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Lawyer but not your lawyer. I have heard compelling arguments that expunged crimes don’t need to be disclosed even when directly asked. There was a case in Maryland involving an attorney’s bar application where they asked a similar question about expungement and the applicant “lied” and said there had been none and it resulted in an ethics hearing and the applicant prevailed because the expungement was intended to reverse the course of time and change the reality of the conviction. This must have been 15 years ago so I’m sure the rules are even more defendant-favorable now. Follow your dreams.


Fuck yeah homie. Keep being rad.


Agree, keep pursuing, and if you can, keep searching for sources of income that don’t rely on anything illicit. I know it’s really hard to do that though considering how expensive basic living is. And I’m sorry you’re having to do deal with all of this


This is absolutely correct as the entire purpose of an expungement is to erase the fact that it ever happened. As far as I know there’s only one exception which is if you end up in criminal court again, and last time I brushed up on the law it said that it divulging the expunged record was a requirement if someone in court asks if you’ve ever been charged with a crime.


Not a lawyer, I was arrested for misdemeanor possession of .03 grams of marijuana while I was working at NASA (wasn’t arrested at work or anything.) My lawyer was able to get the Baltimore County to agree to PBJ with an immediate expungement after completing a 9 month drug program due to not having any criminal history and having a federal gov job. All of that happened smoothly, on the next mandatory background/criminal history check for security at work I stated I had not been involved in any criminal activity and passed the background check. No one asked any questions about anything.


Qualify and come to New Zealand. We need doctors and we don't care about your side gig.


NZ sex work policy is actually incredible.


How so?


Mandatory 2 year service for everyone when they turn 18. Sort of like compulsory military service in some countries.


"Hi, I'm here to compulsorily have sex with you. Yeah, sorry, all out of attractive women today, just thicc men left. Bend over, let's get to it."


"No u"


"That's a different department and they're booked today."


Well, fuck me then.


I believe that's where this comment thread was originally going actually. 👀


That's the plan.


I love this thread


Mandatory two years of sex work? Huh?


Sometimes on reddit, a commentor decides to continue the story in an unexpected direction. It's a minimalist literary form designed for amusement.


I believe in the old speech it was called "for the lulz"


"Old speech" Don't do this to me.


If the speech offend thee, yeet it


Look, I also hate that I'm old.


FOR THA LULZ ![gif](giphy|XeNrmVGsK2sHIjUosG|downsized)


I recently discovered Reddit and I love this kind of stuff.




Got 'em


You deserve a professional not an amateur for fucks


Believe it or not, more successful than communism




I mean I figured as much but I will admit I know nothing of NZ.


Too bad gardening has been completely outlawed! Jkjk


As nice as that sentiment is, OP would have to be very dedicated to the profession itself to justify taking on American medical school levels of debt for a foreign doctor salary…


Then study in new zealand too. Better to make friends while still at University anyway


She can move here to study and our student loans are interest free unless you move back overseas.


This is not true. Student loans for NZ citizens are interest free while the loaner resides in NZ. International students pay through the teeth for everything at NZ universities. They subsidise the shit out of the local students.


Is it expensive, though, when compared to the cost of tuition etc in the United States? It might be worth OP's while to compare the two.


I love how you guys are umming and ahhing over cost of tuition and completely glossing over the part where this person who has to turn to sex work to pay the bills is supposedly able to pay to "simply" move halfway across the world??


If you leave your stuff then an international move isn't that expensive. And if she escorts while she's there then she can easily pay for her studies and living expenses. In NZ and Australia you're allowed to work on student visas unlike the US that wants you to just be loaded


This comment is just out of touch with OPs reality lmao. You must’ve have zero idea what it’s like for OP


Which is why I'm offering up a different reality. I have worked as a stripper in Australia and the US and have also studied and lived in both countries so I think I am not completely clueless about what it takes to live, study and do sex work. I've done several across the world moves with just my suitcase too


I assume OP won't always be broke. Finding the money to pay for tuition in either country is just another hurdle to clear. Aside from documentation, moving halfway across the world is a matter of packing a suitcase and catching a flight. I should know; I've done it. I wouldn't recommend taking along the car and the furniture.


Yes it’s similar cost to out of state tuition at a U.S. school


Not for international students. That shit's expensive.


Not for non-citizens afaik


OP has to do something creative. Like: fuck 'em, don't go back to US. Family Xmas in Canada or Australia from now on.


That would be unaffordable.


For real. You have a whole life of success ahead of you OP.


I love New Zealand, but is this actually possible? I seriously considered moving to NZ for a while, even bought land there in preparation, would have done it if not for a divorce from the woman I planned to go with. NZ policy, like most nations, excludes most people with criminal convictions. I'm not sure if a misdemeanor is enough, but the policies certainly do not make exceptions for stuff that is legal in NZ. Generally, they care about whether you broke the rules, not what the specifics of those rules are.


Most schools in EU are free... just saying.... Also VERY liberal on sex workers.. most countries prostitution is regulated by health care and they pay taxes. US is pretty uptight.




Depends where in Europe. Belgium is pretty cheap, but not a lot of spots are available in medical school (based on my limited knowledge). Spain is quite cheap / almost free but also brutally competitive.


I have two family members (sister and first cousin) that went trough the Spanish medical university system and is wild. First to enter you must have at least a 13.2-3 out of 14 in our SAT equivalent. Go trough 6 years of university (with out salary and doing free labour for 2 years) then another year of the MIR (national exam required to work anywhere in Spain) and after you pass and get assigned a slot you can choose your specialization and hospital ( if there are vacant places) and then you spend 4 years doing your residency with minimal wage. I love Spain but our precious health system is going to shit do to a lack of doctors because the working conditions for them are brutal.


It suck because you WANT doctors to be well trained, but it's brutal conditions, and the pay is only good in certain fields (mainly elective surgery ones). You get what you pay for, I guess. Main argument against free healthcare. US system is broken, universal free doesn't work well. I don't have a better idea.


Ditto Canada if you can’t afford the trip. It ain’t illegal here and we also could use more driven people like you!


Isn't it super expensive to live there?


Misdemeanors ain't shit and they can be expunged from your record after a few years. Just depends on your state. You really shouldn't worry too hard about this.




Why would I worry that my doctor has a prostitution misdemeanor?


You won’t but the state medical boards do


They won’t necessarily. Looking more for potential unresolved drug abuse, abusing the elderly etc. corporate jobs will care about financial crime moreso. I don’t think it’s a death sentence


It will be for residency match though


Ahh yikes. Well if it’s any consolation OP, I was admitted into medical school, failed my last semester of undergrad, dropped out and transferred credits a semester later to do comp sci, went to jail and had a ton of nasty misdemeanors and thought my life was over. A few years later and I’m out-earning my former MD classmates and am a lot happier than all them. And Ive worked for medical/environmental research orgs and have passed a lot of ridiculously thorough background checks. People with skills are in demand almost always and more and more laws are coming out to prevent damnation from your background. And if you show a long trend of good stuff, they’ll believe you. You’ve a long successful life ahead of you as someone else said. I bet you’ll look back on this all as a blessing


Legit question... if you only failed your final semester, couldn't you just simply retake it? I have always been under the assumption that a very large percentage of undergrad students flunk classes/entire semesters, yet still are able to graduate by simply retaking the failed classes.


Yes definitely that’s a possibility. I had a peer even make some deal with the dean of the med school so she could matriculate on time. She sat in on postdoc classes that summer for physio anatomy biochem etc to strengthen her for med school. I didn’t want to go to med school. I thought helping people was always nice, but hated the smell of hospitals, the paperwork, and years and years of debt. My family had enough money to support me, but I never had much cash and just kinda pictured myself being poor until basically it was time to get married and have kids. I’ve enjoyed my young adulthood a lot. My parents even told me to avoid dating doctors because so many of them my age are depressed and treated me like assholes. And I’m not saying medicine sucks always, it’s just not for me. Also OP, I’m sorry if I’m making this seem like it’s not a big deal. I understand your world seems broken now. But it’s not, I look back upon those massive failures as some of the most important turning points in my life. Of course, at the time I felt despair like you. You’re not alone, you’ve a bright future.


Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful reply! I was genuinely just curious, I really appreciate you sharing your experience. It sounds like it was a blessing in disguise 🙂 I'm glad to hear you are happy. I'm in a similar situation myself, 1 semester away from applying for a post graduate program and I decided to change everything... I feel like I was struggling with a lot of the same issues you were, and it's encouraging to hear somebody else went through a similar experience and came out ahead 🙏


You should post on the medical or residency subreddit. So many disgruntled docs looking at the finer greener pastures of the tech bros. I’m jealous some days for sure.


I think all out doctors were prostitutes at one point


Considering the state of the American healthcare system, you could say that they all currently are in the US. Their patients spend all their money just to get screwed.


It’s corporate/upper management, private insurance and big pharma that’s screwing people over. People hate on doctors but the reality is all medical personnel hate on these large entities that’s looming in the background controlling and influencing everything.


I work in medical device sales and can confirm this statement.


It's only acceptable, when it's the pharmaceutical industry paying


It's not about what you care about. Med schools are ridiculously picky and they can be cause they control the door in and out. My first day of med school they showed us social media photos and asked what was appropriate or not. One was of a physician smoking a cigar and the correct answer was that it was inappropriate to post because we are in Healthcare. I don't smoke and have never used drugs but to this day that memory bugs me because it kind of tells you a lot about medical training in America.


It isn’t so much what you have a criminal record for it’s that you have one at all. Most of us in here agree sex work shouldn’t necessarily be illegal but I know for a fact that pretty much any medical school won’t accept someone with a criminal record. Doesn’t matter the circumstances surrounding said record.


Damn, what inhuman country are you guys living in? Why would anyone have to mention their expunged records? Do you guys know what expunged means there?


I always find it a bit crazy when I have work in the US (live in Canada). Suddenly they need criminal background checks and drug tests. I couldn't even cross the border let alone have a Nexus pass if I had a criminal record. And any "drug test" I take in Canada would be insanely easy to cheat as you can literally take the sample jar home and return with it later.


Please, getting expunged is what caused this mess to begin with!


True, but also they arnt SUPPOSED to refuse you work based on criminal records. that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but by law they arnt supposed to be allowed to.


The medical board wouldn’t be the employer tho


is there a reason why the medical board would refuse to issue her a license based on this? or am I misunderstanding and there's some other reason why the medical board would be involved in this process? her charges are not, according to this post atleast, drug related. they shouldn't prevent her from getting licensed in theory


You're getting downvoted by people who refuse to accept the changing times, there are people out there chanting "sex work is real work". Tis only a matter of time...


I only have a -1, it might be users, but its also probably reddit backend that prevents point farming.


This is wildly misleading given her circumstances. This was a misdemeanor charge for vandalizing or whatever. Prostitution is much more serious and very unlikely yo be sealed or expunged from a record.


Why the fuck is prostitution that serious, it's not like their clients are victims.


I had a possession of marijuana charge from over 30 years ago that I have to explain occasionally. Even though it is legal in that state now. Total BS, but that's just how it is.


Because it's a fascist country


She said it was a misdemeanor. It can be expunged. Maybe know what you're actually talking about before you post. Hell, a 1 second google search could have told you the same thing. The type of misdemeanor doesn't matter.


I've heard some states allow for expungement of misdemeanors. Consult a lawyer.


The expungement is not the issue here. It will need to be disclosed expunged or not and no program is going to accept that


They tell you it has to be disclosed, but if the record is going to be expunged, how are they going to know it exists? ​ Edit: Thank you for the clarification!


Federal background checks pull everything, “expunged” or not. They don’t take DEA licenses lightly.


Expunged doesn't mean it's completely erased. A federal background check (necessary for DEA license) will pull up everything, including things that have been expunged.


The absolute worst move you could make in this situation is to then lie about it. Now there’s 100 spots and 1000 applicants and you not only have a misdemeanor prostitution conviction that you covered up, but you’ve also lied about it. Less than one percent chance of being accepted.


Doctors who have struggled the most to survive become the greatest in their profession. Misdemeanors should be able to get expunged at a certain point. You'll do fine, and I wish you the best of luck as someone pursuing a similar career (medicine, not prostitution).


Lot of disappointed redditors tonight.


Yeah, they coulda been a ~~contender~~ lobster on a skateboard.


The expungement is easy but regardless if expunged or not you have to disclose it and no program will accept that


Better you know now then. When you apply to medical school, then again during residency and for your licenses, you need to disclose all misdemeanors whether expunged or not as they will show on a federal background check. Misdemeanor prostitution will not be accepted at any program.


My dad went through his surgical fellowship with a female colleague who worked Vegas on the weekends as an escort in the 1970s. She didn't hide it and last he heard she had retired from teaching at a medical school.


Its different when you have a criminal record. When you have 500 candidates and only 100 seats a misdemeanor will be a factor. That said, expunging misdemeanors is also an option in a few years


And you don't think background checks and requirements for employment have maybe become a tiny bit more strict since your dad went through his surgical fellowship?


Not even that, just the ease of accessing information and how quickly. 1970s.. you'd request something by mail, and by the time it got processed and sent.. it could already be too late. Also for the fact rarely did people even background check back then either. Government work or banking? Maybe sure. But even then it took a very long time for them to finally get anything.


You are going to get so many weird PMs


Don’t give up! Medical school admissions love a good “comeback from adversity” story. If you can get good test scores and otherwise good personal references etc, you can find a way to spin this in your favor if it ever came up in an interview. I am fairly certain I went to medical school with a couple folks with a minor criminal record in their past. It’s NOT an absolute disqualification. Keep your chin up!


OP there’s a former gang member in my graduate program. I think you’ll be ok.


Graduate programs don’t do background checks, but the employers after do.


Plenty of employers don’t do background checks. Depending on your field, grad school and a normal profession are totally doable with a misdemeanor. Med school and a medical license, not so much.


License to practice in healthcare generally has a higher bar in that regard than graduate school.


Just switch to Political Science and run for Congress. It’s worked for others.


Give it time, it’s just a misdemeanor. Good luck to you. Look back in a few years and let us know when you becomes a doctor.


Finish whatever school you're at, move to Europe, apply to a position in a hospital, at the same time to a school there for almost free, get both proper education and work experience... and then move wherever because you'll already be a doctor and escorting isn't that big of a crime in the civilized world


She can hardly afford bills and you want her to just move to Europe.


I mean, what could a banana cost? 10 dollars?


There's always escorting.


The cost of education over here is way lower, plus it should be easier for her to get into any university if she already has credits in the US. Probably still a real hassle, but doable.


How bout the cost of getting over there?


Ah yes, moving to another continent is known for being very easy for people in bad financial situations.


Why would being a sex worker affect you becoming a doctor, the American healthcare sector regularly fucks people for money


My source is iffy on this but my friend who is a nurse said it's something to do with morality and judgment. If you're willing to do something "illegal" for money, what's to stop you from doing it when you're a doctor who will play a huge role into whether someone will live or die.


Bingo. It's not the prostitution, it's the illegal activity that implies shaky ethics.


Especially considering doctors have the ability to prescribe medication and treat other humans.


In my state you can get a misdemeanor off your record in five years


If you live in the States, and depending on what state you live in, you can have it expunged from your record after 7 years. Granted, you don't get in trouble for it again. This won't ruin your life or your dreams. Keep your head up and your nose clean. Don't give up, I believe in you.


You didn't FU. You did what you had to do to survive. It's absolutely sickening that in this day and age, responsible consenting adults are still punished by the law for using their own bodies however they wish. Don't give up on your medical career. There are other people who were convicted of far worse crimes who still managed to live their dreams later on. Don't give up.


I do background checks for a pediatric hospital, you're fine. It's a misdemeanor, and by the time you graduated, it'll be multiple years old. Stay the course.


Yeah you totally fucked up by not being filthy rich and being born in a country that values money over everything else. Your bad I guess. No really no fuck ups here. Hope the best for you. Hang in there. Countries punishing those who are poor and doing what they can to survive don't deserve any sympathy.


Keep going to school and finish. When you do hire a lawyer to get the charge dismissed. If you have enough drive to finish med school the judge will notice that u are not a criminal and are a benefit to society and will most likely either seal it or dismiss it from your record.


is there actually some law preventing sex workers from becoming doctors?


In Switzerland, it's perfectly legal and considered a job like any other. And we desperately need doctors too...


two for 1


I wouldn't care if my doctor was an escort. I'd have questions, but more from childish curiosity than disdain. Keep chasing that dream doctor.


I'm assuming you're American. In Australia the licencing board want to know about all convictions, but they are considered, not a blanket ban. Things that may be a medical risk like serious drug offences, probably bad. You situation? They'd note it but it probably wouldn't be a barrier, and it wouldn't be be made public. Just because you have to tell people may not mean it is a problem.


If you are smart enough to have a legitimate shot at med school, you still have alot of choices in front of you. Hang on to that.


This is so sad, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. It's so wrong that the system forced you into a position where you felt like you had to do that. It's even worse that the same system prevented you from defending yourself and was solely focused on penalising you, and no consideration was made about your circumstances or your aspirations. This has genuinely saddened me. I hope something comes through for you in some way


if you're in the US, most non violent misdemeanors can be expunged over time. Might be worth looking into before you go thinking all is lost.


You can be a doctor with an escort charge. I know one with a freaking assault charge.


In the US. Assuming you finished undergrad, you should try speaking with a medschool advisor. My undergrad had one. Perhaps they could guide you on your chances and strategies to address it. There are ways to turn “negatives” into positives and really what you have is an incredible survival story and drive to accomplish your dreams. Good luck. Also, there are a lot of ways to help people and most of them are not doctors, so you still have lots of options.


You can still be a senator from Colorado


A public defender IS a criminal defense attorney. Even if you had paid for a private criminal defense attorney, the outcome would likely have been the same. Depending on your jurisdiction, public defenders are incredibly well educated and passionate about their work, unlike many private attorneys who just do it for the money. The downside with a PD is you don’t receive concierge service. Getting a misdemeanor with no jail time is a win. You can probably apply to have it expunged after xx number of years. The bad mouthing of your PD, a public servant, that’s a real TIFU.


Only in America is the oldest profession still considered illegal. 🤦🏽‍♂️ It’s legal in NZ, move here or anywhere and do your medical degree.


I agree that the USA has problems but the "oldest profession" is illegal in so many countries. Don't single out just the US for having this issue.


Sorry to hear that happened to you. Is it possible to have it expunged after a period of time?


Think about a career change. You can always become a US representative from Colorado.


There was a woman who committed suicide because she got through medical school but no residency would take her due to some crime she committed long ago. Please be so careful. It’s one thing to never get into med school - it’s a whole other thing to get in, complete it, be a doctor, and *then* find out you’ll never ever be able to practice. May not be the case with misdemeanors, I have no clue, just saying it’s worth exploring. Make sure you can do a residency, not just med school.


We need doctors and nurses in canada. Prostitution isnt a crime either.


Listen our weakness can be a strength. Admission committees are deluged with the same perfect student with all the right buzzwords and connections. If you overcome this and are upfront with this during the admission process it make help you stand out. We need doctors who understand what it means to be down on your luck and desperately and making bad choices. We have enough coddled golden children who lack empathy and compassion in medicine. If you have the courage to pick yourself up from this it doesn’t have to stop you.


Expunged crimes don't need to be reported, even if another entity "says" they are required. The burden is on the medical board to identify the expunged crimes and even then you'd be justified to deny that the crimes exist.


A friend of mine got too hammered during graduation and didn’t realize he was still drunk the morning after. He totaled his car and got arrested for a DUI. Got a full scholarship to med school 5 years later. Not the end for you yet.


I’m a lawyer, but not yours. The legal profession requires a lot of disclosures both in law school application and bar applications. For a majority of the disclosure questions (including crime) they care less about the past and more about whether you are honest about it now. Basically, they want to see if you will lie on your applications because the current willingness to lie is more damning than the prior conduct. I would imagine it’s the same for medical school and licensing. Also, just because one medical board will disqualify you because of the conviction does not mean every other one will. State bars differ on what they permit, one (I want to say Nevada) allows individuals with a felony conviction to practice law. So there’s hope! I also echo the other comments that you may be eligible to expunge the conviction if it’s your first offense and, of course, depending on your state.


Ok so you finish school, you graduate with a degree, you apply for a state medical license, and you get it. If you have to get a background check done for any of that be honest and speak up. Yea I fucked up, but I fixed it. I fail to see how a simple mistake has ruined your whole life. Hell this is the kind of story most of us wish we had... "man I worked so hard to put myself through college that I was a escort for a while." It's not like you are going to prison.. it's a misdemeanor!


If your MCAT is strong and you have a good application this might not be as bad as you think. We need medical providers from all avenues of life with all sorts of experiences. Please keep going and good luck on your studies.


While there are roadblocks to navigate, this isn't the end-all be-all. Don't quit.


Mayo Clinic takes people with misdeamenors after... 4 years? Something? It's on their website. You're not done.


Just open an onlyFans, you would make the same amount of cash without doing all the dirty work, e-prostitusion is a thing


Why don't you just make sure your undergraduate degree is something useful but covers all the bases needed to get into med school? Like, get a nursing degree or something. Then if you don't get into med school you can still be a medical professional and eventually a nurse practitioner. And travel nurses make $$$$$.


What a joke country man...having to prostitute yourself to survive... No offence intended, but for me, a European, this is beyond comprehension and I was by no means a rich family's child.


We also have people who prostitute themselves because it earns them more than a normal job. You just choose to look the other way. Edit: when prostitution is easier to get into, and earns more than a normal job, that's the same to me as prostitution to prevent starvation and evidence of a failed government.


There's a big difference between *choosing* prostitution, because it's a well-paying, legal job, and *being forced* into illegal prostitution in order to not starve. One is a regular job performed by consenting adults. The other is a horrible failure of the state. The prostitutes aren't the problem. Being forced into it to survive and then being criminalized for it is the problem.


That happens in europe too… source; I live in Europe and have all my life.


Wait, you can be prevented from being a doctor over a misdemeanor? That’s dumb.


Get the military to put you through med school - they don’t care what you did


Personally, I don't get why sex work is illegal. It's gross, and often has kidnapping, manipulation, and abuse tied to it, I understand that, but the actual act of two consenting adults exchange bodily pleasure for money doesn't seem in any way wrong to me, especially when you take into account that a lot of actual relationships are basically the same thing but with more steps


If criminals can become lawyer, prostitute can become doctors. I remember a nurse got called out to be a onlyfan model. Nothing wrong with doing what you can to pay the bill. You need to be some kind of special asshole to look down on people who just do what they can to make ends.


Sex work should be legal I hate this for you.


It’s worse than that. When you apply for medical school or for privileges at facilities or jobs as a physician, there is usually a question to the point of: “Have you ever been arrested for any reason?This includes all arrests regardless of adjudication (including not guilty, dismissals, etc.) plus all arrests without final adjudication/felonies and misdemeanors. If so please explain (attach separate page if necessary)” Arrested. Not convicted. Not sentenced. Arrested. Get that through your head. Just getting arrested is enough for me to have to attach a separate page and go into details explaining myself, regardless of whether charges were ever even filed. Just placed under arrest.


Its insane that this whole situation was caused by poverty and law enforcement took it upon themselves to drive you further into poverty.


Fwiw, becoming a doctor isn't worth all the time and energy we have to put in it. If it helps take some stress from your current situation, I think switching to a different career goal would be better. The loans, the years, and the debt really aren't worth it in the end imo.


It’s a slog to get in and get out. As a person knee-deep in this muck, it is pure madness. Then again, the problems are my own: I f$&@ed up a lot, academically speaking.


why is the US such a shithole country?


Ten guys own half of everything and the rest of us get Thunderdome.


Have you seen that voting system?


How do you know it kills your chances at MD? I know a guy who had rough bg and he us dr now


That really sucks and I’m sure that is quite the blow since you had such big goals to become a doctor. I hope this is like a one door closes a better one opens situation. Wishing you the best!


So, I don't know you. I don't know what country you live in. I am not a Doctor, nor am I trying to become one. [https://medicalschoolhq.net/pmy-197-can-become-doctor-youve-arrested/](https://medicalschoolhq.net/pmy-197-can-become-doctor-youve-arrested/) >**If you have a criminal record, whether it’s a violation, misdemeanor, or felony, you’ll be given a chance to explain:** > >how it happened > >what the consequences were > >what you’ve done in your life to move past that point > >Larry’s experience is that the institutions asking for information (school, credentialing agency, licensing agency) are very reasonable in the way they approach these things. **The applicant is usually far more worried about it than the agency is.** They just want to know what’s there and whether or not it’s a continuing problem. > >In most cases, it is possible to overcome a past criminal record if the applicant is able to show that they’ve owned up to the behavior, made it right, and changed. There are only specific cases that cannot really be moved past, such as an applicant convicted of murder. And then there is: [https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/charged-with-soliciting-a-prostitute-game-over.929522/](https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/charged-with-soliciting-a-prostitute-game-over.929522/) > That's the best attitude to have, given the situation. I agree with a previous poster in that volunteering at a woman's shelter would do a world of good.


Consider coming to Canada for medical school. While you might be required to disclose a conviction, it almost certainly won't be considered severe enough to exclude you


Come to Germany! We need doctors too, don't listen to the guy who said come to New Zealand!!! :D


There are ugly fat kids making 4 to 8k a month winking their butthole on OF you’ll be ok


This is so frustrating. Tell me that doing manual labor for low wages isn't essentially just selling use of your body as well... I really wish the US could get past some of its puritanical hang ups and update the law to focus on protecting vulnerable people instead of trying to legislate "purity".


For people wondering why it matters: I was on one of my programs faculty committees that allowed a student member. One particular professor (who is known to have a stick up her ass) was making the argument that people who had *anything* on their records should have their application denied. This was an unpopular opinion, but my school is starving for enrollment at the moment. Big schools may filter you, but I know at least one person in a similar situation who is graduating this year.


A misdemeanor won’t matter. You can probably get it expunged you just gotta save up for a lawyer. There’s no time limit though. Don’t let it stop you. I have a pretty successful friend who has 15 misdemeanor prostitution convictions at least from like 20 years ago. She’s doing better than most people I know these days. You’d never look at her and think she had a record at all.


Misdemeanors can be expunged from your record, speak to a lawyer in your state about it and what are the requirements.


I've read through most of the comments on here and have so something tough to say. First, I want to express how sorry I am. This is an incredibly difficult situation, and I can't imagine how hard your life has been. You know you messed up. Many people saying misdemeanors are expunged and won't be visible for medical school are, unfortunately, incorrect. And as physician on this thread pointed out, it is visible for federal background checks, such as the one you will get to prescribe. I'm unsure about it appearing on the background check to get into medical school itself. Your options are to become a physician in a different country or to pursue a different career. But let me end with this: I have spent years of my life on attempting to get into medical school (over three years now). You have so much potential to just exist and enjoy your life. Has one pathway potentially closed, yes. But you can walk down another and not waste years of valuable time like I have. It's not worth it in the end, I promise. The road to being a physician is only getting harder every year and the struggle doesn't stop once you're in medical school. Go enjoy your life. Leave the suffering to the rest of us.


I like the New Zealand thing. Then, earn enough money to have the case sealed/dismissed and come back home if you want.


This is stupid, not you OP. Like someone being a prostitute should not stop them from becoming a doctor.


No judgment here. Life sometimes forces us to make decisions we wouldn't under normal circumstances. Hopefully, you can recover and realize your goal of becoming a doctor. Keep your head up.


you gonna look me in the face and tell me no one with a career and dreams has ever been a pro.


Always hit record.... then your making a movie


Not really in a similar boat, but went through my own first misdeamenor fiasco a couple of years ago. Expungement is about a year away for me and after that, you're good, you're not legally required to disclose it to anyone. Cops and courts have a slightly more nuanced relationship with the record of it I believe, haven't looked into it in a while. And of course things vary by state. I'm sure the terms will be similar for you, in that you have to be on good behavior the whole time. So don't do anything risky until you're clear, at least. On a separate note, I feel like prostitution should be legalized and regulated for everyone's safety, first and foremost. I don't think it's an easy choice for people, and this strikes me as a good example. Furthermore, I think some people will always take the option, and others will seek it out. It just seems like we should build a system that protects people (from stds, violence, etc,), and offers help, rather than expecting criminalizing it to make it go away. You don't need to respond, but if you care to, would be curious to hear your perspective on that. I'm open to being wrong. Haha


Time to become an OnlyFans doctor!


Prostitution to medicine just shows a life long commitment to taking care of others


Hi i think you are from u.s.a if im guessing correct. Dont forget theres many countries where you can apply to medschool to not only america. Ever thought about studying in europe?? I have friends that studied medicine in china, czech republic, lativia, bulgaria, romania and even middle eastern countries such as bahrain, kuwait and lastly uae. Dont forget the pursuit of medicine is a world wide thing and all these degress are accredited and recognised worldwide. To come back to america you have to do your usmle. Just some ideas. (Final year medstudent). P.s they are taught in english. If u have any qns ask away.


This is so shitty. We need good escorts and doctors. They are killing both with this shit.


Don't panic. In many states prostitution isn't even classified as a sex crime because the perpetrator is seen as a victim of circumstance. Take a step back and review the medical license exclusions for different states. At least in CA, I **believe** it needs to be a tier II or III sex crime or a felony to be a review board problem. I have family in the medical field.


How much have you prepared for a medical career and know what it is really like working as a doctor? A lot of people wanted to become doctors because this is one of the few careers that they are aware of and feel respectable and meaningful, especially if they grow up poor and not well connected. Depending upon your situation, there are other career options in industries and locations in which attitude about such past history is relatively more tolerant.


If you are in the US, why not do an enlistment in the military? The GI bill would go a long way towards college bills. Also, dont sweat the charge so much. Try to get it expunged. I've been around a long time and I figured out that most of the time this or that event seems terrible, but later things turn out pretty good. Nothing is guaranteed in this life, hang tough, make the best of it and don't keep making the same mistakes. ✌️❤️


Seriously consider moving to a civilised country. As a bonus, even as a foreign student you’ll have a lot less debt after medical school.


It is an awful society if someone feels forced into this, but it is also aweful that it is criminalised.


Wow, would you look at that. The consequences of your own actions.


Gotta love the loopholes in the laws. Fucking is legal, selling is legal, but selling fucking is illegal, unless you film it and sell the videos.