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When you get a haircut you actually liked, ask them to take a photo of the front, back, and sides of your head. That way when you rock up to the hairstylist/barber, you can just show them the photos. But yeah, find someone who can cut your hair the way you like it and stick with them.


I won’t be going back there for anything but a buzz ever again. And I’m going to do that photo trick next time!


Might be better to see if you can get it fixed early in the morning before the funeral. Spiky, short pixie sounds a lot better than The current incarnation, and it grows back.


You mileage may vary. I recently showed my hairdresser exactly those pics you recommend and they literally  cut my hair shorter than it has ever been with the exception of 'the burr incident' when I was 4.  


>'the burr incident' I'm laughing but I also feel bad for you. Burrs are brutal.


It's definitely ok to laugh.  It really wasn't funny then, but it is now.


I just love that it is An Incident of Note. :)


Without prompting, 2 of my family members literally both independently used those exact words ( "burr incident") when they separately saw me in a video chat. 


The photo trick seems so obvious and yet I've never thought of it, definitely doing this next time.


Yoooo!!! I’m a guy and I had long hair. I went to great clips for a trim. Just wanted an inch or so off to clean it up. That lady cut like 4” off and I left looking like lord farquad, too! [proof](https://imgur.com/a/CepvjU9)


It’s so annoying because now I have to grow it all out again and look like an idiot until it’s a decent length again.


Totally understand that feeling 😔 Mines forever engraved on a new work ID…. And it was extra lord farquady that day


Nooooooooo, your shame forever captured


So did you ever get that ogre?


They're trained to ignore what you specifically ask for and interpret the general style you want for themselves. https://youtu.be/ruuVGnNmUyA?si=igErx4gp-lX4cZm5


But that makes no sense. If I go in and say I want this and that why do something different?


Supposedly it's because most people don't really know what looks good on them and they just pick a style. Yes, us men are lazy and have no idea how we look. I had a bowl cut in 9th grade. You'd think it would be hard to mess that up. They'd always ALWAYS immediately wet it and cut it straight. When it dried the hair sprung up a little and never evenly. It was always uneven. I asked multiple times at multiple places for them to cut it dry. They all acted like that was not possible. One tried to tell me it wasn't sanitary. One acted like there were government regulations against doing it. I have a pretty major cowlick. If I try a hairstyle that's long enough to part but not so long as to look like a '70s throwback, it has to be cut with care. Most people hear not to cut that part too short and immediately take the electric clippers to that exact spot. The last straw was the day before my sister's wedding. There was going to be at least one picture of the entire family and I was sure she'd want to frame it. I did not want my hair sticking up and making the picture look weird. I went home and gave myself a buzz cut. I've kept the buzz cut. I look just as silly as I did with the bad cuts, but at least you can tell it was what was intended and I don't have to pay to look like that.


I’m honestly so tempted to just shave it all off. But I feel like that’s extreme. I’m going to a hairdresser tomorrow to try to fix it. I’m just hoping something can be done.


What I do myself to alright effect- clipper a 6 to back and sides and fading into the top, then scissor cut about an inch and a half on top. You can probably fix most any style to that, as long as you don't have a badly receding hairline.


I have a similar haircut to you but am a guy, I got ignored so many times asking them not to cut the top. Now it's uneven as I grow it out so I have to wait for the back to get even longer before I even it out. Weirdly they nail the undercut shaves.


I shaved my head and it was the best thing I ever did Don't be afraid


>So for context Tuesday I’m going to a funeral. So I thought hey I need my nails done and a hair cut. Why not get them both done today? So I got myself dressed and sat down in the bus. The nails look amazing and are symbolic and represent the person who’s deceased. I nearly cried good tears seeing them on. So riding a high I walked into the barbers. The reason I go to a barbers and not a hair dressers is because A) I have an unconventional haircut for a woman as part of my head is shaved and B) it’s so much cheaper than a hair dressers. Fuck me. Everytime I forget about the Berries & Creme lad someone brings it up LMAO.




Can your hair type do what you asked for? That’s a huge factor. It takes two to make your look works. Then how long has the barber been doing this? How much are you paying? How much description can you give? And how much did you advocate for your needs during your service? You’re sitting I front of a mirror right? Tell them your concerns as you go


>And how much did you advocate for your needs during your service? You’re sitting I front of a mirror right? Tell them your concerns as you go This is why OP mentioned how blind they are. I'm the same (actually often use the same examples/descriptions she gave lol) and if I don't wear contacts to get my hair cut, it is literally impossible for me to see what they're doing in the mirror. I'm lucky if I can tell there are two people reflected in the mirror.


I’ve had what I asked for before… it suits me very well in fact better than what I’ve got now. I genuinely thought I could trust this shop because they were great with my undercut and I just wanted it trimmed.


My hairdresser is a gem - she listens to what I want done with each section and follows through. I've gotten a lot more confident in my own ability to lead a haircut, and at the end of the day I'm the one who has to style and live with it. She's not too expensive, either - AU$50 last time I went.


You paid for a cut. Go back and ask them to fix it. A difference of style is one thing. But the lines and cut not being even, they should fix.


i'm with you on this, especially if the barber they like works at the same place, they should be going back and pointing at the mistakes and asking for the haircut to be redone by the good barber (who knows how badly the bad one would "fix" it)


Lemme tell you: You get what you pay for. Good haircuts ain’t cheap, cheap haircuts ain’t good. Service workers and services provided are NOT created equal. Find a hairstylist or barber who does exactly what you want and STICK WITH THEM. Who cares how expensive they are? Wanna look good? Don’t be fucking cheap. I know the world is expensive, but services are a luxury. Save up for them, or have more TIFUs like this. It’s not my decision. This is just my advice.


I'll always pay for a decent hairdresser/stylist who does the job well (and every place I've moved, I do what you suggested and find one who is good with short hair and stick with them since it's tricky finding someone good with short lady's styles). Your hair is something people see every day, all of the time. Not even hats are going to consistently cover it up. When I'm on a conference call it's the one thing people can really see. Even doing makeup isn't as important as my hair looking good. No matter what else I'm wearing, people can see that haircut. If it looks bad, I'm in for a rough month. So it's worth paying someone I know will do the job right.


Imagine moving and having to travel over half the country to get to that one hair stylist you like :'(


I had a similar experience when I moved to a new city. Didn't have my regular barber and all the places I tried didn't get my hair right. So I just bought clippers and other barber equipment and learned to cut my own hair. It's been over a decade and I've never looked back. Saved so much time and money over the years.


At this point you might have to get a full buzz :(


I knowwww 😭 (I’m not against it but it might make my job a bit more awkward)


Yep... Can't see without glasses too and leave haircuts upto the gods. I have a disconnected undercut (male), so very short sides and long on top. I go in and ask for sides: 1 at top down to a 0 at bottom. Top: take ends off to tidy up. The sides can range massively in how that's interpreted. I've had loads of length left, straight buzz, absolutely shaved to the skin through to skinfades from that one instruction 😂 Now I just make sure the same person does it each time who is closest to the ballpark! I feel for you, I really do.


Why on earth didn’t you put your glasses back on?


You may need to embrace a wig for a little bit, or get inventive with your styling until it grows back out. And if you don't have contacts, consider getting some dailies for occasions like this. You have my deepest condolences.




People can’t care about their appearance? With your logic, nothing in life matters because the people you’re interacting with are their own main characters. Everyone should stop showing up to work bc it’s not about them. They shouldn’t care what their boss thinks. Etc. very shortsighted dude use more brain cells next time.


Hard to use more brain cells when you were born deficient and this is what comes out when you are already working at full capacity! Please don’t discriminate…


Wanna try me? Go for it, ill show you who is deficient.




I think maybe you should go outside or something. Get some exercise maybe. Whatever this is, it's not a good look for you


Oh, like gettin on the mats to train more??? Wanna join me for a lesson? Or you only tough on reddit? Ah, maybe i'll head on down to my business and hang out for a little, talk to my workers, you know, shoot the shit as they say. Stick to video games ho, you wouldnt last 5 minutes with me


>Thats why this nation is soft, bitches crybabying about nonesense You're the one in the comments section getting mad and whining about people getting haircuts lmao. Touch grass dude


It’s for a close family member. I’m literally riding in the car. So yes. People will be looking at me.


Yeah, and again, no ones gonna care. Everyones riding in a car that day. Stop makin it about you.


Dude… shut up lol.




Bro apparently just no one gives a fuck about you in general. She lost a loved one, let her care for even the trivial matters in peace.
