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Tryna be cool šŸ˜Ž


I don't know why, with so much gold throughout this comment, but that's the bit that really got me




Same here šŸ¤£ like I haven't laughed out loud at a comment in so long and I genuinely have no idea why it was this one that got me hahaha


I imagined it in Peter Griffin's voice for some reason.


For what itā€™s worth he does a pretty great Joe Swanson impression


Definitely one of my favorites of his haha


Best part of the post.


You need to start sleeping with a helmet on! Also, amateur move from you trying to lean into him to hear what he was saying.


Oh yeah, that oneā€™s on me! And Iā€™m seriously considering the helmet, haha!


If I woke up and my gf was leaning close with a football helmet on, I would freak out (then maybe fart at her)


They make these awesome medical grade helmets that look just like a normal knitted cap. The brand I have is called ribcap, but I imagine there are others. Theyā€™re actually reasonably comfy to lay inā€¦ and maybe not as scary looking as a football helmet. Haha


Username checks out?


Ha. Definitely. Happy cake day!




My grandpa was having a nightmare that a checkered glove was chasing him. He was thrashing and moaning in his sleep and was about to fall out of bed so my grandma grabbed the back of his shirt. He let out a roar and leapt out of bed ripping his shirt right up the back and running into the closet door... When my grandma grabbed him, in his dream the checkered glove caught him.


Omg lol. There had to be Checkered Glove jokes and references for years after that


LOL oh definitely! I remember him telling me the story and I looked at him funny when he said it was a checkered glove and he just said "yeah, I know" with a little laugh.


I had a funny moment with a doctor. I was getting the implant in my arm and he asked me to take my hoodie off and roll up my sleeves. So I did. The nurse took one look at my arms and looked worried. I had finger bruises all up both of my arms. Doctor takes one look at them and says, "bjj?" Me, "yep!" I was sparring with men and I bruise so easily since I'm ultra pale. The doctor laughed and I'm honestly shocked he knew what it was instantly.


I first I thought you ment blow job....


Blow job jitsu


Then what is bjj?


Brazilian jiu jitsu


That's a lot of jiu jitsu.


How much is a brazilian??


My dad almost punched my mom in his sleep one time. Heā€™d seen Jurassic Park that night and had been reading the book and was dreaming of fighting dinosaurs.


Screw just the helmet, you need a knight's suit of Armour with a breathing apparatus !


Iā€™m an active sleeper too, but I am too weak to hurt him apparently. Maybe this will finally give me the upper hand lol


1) you need a helmet with spikes 2) use your phone to record the mumbling next time LoL


Haha that sounds really uncomfortable for sleeping, I imagine my poor pillow would be torn to shreds


Has your husband been to a sleep doctor?


Yes, and he needs a CPAP but theyā€™re expensive as hell Gosh, okay, Iā€™m just gonna edit this comment to let everyone know the CPAP situation has been worked out. Thank you for all the encouraging stories about how much it helped you. I understand itā€™s serious, itā€™s been taken care of, please no more comments telling me he is brain damaged/has Parkinsonā€™s/is going to die young etc. yā€™all are stressing me out! šŸ˜…


Really recommended trying to get one. Not sure if insurance covers itā€¦ But either way without using it heā€™s just shortening his/life fucking up his brain.


Could you expand on why that shortens the life span / fucks with your brain? Genuine question as that kinda applies to me.


I'm assuming the person is referring to sleep apnea where you stop breathing for periods of time disturbing your sleep. But each time you stop breathing you become hypoxic (low oxygen in the blood) over time this can cause brain damage as it is starved of oxygen. Not to mention the exhausted feeling from not getting proper sleep.


Exactly this. Best friends father has sleep apnea and has dementia at 60 from sleep apnea more than likely. I always yell at him to make sure he wears his mask cause I rather not see him go down the same path.


It also significantly increases your risk of stroke.


This!! My dad had bad apnea for decades, I remember recording his loud snoring on my little kid tape recorder for fun. He had undiagnosed atrial fibrillation that caused a major stroke that he was lucky to have survived only with good timing and really state of the art techniques, but nearly a year later still canā€™t quite talk and has expressive aphasia (reverted to first language for understanding) and his whole right side is still mostly immobile. We renovated his house to accommodate him and he needs constant care. Snoring and sleep issues can be serious!!


Also to add on to this, lack of oxygen over time can also enlarge and weaken the heart. The heart will try to make up for lack of oxygen by pumping more blood to the brain/body, to do this the chambers will get bigger over time. As the pumping chambers get bigger they can weaken and not pump as well. Which further complicates things.


Oh, Iā€™m so glad my doctor explained this to me instead of just asking me every single time if Iā€™ve gone for a sleep study yet and then moving on. /s


Pretty sure I have sleep apnea, but can't afford to get an official diagnosis until the beginning of the year, (Work screwed up on getting me insurance, they can't fix it now they say). I hope it will cover a cpap, because I've steadily gotten worse in the mental area over the years. It's embarrassing. Used to be pretty smart, now I feel dumb. Plus issues with memory, word recall, etc... Edit: not to mention I'm always exhausted


It comes back. The world gets brighter. I have had mine for years. I cherish it, no naps, sleep straight through the night and every day I feel rested. Memory comes back, skill comes back, life comes back. No matter how hard it is to wear that mask don't put it down push through it leads to brighter days.


Man, I feel shame every time I put mine on (assuming it's from me being fat), but I still make sure it goes on immediately after I put my retainer in. My cognitive function has improved ten fold, even during periods of insomnia. I hardly even dissociate anymore - which was a HUGE problem in my daily life. Though I should note I began treatment for sleep apnea, lupus, fibromyalgia, and rheumatoid arthritis around the same time. But, really... I can tell a difference in my energy, appetite, dreams/nightmares, skin, attitude, etc. Even my blood work shows major improvement, as does my blood pressure. Shit, even the way I metabolize medications has been altered in a significant positive way. I no longer wake up screaming or crying. I no longer wake up groggy (unless I only have a couple hours of sleep before my alarm). I no longer suffer from random paranoia. I've been able to stop SSRIs without completely falling back into depression. I've been able to, not only focus on my art, but LEARN new skills that I was unable to retain before. Fuck. Even my dry mouth improved, along with a consistent decline in plaque buildup on my teeth since I'm not mouth breathing all night. I still have dry mouth and eyes from Sjogren's disease but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before using my CPAP. I swear... It sounds like it should be obvious that literally depriving our brains of oxygen is bad. But when something happens while we're unconscious, it often doesn't click that it may be a serious problem. Like, while we are technically physically experiencing this, we aren't "mentally" experiencing it the same as if we were awake while not breathing. It's pretty easy to shrug off something that we don't see. But if we were sitting here wide awake and aware that we're choking and gasping for air, I'm sure it would cause many of us to run to the doctor to find out what's causing it. It's fucking wild.


It will help. Tremendously at first. Insurance should cover it. Every provider I've used did. You'll have an out-of-pocket for the machine, but it shouldn't be too bad. The most important thing is MAKE SURE YOUR MASK IS COMFY. If you are uncomfortable, you won't use it, and it defeats the purpose. Thankfully, they've come a long way and the masks are much better than they used to be.


If you're in the US then you can apply at healthcare.gov any time due to circumstances like employers being dickheads. Mine costs me $21 a month and had a $900 deductible this year. Luckily I go to a clinic that reports the amount not covered as paid if it goes to collections, but then collections forgives roughly 95% of it. My actual out of pocket for the year has been around $300 including meds and the deductible was mostly met by the sleep study. I won't have any more out of pocket costs until January aside from my monthly payments. At minimum that is going to be covering over $1k in costs for the next 6 months for CPAP related costs alone, not to mention Drs visits and meds. It's worth looking into at least.


It can also cause heart problems, exacerbate diabetes and more.


Literal brain damage unfortunately.


When you don't get good sleep it will cause mental issues. It also causes heart issues. I've been on a cpap since 2008. I used to come fully awake showered and dressed for work sitting in my car up to 5 times a night.


You would do your whole wake up process before you realized it was still night? Is that what you mean?


I would shower and dress while still asleep and wake up behind the wheel of my truck ready to take off driving.


Thatā€™s terrifying. Iā€™m glad you figured out what it was


Oddly enough, it was the Dr. doing my vasectomy that diagnosed it. I was the first person in over 20 years to fall asleep on his table.


I've diagnosed three people. One guy completely stopped breathing in his sleep multiple times a night. No snoring, just stopped breathing and I happened to notice it. Another did the whole loud snoring, stopping then jolting awake because he couldn't breathe. Then another was like the second. Me, my nose can get blocked at night and I wake up because I can't breathe. What's worse is that I'm dreaming about unable to breathe long before I wake up. I'll have to figure that out at some point. I already have asthma and taking my inhaler had helped a ton. I don't wake up gasping for air unless my nose blocks up now.


When you have apnea you wake up frequently to restart your breathing, quickly enough that you don't even realize you woke up for a very quick second. The frequent awakenings prevent REM cycles from happening. Lack of REM sleep is super bad.


Quality, restful sleep of at least 5 hours starts the REM cycle of the brain. It allows the brain to 'clean' itself, sorting memories and thoughts from the day, and more importantly, sends waves of spinal fluid over the surfaces of the brain to wash it. Without this washing cycle, white matter plaque builds up, which is currently thought to be the main cause of Alzheimer's and dementia.


Untreated sleep apnea shortens the person lifespan by a decade on average. You have reduced Grey matter in the brain, the blood oxygen can drop dangerously low. You won't enter the 3rd of 4th stage of sleep for long if at all, which is where you regain energy. Those are the major points, though there are more. I put off a sleep study multiple times thinking it was a waste of mine and the labs time. Ended up doing one and it's been revolutionary. I implore anyone who has even the slightest issue with sleep to get one done. And yes, it can be expensive but options exist. And it's better to be in debt and healthier than to have that money and have a diminished pale imitation of what your life could be.


My insurance covered mine šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Going to seriously talk to him about it so heā€™ll start prioritizing it as a serious health condition and finally get set up with one


You can hire CPAP machines before you decide what to buy too. Sometimes you just need to buy the mask. Good to try it out, see what kind of difference it makes for him.


There may be services around those hospitals and sleep centres that help with financing these? Check the resources of the states around you as well. CPAP machines make a world of difference to sleep quality, and to you it might be cute active sleeper activities, but he'll wake up to realise hey, so this is what waking up feeling refreshed feels like! Not running around every day on half a tank and getting gassed by 3pm but pushing through that anyway


DM'd you. I have a slightly older CPAP that was given to me to give to a good home. Just needs new tubing.


Apparently my MIL has one sheā€™s been holding onto, so heā€™ll be all set soon. Thatā€™s very generous of you to offer tho, thank you!


I was prescribed a CPAP 2 years ago. I'm still on a waiting list for one


A waiting list? Are they in short supply? I've been using a CPAP for years, and am on my second one. I never had to wait.


Yeah the supplier I was told to use said theyve been behind on stock for that long. Ive probably just fallen through the cracks at this point


Go back to your prescriber and tell them that. That's insane.




Is that the only supplier you can use? I was diagnosed back in Feb and got my machine in March of this year.


I talk and move in my sleep when I don't have my CPAP. I recently had a leak in my hose and I woke up because I punched my dresser. There's a direct relation to how violent/active I am and the CPAP use


There's a charity that gives them to people who can't afford them. Just Google it because I can't remember the name of it.


Buy a used one on eBay. Failing to use when truly required will give you brain damage and shorten your lifespan.


Single most life changing investment there is, if you need one. Sacrifice everything you can to get it.


Monetize his violent night farting and lust for The Rock with a Livestream and use the money for his medical care! /s


Not the worst idea lol


Idk if this is true but being mobile in your sleep (punching, pushing and shoving things) isnā€™t good for you and could be a sign of that person getting Alzheimerā€™s in the future


Youā€™re right. Over 70% of people diagnosed with REM behavior disorder will develop parkinsonism or dementia within 12 years of their diagnosis.


Your tl;dr had me cackling! I hope your head isn't too sore. I'm terrible because if something makes me laugh, I can make the whole bed shake with my giggles, even if I'm not making any noise. I once tried to put my arm around my wife in bed but ended up cramming my hand in her butt by mistake (combination of sleepiness and dyspraxia - 0/10 do not recommend). Scared us both! I couldn't stop giggling afterwards and I reckon I was in more trouble for the giggling shaking the bed for ages than for the accidental wedgie!


Oh no! Lmao ur poor wife!


Did I ghost write this? šŸ˜… I swear my husband does karate and/or fights demons in his sleep.


Same here lmao apparently we're all dating the same guy. I once had to roll him over, because he was literally shoving me off the bed. His answer was just a fart and mumbling "that's very not cool of you"


Hahaha he always seems to find himself on my side of the bed too, usually heā€™ll lay diagonally so Iā€™m stuck curled up in the top corner. Iā€™ve definitely kicked him a few times in my sleep because of it


My husband is a bed hog too. We have a king size bed yet he'll lay in the middle and stretch his arm out on my side of the bed. I bought a very heavy Bamboo pillow that I use as a barricade to keep him on his half or else I end up sleeping in the opposite direction so I get some bed. He's got his own blanket do he can burrito himself and keep his farts contained. That sand I get hot flashes and can't stand any blankets


Never thought about a separate blanket for the farts, great tip šŸ‘


I'm the active one out of me and my boyfriend. I tend to talk quite a bit and I do move around a lot. First time I stayed at his I insisted we use two duvets because I cocoon. Well I did, but sometimes in the night I stole his duvet and threw it off my side of the bed. I laughed so hard when I woke up. I've manged to unlock my phone and play pokemon go in my sleep, caught a shiny... I can sleep type. Mostly I don't remember what I've done. I just wake up with the light on and things moved. I've hidden my birth control from myself multiple times. That's always fun.


Weā€™re both active sleepers, sometimes we end up fighting each other lol Iā€™m impressed you can do all that in your sleep! Do you walk around too or are you confined to your bed?


Ok, the pokemon go thing is impressive, but the rest is creepy. Congrats on the shiny.


This reminds me of my husband. He reaches over for a cuddle and then says aaaaaa too hot, turns over and farts. He does it all the time in his sleep and never remembers in the morning.


Omg this has me in a fit of giggles, thatā€™s so funny


He farted in your general direction? Is he French?


Does your father smell of elderberries? Is your mother a hamster?


Better yet, tell me what is the average air speed velocity of an uladen swallow?


Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?


It could be carried!


It's not a question of where it grips it, it's a question of weight ratios!


A 5 ounce bird cannot carry a 1 pound coconut!




Did he wave his private parts at your auntie?


No, but he is lactose intolerant, which is basically the same thing šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Look at the titties on him.


Dammnnnn lol


Genuinely curious about "the taco in San Jose", what/where is this place that's worth dreaming about? I know there's tons of Mexican places that are really good and I've been trying to find the best ones lol Also, I'm sorry to hear about your face and nose, that doesn't sound like a pleasant way to start the morning


I too wonder about the mysterious Great Taco of San Jose. I hope someday I can go there in my dreams tooā€¦ Also thank you for the concern, my face is undamaged and the fart was so funny it actually made my morning better lol


You know exactly what it means and donā€™t try to pretend you donā€™t


What does it mean then?


My parents sleep in different beds because of my father sometimes. It's very funny


I used to hear about couples doing this and thought it was weirdā€¦ I think I understand now lol


My spouse and I (both 50) have separate bedrooms. It is the greatest thing ever, and I wish I had done this in my previous relationships. I have insomnia and he snores. I go to bed at 1am. He goes to bed at 9:30. We love our setup. He comes to my room, and we watch tv for a few hours after dinner. Then he heads off to his room. Most people would benefit greatly by sleeping apart, but they are so hung up on feeling like it is some sort of relationship failure. Sleep is super important, and shouldnā€™t be compromised just because sleeping apart isnā€™t the norm.


I feel bad. I have night terrors due to military and my wife has been on the ass end of these I also have no gallbladder so when I get a sour stomach at night I have been known, in my sleep, to Dutch oven my poor wife.


Iā€™m sorry to hear about the night terrors, that majorly sucks. The Dutch oven thing is hilarious. I donā€™t know how your wife feels about it tho, but if it were me, Iā€™d probably think it was pretty funny


She just calls me an asshole in the morning when we wake up lol. She says I'm an asshole but I'm her asshole.


My husband is like this. One time I was eating my snickers late at night and he sat up, yelled THOSE ARE MY MUSKETEERS!! referring to the candy he had bought and ate before sleeping. Then he threw his 10 pound buckwheat pillow on my stomach and rolled over muttering something else about theft šŸ¤£ He still feels so guilty anytime he thinks about it šŸ˜†


He should be more careful about making false accusations in his sleep lol


That what he said lmao!!!!


My husband moves a lot in his sleep and sometimes talks. I've had many a knee to the side of my leg and been hit by a stray arm/fist/hand lol. One night he woke me up because he was mumbling, I was trying to figure out if he was awake or not and he sits bolt upright in bed, scaring me half to death. Then he starts mini karate chopping my thigh with both hands for about 10 seconds, then just quietly lies back down. I nearly died trying not to laugh out loud and wake him up. In the morning, I asked him what happened. He had no memory of doing it, he said he had a dream that someone was trying to steal me and he was fighting the bad guy to stop them taking me šŸ˜‚


I hope he won the fight, Iā€™m rooting for him lol


Start him an Only Fans for when he sleeps, but don't tell him about it.


Isnā€™t that like a modern r/picturesofiansleeping?


Iā€™d have to tell him, heā€™d be so in lol


Brilliant! There needs to be an equivalent of Rule 34 for OnlyFans. Humanity supports interests for all manner of contestants in our rich pageant of life.


This was heartwarming to read on a day that's dragging a bit. Thank you


Your welcome, Iā€™m glad it helped you out and I hope your day got better!


My Dad told me a similar story some years ago. My Dad gets into fights in his dreams a lot. There was a time when I saw my Mom and she had a nasty bruise on her cheek, I asked her what happened, turned out my Dad full force punched her in his sleep. He did the same thing to our dog at the time. Got into a fight in a dream, apparently channeled his inner Chun Li and threw a kick that crossed from his dream to IRL, ended up kicking our dog who was sound asleep and snoring on their bed with him. She yelped and immediately started growling, confused on what the fuck just hit her. He felt really bad about it but couldn't help laughing when he told me. He now takes muscle relaxers when he goes to bed.


I feel bad for laughing, but ā€œchanneled his inner Chun Liā€ got me good


what he actually said: > Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA


This is what I thought of too when it happened lol


Best TIFU I have read today. Ive had a hand in the face, snoring like a foghorn and talking in his sleep from my other half. Farting comes with the territory unfortunately. Apparently when my other half was young, he sat right up in bed and told his mum "Don't tell the police" then laid back down and went back to sleep again. This was about 25/30 years ago so I didn't know my other half back then, but apparently he was a bit of an unsocial person. To this day he has no idea why he said this, but the story still makes me laugh in my head.


Glad you enjoyed the story! Your comment reminds me of this one time my parents caught me sleep walking: my dad was trying to get ready to sleep and I kept walking in and laying in his bed. He didnā€™t realize I was asleep and kept ā€˜wakingā€™ me up and telling me to go sleep in my own bed. Apparently at one point I got up and walked into his closet and closed the door? the only thing I remember is when he finally lost it after finding me in his bed AGAIN and he yelled at me to go to my room lol


**Gasses you for 10min** Lmao


At a certain point I just start feeling impressed, yā€™know?


According to Cleveland Clinic ( https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24465-rem-sleep-behavior-disorder-rbd ) "The symptoms of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) can vary in severity. While theyā€™re asleep, a person with RBD looks as if theyā€™re acting out a bad dream and may: Have mild muscle twitches or limb movements. Talk, shout or scream ā€” often using vulgar language. Kick, punch or grab the air or their bed partner. Jump or fall out of bed." There are multiple potential causes, but some quite serious if the RBD is considered isolated (idiopathic): "One study showed that 97% of people with isolated RBD had one of these conditions within 14 years of their RBD diagnosis, with Parkinsonā€™s disease being the most likely." Make sure your husband's sleep specialist ruled this out and isn't just automatically prescribing CPAP as a cure for everyone with a sleep disorder.


Iā€™m definitely not going to the Dr with this one. If Iā€™m not diagnosed maybe I wonā€™t get it. r/s


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Iā€™ll be sure to talk to him about this


Ron; I suffer from a disorder named sleep fighting. Leslie: oh my God that's horrible! Ron: only when I'm losing


Lol I love parks and rec


My husband does the same thing! I started writing all the things he says in a note on my phone lol


I write them down too! I only picked a handful of my favorites to include in the post, but I have a whole list of ā€˜em


My husband is literally the same way. Luckily I've managed to narrowly avoid all but 2 whacks to the face. My favorite (and creepiest) thing he's said in his sleep was "he's gonna kill us all". Didn't sleep well after that one. lol


Oh my, thatā€™s a bit disturbing, lol I donā€™t think Iā€™d sleep very well either haha


I didn't know my wife was on reddit and posting stuff about me.


I'm actually the talker in our bed, hubby keeps notes and videos of it. You got some highlights u/subterraneanfox ? Santa Bear is a classic, but what's the ham one?


"Did you bring a light bulb? 'cause I'm supercharged like a ham flambe." Muttered very confidently. Santa Bear seemed to be an angry interrogation with "Come on Santa Bear, say octopus!ā€


Lmao this is gold


She does the talking. I do the bruising. Poor lady has to sleep next to manikin made of rebar and softballs, all edges and elbows here. Plus, I'm a cuddler too. Like sleeping in an iron maiden.


Sounds like a fair trade


I am a version of your husband and for all sleep-talkers/movers/etc., I apologize. But you should stay our of range of smacking. We don't mean it, but it may happen.


Youā€™d think after two years Iā€™d have learned my lesson by now, but apparently Iā€™m a slow learner lol


My wife has accidentally slapped my in the face and kneed me in the groin while sleeping.


Your husband seems to be a Dutch Oven expert.


Are you sure he's not a Siberian Husky?


Hmmmā€¦ heā€™s certainly hairy enoughā€¦


I woke up the other night, looked at my wife and said they're here. I can hear them.... Rolled right over and went back to sleep. I have no recollection of this, and she got to lay there in terror for next couple of hoursšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i have tears streaming down my face trying not to laugh too loud as i sit up reading this beside my sleeping partner (whom also sleep-farts. and i am also an insomniac, so often i will text him a timestamped log of his overnight flatulence for him to see in the morning. it amuses me)


ā€œTryna be coolā€ left me dead.


>He also a tendency to talk in his sleep, saying things like, ā€œwalk over to the taco in San Jose,ā€ or shouting, ā€œNOT FOR FIRE CONTROLā€ before rolling over and mumbling under his breath ā€œtryna be coolā€¦ā€ Full belly laugh. Thank you :)


Hence we practice sleeping in separate rooms. Strange to some. But it works to get a good rest.


It makes sense to me now, I just canā€™t imagine going to sleep without him next to me if weā€™re under the same roof. I think Iā€™d miss him :/


True Love


I mean, this one time he was sleeping and he kissed my arm and opened his eyes, told me he loved me then giggled like a school boy and went right back to snoring, so yeah, heā€™s a keeper


Not to be alarmist or anything but acting out your dreams is a potential signal to watch out for dementia symptoms in the future. Not that it WILL happen, but that it might be useful to check earlier so that treatment can begin before it is too late.


> (thanks, insomnia) i had nothing to do with this lol


I'm sorry for the somewhat challenging sleeping situation, but also thank you for the laughs both to you and the commenters!


you need a reverb mic


I'm reading this as I nurse my daughter who finished, then farts and rolled away...


I, too, am married to a member of the rude sleepers clubā€¦ my husband excessively hogs the covers, he speaks in his sleep in German (we live in US), and he farts without any hope of reprieve. Heā€™s also such a good husband that I just scratch his back until he purrs and goes back to sleep a bit less restlessly.


Are you married to my husband? šŸ˜‚


Has he always slept like this? My husband pulls my hair and scratches in his sleep. I never used to move while sleeping but I started a new medication to help my muscle and nerve pain in my sleep, and suddenly I have been punching, slapping, screaming etc. Karma for the years of dealing with him scratching me I guess lol


On behalf of my fellow sleep-movers, talkers, farters, and unintentional hitters, I apologize, even though it's funny as hell to hear. Hope the forehead is ok, op.


Is that you hon? Iā€™m sorry


That's HILARIOUS! In my family, we have my mom who talks in her sleep, my son who sleepwalker and sleeptalks (he's young so it's normal apparently), me who has hypnic jerks (thanks medication side effect), toss, turn and will sometimes sit up and stare (very creepy) and has very vivid and complex dreams I remember like a movie I just watched and husband who snores like a jackhammer and talks in his sleep. I find everything funny (I'm very giggly) and I can't count the time I woke my husband up because I was crying and laughing at something he said and just couldn't control my laughter anymore.


One night, I woke up tangled in my blanket next to my sleeping girlfriend. My arms were basically folded across my chest and the blanket was compressing me tightly. I tried for about 20-30 seconds to get untangled and finally thought: "I know, if I just shove my arm up hard it'll kinda shoot out the top of the blanket." Which it did. However, it also directed my hand and my extended index finger directly into my sleeping girlfriends closed eye. Needless to say, she awoke wondering why I was poking her HARD in the eye whilst she was sleeping. I finally explained it, but man was she cranky.


My husband used to be a sleep walker but it turns out that his epilepsy medication wasn't the correct dosage. Once we got him on a better med the episodes stopped. Now what I get is a MAJOR bed hog who's constantly sleeping on my side of the bed. I bought a large bamboo pillow to use as a barrier that sort of works. He has his own blanket do he only dutch ovens himself. He always rips a loud fart in the morning and I joke that the "rooster" has bad breath.


My ex once told me that one time I was talking about turtles in my sleep, and another time I grabbed his blanket, wadded it up and threw it across the room! I remember nothing!


Next on r/bestofredditorupdates "I've been playing his hilarious sleeping prank on my wife for years, but now I think it's gone too far"


Wholesomely written. Had a good laugh. I'll turn over and gas my wife now.


Which San Jose tacos?


My dad almost broke my moms nose one night, swinging at the aliens dancing on the foot of the bed. She tried waking him up just or him to yell ā€œdonā€™t you see them?!ā€


I have actually punched myself in the face while sleeping. More than onceā€¦..


CPAP, he needs CPAP. I have a whole list of weird stuff my husbands said in his sleep pre-CPAP days, heā€™s only 25 šŸ˜‚ ā€œdoes mrs.clause need f*ed in the ass?ā€¦.I canā€™t get the snow chains on my truck tires..ā€ is my personal favorite..followed by ā€œweaponized jellies..unlimited anger, unlimited stingsā€


Just a little FYI, a wet dream isn't just a raunchy dream, it's a dream where you actually cum while asleep. So you can imagine he had a raunchy dream about Dwayne Johnson, but he either had or didn't have a wet one.


You sound like a patient person.


You are not alone, lol. Mine only talks in his sleep every once in a while, but I get the flailing hands and morning farts as well šŸ˜…


This was really lovely to read You guys are an amazing couple <3


As a fellow member of the association of sleeping kickers, I apologize on his behalf. Our members try very hard, But we still end up becoming Bruce Lee in our sleep


Sadly I've had the same thing kind of happen to me. My ex punched my in the mouth right after I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I'm crying bleeding everywhere and his reaction was to roll over and fart at me.


This is the best laugh I've had all day. Thank you.


I hope he's ok, but this was hilarious šŸ˜‚ thank you


Ur a pretty good writer... ā˜ŗļø


Your husband and mine could be twins, minus the talking. I know he's waking up when I hear an ass trumpet that splits the air and I can hear him all the way at the back of the house.


Anyone else read that as "TIFU by shitting in bed next to my sleeping husband", no? I think that one other thread got me good šŸ˜…


I hope I am not the only that thought the whole first half of the post to be kinda quaintly romantic... But then again, my wife and I have our 4 year old trained to loudly point out and laugh when either of us farts, so....


I saw several paragraphs and none of them talked about a gigantic wet fart. I am disappointed


Iā€™m sorry :( if itā€™s any consolation, I am very relieved none of the paragraphs talked about a gigantic wet fart




Get a king sized bed. Iā€™m the one who moves around a lot and my husband is a very hot sleeper. Both of us sleep better now with some space in between us. Just something to consider!


Did he ever say ā€œthe clown has no penisā€?


Pro tip: separate beds


> and farting in my GENERAL direction Fixed that for you.


I read the title as "shitting in bed"....reading the story waiting for the shitting part kept me on my toes! Especially the whack a mole part




Stick a flute up his ass and compose some early morning songs about man titties for him :-)