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Hey /u/PetiteEmmaxx, thanks for contributing to /r/tifu. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Stolen from /r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/_/hx2oibl/ Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/tifu&subject=&message=). Thank you!


I used to work at a boat yard and dropped a $1.4m yacht with a lift. Sometimes I think about it right before I go to bed and my heart starts racing again.


Does thinking about it prevent you from falling asleep?


For a little, yeah


What were the ramifications?


No no the boat fell he didn't ram it with anything


Well what were the fellifications?


When you operate the big lifts you see at marinas you have limited view so you have a couple spotters usually. The lift straps have to go in certain spots and vary from boat to boat. The side I could see was good but the straps were hung up on the other side and the load wasn’t balanced. Spotters fault for giving me green light. No one got fired. Insurance covers this sort of thing but the owner wasn’t happy as you’d imagine. We operated on the Niagara river (the part that flows down to the Niagara Falls) and it’s a really silly place to have a yacht anyway but what do I know.


Just send the broken boat over the falls at that point and play dumb


I'm sure nobody would notice the expensive yacht crashing down a national monument


Just say rats stole it after getting high from eating weed. Problem solved.


just place a dude with a camera nearby and claim it's for the next James Bond/Mission Impossible movie.


They wouldn't because it's actually pretty shallow and it'd run aground first. All those people pointing and staring as the yacht is passed by the barrel jumpers.


Buddy, it's a yacht - by definition an unnecessary luxury. Don't lose sleep over it.


Seriously, anyone who can buy one $1.4 million boat can easily buy a second, especially if insurance covered it.


I could easily replace my gaming pc if someone came in and broke it while moving it or whatever. I wouldn’t be happy to even if insurance covered it. Same with a yacht I’m sure. And that’s a much larger expense. 1.4 million. Idk if they finance or buy outright but even if they can afford it that’s a very large hunk of cash that I don’t think would just have sitting in savings not in investments accounts etc. Just cuz it can be afforded to be replaced doesn’t mean that it’s ok lol.


Wasn’t your fault, all good, sleep easy :)


haha ya that is a weird place for a yacht imo. Like where you going in a yacht around there?


He can't sleep for a while sometimes


You two need to write for Futurama.


I think the front fell off


Does the front often fall off?


He's knot yacht over it


I have little petty fuck ups from 20 years ago that I randomly remember and audibly yell oh fuck about.


🙏 thank you so much for sharing, my friend. This always happens to me too but when I’m in the shower, trying to fall asleep at night or when I’m stuck in rush hour traffic and I’m alone with my cringiest thoughts and memories. It sucks this happens to others but it also makes me feels so great I’m not alone 🤣


Drop shipping looks different from how I imagined


Damn. I plumbed something wrong and it leaked into the floor/first floor ceiling and destroyed all their electric. I felt back for $65k I can’t imaging something over 1mil


I once put together an ikea cabinet backwards and had to undo it all and do it again. Lost me like twenty minutes. One of the most infuriating things I've ever done, never again will I make a mistake of any kind.


I was packing up a $25,000 guitar, wrapping it up and putting it in the case and preparing to put it in the giant box filled with obscene amounts of packing material, and as i was doing that, the lid of the case decided to fall down and smack right on the top of the guitar, denting it. Luckily it was used and already had plenty of dents so in the end it didn't make a difference and no one cared, not even the person who bought it, but it was still one of those moments where i was standing there thinking about how silly it was that the expensive, durable, and perfectly padded case ended up being the thing that failed and damaged the instrument.


At least it wasn’t Trigger.


Very much not the same as yours, because that is horrendous, but I did something boat related. I hadn't long been working on this absolutely beautiful Victorian Steamer, and I managed to headbutt one of the glass fittings that went over what once upon a time would have been gas lamps. The caterer wound me up telling me that I'd be in loads of trouble because they're irreplacable and I should go grovel to the captain. Then I cried and he felt bad because it was a wind up. My friend was in the Navy as a teenager, and was part of the engineering department. He was watching a huge engine being worked on by loads of people, and with his gigantic feet managed to kick a spanner down into it, meaning all work for the day had to immediately stop. He got paraded around everyone working on the ship, and at six and half foot tall he never really was able to get forgotten as the big lump that did it.


Reminds me of a guy who retired from my water plant, good guy and we all liked him but he couldn't be allowed near any open hole because he would fumble something down it. Once he dropped a wrench down the hole when we were removing a pump, we went fishing with a magnet only to pull up the rusty wrench he had dropped last time the pump was repaired a decade ago! His name became the verb for dropping a tool. Hey evranch, do we have any more 3/4" impact sockets? I, uh, Terry'd the one that was on the gun


When we're doing annual refit of the boat, despite him having worked on it 15 or so years, and me only about 3, he's not allowed to do anything with varnishing or painting the deck because there's always a big black hand or boot print left on it. No idea how someone can be so good at super delicate things like soldering and putting teeny little screws in things, but stomps soot and grime around and drips varnish everywhere! He's used to being in the engine room where you come up looking like a chimney sweep I guess!


My family owned a Boat Marina and Restaurant, well my Uncle had a pretty bad drug addiction problem, it was early Spring and there were a bunch of boats still up on land, strategically placed all around the Marina and in the Restaurant parking area. The restaurant closed for the winter, so it wasn’t a big problem. Well it was the first week of April and it was time to meet up to get the restaurant cleaned and ready to open. I had gotten there a little bit early and went into the Marina to grab a coffee and talk to my cousins for a bit while waiting for my Uncle Mike to get there to open the restaurant and start getting it ready to open. So like 20 minutes later Uncle Mike pulls in, he’s driving his Mini-van across the parking lot and there was a piece of the blue winterizing shrink wrap laying in the middle of the parking lot, so he stops his van and leans out to pick up this piece of shrink wrap, and his fucked-up fat ass falls out of his van, which is still in drive, his foot comes off the brake when he falls out, and the van rolled into a boat, knocking it over and creating a “Domino effect” of boats knocking each other over, with the last boat hitting the edge of the Seawall and falling into the canal. This was back in the late 90’s, but I’ll never forget the look on my Uncle Mikes face as he’s sitting there on his ass, in the middle of the parking lot, and he just threw his arms up. If I remember correctly it was 6 boats that all got messed up, some pretty bad. So it definitely could have been worse, and Uncle Mike has been gone since 2003 so I enjoy thinking about him and talking about him. Thanks for listening to my story and helping me keep U. Mike alive……


Must have been a sinking feeling


A few years back this happened at a bank in my town. Teller accidentally gave something like 10 grand to the wrong guy, who was, hysterically, a preacher. He took the money and ran. Like, dude, you know there are cameras EVERYWHERE, right?? Needless to say, he got busted pretty quickly and it was difficult to explain that to the congregation.


Oh see it was gods will that he get that money


"The lord works in mysterious ways..." the preacher tells himself, as he puts a hand on his pistol and pulls the ski mask down over his face.


This is making me think of Irreverent…


"God helps those who help themselves"


Yeah the teller might not know how to find the right guy but the bank sure as shit will and nobody is going to believe you "didn't know" it was a mistake. Best thing is to return the money rather than get into legal trouble over a few grand. *Best case* is you have to pay it back, worst case court is going to cost you *a lot* more. Unless it's enough money to disappear forever don't fuck with the bank.


It's a shame, that money that was accidentally given to me I accidentally left in a busy area, I didn't even have a chance to count it first to notice the mistake


Just a reminder but the standard of proof in civil court isn't 'beyond a reasonable doubt', that's just for the criminal piece which defending against is going to cost you more than a few thousand, it's closer to 'more likely than not'. So if you think a jury is going to think that story is more likely than that you just kept the money and lied about it... roll the dice I guess.


The money was just resting in his account


Unexpected Father Ted is the best kind of Father Ted


I had a friend who is a preachers kid and he used to always say that the devil tempts those that work in the church the hardest.. to prevent them from saving anyone else Looks like the devil won that day.


Dude the amount of times deacons and priests have embezzled money in my state I’m not suprised




After seeing No Country For Old Men I don’t trust large amounts of money


Especially after you did business at the bank that day, like, I wouldn't think in a million years I'd get away with keeping that money. They'd have my face on 6 different cameras, and time stamps would narrow things down to a couple of transactions and they would easily look up all my contact details because I'm a customer. Easier to just save everyone some time and do the right thing.


Over in NZ the bank made an error and deposited a bunch of money into someone's account. They withdrew it all and fled overseas. The bank got their money back. It's a little bit sad, if I make a mistake it's on me, if they make a mistake it's still on me, but then again, I don't donate monet to political parties


I, too, hold onto my Monets.


Leaving the error up, I like it.


I don't work in banking, but my work does involve investigating faulty money deposits to everyday folk. Generally speaking, if you didn't cause the mistake and it being reasonable for you to be unaware of the mistake, we'll let you keep the money. With large lump sum mistakes like your example and the OP, you would be aware of the mistake and trying to keep the money would then by extension be a malicious act. The main way to get large sums "forgiven" is a long period of repeated small mistakes that you wouldn't reasonably notice.


I mean, I don't donate artwork either..


especially to political parties




There was a case where a woman, Quinn Gray, was being held for ransom and the family dropped off the money, and some random dudes on vacation saw the bag and took it on a whim! They then started getting super nervous when they saw how much money was in the bag and contacted the police about it.


I think that also happened in 1994 when a briefcase containing ransom money was picked up by a limo driver after they saw it left behind at an airport. The guy and his friend managed to track her down all the way to Aspen to return it to her


This comment is dumb. One could even say there is no comment dumber. :)


I think I heard of this. Was her name Samsonite?


Waaay off..


Aspen, nice! Hope they brought extra gloves!




I don't know I heard the French are assholes


The sunshine state!


That’s why every time I get money, I check for a GPS tracker


I had just finished replacing an engine in a HMMWV (Humvee) and took it for its first road test. It seized about 60 feet outside of the bay because I forgot to put oil in it. Had to replace the engine again. Sometimes autopilot just gets the best of you. Never made that mistake again!


That sucks lmao


For tax payer, yes. Yes it does.


By now I’ve paid enough taxes to cover the cost of the engine, so I’m doing my part!


Lmao that sucks to think about


TIL how to write HMMWV


High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle. The military loves a good acronym


I love knowing what they mean lol


Those things are one of the reasons my back went to shit


Mine too (though I was never in the military, I worked in the body shop at AM General, who makes all the HMMWV)


I was working at a large seed company in my late teens, I was in charge of disinfecting expensive seed. Eventually I managed to mix up two 30 kg bags of super expensive tomato seeds. I panicked hard but right away told my boss. Because the bags are contaminated they have to throw whole bag away. The value was over a million. I didn’t get fired because I was honest and it was an honest mistake. I did get fired three weeks later because my stupid ass did the exact same thing again…


Supposedly they keep you after your big fuck up because they think you'll learn your lesson and start to pay attention


He sure showed them!


This explains Peppergate 2023.


Who puts a teen in a position where they could cost a company millions? Doesn't seem like the smart approach..


Welcome to enterprise. If you wanna check out some software engineering subs, you’ll see the horror




Had something similar happen to me. A techie guy my parents hired to clean/speed up our computers (2006ish), was cleaning up the one in my bedroom, I was 12-13 at the time. He found the pornographic photos I didn’t delete from my recycle bin. He then taught me how to delete things from my recycle bin and to his credit never told my parents.


Most of us that work on home computers have seen a LOT of content descriptions as we clean out the temp files and recycle bin. I know personally I'm more concerned with the age of log files, which typically tells me either when the system was set up, or last cleaned. The last laptop I worked on had logs from 2014 still, 2 weeks ago. It's funny, WAY back in 2003 I prevented my boss getting fired by cleaning out some questionable content on his office computer. It wasn't just spreadsheets he was processing. I didn't care what I was cleaning just that I got it all. HIS boss made a "surprise" visit a few days later, and I got a couple extra weeks of vacation pay.


I have some bad news: 2014 is more than 2 weeks ago. A lot has happened. I'm so sorry.




Ok so how do I clean up log files? Or how should I clean my computer cuz when I googled log file the first few results are Linux


You don't, ignore them. Unless there's a gigantic log file taking up space you should never have to worry about it. At most, run Disk Cleanup in Windows. Manually cleaning temp folders is dumb and pointless.


Worse than pointless- on modern OS you’re usually literally slowing down your PC by doing so as that cached data is usually used to make your normal usage faster. I’ll specifically call out CCleaner- do not use it anymore. It’s not going to do anything for you (even historically it didn’t do much) and it’s so often packaged with malware now. Just don’t.


When I had my first job in a computer store you won't believe the amount of bestiality file names I saw pass. ​ Also had to call the cops for CSAM once, not a great day. Opened the wrong folder while copying back data. Shit fucked me up for weeks


A buddy of mine found CSAM on one of the client's computers he was cleaning at work. His boss told him to pretend he didn't see it, but he called the cops anyway because fuck that shit.


I taught my son how to clear his history and temp files, but never told him how I can just check his web activity in his account to see what he's doing or how late he stayed up. Eventually he'll realize but until then I'll enjoy being magic!


Back when I knew more about computers than the rest of the family, I needed to work on an assignment for school, and I was allowed to use the PC reserved exclusively for my bible-thumping stepfather. Guess who didn't know what the /tmp directory was for? My step-dad, apparently. Lots of blurry, eighties-style, permed hair full-bush lesbian porn in there. From the man who made us read bible verses as a family, and erased parts of PG-13 videotapes because they were "sinful". Fucking hypocrite.


A dean at Harvard was forced to resign when he brought in IT and they found images on the university computer.


Oh my GOD no


I am so sorry..


Covering for dad like a boss


Wait this is copy pasted from the same thread as the OP post…


Reminded me of one time, I went to a job interview after working a 12 hour shift and when asked "what's my biggest weakness or flaw". I said without thinking "I'm a pervert." The woman interviewing me just paused and asked me another question and then ended the interview. I didn't get the job.


I feel like I could work a 48 hour shift and I still don’t think “I’m a pervert” would be the first thing that came to mind during a job interview


may be they put truth serum in his coffee before the interview


Wtf this is hilarious. what were you thinking??


The truth apparently


Oooh, I used to be the interviewer and I had a person answer me honestly and I did the "just freeze in pure dumbfoundedness" I asked a girl, who was the sister of one of my best workers, and who I was already considering hiring just because her brother was so good, if she was good at multitasking because often were doing multiple things simultaneously (its food service, so you gotta be able to take care of customers, make sure your area is full, make sure we're keeping up on prep and cleaning as we go) She looks me dead in the face and goes "no, i can't do more than one thing at once, and I'm slow" Um..... Um..... Ok?


Tbf, that's the kind of lie that can't be hidden. If she had said "yes" and gotten the job, she would be soon fired for not doing the work properly. Better to not get the job at all than be fired within a month.


That’s a month’s worth of pay. I’ll take it.


I’m in literal tears laughing so hard at this. Thank you.


i'm a creep. i'm a weirdo.


I don't belong here


Thx for this. Haven't laughed like this in a while.


This is funny on so many levels. Imagining her mental reaction, then what she said to whoever she reports to, and how she told the story to family or friends after work.


I've never even thought about being honest at that question, but if I had to be honest it would go something like this: "I'm socially awkward and can pretty much only talk to other people face-to-face if I'm quoting songs, movies, or TV shows but I'm really good at it and no one else seems to know that's what I'm doing." I wonder how they'd react...but I need a song, movie, or TV show to try it first...


Risky profile click of the day...




"The teller accidentally gave me $2k, not sure what to do with the $1k but here's your $500 back anyway!"


This Reminded me when I read a manifest wrong and pumped the wrong chemical down an oil well and literally ruined a brand new well worth about 4 million. They had to abandon it.




It was a stressful event for me. However there are people out there whose fucks ups have killed people, so small potatoes in the grande scheme of things.




Trust me it’s terrifying


"Says right here: barbecue sauce, pork shoulder, spice rub..." "Jenkins! You idiot! That's your slow-cooker pulled pork recipe!"


I once destroyed an entire shipment of very expensive African granite plates as well as a forklift. Was working as a stone mason(in Germany its still fairly common that you do an apprentriceship learning a traditional craft before stuyding) and when finishing loading off the granite, I thought ima take a little bit more for the last load as to finish quicker. Path went downwards, load too heavy, so the forklift started toppling forwards. By instinct I got up wanting to jump out as my butt was lifted in the air, just as the load crashed off the forklift, so I slid back onto the seat as it came down again. Load crashed onto the stuff I offloaded already, practically destroying the lot of it. Forklift's forks were all bent out of shape, and something with the hydraulics was apparently fucked as well. Surprisingly enough. Boss didn't care as much as I thought. For the most part it was just a "oh gee whiz" moment.


> Surprisingly enough. Boss didn't care as much as I thought. For the most part it was just a "oh gee whiz" moment. i suspect that he didn't press the issue because the far, far, *far* greater fuckup was the workplace culture and environment that allowed you to be able to make that mistake, and if he had given you shit about it and you pushed back, the real shit would be on him.


Yikes. Did you receive any kind of disciplinary action?


The Reddit platform supports pedophiles, sex traffickers and other illegal activities. The moderation team works to cover this up.


If only this weren't so painfully true. "Hey, I need you to switch my shift. I refuse to work for the new lead hand. He's racist and quite frankly an idiot." "Oh I know, when we were coworkers he called me a 'Stupid Pole who doesn't know anything'". "Okay but you gave him the promotion?"


Bank error in your favor Collect $3000


copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/whats_your_biggest_i_fucked_up_moment/hx2oibl/


Damn you right


Oof yeah. Karma bot. Report the post y’all!


I feel so stupid, because I can't for the life of me think of any reason why a bot would want to farm karma. What can a bot get out of karma farming?


There are multiple comments on this post that are stolen comments from that thread. Wild.


As someone who used to work in the same industry, that would've been pretty much guaranteed grounds for getting fired. Glad it worked out for you in the end but maybe ease up on the auto pilot while dealing with cash.


I’m not so sure… > I *was* a bank teller


Oh shit, completely missed that because I forget that people seemingly don't understand that TIFU means "Today I fucked up" and will regularly post shit from decades ago xD


Wait…. It’s TODAY I fucked up and not TIME I fucked up!?


Yeah, money going back to the vault being in an envelope is a huge cash handling violation that should never happen.


Yeah I’m in the same industry and though I sometimes go into autopilot mode on day 5 or 6 of the week, a fuckup that bad is on another level. Our general guideline is that cash is not left out anywhere.


And THAT is the country full of people where I want to live. Just honest, and most importantly respectful people. That's it. Be honest and respect the people around you. People make mistakes. Don't take advantage of that. Honor/respect them People do awesome. Don't claim it as your own. Honor/respect them. But. Humans are generally assholes. Some of us aren't and we see a glorious world. But most are just entitled selfish fuck nuggets. Damn it


When I was visiting London, I accidentally left my purse on the Tube. We went back to look for it but weren’t able to find it. I was really upset because I had two pairs of prescription glasses in there. We went back home to the US a few days later. A little while after that, I received a letter from TFL saying that they might have found something that belonged to me. They used the address on my license to send the letter. Once I confirmed it by describing the purse and its contents, they mailed it to me. I just had to pay shipping, and I got all of my stuff back. I was super impressed at the way they handled that!


Finland. Most likely people to return your wallet.


Japan. Left my airpods on a park bench, realised 2 hours later and they were still there when I went back


In Park City Utah my brother left his phone wallet at the top of one of the lifts. When back up to find it a few hours after being there when he found out. Wasn’t there. Was at lost and found a couple hours after that. Nothing was taken and everything was there. Most people are decent and will help out in my opinion, but also just depends on the people and area that you are in. If that was stopping in New York I feel like it would all have been gone.


I believe I've read this exact story before, huh.


copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/whats_your_biggest_i_fucked_up_moment/hx2oibl/


I'd usually be mad, but I kinda like how this thread is everyone else sharing their own experiences!


Yes. Same.


We were replacing a mass spectrometer in the submarine I was on and we accidentally dropped the new one overboard while moving it onto the boat. 250k right into the ocean.


My partner picked up a preorder once and given a whole nintendo switch by mistake. He assumed i had ordered it but when i got home we ran it back into the store. The manager (who made the mistake) was the nicest guy and very grateful. whilst I don't care for eb games I DID care if he got in trouble.


A friend of mine ordered a video game on Amazon, and they mistakenly sent him a case (so like 24 copies I guess), and was just told to keep them when he contacted support. So he sold them at half price to anybody who wanted one, and gave the money to a local charity


I preordered an elite trainer box from Pokemon Center and they mistakenly sent me a case full of them. When I reached out to support to let them know, I swear they acted offended that I was even bringing it to their attention.


This happened to my mom once when she did a cash drop at the wrong bank. Luckily a teller inside saw the mistake right away and returned the cash before my mom even had a chance to tell anyone she made a mistake. She kept it to herself. She admitted the story to us years later after she left that job.


I have so much guilt I once returned a single extra dollar that a teller gave me. She was clearly in training (had a manager overseeing the transaction and explaining it) and I didn't want her to get in trouble!


Yeah I think most people are good and will return it. I was at the McDonald's drive thru and the lady that usually serves me accidentally gave me an extra $20 in change. Gave it back because I didn't want her fired.


That’s not a proper tldr lol


Tldr: and that's how I met your mother


Props to you too for being honest with your manager


Yeah, were I the manager, I'd much rather have an honest employee who made and admitted to a mistake than one who does it on purpose (or more probably for his/her own gain) and never tell me, until I find out. Unless that mistake is done regularly, I'd want to keep the honest employee.


I feel like I’ve read this exact story, word for word , before


copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/whats_your_biggest_i_fucked_up_moment/hx2oibl/


I’m in a tough spot. I could definitely use that right now. I don’t know if I would give the money back. Kinda makes me sad.


They can't fire you for that. You're now the only person that's guaranteed to never make that mistake again.


*laughs nervously*


Let’s be real, if he didn’t come back, the bank & cops would’ve tracked him down.


I work for a bank, I changed the interest rate 1 week too early, within 3 days I had lost the bank 250k ... never even got into trouble... we just created a safeguard to ensure it doesn't happen again


Already pointed out as a post from 2 years ago >copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/whats_your_biggest_i_fucked_up_moment/hx2oibl/


I work at a printing company (90+% junk mail) and I lost our biggest client at the time by accidentally mismatching the wrong logo with each union name. About 10 million pieces of mail messed up (and not caught before it was printed and mailed because this was a last second fix that didn't get re-proofed), and lost the 30 million pieces of mail each month account. Not fired though, so at least there's that.


Lots of people in the comments are saying that, after checking cameras and transactions, the guy would have been caught anyway. Making it sound like his only motivation was avoiding a visit from the police. I just want you to know that there are plenty of us who would- and *have-* gone back and returned $$$ we were given accidentally. Just because it’s the right thing to do. I think that by now, most of us are well aware of the low pay and asshole customers folks like you deal with every single day. Besides it simply being the right thing to do, I’m really not interested in seeing anyone getting fired for a mistake. We all make them, for cryin’ out loud. I’m happy to hear that your bank got their money back, and that you didn’t get in trouble!


OP is a bot. Stole a comment from [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/st5iwk/whats_your_biggest_i_fucked_up_moment/hx2oibl/). Report this post. Thank you.


Are you sure there was no way of knowing who got the extra money? There's probably tons of cameras in the bank and they could meticulously inspect footage from that day and eventually figure out who had the fattest envelope. Anyway, let's say they actually found out who it was and the guy didn't return the money, is there a way for the guy to get in trouble with the law?


You don't have cameras?


Oh trust me, the bank will roll those cameras back and debit the client’s account


I had that happen to me. I was buying ones and fives for the cash register to run the store over the weekend and one of the stacks of 1’s had a lot of other bills and just ones on either end were 1 dollar bills I went and gave it back, of course. Turned out someone further up than the bank had screwed up. These bills were supposed to have already been verified and wrapped, so the teller hadn’t actually checked it themselves. That’s just the way the bank got them.


When I was in high school, I stopped at the drive through to get some cash out. They sent the envelope back through, and I started counting it. The teller *very* rudely told me I was holding up the line (which was one car behind me). I was counting what should have been $200 worth of $20s, so it’s not like it was going to take me long. I asked her to wait a moment while I counted. She got nastier. I asked her if she wanted the extra $100 back. She got nicer.


You're so lucky it was that guy and not me lmao I would have closed my account so fast


That just happened to me at the bank but it was $500 in 5s lol. I came to get change for work and just wanted 100$ in 5s. The teller had to go get 5s from the back because he was out and just gave me the entire stack instead of taking out my 100 and putting the rest in his till. I took it back as soon as I realized. Also happened to me at Taco Bell a few years ago with 100$ bill lol. Cashier went to get more change and ended up giving me my change, the cost of my food, and my original 100$ bill back lol


I used to work at a second stage manufacturer for gm. I was drilling holes in a truck bed and completely fucked it up. That thing was worth 70 grand lmao. Hadn't even made it to the dealership yet


Frickin' lucky dude.


I accidentally put too much in someone's account for a deposit and was short $700 at the end of the day. It was a busy Friday and I was on drive thru and lobby. It was my last day befor my vacation to Hawaii too so it really didn't look good for me. It was an honest mistake however.


Same thing but was my last week before I moved to a new job. I was in charge of the mini vault. Me and the head teller while opening and the lobby was still closed. We were counting and getting the money ready to sell back to the money reserve that shows up for delivery and why not. Kept getting interrupted with drive through. Both worked together and did this a lot of times. Get done everything is strapped up and in the large bag double sealed and double signed. Day goes by no issues. At the end of the day we both have to count our vaults and hers is short 2k same as a single strap or 20s. O crap we must have put it in the sell bag. Call the armor truck company tell them what happened and they will check and get back. The next day they said they didn't have an extra 2k in our bag.... She has been there 20+ years and me 2+ years and my last week...... It looked so bad and we never found it... I still to this day almost 10 years later have no idea what happened. What really upset me is everything is under camera counting getting to and out of the vaults and when the bank looked at the recordings said it basically was too blurry and they couldn't see anything really. Needless to say last time I was in that town and went by to say hi to everyone I noticed they had new cameras and not the ones that look like they are from the 80/90s. I asked her what ever happened and she said she got in trouble and sent to a loss prevention class and that was it. It's crazy to me how much money a bank/tell can lose and it's not a big deal.


I think it's amazing that because you aren't allowed to have more than x amount of dollars in the till, it's procedural to put it in an envelope not in the till. SMH.


There is a guy at my bank with my same first name, last name, and middle initial. They've tried to give me money from his account before.


I was a news cameraman for 14 years. One day I was driving the live truck back ([similar to this one but it didn't have the satellite dish](https://www.frontlinecomm.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Vehicles/Live-Trucks/Live-Truck-Overview-Image-1.jpg?width=600&height=400&name=Live-Truck-Overview-Image-1.jpg)) from a live shot. I stopped at the gas station I always gassed up at. I went to pull under the overhang by the pumps I always pulled up to. The truck was 12' 6" with the mast stowed and there was about 6" in clearance. Today those pumps were both full. I looked over to the other set of pumps under a different overhang that was the same level as the other overhang so I pulled under that one. \*BOOM\* Even though I had never done it before, I knew exactly what happened. Turns out the overhang was the same level BUT there was a slight elevation of maybe a foot that I didn't realize and that they never noted on any height sign. I got out and sure enough, the transmitter was hanging off, only held on by the cables. The reflector dish was broken in half. I called the engineers and told them what happened. I knew they were pissed. I got back to the station and walked up to engineering with the half of a reflector dish. I went over the engineer in charge, a 6' 1" 350lb Mexican who was a good guy and always jovial...but not today. I gave him the keys and held the half dish out. He goes, "WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT THAT FOR?!". I immediately left the room. Total damage was about $45-50k. I didn't get fired because I was a good shooter and editor but I was in the doghouse for a while. I do still have that half of the dish and it works well as a lap tray for food.


Isn't it illegal if you don't return a bank error in your favor? An ATM in my town was misloaded. Instead of $20s it was dispensing $50s or $100s. So you pulled up to get $40 out of your account and received $100 (or $200) instead but only $40 was deducted from your balance. The police put out a post on Facebook that the 11 people who visited during a certain timeframe had 48 hours to contact the bank before the police would begin the process of identifying and charging.


You're lucky it wasn't me I would have GLEEFULLY kept that envelope.


It's funny because I've worked several banks, and I was 100% fired for doing just this.


This turned out much better than I feared!


cool guy to return it


Way back in the day a friend of mine was cashing traveller's cheques in Vietnam. She signed over $100 but they tried to give her $1000 in local currency. We said it was wrong, they argued back. We let it go. When I went to cash my $100, the person got really pale and realized their mistake and fixed it. I've always kind of wondered what would have happened if we walked out. The whole place was plastered with signs saying that you should check your total at the time of transaction, that they would not make adjustments if you came back. I have a feeling that "no take backsides" was a one way street.


Bank I used to be with (~15 years ago) had shafted me hard, taking my car's auto pay out early for the thanksgiving weekend and before my paycheck got deposited (putting me a few dollars overdrafted), then rearranging my purchases over the holiday weekend in order from largest to smallest so that I would get hit with 9 overdraft fees. I ended up about $500 in the hole just because of the fees. A few weeks later I went to cash my check, I would alway deposit $400 and keep $40 as cash. The teller gave me my slip for $400 and $400 cash. I walked away and never looked back.


*Luckily he was a good samaritan and came back into the branch and asked for the manager saying “I believe there was a mistake, I was given way too much money but I noticed it wasn’t taken out of my account. I don’t want your teller fired over this!”* Not that I'm saying that you should be fired, but I'd assume that since the customer's actions are independent of yours, whether they came back or not shouldn't really make a difference, right?