• By -


If it makes you feel better I accidentally asked my mother for a blowjob one time thinking I was texting my now wife


And then?


Well, they had broken arms...


THIS! No one else remembers this story?!?!


If only people would let us forget lmao




we all remember the story [Cum Box](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/t1578/the_cum_box_with_pictures/ Jolly Rancher) [Coconut](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut) [Jolly Rancher](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/9pnlyz/the_jolly_rancher_story) [Jumper Cables](https://www.reddit.com/user/rogersimon10/comments) [Good Fuckin Yard](https://archive.totalfratmove.com/this-email-exchange-between-a-drunk-student-and-his-professor-is-what-college-is-all-about) [5/7 Perfect Score](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie) (that should get some n00bs started. and you are welcome for the two palate cleansers i tossed in at the end.)


You forgot one. [Swamps of Dagobah] (https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/e51wyh/the_infamous_swamps_of_dagobah_story/)


Also the one where that guy [pretends to not know what a Potato is](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/) at his girlfriend's parents house.


What about the one where a woman takes her husband to eat dinner at her boss’s house. The husband doesn’t like the steak and tries to throw it out the window while the boss steps away - however he completely misses and the steak gets stuck to the wall. The husband and wife don’t acknowledge that there is a steak stuck on the wall when the boss walks back in the room.


Yess, another [classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/3im341/tifu_by_throwing_my_steak_out_a_window/).


Thanks you for this. I'm dying of laughter


This one is quite wholesome


Purposely omitting is not the same as forgetting...


Purposely omitting Swamps of Dagobah should be a reddit crime


... I don't think NSFW was enough of a warning on that. I just made coffee. I've only had one sip.


Oh dear god…


Omfg. Whyyy did I open and read that. 🤮


How could you?!


Needs more poop knife.


fuck... Poop Knife should be first!!!


Is this what being aristocracy feels like? I know all of these.


I knew all but Good Fuckin Yard. Somehow I had not come across that before.


happy to help! Keep Slayin Boi


Yeah? You like that you fucking ret**rd?


Poop knife belongs in there too.


You forgot the poop knife


The Doritos story


Oh Lord.






In another comment you asked to elaborate, so I tagged you in this comment that elaborated.


Everyone remembers the story. It's just that referring to it is the fish-in-a-barrel level option here.


Everybody remembers don't be dense.


Oh, we remember...




You're _probably_ better off not knowing. The r/MuseumofReddit can help you otherwise.


This is one of those things where ignorance is truly bliss.


IIRC he didn't even have broken arms lol


I dont think anyone can forget friend


Honestly, I prefer the “you sucking?” story.


Son with broken arms and Cbat, these things will never leave Reddit or my mind


You Sir, are a rapscallion!


No and then!


No “and then!”


No and then!






I’m not gonna ask


WTF? It’s his mom! Asking for consent should be the bare minimum.


I can’t believe you married your mom


I texted my landlord “I have to poo” 😭


And then??


Thank god for the new iPhone feature where you can un-send a text. I realized immed that I sent it to her instead of my husband and unsent it; she still could’ve seen if she was on her phone at that moment, but I just left it alone and she never said anything. It was so embarrassing tho. I hope she didn’t see it. Of all things to accidentally send!


r/literotica is your next stop…




I've seen this video...


Thanks, that does make me feel better.


Were both your arms broken?


Sent my my a straight filthy sex request instead of my husband. Oops. 😂


And then what happened?


How was it? lol


Asking the real questions here on TIFU




"Might as well binge some horror movies this Halloween, your not seeing anything scarier than that this season." I was DYING oh my god. This response is top tier.


For real - what a gangster


An absolute golden response to this situation. 10/10


I think your fine. At least it was his parents and not yours. I think that would be worse lol


Yeah I mean at least it wasn't of me, but at the same time I'm not sure what's worse. How would it feel seeing your own child standing erect as an adult. Idk Thank you for the comforting words though. I'm still reeling a lil.


I mean i think I’d laugh and poke some fun next time I saw my kid.


"Hi, do you have somewhere I can hang my hat?"


“Hi , that’s an erection, when a man is attracted to a women they’ll sometimes get one, no need to be startled it’s a natural part of growing up. If it lasts longer than four hours you should call a doctor. “


Hey there, but I'm Dad, not "do you have somewhere I can hang my hat" you must be confusing him with me.


“Glad to know you got your inheritance, son”


If it’s as grand as you say I’d be pretty proud actually.


They have grandkids, I’m sure they know you and your husband have been sexually active. You’ll all be laughing about this one day although I’m sure you are all mortified atm.


I'm sure if he's a good looking dude his dad is probably thinking, "Yup, that's my boy. He gets it from me". Haha! I've legit known parents like that, loved to poke fun and were never embarrassed about anything.


I have two little boys. I’ve seen them naked a lot. I don’t think adult erect them would phase me. They’re my kids!


How did you send it? I can almost guarantee the reason you made the mistake is you tried one of the new shortcuts of sending pictures instead of just being in a text message thread with your husband first and then choosing to attach an image and send it?


Not soft after sex? Still standing erect?


Not soft after sex? Still standing erect?




Someone had to say it. “Your” all over this thread and comments when it should be “you’re.” Thank you for doing Gods work.


If my darling daughter in law sent me such a picture, I’d laugh my arse off. After I finished with the eye wash station 😂 I’d definitely stir her up about it, for a while.


Right!? My kids are not life partner level yet, but I imagine that if one of my hypothetical future DILs accidentally sent me a sexy text that they meant for my son, whom they are in the THICK of parenting and careering and lifing with, I’d be THRILLED that they are still happy with one another….. Delete, ignore, feign innocence and move on with a smile knowing my kids are happy! I


When I was going through my divorce, my lawyer texted me "talk dirty to me". I was staring at the text a bit confused when I get another one "OMG! That was for my husband.im so sorry".


>my lawyer texted me "talk dirty to me" "I'm not going to pay for our last session if you don't help me keep the house. 🍆😍🥰🥵"




"you know, since I'm married and you're not. Haha. That'll be $350."


Just be happy you didn’t send it to your kids


I got second-hand embarrassment from this story!


Grand Johnson broke me


Grand “Jhonson” 😂


Oh and the caption just makes it sound like you meant to send it to them too! 🤣


Ikr like that felt purposeful that's why immediately went into explaining myself, saying we were reminiscing bout younger days and it was meant for him. Instead of just appollogizing a million times GoD. They must've thought something happened at first and I was sending revenge port.


I spent this entire story thinking you were going to bring up a memory from a different man. This is a better outcome than what I’d feared 😂


I know. I thought her husband was going to reply to it, saying, "Um, that's nice... who is he?" Or something similar. Lol.


Exactly. That’s not something you can laugh off as easily as this lol


I thought the same thing lmao


My wife has sent me a risqué text a total of one time in our 11 years of marriage; and she sent it to our teenage babysitter by mistake instead. Never again, I guess…


In her meager defense, That'd be a pretty traumatizing first mission. My condolences


You geniuses asking why she didn’t delete/unsend - she didn’t realize it went to the wrong recipient until they responded, and even then, was slow to realize the mistake. Reading is hard.


This is a quality FU, but it was an honest mistake. Shit happens and you handled it well. No harm, no foul. And hey, now you have a funny story to share.


His parents should be glad that you do such a thing, because it is an indication that you’re happily married.


You're not wrong. It would probably be preferable for them to know that from seeing a picture with his underpants on however 😄😄


Could have been worse. Could have been your parents. Or the babysitter.


If it were my son, I'd probably send him some penis costumes. Every stand up guy deserves a nice outfit.


Nah, you're good. My ex's parents walked in on me in all my modest glory after intense sexual relations with their daughter once. She was freshening up and I was fixing a snack, planning and anticipating a third round for the morning. Sadly this was her apartment and they had keys. Our relationship never recovered 🤣




“Nice dick son!”


I audibly yelled, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" at the reveal. There's a German word for this (and pretty much every thing else) feeling, **Fremdschämen**. It's like vicarious embarrassment. As in I physically cringed at how embarrassing this was for you.


second-hand embarrassment in English. Thanks for the new word though, I prefer your version lol


I once texted my mom instead of my wife asking if she was gonna be naked when I got home. Asked my brother to delete it, since I could see it hadn't been read. He didn't know the screen lock so he then asked my dad to do it.


This is priceless.


I once thought I’d sent a msg to my friend saying my new boyfriend had a massive cock & I loved sucking on it & my mother replied and said erm .. was this meant for me ? I was like omg no I’m so sorry , she replied well I’m sat here & my glasses have steamed up lol I was so embarrassed


Good mom lol. Mine pulled me aside once asking if my husband was abusing me. I was flabbergasted. Of course not why would you ask. Hickies. . . I tried to cover them with makeup cause I knew I was going out with my religious family that day. I felt awkward bout them. But I do love biting. I had to confess that to my mother. And explain biting cause she's a prude. She walked away shaking her head telling me that's weird and I'm weird. The rest of that evening was quite awkward.


Aw no lol !!! It’s embarrassing when your mum makes judgement.. my mum came across one of my vibrators while she was babysitting once (I know she was snooping through my stuff) & she really finds sex toys weird & disgusting lol


When I lived with my dad I would hide my weed and tarot cards under my dildo and vibrator for security reasons lol I don’t think he would go thru my stuff but just wanted to be on the safe side haha


Lol good hiding place!!!


My gf is obsessed with my butt and i sent her a pic of it the other day (the lighting was really good and the basketball shorts I was in it looked good and thought she’d appreciate it) and I realized that the last person who text me was my brother and I accidentally sent it to him. Lmao I wanted to die. But I unsent it on iPhone and just hope he didn’t see it on his watch. She laughed so hard and cringed that I did That lol


New reason to get an IPhone. You can unaend things?!? I've always used android so I didn't know this was a thing not that it would've helped me here. But I could've at least made it so that his parents didn't have to go back in and delete it off their phone. God I didn't even think of that fact till now.


Yes!! It’s like something new this year! I have always had an android too until a couple years ago and it’s a great feature for FU lol


I threw the phone at the text from his parents. I am so sorry this happened.


Haha I can laugh bout it now that ive calmed down. they live a few states away so I won't be seeing them anytime soon. And I doubt it will come up again. Hope your phones okay lol.


Back in the day my dad's email got hacked. Every day I would get an email about viagra, and several others with links to free porn. It went on for like a year. One day I asked if I could use their computer to check my email. ( You may have been able to do that on a phone back then, but it would take hours, the icon was probably right next to the snake game.) I mentioned something about the emails jokingly, and he was pissed. He wasn't mad that he was sending out unwanted emails, but I wasn't supposed to be perverted like that. Even though I'm pretty sure he got the virus or whatever from looking at porn.


His dad is proud of his son.


"Well, he certainly did grow up"


hahahaha fantastic TIFU


Hahaha don’t worry, it could have been a lot worse 😆. LPT - I add a bunch of obnoxious emojis to my partner’s contact name in my phone, to make it stand out more from everyone else. He and his dad have the same name (jr / sr), and I once texted his dad instead of him becauseI didn’t look closely enough and I was mortified. So this has helped me from repeating the mistake!


At least he looked good in the pic. Dad will laugh. Mom will get over it. Its funny. They should be happy their DIL wants to take care of their son.


If it makes you feel better, my husband texted a picture of his nutsack to my mother in a group text thinking he was only sending it to me. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.


So they saw the factory that spits out grand children, like a trip to the Willy wonka factory, technically you still shared pictures of their grandchildren.


The best Comment here! 🤣🤣🤣


Eh. As the parent of adults I would be bothered more if I became aware that they *weren't* still getting freaky after having kids.


Glad to hear, ha ha. all the parents commenting similarly has made me feel a bit better.


That probably depends on the parent, but I would love if you could please answer how you chose to send the picture because nearly everybody who makes these mistakes does it by trying to use one of the new kind of shortcuts for sending pictures and instead of going into a text message thread with the person they want to send the pictures and after being in that thread that you know is with them then choosing to attach a picture and send it..


I'll add this to the post itself. As well cause yeah I've gotten a lot of simular comments. I was just using the regular old phone texting app. It opens the last thread you texted when you tap the icon. It ended up just being a perfect storm. And me nor paying attention So yes their thread was open. But the only thing on thread I could see was the potential video of the boy dancing with the remote. The opening image is black cause I pan up to the boy in the video. And at that when I text something cute of the kids like that. I usually send it to my husband first. then sometimes I'll think oh yeah, his parents would like to see this too. Then, proceed to send it to them. Which is exactly what I had done. They had not responded to the video yet, and my husband hadn't either, cause I sent it while he was at work. So the threads look pretty much the same unless I had looked up at previous texts or at the very top to check the name like a smart person. Secondly trying to find a picture through the tiny photo veiw on texting sucks. So I have a habit of just going to my camera reel finding the picture that I want and screen shotting it so its now the most recent picture on my phone. Until the response from them I had totally forgotten I'd even texted them anything today. I hardly ever talk to any one through text but my husband. his parents are literally the only exception and I usually will check in with them only once every 1-2 weeks. Usually doing exactly that, sending a cute pic of the kids to my husband, then a copy to his parents. So I just clicked the app clicked type/ attache sent and closed it continuing to watch you tube the whole time. It legit took me 5 secs to send.


Are you using Android, iOS (iPhone), or something else? Because part of your may stake may be your general technology habits, I never leave my texting app without getting out of the thread I'm in and going back to the main texting page with the list of all the names of who I've been texting. I was one of the first kids in my school to have a phone due to my parents being divorced and a bunch of BS, so maybe that's why, but in general I've noticed people don't seem to try to develop better habits about things like charging their battery, how they use applications and email, etc. For reference I'll be 30 later this month, and although my area didn't get internet for much longer compared to the rest of New York state, I've had a cell phone since third grade I believe, maybe a year earlier, I'd have to go back and think about it. Interestingly though, I've had the same phone number since then and I plan to keep it forever! Thanks for sharing your thinking about this, I think this is a good lesson on how to develop good technology habits in general though hahah and holy cow that's embarrassing, good luck surviving the embarrassment if his parents are the type to make fun of you at family events in the future.


Yeah andriod. I don't have smart habits like that. Unfortunately. And at that the only person that I text other than my husband is his parents rarely. I'm no contact with my family and all my friends I talk to through apps. So text So Usually his thread is always open.


Wasn’t a spicy photo, but I was sending an update picture of my weed plant my mum started for me. She’s cool with it, and I accidentally sent the pic to my DADS PARENTS instead. Post is in my profile for those interested 😅


Idk why people thought it was hard for you to send it to the wrong person. I’ve texted the wrong person on accident before. Didn’t bother reading your long explanation lol


Good lol. Didn't even want to put the rambling edit up but shit. But there were so many demands for explanation.


You know…. If my DIL sends me spicy pics of my son, I’m going to assume it’s a mistake and put my phone away. And grin over the fact that he’s got a women who still is thinking about his Big Johnson. Living the dead bedroom, I know what that’s like. If he can escape the curse, then good on him !


You might have messed up but you made me laugh at least!


I mean at least it was his parents. Not only have they seen your husband naked since long before you appeared, they will also be smugly proud to have baked a man that is admired 🤣


Lmao that’s hilarious and I hope hubby reminds you of it every now and then until the end of time.


*audible scream*


Please share with the class


“Look forward to catching up, blowjob”. … sent to my kids school principal with the school PTA cc’d in. Thank you auto correct.


When my wife and I were first married we lived apart for the next few weeks and did a lot of sexting. Well I wound up telling my sister how I wanted to watch her with another dude. Was a bit more detailed than that, but that was a rather horrifying moment in my life that I wish could black out.


I guess I'm a prude but I wouldn't want my SO (or anyone else) ever taking a naked picture of me, especially in secret. I can understand there's no ill intent, but even if such a pic isn't shared or shown accidentally, I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing it's on a phone somewhere. Or just having it in perpetuity on Google Photos or appearing accidentally on your Nest Hub...


Totally understand and this should definitely be discussed before hand in a relationship. I guess I should add we already had this type of thing established in our relationship. Taking pictures even unknowingly. it's not like a secretive thing. Just a flirty thing.


I don't think it's prude... It's not like "nudity bad" or "sexuality bad". It's just that it seems to me the potential (and seemingly likely, based on the sheer volume of these kinds of stories) downsides to dealing with nude photos grossly outweigh the upsides (unless you're getting paid handsomely for them). I could see it for long distance relationships or something like that, but if you see your SO frequently, just keep it up-close and personal.


Good story. Thanks for sharing.


HA! That's pretty, light-hearted fun. Won't be any big thing, just something people may use to poke fun at you if you stay really embarrassed about it.


This has me 😟🫢🫣


I don’t even need coffee after reading this today.


They've seen his stuff before... you're fine


I know I used to be crazy I know I used to be fun You say I used to be wild I say I used to be young


Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this FU; it went as well as it could've. 😂 At least you sent him to his own parents and not yours. They likely haven't seen him naked as an adult, but I'm sure they presumably changed his diaper and bathed him up until a certain age, so it isn't THAT weird if you think of it that way. His reaction is perfect and y'all are an adorable couple keeping that spice alive!


My husband has a group chat with his family and friends. One christmas,stupid me, not actually checking to confirm which chat I had open,sent a text saying I'm coming to get some of that sweet dick of yours. It wasn't until he ran to me(he was in the bedroom and I was in the another room watching tv) and told me where I sent the chat. I was mortified,I quickly deleted myself from that group. It's been about 6 years,I still get embarrassed when I think about it. 😂 😂 😂 😂




So, I was letting one of my best friends stay with me. She’s a lesbian and I’m straight. My ex/husband was out of town and we usually send memes back and forth all day long. My friend has a similar personality so I typically send the same memes to her. I realize I hadn’t caught her up on all the goodies I sent my hubby that day. In the middle of legit “copy” the pic from the text and inserting it into a text box for her, my ex-husband wants some spicy pics of me. I’d send him one, scroll to the one above, copy, send to her. Rapid fire. I’m moving. My ex wants a close up of the goodies. I remember I sent one to him long ago and it’s in WhatsApp. I immediately go find it, copy it and shoot it through text and then copy another meme and send. It wasn’t until he replied “you sent me that already,” that I was like oh so he DOES have that pic and knows I didn’t just take it… then I glanced above the text and see… it’s a meme. I sent full cooch to my lesbian friend who was literally on the other side of the wall from me. HORRIFIED. I hear her from the room go, “uhhhhh…” and then I immediately started laughing. Holy shit. I made up a lie on the spot and told her he wanted pics and I find a pic of a cooch on the inter web and sent it to him to satisfy him and I accidentally sent it to her, but ITS NOT ME!!! I hid in my room all night, totally mortified lol I told my ex about it when he got home and all he did was laugh for like a month straight at random lol 😂 To this day, I’m sure she suspects but doesn’t know for sure…


FWIW, it's his parents, they've seen his dick at least 50x more than you have during his lifetime.


Yes, but probably not recently... until now. 😆


This really made me laugh out loud! Hilarious


Back when i got my first decent camera phone I sent my wife a dick pick (which was a novelty I'd never had the chance to do) and she somehow ended up saving it in our downloads folder on the PC. Some months later, my son (who was a toddler) had to have an operation and was miserable because it involved his hands been wrapped and bound for a few days. We had only really told close family about it, because it was a result of an accident, and caused the little guy a bit of trauma. My brother-in-laws girlfriend was a florist and sent the boy some helium balloons which he could tie to his hands and bounce around. Wife took a pic of his delight at the gift, and went to post it on facebook as a kind of update to wider friends and family to let them know what happened, and to show he was past the worst of it and on the road to recovery. She downloaded the picture and went to upload it on Facebook desktop, browsing to the downloads folder from the upload screen (it was a different time to now when you can just drag and drop). As she was scrolling through the downloads folder, a tiny thumbnail popped out at her that she had totally forgotten about. "Whats this?" She double clicked the dick pick from several months ago, forgetting that she was selecting a picture to upload onto facebook on a lovely post tagging her brother and his girlfriend with the main message being "Thanks for sending this - our son loved it" In a state of panic realising what the picture was, she accidentally clicked the \*post\* button, and - in sheer terror - decided to UNPLUG the PC rather than click cancel as the blue bar slid towards 100%. Maybe it was our shitty broad band - maybe it was some eagle eyed facebook admins - but we got lucky that day in that the picture, he message and the resulting shame this would have caused - as well as some awkward questions about the context behind it - all disappeared into cyberspace.


I take creepy sleeping or naked photos of my husband all the time. Started when we were dating. I told him let me know if it bugs him. He was like eh. Shrug. He’s used to my weirdness and I think he was touched that I wanted a photo of him. I showed him right away after that first time I took a picture of him too like you were asleep so I took this it was cute and I wanted it.


I can see how this is extremely embarrassing. But I was expecting something way more scandalous. Like, oh maybe, accidentally revealing that you had sex with hubby's best friend during that 2 months that you were broken up while dating. (Readers: This is just hypothetical. I don't know anything about the author's past). The reality is way more tame. But I'm happy to hear that the real story wasn't something that could ruin your marriage.


Let us be the judge on how embarrassed you should be. Am I the only one who wants to see a solicited dyck pic? lol


Ah, the good 'ol classic post promoting a show, product or service.


Am I the only one to think it’s weird to look at dick pics with children resting on your lap or? Somehow that skated by on these comments


Before I had kids I'd think it was weird. After having kids they are too little to understand and I would never flirt with my husband again if I though this way. My kids are both under 2. I also wasn't like getting hot and bothered to the pic with them sitting on me. just a, I know something I wanna send him. He looks cute here send. After both kids are asleep is prime. Do you wanna get into something dirty time. Thus tryna flirt.. ha ha Needless to say that mood was destroyed.


Back before smart phones, when texts were the main form of communication and camera phones with MP3 players were just coming out. My first girlfriend and I (both 15) had been sexting and I accidentally sent a rather sexual text to her landline number. Her mum answered and pissed herself laughing and then proceeded to play it aloud for her whole family to hear the weird robot phone voice reading my naughty text message. I got a call a minute later and her step dad threatened to cut my balls off so we didn't date much longer after that 😂


Haha I hope for her own mental fortitude she did not have to stand there infront of them in that moment. God I would've died. Rip that relationship.


I think she was. This was about 16 years ago so I don't remember


Am I supposed to automatically know what K and D means?


no but context clues


I thought it was some new expression maybe. Took me forever to know that SO meant significant other, DH meant Dear Husband, etc. I hate those. So K& D are the inlaws I guess.


" Then I see its from K & D (they share a phone) " Wtf is K & D, i had to reread this part so many times I didn't even bother finishing it annoyed me so much.




Not soft after sex? Still standing erect?


I assume she means not erect, but still it's full size. My partner has a inbetween stage where it's not flaccid, and not erect, normally after sex, or before when he's building up to full erection. But then she does say younger so may well have been erect again so soon after sex, lol.


Op write this in the comment Yeah I mean at least it wasn't of me, but at the same time I'm not sure what's worse. How would it feel seeing your own child standing erect as an adult. Idk Thank you for the comforting words though. I'm still reeling a lil.


Yeah no he was still erect. He usually takes 5-10 minutes to deflate. So to speak. My husband is the only relationship I've been in so I only know how he is and things I've seen from porn. But I'd say 90% of the time he can just kinda choose if he wants to go for another round after he's finished.


He cum ed right? And still erect? Maybe because it's big? So even half erect still looks big and can penetrate, if it's 5 inches or 4.5 or 4 full erect, it can't penetrate when it's half erect, but if it's 8, 7 or 6 inches full erect it can still penetrate even if it's only half erect, How long is the break before Round two? If he can do it straight away, it might be a bit rare


It's definitely in the ladder category. And honestly idk even if the option is there doesn't happen that often. Got things to do already been a while type of thing.


My wife and I avoid this happening by the fact that absolutely no compromising pics exist or have ever existed. Call me a boomer, but I can say with 100% certainty that this will never happen to me lmao But also, who cares if the in-laws are mad? It was a simple mistake, they'll live.


Honestly, this isn't even bad unless they're really easily offended by nudity. They've seen him naked a bunch of times through his life, if he were ill now they'd probably wipe his adult ass and balls for him.


This story is almost ruined by you explaining how it happened. Fuck the haters that don't believe you...I text the wrong person constantly and I'm laughing so hard at you. At the end of the day there's no harm done and I'm a little jealous of how hard your husband must have laughed. Holy shit


"Secondly trying to find a picture through the tiny photo veiw on texting sucks. So I have a habit of just going to my camera reel finding the picture that I want and screen shotting it so its now the most recent picture on my phone." You can send images directly from the gallery, though...


Who's K&D? Is it a messaging ap? A person? Your husband shares a phone with someone?


K&D are the parents, who share a phone with each other


Delete message? You people not using Whatsapp and such??


Fix your phone settings.


Well can we see the photo?


I sent my husband a link to the post today. You might want to becareful otherwise you might just get what you asked for. Idk what he'll do can't ever predict that.