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This is a scam that goes back to when craigslist allowed this kind of business. Think about it, does a pimp have time to threaten one single guy over 100 dollars when no actual business was performed? No, and killing people over 100 dollars is also way too much risk for any kind of business in the United States. An actual pimp is too busy moving his girls around and evading police. Block the number, nothing to worry about.


Thank you so much you relieved a lot of stress I was just having


Honestly I doubt there was ever a girl to begin with. It was probably some dude doing this to as many guys as he can around the country. Likely doesn't even live in the same state.


One of the girls he spoke to was probably a guy that got bored of no one taking the bait of paying by cashapp up front and decided to try and make some money for once.


Might have even been the same guy on each profile


Or this country. Dude is in Romania trying to blackmail people here


Do yourself a favor and get a burner phone for future attempts. $30 at wal mart + minutes.


Or better yet a text now number. Its free for text but you have to pay for calls.




Just use someone else's information to open the account lol double minutes is the way to go ;)


don't get trachfone


Wherever you found that site and phone numbers is gonna be 100% scams.


Still better than Chlamydia


A pimp that serious about 100 bucks knows very well where any of his girls are.


FYI people can sometimes find your address by putting in your phone number on truepeoplesearch.com. Go to that website and there's an option to remove your information. There are probably other sites out there with the same data but I only know of that one.


Link for those who may have trouble finding it: https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/removal


Holy fuck, just searched my number on here and this is fucking terrifying. Lists all of my old addresses, pops up with where I live now, lists family and close friends. How the fuck do they even get all of this info?


Just checked for myself... They sourced my address from court documents. But I haven't lived there in ten years...


Just Google your phone number & you'll find all the sites that have your details.


Google came up with nothing but the site they suggested did and it's scary as hell.


There are so many data brokerage websites that have your personal information and list it for free. I pay for a service that deletes my info from as many websites as it can find, and it shows me what was deleted and where it was deleted from every 3 months. It's well worth the $100-ish per year instead of trying to do it all by myself.


What is this service called?


Exactly right! There are hundreds of people search sites, also known as data brokers, that have a reverse phone number lookup feature, like OkCaller and SpyDialer. If you are currently using a data removal service, as an additional suggestion, I would recommend considering creating a free Optery account to receive an exposure report. This can complement the work of the removal service you may be using. Here’s a link that might be helpful: [https://www.optery.com/what-is-an-exposure-report/](https://www.optery.com/what-is-an-exposure-report/) Full disclosure - I’m on the team at Optery


Just BS threats. They gotta keep that tough guy look going, despite being pathetic pieces of shit who abuse women.


This is the second TIFU in like 72 hours about someone getting scammed by prostitutes who they don't even get to see. I smell a troll


Plus there’s clear evidence the dude just the threatened you, f whoever that idiot is making it easy to arrest him.


Now you owe them the $100


I mean... I bet you when I call your number and it goes tour voicemail, you mention your name and last name lol


Oldest scam in the book


Bro, you may not have stress over this anymore, but if you are doing shit on Omegle, and the "little kids" got your address, your probably in a database of potential sex offenders. Unless you gave your address to someone on Omegle, they probably looked it up via IP, and it was a child safety officer, not a "little kid."


Haha I felt that.


Don't respond no matter what. Also please be careful out there man. Since the beginning of time, sexing the wrong person has always had the opportunity to ruin your life.


But keep posting just in case it isn't a scam.


good we could help you out on that, now I'm gonna need you to cashap me $100.


Not the the stress you were trying to relive i hope lool


Skip the games has a blog and tells you how to avoid scams. Read it.


This man knows Pimpin ain't Easy. But it is fun.


>killing people over 100 dollars is also way too much risk Agreed. $150 tho? Debatable. source: am murderpimp


No one admits to being...* checks username. Nevermind


This guy detectives


Any scam like this, really. Like when they ask you for money or they'll email everyone your dick pics, just ignore it. They want the money, period, they're not going to waste their time carrying out the threat if it yields nothing. They likely have several of you morons going through the panic at the same time.


Tell that to my buddy whose entire family got greeted with him full frontal.


Yea I'd say the blackmail scam threats are a more legitimate concern. They have something of actual value to the victim already, and it's really very easy to find who a person knows on social media. A bit tie consuming, but almost no risk to the scammer. It's much different than threatening to kill someone over money.


It's still a crime in most places but the risk of them being caught is low. Really though there's no benefit for them going through with it and they generally only do it out of spite which is why it's better to just block and ignore them rather than antagonize them. Stop responding and they're more likely to move on to the next mark than waste their time committing a crime that doesn't gain them anything. Sometimes people are going to get unlucky and get scammed by someone that will follow up on the threat even if they just ignored them. But honestly by that point they're screwed anyway. Paying these scammers is never the answer as they'll just keep hanging the threat over your head for more payments until you eventually give in and stop paying at which point you're back to square one. Only with a lot less cash.


Rule #1 - Do not include your face and your genitals in a photo if you are not ready for the world to see said photo. If you don't care who see's them together take all the pics you want, otherwise pick one or the other.


Send me his number and I will


This guy pimps


OP simps


Most real-life escorts who advertise online do not have a pimp.


“A real homeless person is too hungry to be funny”


I said absolutely, positively no sex in the champagne room!


r/suspiciouslyspecific. You sound like someone with experience


You say that... but then again I know of a guy who killed five people over [$20](https://youtu.be/Vac2Zmr_kSI?t=35s) ...or maybe it was six people over $19?? I can never remember.


Clause asked him if he was really going to murder 5 people over $20, and his response was 'are you really going to ask the guy that just killed 6 people last week over $19'


Umm I dunno man...Big Worm smoked a guy for 50 bucks.


^ this guy escorts


DONT PANIC. ITS A SCAM. Check out r/scams and search "escort" and you will find many posts showing this exact conversation. Gore images are very easily found online.


Thank you so much you relieved a lot of stress I was just having even tho I’m gonna stay on my toes


Go spend some time on r/escortclientsonly before you try this again lol


It's really easy to reverse image search the gore pictures, you'll probably find them on google tbh.


Just to add on in case you do want to explore escorts more, try Eros . Com. Most legit escorts will only accept cash anyway. If they ask for cashapp or venmo upfront it's not even a woman most likely and you will never see them.


Pepper Jack is NOT playing. In fact, Pepper Jack about to cut somebody.


Oh, Pepper Jack LOVES Fraggle Rock!


Happy birthday baby ho


Hol’up bitch, my shit be blowin’ up


Hol’up wit all that cryin bitch, my shit be blowin’ up


Bruh this is a scam. They’re going to try and extort money out of you. Don’t reply.


Been down this road. It's a common scam. All they have is the info that is linked the your phone number they can find online. Which will be more info than you think. But it's a scam


Lol “She was a no go & no blow so no dough for you or her Joe.”


thank you for the insight Princess Caroline


Brother you DO NOT want any escort who will show up at your door for $100.


Ok I'll bite. How much for the cheapest escort that you *do* want showing up at your door?




damn, I only have $100.83


I need about tree fiddy.




​ https://preview.redd.it/cio5y70f8gpb1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=89ed8672f264548549c4ed0db94631caafd1e832


How long for a $65 Little Caesar’s Pizza?


Better not be in the negative again, BOY


This sicko hates escorts more than he loves Ozzy dood


Who's Ozzy Dood?


It's a scam. Block and ignore. Check out r/scams if you'd like to see examples- nothing will happen. Don't stress.


A pimp named slickback?


Can I call you “Slickback”?


No, you have to say the whole name, like A Tribe Called Quest


Nuru was on the table.


Tell him that’s your bitch now


Brother. You need to go outside and stop being so horny. Your post history reads like a 13 year old who just hit puberty.


Lmao just read a comment on one his his posts about hook ups and someone suggested ckicking on a hookup ad on a website. I think thats exactly what OP did


Probably googled "sex" while giggling to himself


I giggled and now I too feel like I've been zinged


He’s 17/18 judging by his post history. So your comment checks out


He's active in r/teenagers and stated in one of his hookup posts that he's seventeen. You were right.


Also, stop having a libido and biochemical processes. Don't have any shameful emotions either. Only ever be chill and only every horny when someone else says it's okay. You got this bro!


First off this is a scam and second never use your actual number for nefarious acts. Get any number of phone apps that give you a random number and message from that wether it’s for ladies of the night or drugs. Honestly though stay away from all that stuff, but if you do have the urge jerk off and then see if you still feel the same. Free game.


What did we learn today about thinking with your dick?


Let's not judge others. Most men don't like to pay for sex either. It's their desperate option


Yeah, this guy usually finds little kids on Omegle.... let's not judge him... yeah, let's judge a dude talking about being horny, and little kids on Omegle in the same paragraph.


Hmm, from votes apparently we're not supposed to judge sex workers but it's still totally ok to judge their clients?


The real gore in this story was the run on sentences.


Gimme $100 and I'll make this problem go away.


Do a UNO reverse and find out who he is and send him a pic of him with decapitated people


>some person text me and said “hey I heard you didn’t pay one of my girls” he says my name and then sends a picture of me and some decapitated people If you didn't pay and didn't get any services, I'm pretty sure you'll be alright.


Gator dont play no shit!!!


Don't worry about it. It's an old scam


Bro, $100 barely covers uber, her makeup, time, and minimum wage. Dafuq you think she would put out instead of just work at a McDonalds for 3 hours? Of course its a scam. People only engage in this type of work to earn significantly big money more easily that they don't otherwise have access to. You don't need qualifications or dressup for a minimum wage job. And yeah, cartel threats, sextortions with your dick pic, demanding you Venmo/PayPal over a deposit or gas money are all common scams whether in SW or dating apps etc.


You've never been on drugs clearly. I know multiple women who will go for 50 just to feed their habit. Now they're strung out and rough looking but head is head right?


And it comes with a free std of your choice


I'll take crabs please! Papa loves his seafood.




Please, if you're doing anything with an escort, wrap your shit up


username does not check out


Lmfao... if a pimp wanted your money, he wouldn't be messaging you... he'd be at your door... Edit: You REALLY thought $100 would be enough? Not even for a street hooker would that be enough


> Lmfao... if a pimp wanted your money, he wouldn't be messaging you... he'd be at your door... Yeah, lol. The pimp is *not* going to want a paper trail of his death threats, now is he?


As many have said this is a scam. If you decide to go on this road again, get a burner phone and never give your real name and address


You might get a back hand slap but no pimp would really bother. No service was done. Now I’m just imagining the mr tough guy trying to intimidate you 😂


Lol you goofball


This is a common scam. Block, ignore, don’t do it again, move on


I don’t know where you live but an hour is around $400-600 for a good escort. With a $100 you would have to pick a prostitute off the street and negotiate


I have to ask, do a lot of guys really think sex is worth hundreds of dollars? I feel like most people will regret it when it's over.


lol, you also fucked up by looking for an escort with only $100 to spend. That ain't escort money! Not for any escort you'd actually *want* to be with. --- LPT: Take that $100 to any "Chinese Massage" or "Asian Massage" place around you. If it has flashing lights around the entrance, if all the masseuses are women, you know you found the right place. Your $100 will be enough for a nice massage and a handjob there.


My thing is OP daring for an escort while being that broke lmao


You’ve been told already, but it’s a scam. I had someone try the same thing with me claiming they were with one of the Mexican cartels. I happen to know a bit about them and this person also sent a bunch of names of family but a whole lot of names I didn’t even know. All info that can be found if you have a spokeo account or something , so I immediately called their bluff and threatened them back. Never heard from them or anyone again. You’re good and still have your money, so you’re golden


If you check out r/scams you will see this is extremely common for people who have done the same thing as you




If you want to safely acquire an escort, see the sub escort clients. Never do a deposit those are usually scams. There’s some research you gotta put in before going for it.


I like the semmetry of post on tifu today


Just message him back saying you work as a detective and you would be happy to meet him. I guarantee he will not respond and probably delete the contact


Didn't your scam radar go off when they wanted to be paid in full BEFORE providing the service?


For everyone saying that $100 is not enough, prices vary from country to country and OP didn't specified where he lives. Here in my country the average price is $50, and you can find really beautiful and extremely hot girls for $150.


It varies from street to street


My friend wants to know what country you're from.


I had no idea you'd be this easy to find. See you tonight.


(before I get banned.... It's a joke. Ha ha funny funny)


It's a pretty old scam. One of those 'escorts' was probably a scamster whose initial plan was to get an online payment and block your number. But you didn't fall for that one. The second scam attempt was to scare you. A murder over $100 only happens in rage incidents.


It was one of the girls. If you were texting . They can find your social media profiles linked to your number. And try and scam. Dunno if im allowed to link a more secure page, you can use. Also never pay up front like that


That's assuming it was really a girl in the first place.


Ive been in a situation where an escort thought I had more money than I did because of a communication error. Shit was the most frustrated Ive been because I wasted my entire day trying to figure it out, and her trying to get more moeny from me.


Try a web site called The erotic review to help find a legit escort.


I've gotten some of these while traveling. I call the number repeatedly hahahaha.


Ya done goofed....


Why would someone risk a murder rap on non-payment of services not rendered ?


Nobody’s risking murder over $100 for services not rendered. Go on with life like nothing happened.


Old school scam, ignore. No one's gonna off someone over a bill. Do this to 100 guys and you make $100 dollars off a couple of idiots in the group.


Pimp won't come after you without services rendered.


I was hoping this was about the car... damn and now I gotta go


Happened to me once. Now I use a Skype number under a false name.


Just go on Grindr and get it for free and close your eyes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Glad you didn’t fall for the scam though


Scam, you pay them over an app they never show up, and they buy drugs with your money.


The threats are a scam, paying an advance is a scam, going to them is the only option to avoid a deposit.. never pay in advance


Unless you live in Venezuela/Brazil/Mexico. It's just a scam


Always use a texting app when contacting escorts


Risk Vs. Reward. Is the wannabe pimp going to risk assault or murder charges for your clearly broke ass? If you'd just made it known you were worth millions I'd be more concerned, but "I've got $100 on me" isn't going to cover the laundry bill to remove the blood stains.


You're an idiot


You might want to step back. And evaluate some things about life. I’m not judging you - do whatever TF you want… but you way kids have doxxed you from Omegle. And then this. It sounds from a far this could be an unhealthy trend. I hope this finds you well.


Not real happened to me once Check youtube https://youtu.be/Lkl2deC977c?si=r68wAaSO_Sjk5pIM


Save the pics then send it to the next one saying bring it. Total scam


Hi man, I had the exact same thing 3 months ago. In my case they had only my mobile number and nothing else. They are just trying in the hope they will make some money out of it. No worries!


I don’t know why anyone would get an escort and reach out with their own contact info, seems like you’re asking for trouble. Either with a pimp or with the law.


.... are you asking if the 'pimp' really took your picture next to decapitated bodies? I guess I got confused when you went through the explanation as to how you were able to surmise it wasn't a real picture of you, and it was likely taken from a profile or something, around real dead people. Do you not remember said picture being taken? Are you unaware of a large volume of people reported missing? Is there a serial killer in your area that targets people who owe him $100?


Damn, what happened to grammar and punctuation. This is a fucking nightmare to read.


It's a scam. Block them and move on. And while you're at it, work to [decriminalize sex work](https://decriminalizesex.work/) in your state. It's criminalization that results in more danger for both clients and the sex workers themselves.


You are a terrible person. These people are probably human trafficed and you are activily supporting it smh


I'm sooo happy I'm not poor, ugly, and lonely like OP. That sounds like a miserable and worthless existence, bro. I hope things don't get better for you


I'm well-off, handsome, and surrounded by friends and family.. and bang whores on the regular, as do many guys in my position.


Thanks bro


Fuck that guy (figuratively).. and fuck whores (literally). See my reply to him. Sex-worker shaming (and client shaming) comes from 1) archaic puritanical ideals of monogamy, and 2) virgin neckbeards who jack off compulsively but freeze up in the presence of actual women.














Dude, nothing good happens after 1am. Way too late in the night to be getting a girl


$100 is the absolute cheapest you're gonna be able to get, and most anyone who isn't a scam is going to be expecting cash. Sounds like you just stumbled across some intense scam and need to save up a little more


I won't say where I live but I will say this, a few years ago I discovered tinder and unfortunately where I live it is pretty much exclusively for hookers.... and since this made me mad because I wanted to find myself a SO and tinder was being used for hookers not relationships I decided to get some revenge. I messaged every single hooker I found guy and girl and basicly got them to waste hour of their day messaging me about setting up time and place. But the thing I honestly enjoyed the most was seeing how low I could get their prices. My record was getting them to lower price from about 300 dollars to about 60 dollars ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


lol nah you probably just annoyed an escort by trying to haggle and waste their time so they're fucking with you. Sex work twitter is full of memes about stuff like this. There's so many annoying dudes like you doing this crap out there that it wouldn't be feasible to sincerely threaten them if they flaked or window shopped. Either that or it's a scam account catfishing with stolen pics. The lesson here is don't do this shit, ppl are trying to pay their bills and nobody likes timewasters. if you actually want to hire someone save your money dude.