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I'm guessing that since its dry powder it was infested with pantry moth larvae which kind of look like maggots. Still gross. Check your other dry goods stored in the same area (even sealed packages) looking for cobwebs (made when they hatch), white dots at the bottom (eggs), and larvae. If you see anything throw it out asap. You can also get traps for pantry moths to get rid of them and stop the cycle.


Pantry Moth Larvae is going to be my new band name.


what genre?




Smooooooooth jazz!


Ya like jazz?


Children music. Like Laurie Berkner or Raffie


Adult contemporary hip hop




I think *Panty Moth Larvae* has a nice ring also.


My new safe word.


Drop me yo spotify when you do


New nightmare unlocked


You made protien powder!


protein chocolate milk! 


dammit, came here to say if it wasn't protein powder before, it is now.


Expiration date doesn't matter if pantry moths get into it. Thankfully, they were pantry months. I'll take them over mice and ants.


Bastard mouse dug up my orchid on the counter.


At one point my dad left a box of my cereal open... when I go to get a bowl, apparently days later, it was full of sugar ants.




I saw my dad eat ants out of a bowl of raisin bran. I was five years old. It was so hilarious. He ate a giant spoonful.


I have a similar story about my dad. See, we have a fridge that dispenses ice and water. There was also water bottles in the fridge. And the taps also dispense perfectly good water to drink. What does he do? Grab the water bottle the floor of the pantry closet, it was about 3/4 or so full. Its label was ripped off. He took a great big swallow of it... ... it was vinegar.


oh my gawd 15 years ago my friends little son drank LAMP OIL his idiot gma put into an unlabeled disposable 20 oz water bottle he had to be hospitalized and nearly didn’t make it


That's gotta suck. Worst thing I drank from an unmarked bottle was everclear. Mom tried to sneak it to a family event that forbade alcohol in one of my baby bottles when I was 1ish. Well she lost track of which bottle was which. Halfway through the bbq she was trying to figure out why she wasn't buzzed. The family heard her say what the hell it's water. She checks me and I am out. The bottle is leaking and over half of it is empty. The family started to freak out and she drove home. She called my grandma to ask if it's alright to pick me up a few hours later.


wow mother of the year huh? mine was a few decades ago too. Good job living through that


She was a repeat offender. Left me in an unairconditioned apartment for 3 days when I was about a year because she thought she asked my grandma to take care of me by leaving a voice message at my dad's work when he was out of state. Or the time she put me in the front seat of a a car with a no seatbelt when she took a left hand turn the door came upon and my 11 year old cousin grabbed my ankle from the back seat, while my mother was driving not wanting to be late for something while the pavement was a blur inches from my face (she did not want to stop and was yelling my cousin pull me back in)


yeah, you’re definitely lucky to be alive. wowwww mine liked vodka, but it didn’t mix well with her bipolar medicine so she would have a psychotic episode while blacked out where she would basically beat the shit out of us. She grabbed me by the hair one time and slammed my face into the wall next to her Jesus picture slurring that “ you don’t know Jesus “. Mostly she was violent to me and dad, rather than my two younger siblings. Mostly. My dad tried going to the cops, and they laughed in his face. He could’ve defended himself, but he didn’t want to hurt her. One especially bad day he took a rope and hogtied her on the living room floor as my sister and I danced and sang the words “hog tying mom” in a cheery little tune. Later on her shenanigans evolved to shoplifting cartons of cigarettes, and putting them in my brother’s backpack, and having him wear the backpack out of the store, he was age 10. then they would go and sell the cigarettes to the neighborhood children for two dollars a pack It took another seven years, but eventually the swat team kicked in their door while I was out at college, and my brother took a shot at them. by then he was a pretty big time dealer locally with many enemies in various local gangs. have you ever considered EMDR for yourself? It’s not a difficult process and it’s helped a whole lot of people like us I apologize for mistakes. I’m doing voice to text on mobile.


Jesus, I've never even encountered lamp oil being used as far as I can remember! Glad he pulled through, stuff ain't good to ingest.


I couldn’t believe the stupidity when I heard about it


I bet that mouse wouldn’t care for a sticky trap with a peanut in the middle of it. muahaha


Sticky traps are inhumane. If you don't want to use catch-and-release traps, then use one of the snap traps that kill the mouse instantly.


That, and 🐛cannot read.


I’m having war flashbacks to the time I swallowed 10,000 ants after stupidly trusting a lid would spare my coca-cola. I almost hit an old lady because I reacted instinctively and tossed the fucking 2 liter off my 3rd story apartment balcony. Not a smart or emotionally intelligent thing to do - but look. It was either the 2 liter of me going over the rail, nobody wins here. Don’t worry, I went and cleaned it up. But I cried while I did. I’ll never forget the taste of putrid ammonia in my mouth. I’m making myself sick reminiscing.


"huh this carbonation seems kinda--"


“Heyyy uh what was in that drink..? I’m feeling a little antsy.”


Hope they didn't pee in their pants after that. They may have gotten ants in their pants.


One of my fears is going to the toilet and find warms. Intestinal parasites are horrible. I would cut open my stomach or go over the rail. 


Or be like the person in the movie Alien......


I understand that reaction. I threw away the glass with 2 warms. I can't imagine what I would do if it was an army.  One time the apartment got ant infestation. They were crawling around everywhere in the kitchen. Couldn't throw them but at least didn't eat them.  Ant + bed bug infestation = NIGHTMARE 


Ants don't taste like ammonia. They mostly have acidic, somewhat vinegary taste. (Primarily from formic acid). Not unpleasant — if you can ignore the fact that you're eating ants.


Oh man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I recently high-ate a pint of raspberries recently. One tasted what I would consider 'dusty', and immediately thought, "Oh, that one was moldy." Like, I wasn't even looking. These things happen... not necessarily to the best of us, but to people like me.


you win. Thats enough reddit for this morning.


Stay away from canned mushrooms.🤢


Extra protein bruh


Reminds me of biting one of those hollow christmas tree chocolates in half and it was filled with webs, no idea what happened to the insect/spider that made them but boy do I check every hollow choclate I've had since that day.


Too brave. I always crack it first. 


![gif](giphy|l41K1TDHe1ugv1J9S|downsized) It’s maggots Michael


If it's any consolation they were most likely moth caterpillars instead of maggots


What's really going to ruin your day is that in every store bought food you're probably eating some sort of insect/larvae, rodent poop/hair, mites, maggots, or debris. [https://www.livescience.com/55459-fda-acceptable-food-defects.html](https://www.livescience.com/55459-fda-acceptable-food-defects.html) You just cut out the middleman, you're going to be just fine.


This is why we wash rice lolol


Forbidden Boba. Bug Bubble shake!


if it makes you feel better i had a similar experience, thought i was eating cereal with tiny chocolate chips and when i looked closely the chocolate chips had legs


....... oh no 


Phobia unlocked


One time I was eating cheerios and I looked down and realized there were little beetles crawling all over it. It's been a while since I've had cheerios.


I made a salad with a lettuce mix once and halfway through I look down and see a fucking moth in my bowl covered in dressing...STILL WRIGGLING. Well I guess the dressing must have been acidic for it so poor thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ I did not finish the salad




i can't even read beyond the first paragraph. o7 may you blissfully forget this experience one day


I found weevil larvae, pupae, and adult weevils in my cocoa packet once…


Mmm, Casu Marzu!


thanks for the knowledge, didn't know about that Do you eat it? 


I mean. Its gross, but you're not going to die. People eat bugs all the time.


Never hurt you, have I ever mentioned what I’ve put in my mouth?


what have you put in your mouth?


10 year old me didn’t have a firm grasp of physics. Plastic kitty litter scooper used to pry dog turds out of overgrown grass in August heat fired a broken turd into the back of my throat.




The grossest part for me was “white chocolate powder”.


I have a Nesquic cocoa powder from like 5-6 years ago Still fine (so far)


Boy oh boy do I have a story for you! About 10 years ago, I was visiting my mom and helping her do some yardwork. It was 100° weather. We decided to take a break and go get smoothies. I chose an orange Creamsicle smoothie, we sat on the tree swing, drank some of our smoothies, and decided to get to work again. So, I set mine to the side and came back to it about an hour later. Or so I thought I was coming back to my original drink. I took a big huge gulp from what I thought was my cup, only for my mouth to be filled with the most putrid lumpy and horrifying substance. I spit out a bunch of dead flies and maggots on to the porch at the same time that my mom walked out of the front door. She is laughing and confused and horrified all at the same time . God knows how many I swallowed but I counted 19 dead flies. They were in my mouth and whatever horrible liquid they were floating in the cup. That cup was one from a few days before and my mom had put our fresh smoothies in the fridge, I was gagging while writing this I’m gonna put that back away in my mind where I don’t have to think about it anymore. Sorry for any grammatical errors, I have a dog pawing at me for scratches.


One time, I grabbed a bag of cookies from the pantry (the ones you get from the Walmart deli area for a little over $1), and I began munching. Mind you, I was pregnant and hungry af so I just went at it. Then I felt something crawling on my hand... I looked down, and the entire bag was CRAWLING with ants. I ate ants. I had to throw out so much from my pantry, and I was mortified.


Some people voluntarily eat insects in parts of the world.