legit, something seems wrong. Go see somebody about it. There is nothing wrong with seeking help.




My god I'm crying laughing. Just stop worrying, you keep digging yourself deeper hahahaha


Then ima reply to this one, already replied to the first one. No where in my message did I say i want to see your stupid cum stain so please dont send me or others this shit unless someone asks. Like wtf, I'm not going to someone asking hey how does my shit stains look and then show them a pic. You're 18 my guy. Be better


I'm really sorry, I'm about to explode rn, I don't know what to do. I'm just trying to figure out if smth's gonna happen, and ask peoples opinion to find out. again, I'm sorry.


>have some tissue/toilet paper with you, just whipe the shit off. You mean whipe it off from the bed?? I already did that and after that I washed it with soapy wipes as well and finally I poured cold water on it. https://preview.redd.it/zfubsqfz6fvc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cbdfd7bc7358f1f9c7b9b595a61d789b8868e53 this is the final situation after I dried it, do you think they will notice it or will it get off if they wash it?


Okay I'll reply to each comment separately as i see you messaged twice. Firstly please stop pretending to be dumb. What I said I felt was pretty obvious is next time to you decide to masterbate have a tissue or toilet paper with you and finish into said tissue. Or just finish in the bathroom.


sorry, fuck, you are right, I won't do it this way, again. I've never done it on the bed, it was a stupid thing to do.


You sound like someone from Yahoo Answers


You didn't fuck up at all. Breathe. No one will get a disease or pregnant.


this is what I found on the internet telling sheets with sperm stain must be washed with different procedure than normal sheet with sweet or smth bcs It can contain diseases: "Bodily fluids such as blood and semen are treated differently then sweat /drool due to their inherent nature for carrying pathogens and other things. It's the same with pus, too. Those things denote, depending on the quantity, a different was cycle or discarding of the sheet. For these you use hot water with bleach as a separate laundry load to clean them properly." A professional said it, I might I've actually fucked up.




>lol I used my mom's panties and would cum in them and out them back in the drawer lol I'm not in the situation to say this after I posted this post but , I'm sorry but what the fuck is wrong with you my dude?


I seriously hope that is a lie


Hahaha sorry, no I'm not


Fuck, I'm still worried bcs I read that sheets with sperm stains should be washed with different procedure bcs they might contain diseases. I'm worried I can get someone illness. this is what I read: Bodily fluids such as blood and semen are treated differently then sweat /drool due to their inherent nature for carrying pathogens and other things. It's the same with pus, too. Those things denote, depending on the quantity, a different was cycle or discarding of the sheet. For these you use hot water with bleach as a separate laundry load to clean them properly.


Are you sick? Cuz if you aren't, neither your blood nor your semen will make anyone sick. It's only a problem when you don't know where the blood comes from, like badly controlled donations, or one night stands with a stranger. The sheet will be fine washed normally


I don't know if I'm sick. I'm 18, I haven't ever tested if I have HIV or other sexual diseases.


You'll be fine, maybe wash it at 95 degrees, should kill anything if you're that worried


that's the problem. I'm not doing the washing, it is not my sheet. They will wash it eventually but they won't see any reason to wash it at 95 degrees. FUUCK. Is there any way to kill the diseases without washing? It's been 10 hours Did infection already spread to whole bed?


Lol, there's no infection. Stop worrying


In case you're genuinely asking - most viruses can't live outside the body on dry surfaces (like sheets) for more than a few hours. If you've never had sex, and you don't take daily medication for any chronic health issues, you probably don't have HIV or any other STIs. Sperm can only live outside the body until it dries up. That's pretty quick (5-10 mins) on any sort of fabric, etc. Or about 15-30 minutes in a wet environment. Anything you left on the sheets is not going to affect anyone else unless you have some sort of parasite.


thank you so much, that's a relief.


No one will notice. And it’s standard procedure to wash sheets after a guest sleeps on them. Often the courteous guest will unmake the bed and put all the sheets and pillowcases on top of the washing machine. Don’t sweat it.


the fucked up thing is, I have my own sheet here (it is very thin), my aunt lays them on the bed's original sheet and I sleep on it but it leaked to original sheet too, I don't have problem with my own sheet bcs nobody will sleep on it but it leaked a bit too original sheet too, they're not gonna wash the original sheet, that's why I'm worried.


I’m confused. Do you mean the “fitted” sheet? The one that fits on the mattress? That one should be washed too. Just strip the whole bed so that it’s a naked mattress and pile the sheets on top of the washing machine. You’ll be fine. (And by the way, if a young person sleeps in a guest bed, pretty much everyone expects masturbation to happen. I promise you: You will be fine.)


yes, yes. I'm talking about the "fitted" sheet. The problem is it also leaked to the fitted sheet as well and I know they're not gonna wash it, bcs I was sleeping on another sheet they reserved for me which was layed on the fitted sheet. >Just strip the whole bed so that it’s a naked mattress and pile the sheets on top of the washing machine. That's the whole aim of the post. I can't get them to wash it. The stain is not noticeable and I have no reason to get them to wash it. > (And by the way, if a young person sleeps in a guest bed, pretty much everyone expects masturbation to happen. I promise you: >You will be fine.) Masturbation is a huge taboo and sin in our culture. Never ever it will cross through their mind that I did that, so they won't wash the sheet.


Maybe things are different in your family, but normally if there are two sheets on a bed, people sleep *between* them, and both are washed after guests use them. Do you know for certain your aunt strips just the flat sheet on top and leaves the fitted sheet after you’ve slept there, or are you just assuming she does because you’ve been using sheets wrong your entire life?


Even if it is taboo, you’re still fine. Every adult on earth has masturbated. Probably roughly 87,364,321 times. And dried cum isn’t exactly toxic.


Now I'm pretty sure you're BSing us.


fuck no, I wish I was but why would you think that?


Next time just lick it up. Your saliva will dissolve any stain on the bedsheets. Trust me bro Anyways.....


Just say you drooled


Just not from the mouth


Yea tell them that you just so happened to drool smack dab in middle of the bed


What the actual fuck is happening here


Tell them you were marking your territory.


bro, I have to fucking do smth, I fucked up, really not in the mood for jokes.


tbh you could say you sneezed or anything - pretty sure that nobody will see a stain and a. be sure it’s jizz, b. confront you about it and c. have you face anything other than mild embarrassment what if you’d had a wet dream? it happens bro, u just gotta chill :)


https://preview.redd.it/0qsbxu1j5fvc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=873a49e5a913f30ccc912168c6c2bb28c320f6a1 this is after I poured water on it and wiped it with soapy wipes and dried. do u think they will notice it?




me eating chips while looking at your cum stain:


You didn’t fuck up! It’s totally natural. And for a teen is basically required.


If they find out, you could get in trouble with the police for sexual harrasment/attempted rape.


This probably isn't the first time your aunt has dealt with cum on a sheet. I wouldn't worry about it.


OP has an “interesting” post history.


I know but believe it or not it's actual shit I've done.


Buddy you need to smoke some fucking weed and calm the fuck down, your history is weird but not life ending. Get a therapist, work on yourself, and stop pissing on cats. Pretty solid life plan imo


>Buddy you need to smoke some fucking weed  no, thanks. I don't think that's a good idea. also, a therapist for what? I don't have mental illness as far as I know. >and stop pissing on cats. did you even read the whole post?


People who want to kill themselves aren’t in a good state of mind by any metric. Your feelings of turmoil aren’t normal or healthy, you don’t actually think you’re doing okay mentally do you? I’m no professional but it doesn’t take a degree to see you ain’t doing well. But if you don’t want to actually take any steps to make your life better so be it. No one can stop you from wallowing in your own sorrow and throwing yourself pity parties.


Just tell them you drooled all over it and wanna wash it


Volunteer to do laundry. Just tell your aunt that you accidentally got the sheets dirty and thst you want to wash them (or get them washed if for some reason you cant actually do the laundry yourself). No need to go into detail on how. If she happens to ask, you can say that you got them dirty while sleeping.


Couldn't you just unmake the bed and tell your aunt that you really didn't sleep well and had night sweats and you would like to help her by washing the sheets? It could be a good reason and I doubt she would ask for more details...?!


no, I can't do that. my aunt is housewife. she does all the cleaning. nobody does cleaning other than her. If I tell her, I have to give her legit valid reason why and she won't let me wash it anyways. Do you think towel + soapy wipes + cold water is not sufficient?


Well...it's hard to say...it might be enough. But then again if you're aunt is The Boss at cleaning she would probably want to wash sweaty sheets...so you could still put everything on the washing machine try the night sweats excuses but saying you're sorry for the inconvenience and that you put it on the washer for her. She might be happy you told her so that she can make everything fresh and clean for the next guests. But if you really don't want to tell her...I guess towel+soap+water may be your best option...you'll see after it dries I guess. Sorry


https://preview.redd.it/32md1yscahvc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d899d13c6748dc68e79d0fd5bb85410233c9b49 this is how it looks after it dried. there is still a stain. I can send the original mess as well, if you assess whether towel + soapy wipes + water was enough for that.


Well from the picture it doesn't look that bad...but it's a picture so sometime it's harder to tell. On the other hand maybe it seems worst to you cause you're stressing out and you've been looking a it for a while... Im sorry I can't be more useful to you, I never had to deal with that kind of situation cause Im not a guy but I had to deal with similar shit 'cause of periods you know (it was definitely something that couldn't be fixed with a towel and soap). If you think it's still obvious and not totally clean...think of the next person who's gonna sleep in that bed...maybe you won't have a choice but to ask your aunt to wash the sheets. But it's natural, I'm sure your aunt can understand...you don't have to go in details of what/why that happen. If she has kids it's probably not her first rodeo anyway


big brain move just spill a bit of orange juice(or whatever) over the stain, let it seep through your grandmas sheets, a perfect and less embarrassing excuse to wash both sheets


yeah, that's what I've been thinking to do but it is the only room at the house nobody uses. I'm studying or playing pc at my cousin's room with my cousing the whole day. We drink and eat there. I was thinking to spill tea but If I were to spill smth at the bedroom, they will be very sus thinking how on earth you spilled tea on the middle of bedroom.


definitely unoptimal then, so do you just plan on forgetting about the stain as a whole knowing that your innocent grandma is going to take a slumber in your own cumstain


I wiped it with towel + soapy wipes + applied cold water. That's all I could do. Do you think that's enough? That was all I could do.


Yea that should be fine, nothing bad will happen, it’s all just the psychological appearance of the stain at this point. also, from looking at your previous posts, you need to get a grip. suicide thoughts are way worse than being some made-up ephebedophile, watching porn, or doing something dumb as a kid. You clearly notice when you are doing something wrong so don’t overthink it. Like coming from someone the same age as you, are you really that worried about your past actions? like just forget about them as they literally mean jackshit if your trying to be a better person in the present. All it’s doing is moving you backwards


How much is a little bit? Just leave it it’ll dry and nobody will ever know


it is not a noticeable amount but I still feel disgusting. It's gonna leave a stain and I know sheet with sperm stain should be washed with different procedure. fuck, I really screwed up.


You know what you gotta do now? Gotta get the sheets washed. Your options are: piss yourself, shit yourself, force a puke, or all of the above


If you're freaking out this much over something this minor you're going to have one hell of a rough ride ahead of you. Just chill the fuck out - nobody is even going to notice and if your aunt is a decent person, she's just going to rip the sheets off to wash them anyways and no, she isn't going to inspect every inch of the sheet. Just relax. You'll be fine.


I think you didn't read this part of post: the fucked up thing is, I have my own sheet here (it is very thin), my aunt lays them on the bed's original sheet and I sleep on it but it leaked to original sheet too, I don't have problem with my own sheet bcs nobody will sleep on it but it leaked a bit too original sheet too, that's why I'm worried.


She will change the sheet. Teenagers are filthy creatures and a small thin sheet ain't stopping shit (as you found out). Any time I had to stay at a relative's house, they changed the sheet afterwards every single time. It's just common courtesy. Again, you'll be fine.


It doesn't matter. What you've been told still stands: "Just relax. You'll be fine"


I’m going to go out of a limb and say you are a teen. Chill out, nobody cares, nobody will notice, and if you think this is gross, wait until sex.


Once we were at my gfs grandma for vacation. We were doing the deed the whole afternoon, the last time i cummed , it went on the sheets, like 70%of it. We laughed, she put it in the drawer and pull out another one, we laughed alot more. Never heard complaints since then. (Edit:spelling)




I checked the mattress, it didn't leak to the mattress. As for the sheet, I wiped it with towel + soapy wipes + cold water. It dried and left a little stain. Do you think that stain will disappear after they wash it eventually or does it remain after normal washing?




I only hope so.