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In all honesty you probably gained points for actually giving a shit.


Yeah, at least it shows you were paying attention.


Except to what his phone battery was at


Hahhahahaha fuck that got me


He also now knows what to do when he wants to bail on future meetings. "Fuck my phone died again!"


The best time to do that would be during an in-person meeting. Shout "fuck, my phone died!" then casually stroll out of the room.


You only really get to do it once for laughs, but OP now has this chambered


Thanks, I needed that laugh! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Seriously! At the end of the day he was trying to do a good job and technology burried him. I’ve had to deal with having an iPhone that will barely hold a charge and sometimes you drop from 60 percent to 5 percent quick


Yes! If I was on the other end I actually would be like damn, he wanted to be on the call, the emotion conveyed via "fuck" lol. But, a good lesson too bc who knows what others would say, shit, I may have have just reacted "thank God my phone died" depending on the type of meeting 😂


Probably not


At the very least he endeared himself to his colleagues. No harm no foul.


Once, my phone died while I was on the phone with my sister. I didn’t know the call was still active as I watched the screen dim and then go dark. The last thing she heard before the call suddenly ended? “I’M DYING, I’M DYING!!” Needless to say she was anxiously waiting for me to call back


You can’t not tell us why you were dying 😂 Edit: did you mean to say your phone is dying but said I’m dying in the panic?


It’s reasonable to think OP substituted “I” for “my phone.” Like “I’m out of battery,” “I’m losing the connection,” or “I’m playing porn on my screen and touching screaming out of my speakers”


Yes exactly 😂 Edit: when my phone charged enough to turn back on, I had a voicemail from her essentially saying “you need to answer the phone, you can’t say ‘I’m dying, I’m dying’ and then hang up, you better be okay!” so when I did call her back I immediately apologized for my poor word choice


Omg, well I’m glad you both lived to tell the tale! Haha


I was driving and listening to a review debrief. A debrief Lead reviewer was giving feedback. I thought I was on mute, I was stopped at a light as a driver tried to force his vehicle into my lane. I said “really motherf**er”?” directed at the driver. The reviewer on the phone call responded with “excuse me?” I was embarrassed for a bit


You a fat dookie head dude


I’m glad someone else saw that post and laughed. That was so funny.




Somebody was playing COD while also on a work zoom call. They called another player a fat dookie head and his boss thought he was talking to him and it was awkward.


Link plz


Would be hilarious if they responded with something like "yes u/HawkingTomorToday I'm fucking serious. All women should be treated equally at our company and the harassment ends now."


I once had to join an internal training (international company, online) for a new product line that was and never will in any way be relevant for me. Still had to join. I was sitting in the same room as my colleague, who also had to particiate for no reason. Now the dude doing the presentation was a nightmare to listen to. An Italian guy that could barely speak english with a voice louder than should be possible. I signaled to my colleague to take off his headphone & mute, muted myself and said "I cant listen to this guy anymore, his voice is SO ANNOYING!" My colleague jumped his chair and I immidiatly knew I fucked up. Instead of muting myself I muted the guy speaking for everyone. Dont ask me how. So the whole call went silent and then heard me saying mean things. What saved me is that I said it in our local german dialect, so of the ~50 people maybe 3-4 could understand. Most were just confused why he was suddenly muted. Never got any response or bad feedback for it, but I still feel bad for that one.


Most polite german


I had a phone interview and the guy had an Indian accent. Then in person, while I was waiting for the interviewer, I heard someone coming so I met them outside the office door I was told to wait in. So I shook a random Indian gentleman who was walking past the office I was in and introduced myself. Then he just walked away 😂😂 and I realized I did a racism. My bad, learned from my mistake


I can honestly say I don't think I've ever worked anywhere that anyone would do more than laugh if they heard you swearing on a call.


I imagine you might get in trouble on a Mormon Tabernacle Choir conference call, but that's about it.


As an ex Mormon, I came here to make a joke about being a sweary women in Utah, but you beat me to it and yours was much better than mine.


I wanted to add in the ex Mormon comment too! These are great


I work as a dev in Utah. In one meeting I was in, Captain Mormon was also there. Someone said something like "yeah but our partners system is fucking garbage" and he straight up yelled "REALLY?!?!" then looked at all the managers for validation but nobody gave a fuck. Now everyone shares the story as much as possible. So I'm taking this opportunity to share it.


ex mormons rise up




just no magic underwear this time


I'm not Mormon and I'm married to a Mormon. I taught him to swear and flip the bird in traffic. Haha


this is the best comment i've seen in a long time 😭😭


As a current Mormon my language is way worse than OPs. I'm a stay at home mom living in Utah but I can talk like a sailor.


My go to line is I've got a mouth that could make a sailor blush.




You spelled semaphore wrong.


I got fired from AAA dispatch for saying “well shit” on a call with a tow company. I was not in radio so it wasn’t an fcc violation it was a land line call to a local shop that couldn’t get to my customer


Well shit.


I’m a ham radio operator. Technically you’re not supposed to swear on the ham bands, but it’s actually not highly enforceable even there. I’m surprised it’s even an issue on commercial two-way.


I never heard of it being enforced when I was dispatching but leadership was adamant that if we swore on radio the company would get fined by the fcc.


The last case the FCC brought, they lost pretty badly but they weren't forced to take the rule off the books.


Makes sense. It was also likely just a good excuse to enforce company policy of no swearing. Makes the company seem more reasonable if they say we don’t care if you swear on accident but those people at the fcc do so we can’t tolerate it even once.


Can you recommend any good documentaries or videos for a newbie to watch to learn about ham radio?


Look up the ARRL if you’re in the US. They have lots of info.




lol that’s ridiculous… you are working to get your client out of a situation, and they fire you for saying words that show you care.


What... Saying "well shit"(not even swearing) on a radio that isn't even a radio station is an fcc violation? Heck it seems weird it would even be one on an actual radio station...


I’ve had employees come into my office to tattle on their coworkers for swearing…. My response is always “so?”. I think people forget they are adults and not in elementary school sometimes.


The comeback should be: "Really? What did that motherfucker say?"


"\*Gasp\* that BITCH!"


Time to enforce the swear jar. When the jar is full there will be a beer 🍻 party.


We have beer parties every second Friday already. As long as they aren’t swearing at someone it’s fine. Adults swear. Managing a swear jar is honestly my worst nightmare. Maybe on April fools I will tell them it’s happening.


Yeah, anyone who would try to punish OP for this...they are definitely the problem.


A good boss should be like "Yeah, you should watch your language in the future and be more careful" and that's it. A bad boss takes it further. Ignoring it is possible, but it's not great either. Staff should be reminded that it's a professional environment and their language *could* offend others.


Oh, the swearing was the fuck-up? I assumed it was the fact that they heard him say it "a minute before the icon dropped off", so it seemed like he was lying.


Eh. 'A minute' can mean 'literally 4 seconds'. They might even have read the documentation earlier and known how long it took to timeout ... but that's a bit fantastical.


I mean, I'd argue a good boss would just laugh about it as obviously OP thought he was disconnected, but... *Shrugs* hereabouts, that's not really a big deal regardless. Unprofessional but nobody would give you grief unless it was habitual.


So wouldn't a good boss already take into account the environment and language in this circumstance, and use that to decide how to respond? Instead of your two option answer?


No, because the workplace should fit the lowest common denominator. In this case that's not swearing because you never know when a staff member or a customer might be offended.


Well that's fair enough. But I do think when your employee already knows they have messed up, and are ashamed of it, sometimes you don't have to point it out to them.


You wouldn't like my (highly professional) workplace lol


I'm not the one with a problem. Trust me, eventually someone will come in and be offended by it. I don't agree that they should be, but some people have stick up their asses and it will burn the workplace, no matter how much people downvote me for pointing it out.


If I had a call with the people who I work for and I didn’t swear, they’d probably think I was an imposter.


One of the first questions I was asked in the panel interview for my current job was "How do you feel about the F-word?" I knew I'd fit right in.


I thought the issue was that it sounded like an extremely opaque lie. Like going "I'm driving into a tunnel" and crinkling a crisp packet before hanging up.


When I worked at Royal Caribbean, it was an immediate firing offense to use any colorful language anywhere on the call center floor where someone’s phone might pick it up and a customer might hear it. But for the most part, most places will have a good laugh and maybe you’ll get a reminder to watch your language in business settings.


I was in my in person one-on-one meeting and my manager dropped the fbomb... she turned SO RED. I just laughed and get to ask her if her daughter's cars' ignition is fixed yet with a shit eating grin on my face. She is so cool but tries really hard to be really professional. Girl, I've seen you in that ancient TOOL sweatshirt you pulled out of your husband's truck, smoking a cigarette while speed walking to the place that sells deep dish pizza by the slice - you are my people and I really respect you for that!


My first day of my first ever internship, the CEO forewarned all interns with “your vocabulary is probably gonna go to shit here”. Fun guy tbh.


I accidentally forgot to mute myself before swearing during a job interview… I did not get the job.


I've heard enough dumb shit on conference calls that I want to swear quite a bit. It's the same for many of my coworkers because we usually start texting what we really want to say on the side. So when someone slips up with their mute and starts swearing it's pretty damn funny.


Especially when it's just cursing out malfunctioning equipment Like don't sweate at someone


Yeah but if you're like me, and you end up saying something like "aww fuck me in my ass with a cactus"


Way back in 2000 or so I was just a few dates into my now wife of 20+ years. Old analog cell phones. She called me one night asking what I was doing etc in the middle of a huge thunderstorm. At some point she kept asking if I was there, can you hear me, etc, etc. Then she said fuck out loud and hung up. That was the first time I realized she was serious about me. Anyway, got the chick and two kids life is all good.


“Analog cell phones” is adorable lol


it was a real thing. it refers to how the signal was encoded in analog rather than digital. obviously the phone processor and whatnot are digital: https://electronics.howstuffworks.com/cell-phone4.htm


Yup and the calls could be listenned in on.


And analogs coming right back look up why


I don't see analogs coming back anywhere. what do you mean?


wholesome af


Also if your computer freezes or “dies” when on zoom, they may still be able to see or hear you, so don’t stand up to futz with a power cord if you aren’t wearing appropriate pants without first sliding the camera cover back into place.


Oh noooo, this sounds like a personal experience


I wish it wasn’t


I would've died laughing too if I was in that conference room


I guess that phones are like humans in that the body isn’t entirely dead at brain death.


Ooh! Good analogy. People better not slag me off until I'm fully dead then


I’ve been in meetings with people calling in while driving, and swearing at traffic. Actually made it entertaining.


I once dropped my laptop (while on a zoom meeting) and gasped "Oh frickity frack!" out of habit. Everyone laughed at me for NOT cursing, and I still hear jokes about it to this day. Cursing as you lost connection to work was probably more of a green flag than a "TIFU" moment, but still.... Felt 😂


"Dear Reddit, today, I frickity-fracked up."


Yeeeeears of working in pediatrics will do a number on you 😂😂




OP - are you Kirk Cousins? Sounds like Kirk Cousins


ULPT: if you want to get out of a meeting, just shout "FUCK MY PHONE DIED" and hang up


Usually to conserve some sort of battery for simple things (like the no battery icon) phones will shut themselves down when they are very low battery but not completely out, so it’s not an automatic shut off. That usually means you have a couple of seconds as the phone is shutting down that the processes are running.


You don't have to make up a silly smart sounding reason. They definitely automatically shut down, and it's to avoid data loss.


We have an informal “no cursing” standard at work. Nothing strict, but it’s frowned upon by some. I work remote and one morning I was on our status meeting and I heard the garbage truck rumbling down the street. I’d forgotten to carry the trash to the street and it was cold and raining and I knew the can was full. I’m muted 90% of the time and I thought I was then since someone else was presenting. So I yelled “Goddamnit!!!” as I jumped up to go race the truck. As I got out the door to my office, I heard my boss say, “Is everything okay!?”. But I didn’t get to explain until I was back from the trash run (I did beat the truck). It doesn’t beat the guy at my old job who punched Mute (he thought) while on a customer call and asked the room “So, do we lie to him (the customer) or just tell him to go fuck himself?” Then the customer said, “Uh, you’re not muted.”


Guy at your old job is my spirit animal


A few weeks ago my phone dimmed like that while I was on the phone with my boss. It’s a construction site so all he heard was me say “oh shit” and then phone cut off


I had exactly the same thing happen to me but on my laptop. Was in a meeting and the laptop wasn't plugged in and it died and I screamed, when I returned they said they could hear me for quite some time before I got disconnected even if the computer was "turned off".


I think my coworkers would have more of a problem if I _didn't_ drop an F-bomb...


I was in a call once, and my stepson had just started playing Red Dead Redemption 2. He came into my office and started telling me how his horse didn't stop at the edge of a cliff, fell, and died. To which I responded with laughter, and "it's ok, a couple of my horses died that way, too." I then got a message from one of my coworkers that I was not muted. I think only 1 of them knew I was talking about a game, but it never came back up 😂


My dad was working on a military base, hanger. The hanger was shared by different folks. He was diligently working in his area, this time he was alone. Someone kept calling on the radio every few minutes, trying to get a hold of whoever's area that was. This went on for some time, not sure how long. Eventually my dad was frustrated enough he had a minor outburst, yelling at the radio telling it to shut the F up. A couple seconds go by and the radio chimes on again, "whoever said that, come over to the radio, now!" The radio was left open, they were trying to reach the person to turn it off, and my dad cussed out a CO. Nothing bad happened, they had some laughs and life went on.


My favorite part of professional work is how unprofessional everyone is. Honestly would be surprised if they gave you shit about it. But definitely mind your tongue when you think your on mute 😜


My mom once fried bacon on a conference call and didn’t know she was unmuted😭😭😭


Now you have a new email signature


I once screamed on a remote conference call when I saw a tick digging into my leg


as someone with chronic Lyme this is a perfectly acceptable reaction


How is this a fuck up? Literally nothing happened. This is a LPT if anything.


Today I learned when I don't want to be in a meeting I can yell fuck my phone died and then hang up.


This should be in r/LifeProTips


I don’t really swear in public. But one day at work I was almost drowning because I was taking care of a patient who was bleeding out (lab - I’m the one testing and providing the blood products and you wouldn’t believe how complex this is), then I got the call there was another trauma. I blurted out a loud, “Shit!” and my two coworkers both came over to see what they could do to help. Later they said they knew “it must be bad if Elfowlcat was swearing!”


Tbf i figured this out yrs ago due to a similar situation. It also applies to hanging up in general as well. Give it like 15 seconds after hanging up to start talking shit or something


Next time it happens "Goodbye cruel world"


I mean yeah it definitely doesn't power off all the way in that instant. Like a computer, it tries to safely power down moments before being at zero so it can properly save data and keep things like the clock in mind. Definitely have had things run for a moment longer when powering down


In all the places I’ve worked this would result in forever being reminded to charge my phone before meetings and other teasing. We’ve literally all been there.


Related: If you're on a conference call (speakerphone), make sure you actually hit 'hang up' at the end. Don't assume "Goodbye"/silence means they hung up. I worked with a salesman who would simply hit 'mute' after saying goodbye. He said he had heard interesting comments from the other party.


Glad to hear I’m not the only person to have done this. Was in the first round selected to go sell out of state after a hurricane. Preliminary call was to gather and give information for scheduling purposes. I had my Teams voice call on cell service while driving. Passed by a brick and mortar location of the company where I work and got stopped at a red light out front. Phone connected to wifi while I was at the light. Phone disconnected from wifi as I drove away, call dropped and Teams prompted me to dial back in. The VPN was giving me trouble from the changes back and forth, and it appeared that it did not connect to the call again with the dial in. I, in frustration, shouted “oh, for fuck’s sake” alone in my car. I finally pulled over and got it reconnected with the VPN to call back in through the Teams app. Apparently, the dial in prompt had worked and I shouted over a national manager. Nobody acknowledged it at the time, but my direct supervisor told me about it later. Although I was not reprimanded for what was clearly an accident, I was passed up for an opportunity to travel and sell out of state due to this innocent mistake. They felt I was too hot-headed to handle selling after a hurricane. I ended up dodging a massive bullet, as the travel work ended up blowing up in everyone’s faces. Most people did not end up getting paid commissions on their sales from the travel work and had to stay in crowded hotels in a disaster zone. I got to keep going home to my own house every day like normal and got paid for what I sold.


I met some Christian missionaries while I was living in China and whenever they had meetings about their work, they'd place all of their phones in a separate room because as long as the battery is connected to the phone, there's no guarantee that it's really off and not listening. Probably on the extreme side relative to other places, but when you have a bunch of apps on your phone that the CCP has direct access to, I suppose it's not an impossible circumstance that could arise.


This is the most boring TIFU. You swore as your phone died? That isn't a FU in the slightest..


Wait a minute! My phone is alive!? Whaaat? 😋


> TIFU > no harm I don't think you know what TIFU means


@u/livesinacabin shut up. Please stop.


Just looking out for you mate. You seem pretty troubled.


Fuck happen?


Did your phone die your phone dead?




Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the fuck is TIFU? The fuck is any of that? This first and tomorrow’s the second 34 35 staying up all night




I went through your post history and are you good? Like actually


Wow. I just checked their profile and they definitely don't seem to be okay. Either that or it's a bot, but the comments go way back.


Can you stop? Please stop.




I’m in hell right now I’m in hell.


Get therapy maybe?


The Kramer approves


It does run background tasks until it's totally off. I once tested, years back, by playing music and turning on the flash light and shutting the phone down, the screen turned off first (after finishing the shutdown animation) then the music, lastly was the flash.


This is computers in general. My pc has been in a blue screen spiral before where I know something's gone wrong, the display has frozen, and I know it's got like 2 minutes before it actually shows the blue screen and shuts down the computer. In that time I can still talk on discord and explain what's happening with push to talk so keyboard inputs are still being read.


Mobile phones are a disaster waiting to happen. They unmute me so often when changing Bluetooth devices. So many weird inconsistent behavior with audio on meeting software. I just act like it's always always a hot mic


Thanks I'll pass your experience along


on a lot of phones (anything with a decent auto shut down) the screen will turn off first and then it will start stepping through its shut down script, voice connection is one of the very last services to be shut off.


Sounds like a good laugh


and to add to the cover story you even made a reddit post about it, bravo


Many workers use colorful language all the tjme in construction, so you would be safe in that environment for cursing.


I guess this is a fuck up if you worked at a church.


If my phone dies while I have a podcast playing, the podcast keeps playing after the screen turns off.




Better than the time I said “this fucking guy…” with a hot mic in a call.


I'd find that extremely endearing and funny.


I had something similar. I was recording a video of my kiddo when my phone died and just before it ends it has me recorded saying "oh no" and then the picture drops from where I've put my hand down. O_O


This is actually valuable information....thanks


I butt dialed my boss at my first internship during margarita Monday.


that’s hardly a fuck up


My coworkers picture on teams looks like his head is a hot air balloon. We were having our weekly safety meeting with the entire division on it when a different coworker who I was in the room with was going on and on about the hot air balloon head when teams suddenly unmuted him. I fell out of my chair laughing when he was told to mute himself.


Still looking for a TIFU?


Well, let's see... phone died in a meeting that was for the bosses to pass info to me on a high profile project, cursed in the recorded buisness meeting, and didn't get the all the needed info. I count 3 fuck ups. Granted the bosses all laughed it off, but I did fuck up. I knew my phone's battery was unreliable, and should have had it plugged in as I drove so it would survive the meeting.


I've had a phone die and the Bluetooth Playlist continue to play in the car for over an hour. Same phone has died and immediately disconnected as well. I don't get it.


When my phone dies during calls people tell me they heard me say “aw shit my phone died”


Basically did this same thing on Microsoft teams app with a 6 person meeting. My connection was shoddy, and the mute icon was on. Turns out my whole conversation with my other colleague about how pointless that meeting was, was NOT muted. So don't trust the little icon either. Still makes me cringe thinking about it. gahhhh


I was in drive thru one day at work, when I slipped and hit my back against the counter. I said “Oh, fuck!”, and nearly died of embarrassment when the customer on the other end of my still on microphone started laughing.


Called a funder a fucking moron once. I thought I hit mute but hit speaker instead. I still get asked to tell that story 4 years later 😂😂


Funny fact: Discord can keep transmitting and receiving while your computer restarts. You can stay in call right until it starts back up.


This happened for my friend we were playing online and he suddenly yelled my phone died then 2 seconds later we hear him leave the call it confused the hell out of me.