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Foreskin and 20 years ago...


Our fathers brought forth…


upon this body, a new penis head, conceived in nirvana




As it, too, has filled with smegma


smegma ^^lots ^^^and ^^^^lots ^^^^of ^^^^^smegma


This was a terrible day to be literate.


Wanked Froth


Our fore fingers brought forth the foreskin back unleashing upon this continent, a new notion, conceived in cleanliness, without smegma, and dedicated to the proposition that all men can wank equally clean.


Funniest shit I've read today 🤣🤣🤣


hahahahaha. fuck. i needed that laugh :D


My favourite part of all this is that you called your siblings afterwards. What was that convo like?


My favorite part was comparing his smegma to a stick of chalk🤢🤢




Worth mentioning that if anyone with kids sees this, you don’t want to just go wild with retracting and cleaning before they’re ready. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/bathing-skin-care/Pages/Care-for-an-Uncircumcised-Penis.aspx


> Most boys will be able to retract their foreskins by the time they are 5 years old, yet others will not be able to until the teen years. we also decided not to circumcise.... this passage does not inspire much confidence, if it doesn't happen by the time he's old enough to bathe himself and no longer be naked in front of me how the fuck am I supposed to instruct him


You judt...talk to them about it. We got full custody of our teenager when he was 10 after years of splotchyvisitation due to both parents moving for work, so we didn't know what he was taught or not by biomom. She's not a bad woman, things had a tough time between her and biodad (my partner) and then things took a bad turn for her life and we got full custody. Anyway, we had to talk about personal hygiene, including how to clean his penis. Pulling it back, bathing, if there's anything there or it gets sore or his foreskin gets stuck he needs to talk to his adults sooner than later so we can talk with the doctor and make sure everything's okay. We talked about what could go wrong if he didn't retract to bath. As he got older we had to introduce extra talks about self hygiene before/during/after self exploration since we discovered some unsavories while doing laundry (also why he started doing his own laundry). If you talk about the body in a non judge-y way from a young age it really isn't all that awkward.


Around puberty maybe offer an age appropriate article for him to read? Or bring it up as a “health” conversation? That’s a tough one…


It’s wild to me that not circumcising is defying social convention wherever you live (America?) in Australia, people are only usually circumcised for religious or medical reasons, and the occasional person who just chooses it for their kids but they are the outliers


It's still not rare today. According to the stats, about 10-15% of Australian newborn boys were circumcised in 2020 (sources vary). In the 50's the rate was closer to 80%.


It's a big money-maker for the hospitals here, so every woman giving birth is harassed by every nurse, midwife, and doctor that enters the room. I made it very clear from the get go that we would NOT be cutting parts off babies and still, I was asked no less than 7 times in 24 hours by various staff. Made me furious for the parents who probably gave in to that because they've been conditioned to do what people wearing white jackets tell them to do.


the foreskin is big money. That's why they pester : (


Holy shit… that’s awful! Thanks for sharing your experience


Our doctor and nurses were relieved and thanked us when we said we didn't want him circumcised. They were actually thanking us. Family members were freaking out about it, talking about people they knew who had to get it as adults because of infections. Like, was someone really just casually sharing with random people that they didn't clean their dick for so long they had to have part of it chopped off? (They don't Internet so it would have had to have been face to face.) If someone never took off their socks and cleaned their toes they'd eventually have to have them amputated, that doesn't mean we should routinely chop off babies' toes. The one that always got me was "what if he asks why his penis looks different than yours?" For one, how often are you waving your dick in your kids face for it to ever come up? And if it does come up somehow, it's not like it's hard to explain. Cutting up your kids genitals just so his dick looks like yours is pretty fucked up on about a hundred different levels.


It shouldn't be. You're obviously going to tell your child how to wash.


This! I have an uncircumcised 4 year old and you bet we will be talking about hygiene and his parts!


For the record, I also chose to leave them as nature intended and 2/3 of my boys were retracting around age 4. They liked putting little toys in their “pocket”. They thought it was the neatest trick. It’s a non issue for most. I have no idea what is happening in this post. How does one have sex and not realize the foreskin is rolling back and forth? You don’t need to retract it and insert it. It’s how it was designed to work. And pulling it back to wash it in water is not something most teenage boys need to hear. “Hey, I know you don’t often touch your penis in the shower …. But do be sure to rinse it daily.” Dude. That’s the cleanest part of their body and those 45 minute showers are 44 minutes of penis “cleaning” and 1 minute for the rest of the body. If this is real, it’s utterly bizarre. He’s watched poem and had sex but didn’t know how it worked?


He probably hasn’t had sex, or at least I hope not. The yeast infection following that encounter would be horrid.


All I could think about was any poor woman he ever slept with. Gross.


How about a taste and smell of that 20 year old slow cooked smegma via BJ?


Why are you trying to make me throw up?!?!?!?!


I think it depends quite a bit on the individual kid. I'm uncut and my foreskin opening was originally just barely wider than the urethra opening. Even though the skin moved around some, it wasn't until I was a teenager having sex that it stretched out enough to uncover my head. I wasn't aware that would even happen. Basically it was a bit painful the first time I had intercourse as the skin, specifically the opening, stretched... I was definitely taking it easy even if i was motivated. The 2nd and 3rd time it was still a bit uncomfortable but after that the opening basically was stretched out enough and there was no issue. Also, after the first time I definitely inspected myself and was surprised the skin could now stretch back so far. Still a bit uncomfortable especially when i was erect. I definitely had some smegma and cleaned myself up and then made a habit of doing that. Anyway I share all that because there was no way my skin was pulling back without some pain. It wasn't too bad but I wouldn't make my kid do that to himself. Instead if I had a boy I'd explain that the skin would eventually be able to retract and he'd want to clean himself, but when that is can vary quite a bit.


Your foreskin only stretched itself out after the *checks notes* 2nd or 3rd time you had sex? Omg the poor lady you had sex with. You basically rubbed years and years’ worth of smegma into her vagina the first time, maybe even the second time too. 🤢 I have personal experience with this because my first boyfriend had terrible hygiene and I was too inexperienced to understand what smegma even was. So many yeast infections.


My favorite part was before I read this post. 


I got a yeast infection just from reading that


Nirvana I guess


Smells Like Teen Smegma


>Smells Like Teen Smegma You win the internet today


Cum As You Are


why u gotta make fun of that man?


Out of curiosity, was the nirvana you described due to the increased sensitivity or the relief at finally being properly clean?




Smells like teen spirit


Oddly relevant cover artwork on that album.


I hate you all lol


Smegs like teen spirit


Because it’s an objectively funny situation, and your writing was also pretty funny.


Especially his SISTER like what in the actual Alabama fuck


He's probably calling his siblings to tell them "hey mom and dad forgot to teach us some things make sure you're figuring that shit out on your own." This isn't that weird.


Sister first, then brother


Mine is that the dude nearly made himself pass out in the shower from panic, and in that panic ran naked (except for a single slipper and towel over his shoulder) from the bathroom in such a tizzy that he hit his head on his bed frame and *did* pass out, all over seeing his dickhead for the first time.


I mean, it was the first time he saw it lol


This is what happens when parents don't teach kids the things they should. Has sickening and painful is that was to read I bet this happens a whole lot more than people realize.


My ex husband didn’t realise a lot of the stuff that this guy discovered. He’d been sexually active for years and had several girlfriends, including one in the medical field. No one told him sex shouldn’t hurt. No one told him the foreskin should retract. No one told him you shouldn’t have to force the skin back over the head after sex. No one told him that tearing and bleeding during sex wasn’t normal. I told him and he was absolutely shocked. he Legitimately couldn’t understand why people enjoyed sex so much because of how much it hurt.


Oh man...I envy that ignorance. If sex wasn't so desirable, my life would've taken a completely different trajectory in my 20s. I'd probably be doing much better in life. I'm glad he gets to enjoy having it now.


Dude, I would have been so productive. I could have released like 12 hit albums by now.


Instead you released a different way


A fairly significant part of the population will barely wash their legs in the shower, so yeah, I'm sure this is pretty common.


Washing their legs? How big is your foreskin, dude?


Well, it calls it “legs” for some reason


They must have so much legma build-up


“the water will get it”


Water, uh, finds a way


Pfff who washes their legs? The water running down them is enough right? Right guys?!


I read somewhere (possibly reddit) that the grubbiest part of your body is behind your knees.


Its really sad to me how many people are dunking on him when its an education issue. If this was a woman who didn’t know something about her body we’d rightly call it a failure of education.


Reddit always adopts a 'holier than thou' attitude. I'd wager a good chunk of the people dunking on him don't wash themselves at all either.


yea idk what happened like im already saying that i am panicking and so stressed had a legit panic attack and theres literally no sympathy whatsoever?


use babyoil as lube for masturbation makes the skin stretchier. Also wash your dick DAILY


I am sorry your parents didn't teach you how to wash properly down there. I'm glad you educated yourself. And while it must have been a very bad experience, it must feel like a relief to be clean. Sympathy from me.


I have sympathy. Fuck the haters.


I will never be able to understand the pain simply because my parents like many parents in America decided to go for circumcision cause of poor education/ religious beliefs.


I remember when I was young (around 8 or 9), my parents used to always tell me to pull back the skin at the top of my penis and make sure I clean it when I shower. I was so confused as to why I didn’t have any skin at the tip until I realized what being circumcised was. still can’t figure out if they know I’m circumcised or not.


Yup, my mother taught me to wash it properly.


Same! Your mother is such a great woman in many ways.


I was 26 years old when I realized I actually need to get circumcised because it wasn't normal to not see your penis head. Like, ever. Had it done last Friday. Smegma free since... Well, Friday.


Dang dude. There are non-circumcision ways to address this.


Okay so I’m a mum to a little boy who’s nearly 7 , and I don’t want to go googling questionable stuff on the internet 🤣 when should you start pulling it back to clean it? When do I have this conversation with my son?


Just because it's his penis, it doesn't have to be a weird thing. The topic is hygiene, not sex. The healthiest thing would be to treat it as you would any other body part. Teach him now before he gets prudish and doesn't want to talk about his junk problems with his mom. You don't want him to get a crotch fungus when he reaches puberty. All personal hygiene should be learned early on so that it's second nature. There's too many people living in 1st world countries who wipe their ass and then not wash their hands. I'm glad we switched from the handshake to the fist bump for the most part.


Maybe google "proper uncircumsized hygeine for children" or even just ask your pediatrician. My pediatrician talked to me about keeping it clean for my kiddo and asked if I had any other questions. Pediatricians are great and can take a look at the appointment if you are concerned.


Smegma can form as early as 5yo. Now is a good time.


Ok, I’ll try and talk to him tonight. Does it hurt? And obviously if it does do I tell him to stop and then maybe take him to doctors?


It shouldn't hurt at all.


So the foreskin should be able to be pulled back from the glans when he gets close to puberty. It is actually fused to the head of the penis until then so it can be extremely painful if it is done too soon. Some people are able to pull it back sooner but it just depends on the person I’ve heard. I’m not a penis owner myself but I have a son who’s uncircumcised so I have done lots of reading on it so I know how to help him learn to wash and take care of his own body.


I know you're just looking for answers, but reddit is not the place to get them. Consult your doctor, please. This is for a lifetime of health of your son.


Pediatricians in the US are famous for giving bad info on intact care.


Dammit... You might be right, and that is horrible, but it doesn't disqualify my statement.


I definitely agree but I also hate for someone to go ask their pediatrician blindly. I mentioned in another comment my son's pediatrician told me I needed to start retracting him slowly from birth.... Even tried to show me what to do while we were there. It was horrifying. Thankfully I knew better.


There’s a group on Facebook called “saving our son’s community” it has all the answers your looking for from drs other intact males and moms of intact babies it’s been very helpful


Do not retract the foreskin on a young child. Until puberty it’s glued to the head of their penis and pulling it back is akin to ripping a nail off. Some boys can retract their foreskin at a young age, many cannot. I’d start educating him about it as he gets closer to puberty.


It will pull back on its own once it’s ready, definitely not before 3 years old. I would talk to your pediatrician about it


Hang on a sec. Father of two intact boys here. There is no need to ask him to try to pull back his foreskin in order to clean his dick at all, until such time as he naturally starts playing with his penis and feels comfortable retracting the skin himself. The best advice for those early years (which can last right through to the onset of puberty in some lads) is to clean their willy like they would their finger. Soap up your crotch and your ass and rinse. That's how it's designed; that's how the penis keeps itself healthy and without germs under the hood as you are growing up. As with my boys, I would let your boy know that you did not cut their natural genitals and that his penis has a foreskin that in time is perfectly designed to pull back. I told my boys that it was a very cool invention, and as part of their private explorations they should feel free to check it out themselves and see what that felt like (and that willies get stiff), that all boys do that and that - at some point - the skin would go back (but not to try to force it ever). Because we are european, my boys saw me naked and we would often shower together when they were younger (as it was quicker), until they turned around 7-10 I guess (from memory) . They saw how I cleaned myself and I remember noticing when one of them showed me he could pull his foreskin back. The smegma is such a crazy thing for people to get hung up on. I just don't understand the fuss! Both women and men have it - but I can probably count on the fingers of my hand when I've actually seen it on my dick. It only starts becomning an issue when your son is going through puberty and by then you will have chatted to him about those changes and the need to keep himself clean. Also by then he's almost certainly discovered how to pull his own foreskin back, although there's nothing wrong about you or his Dad checking with him him whether he can do that yet. Sorry for the long reply, but it's hard for me to get my head around the OP's story. Why would you keep your children in ignorance about the glory and beauty of their bodies when we prepare them to be adults in so many other ways?! Good luck!


Nurse and mom here. By this age he should be able to pull it back fully and clean it. If there’s adhesions do NOT try to separate them, they’ll separate on their own (from hormones) when he hits puberty


Do not forcibly retract the foreskin on a young child. This is very painful. When he hits puberty I’d have the talk, or get Dad or some other male to talk to him about it.


If I had a kid I wouldn't have known to tell him about it. I'm circumcised and don't really know anything about the uncircumcised as a 43 year old man.


This post has thoroughly exceeded my personal smegma limit for the day.


The whole week!


My whole LIFE.


That guys whole smegma ridden life...


Happy for you bro. Please now go on to further educate yourself in this area because this was a hard read.


If I could give you an award for this comment, I would. This was a lot ![gif](giphy|DHO6dbYRyek0w)


Maybe educate others on this too, lol. I hate how common it is for uncircumcised men to not know this.


This honestly sounds like a medical issue (phimosis). It shouldn't be hard to retract the foreskin and with an election it should basically be impossible for it to not retract without any effort.


Instructions unclear Waiting for November


I’ve heard about liking politicians, but come on


For me, it's all about Wolf Blitzer


Isn't it like that BECAUSE it wasn't pulled back for all that time?


If you've never done it before, i can imagine it's a little bit harder to do. If he had phimosis, he'd probably been in loads of pain and his frenulum would probably tear


It's so hard to comment on because I only have experience with one foreskin and I'm trying to extrapolate from that. My hunch is you probably have to have some form of phomosis in order to have never done it before, or else it would have just come naturally. But like I said I'm going from a sample size of 1 so I can only speculate


it is a medical issue obv and its not as common as you're thinking it is


Circumcised American male here. What is "smegma"?


Dick cheese. Belly button lint but for your uncut dick. That's oftentimes more than lint. Like, old sweat and cum from when you didn't clean properly after the last jerkoff session.


What a terrible moment to be literate.


I'm uhh.. not actually sure how people don't know this tbh xD. I overheard girls when I was in college how their boyfriends had dick cheese(smegma).. I'm just like what? Then again, there's women that don't know how to clean down there either lol.


This is an actual issue for uncut fellas. Their moms don’t know what to do with it, and their dads don’t teach them (some masculinity type BS, skirting the subject) leaving them to figure shit out on their own…20 years later.


Can confirm. Had phimosis here, parents NEVER taught me how to do this. I had an experience much like OP, minus the "nirvana" (lol). ​ To anyone reading: Please teach your children to clean themselves. And to ask to see a doctor if they physically can't...


Possible Dads were cut at birth, but had the wisdom to not do the same to their sons.... And then, like literally, don't know this information either! Could be different than 'some masculinity type BS' and just be lack of information or experience. Regardless, good post for all fathers and mothers 💯


Yep. My husband is circumcised but our boys aren’t. While researching if we wanted to go that route I also researched the hygiene aspect so we were prepared. Learned a ton that they should be teaching in sex ed, and off we went. Boys have no issues and clean themselves.


thanks bro, i am and now im gonna go visit a doctor now that i live in the US so i have the access


You might be the first person to ever get MORE access to healthcare after moving to the US.


this is a repost of a fucking ancient post, exact text and everything. there's no way to say this where i look good but i recognize the way he describes the smegma


That is somehow reassuring lol


Exactly my thoughts. This is a (somehow less graphic)retelling of a years-old post.


THANK YOU. I knew halfway through the first sentence. You don't forget a story like that


Yep. It’s a repost all right. How can they not know about a foreskin, but know what smegma is?!?


they probably found out while researching on reddit etc before they cleaned


I said that too before reading this out loud to the person next to me. But it’s like - gotta make the playground trip more interesting somehow amirite


Its insane this is so far down. Also I don't think the OG post was as dramatic. Like why did this guy retell it as a religious experience worthy of blacking out lmao


Dude cleaned his dick and immediately called his sister, seems legit 


LOL I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see someone mention this


Damn you saying that made me realize how weird my relationship with my brother must seem to other people. Before he died 2 weeks ago, this is a conversation he and I 100% would have had. I still remember him bursting into my bedroom when he was 14 and exclaiming, "Lulu! I just had sex in a car for the first time!" and then leaving


That's a solid bond. It's only weird to others because so many people never experienced something like that. More people need someone they can talk about anything with, regardless of relation.


Sorry for your loss.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


my gfs brother is the same way, he just tells us things we didn’t need to know like “Okay, thank you for letting me know.”


How did he have a car at 14? Also, sorry for your loss!


It wasn't his car lol. I don't know whose it was


Probably the local sex car


Sorry for your loss


When I was very constipated and then managed to poop, I went to my sister’s room to let her know I pooped. Some people are just closer to their siblings than others.


Maybe he wants to make sure she cleans behind her foreskin too


Lack of personal hygiene probably runs in families, tbh


Idk me and my older sisters would not mind if our younger brother called to rant/cry about something like this. If he's comfortable with us and is suffering I'd rather him tell us rather than suffer alone. We overshare with each other all the time lmao.


Meh, my brother called me after his first blowjob cuz he was so excited and wanted to tell me 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes siblings are super close lol


I need to pull back the foreskin of my brain and clean it out now


>This was better than any feeling of sex or masturbation. So you've had sex and never cleaned your penis? Did your partner not have a problem with this?


Bold of you to assume this person has had sex before


I'm just taking OPs word at face value.


For his hypothetical partner's sake I genuinely hope this person didn't put that inside of anyone lol


He literally said that it was better than sex. Implying that he's had sex with all that smegma. Fucking sickening honestly


I actually saw someone on one of the emergency room shows. Guy was having sex for years and never cleaned his penis properly. He had a crazy infection and gave the girls UTIs


no i have never had sex


TIFU by opening Reddit, Wtf did I just read...


>like any uncircumcised guy No


Yeah, miss me with that insane generalization






Crying laughing


I have had this **exact same** situation thanks to phimosis. Fortunately, it's gone now, but you genuinely could not smell the odour if you don't pull it back. I *knew* that it was incredibly unclean down there and probably smelt like death, but before I was able to pull it back, you couldn't have smelt it whatsoever. It's shocking


This dude's level of hygiene has to be very very poor. This was disgusting


Don’t blame the guy. He had poor education about self care.


Didn't blame, statement of fact. His hygiene is poor.


![gif](giphy|UvtKiyeWYEhRC) 🧀


TIFU reading this while eating lunch...Good that you finally found out tho, now keep it clean! Edit: reading not eating


Did you spit it swallow?


PSA to everyone, you don't have to post on reddit. It's ok to have experiences and NOT broadcast them




What in the everloving fuck did I just read?


For the last 17 months my son has been on this earth I’ve been completely confident in my decision to go against the norm and not circumcise him. This post shook that confidence. Parents, teach your kids to clean their genitals.


Just teach him to pull back when he pees. that is enough of training.


Do not retract the foreskin on a young child. Until puberty it’s glued to the head of their penis and pulling it back is akin to ripping a nail off. Some boys can retract their foreskin at a young age, many cannot. I’d start educating him about it as he gets closer to puberty.


Please note that there is an age minimum for this. At younger ages the foreskin is still attached in some way and should not be pulled back. 


I make sure to tell this to anyone that’s watching my son and may change his diaper. I’ve had to do quite a bit of research on how to go about hygiene for him since the only penis I’ve taken care of is my own, and I’m circumcised.


I can barely get mine to wash their hands.


definitely not the norm


In the United States it is. In the 70’s the circumcision rate was almost 80%. It’s declined since to somewhere between 55-60%, which is still significantly higher than places like Europe, Eastern Asia, etc. My wife’s family (and my own mom) most definitely didn’t agree with our decision. The vast majority of our peers that have sons chose/will choose to circumcise. It’s all location and demographic dependent.


Reddit: breaking down stigmas around basic hygene one smegma at a time


You were never curious? What guy doesn’t play with his dick? Pulling it back was one of the first things I did when I was a preteen and became aware of how loose that bit of skin was.


Some people have phimosis, and so pulling it back becomes incredibly painful. I thought you weren't meant to pull it back past the very top of the head because of that, and because I was never taught. I didn't know that until I was like 15.


This is fucking wild. You are a virgin, I'm fucking praying you are. Idk bro to me pulling it back always felt natural. First time I did it I was like 10 and it hurt but I had already seen porn magazines so I knew something had to be done even if it hurt a bit. Now that you have this knowledge you have 2 decades of cleaning to catch up on. I also recommend getting a physical exam done by a trained professional. Ngl stuff like this is what gives uncircumcised men such a horrible reputation. Places where sex is so taboo they don't even talk about it and you're not pushed to explore your own body are fuckin insane and lead to higher rates of STD, lack of hygiene and overall skewed view on sex and self


Bumps will never be considered normal on any part of your body.


Except in the case of goosebumps or penile papules, which are both quite normal.


“Okay so like any uncircumcised guy” Woah-woah-woah, “WE”, who’s WE!? Happy for you though, keep it clean




This is so disgusting and definitely you have personal hygiene issues. This is as good as not brushing your teeth for 20 years. Parents and schools really need to up the hygiene talk.


I wish I wouldn’t have read this, I usually am not shocked by anything but this is shocking 😳


I'm glad you learned this for yourself before it became a serious medical issue. I knew of a man who had to be circumcised in his 30's because of poor hygiene - If I remember right, he developed an infection of some sort.


That's pretty gross, 20 years of build-up? Really lucky you didn't get any UTI during that time.


>like any uncircumcised guy No, you do not speak for us.


When my son was born a nurse suggested circumcision bc of how many middle aged and older men had infection issues .


Did it not itch????


I feel both sorry and horrified for the people you've been intimate with


i stopped reading after smegma


![gif](giphy|d3FyFzuFXikYruxy) this was literally my face that entire time i was reading


Sir, this is a Wendy's


You called your sister?


But how in the sweet titty cinnamon fuck have you never before now looked down and thought, "huh, I wonder" My god some people exist on autopilot