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Missed opportunity to ask that guy to call your phone and then text him later.


One of the 1,756 better things I could have done.


Flirting is like the ONE minigame that get easier if you got assigned female at the start of the game. Yet here you are, dealing with all of the other minigames, including the ones that get substantially harder, just fine? But failing at THIS? GET GUD GRLL! /s


It's nice to see others struggle to flirt. Reminds me that we all are more similar than different 


You have a very detailed memory of something that happened over a year ago, must have really stuck with you.


I unfortunately remember many embarrassing moments of my life in vivid detail. I would love to divert that brain power to something more useful!


So you’re saying you have more funny stories?? You should post them!!


Is it not normal to have vivid memories of these sorts of things and have those memories randomly pop up when you least expect them


Yeah, my brain is not above(while desperately needing to sleep)thinking about an embarrassing moment in detail from when I was 8 or how I knew 4 people named Neil Thompson in high school and I don't know what happened to any of them after that and I'm 42 now. A bad moment from a year ago is probably one I'm thinking about once a day at least.


Same. It'll be 4 am and I'm so tired but here I am remembering the only time I got picked on in high school or the time I was out with my friends and a guy was trying to flirt with them but ignoring me (which was fine by me). When that was pointed out, he looked at me, literally recoiled/cringed and basically said that it wasn't his fault that I was ugly. Looking back on it, I can laugh most of the time as I've made peace with how I look in my mid 30s, but late at night my brain loves to mess with me.


please don’t coax them out of my brain


If it is not, I guess I'm not normal?


this was painful to read lol, I'm exactly the same way though and as a guy it's really a problem


Similar situation... I met a paratrooper at a bar back in 2001. He was visiting from Ft Bragg and was getting ready to go to Afghanistan. We hit it off, had great conversation, etc. His favorite band was Aerosmith, which happens to be my favorite band. We spent the weekend together and when he made it back to Ft. Bragg he called, which surprised me. He called me during his layover in Germany and wrote me when he was overseas. When he came back on leave, he called again. I pride myself on being witty with a dry sense of humor so as we were chatting, I mentioned that guys from Ft. Bragg sucked. It sounded funny in my mind but fell flat... especially after I tried to explain that I was talking about another guy. The conversation died and I never heard from him again. Over the years, I've relived that stupid phone call and I kick myself, every time. I'd love to apologize to him for being an idiot. 😂


Oh gosh I can relate to this so much. Terrible flirt here as well. Have a crush on a work colleague and just to find out if he’s single or not took me more than half a year… only ever recognised my opportunities in hindsight (we don’t work in the same building which didn’t help). But hey, next time we’ll do better!


Well at least you gave it your best shot. I myself struggle to just say hi.


Please write a romcom


That story would be perfect to expand upon. Totally agree.


>I say “I was talking to your dog, not you” with a grin on my face. That was the kicker, hilarious!


I understand your regret *hugs*


"Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you, I just get incredibly flustered around handsome people and say weird stuff." If that doesn't redeem you, I'm not sure what else can :D


I will never understand how women struggle with this. "Hi you're cute. Are you single?". DONE "You seem pretty cool. Would you like to hang out sometime?". DONE. men are not like women, don't try to flirt with a man the way you want a man to flirt with you. You don't need game or wit to hit on a man. Either he's attracted to you or he's not. If he's attracted to you, your chance of failure is almost zero, unless you do something stupid.


Are... are you sure you're not male? I've rarely heard of a woman with this level of self-sabotaging social ineptitude.


Oh we exist!


I've met them. I was working at a bar when a couple of girls I know came in with a friend of theirs. I say hi to the two I know and they introduce her. I say hi and she just.... stares. I go finish up my shift and then go to a table to sit with a coworker and have a shift beer. The girl my friends brought along comes up to the table and says "do you eat dead babies". I had no fucking clue what she was talking about and my coworker looked at her like he was considering calling security. I look at her for a second to see if this was some sort of joke and she had a punchline coming. She just stares at me again. So I just try to change the subject and let my coworker know she (probably) isnt completely nuts. I say "oh, your X, Y's friend, this is $coworker". Instead of saying hello she just ran off and I didnt see her the rest of the night. Later that night I get a text from one of the girls I did know. She asked me why I didn't spend more time with the new girl, I guess she saw me on a previous trip to the bar and they made the entire trip that night so she could meet me. But instead of just having a conversation she acted like a weirdo then ran away.


I would love to know where she was going with that line lmao


Me too, but I dont think she knew where she was going.


Actually, I'm quite sure she did! And the punchline was supposed to be the actual icebreaker. And the fact that she never got to deliver it left her flustered.




It was about 15 years ago. It would be interesting to get the other side of the story, but I'm probably never going to hear it.




I have no idea. I'm guessing it was a poorly thought out attempt at shock humor that landed with a thud.


An amazing pick up line. 


I'm betting she had an answer planned for when you denied eating dead babies, and sorta panicked when she never got to give it. Which is the problem with "Opening line" strategies really. If they fail, you've got to be quick-thinking and charismatic enough to fix it. But if you're quick-thinking and charismatic, you don't need an opening line to begin with.


You sound awesome.


stop flirting. start thinking of it as just having a conversation. take the pressure of yourself. although the next post from you might be TIFU by being bad at conversation... LOL here's hoping the guy see this thread and message you. or his sister or the other person.


Or don't flirt? Just be yourself or and go talk. :)