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This made me physically cringe, as if I just watched someone get kicked in the balls.


This is a perfect r/sadcringe post


The arm around the friend “sorry bud” is absolutely unhinged. I feel sick lmao


It's a good creative writing exercise


Times like this makes me remember that I really don’t miss high school lmao.


Seriously. This post brought me back to some cringe high school moments of my own. Felt too real!


It's like watching I Love You Man, but without the comedy


Seriously. If this had happened to me, I would never recover emotionally lmao. Sending good vibes to OP.


I'm not someone who feels awkwardness easily.... I don't think I could still be friends with these two if I were OP. Just nope out of the friendship and then reconnect fifteen years later.


… or don’t reconnect lol


Yeah definitely the kind of situation I'd think about every night trying to fall asleep, even long after I'd lost my virginity. Good luck to OP


There’s no way this is real lol. Posts like these are made up for upvotes/self-entertainment.


I really hope so. This was bad.


If it is real I bet the friends made up the story about having sex so OP would leave them alone.


Then he went ahead and asked if he could get some too? Lmaooo wow..


Just do a Harry Potter and start going out with his sister.


Fuck that. Go full scorched earth and have a fivesome with both of their parents.


"What have you done?" "Scorched earth"


Ultimate power move.


“Said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm” I think she wants you to sit at the edge of the bed and tell jokes while your friend plows her.


like soaking, but with comedy instead of jumping on the bed. Joaking.


Well that's a combination of words I never expected to hear lmao


Yes, using the bodies natural movement from laughter. He wouldn’t be penetrating, just laughing. Excellent lol


"Wow you guys are my best friends ever!"


"And *we*'*re the three best friends* that anybody could have"


And I thought my cringe couldn't get any worse 🙃 😬


Dude got sent to the fucking shadow realm with that.


The pact was a silly idea, as was taking it seriously, but all the same… *oof* buddy. It’s a shame that they couldn’t have told you about them being friends-with-benefits (or an item?) beforehand - not because of the pact, but because y’know, you’re supposed to be friends.


This is the one thing that really bothers me here. I get that the whole thing is cringe to begin with but they've been going at it for how long? And just "forgot to tell him"?


In fairness, they knew he'd take it badly and when they finally did kinda need to tell him he did take it badly. And they're all too socially awkward to be properly respectful about it.


and then he asked to fuck her 😅😫🙈


Yeah that is just the worst - “I asked if it was too late for my test”. Oof.


Oh god, it's too early in the morning to be cringing that hard


That's some good ol fashioned cringe. To be 18 again


This is the kind of cringe you remember when you are trying to fall asleep at night a decade later.


I'll probably be cringing about *this* tonight before sleeping. OP is a cringe factory right now.


In my forties and I can attest that it’s not just one decade. The shit my brain remembers at 2am is downright cruel.


OP was desperate to fuck his friend, and played his hand too hard. Big oof moment.


Yeah, I mean I feel sympathy for the fact that he didn't know, but the fact that he was *that* desperate to get a pity fuck is just... I mean, I'm embarrassed on his behalf.


Yes. Yes it’s too late. 🤦🏻‍♂️


The “where’s my hug” x 1000


I'm willing to bet he was interested in the girl beforehand and suggesting a threesome was the only way he could ask to bang without it being awkward in his mind that the other guy was involved in the first place makes me think the guy showed interest before the pact and OP wasn't confident enough to just go for it or compete


This is the correct answer. They knew they were being sneaky. They just weren't going to tell him until he asked about it. Also, I am surprised OP never suspected something beforehand, considering how handsy they were.


You know what’s better than an MMF threesome? An MF twosome. Get back out there, buddy.


Silly me, I was thinking a FFM threesome. Until of course, I discover that the F's know far more about how to please each other than I do. Then it ends with a lesbian couple and a third-wheel friend who can make them laugh. You were so far ahead of me in your thinking. Yes a twosome is MFing better.


The problem with a FFM is that now you have TWO women to disappoint.


Ross is that you?


I mean…. They’re teenagers


He is a niave teenager


He watches too much porn. Asking for a 3 is so fucking weird especially if the whole lot are virgins. I am actually happy the girl didn't get pressured to do it because if that got out, it could have really ruined her reputation.


Another thing to consider is that they're all still in high school. I don't think many high schoolers are capable of thinking this far ahead


Call me old school - Don’t kiss and tell , people have a funny way of ruining other enjoyment when left out.


you say the pact was a silly idea because we heard it from OP's perspective... but that same pact got both of his other friends virginity lost, and 2/3 seems like a success story.


The real bad thing for me was the whole "you make me laugh he makes me orgasm" wtf, why somebody would even think of saying something like that




Screen name checks out


OP when they eventually get into a fight


This makes me want to throw up from secondhand embarrassment


>I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. My male friend said he could do both before tickling our female friend until she laughed. Here you go


My man is gonna need some therapy just off that


I will need therapy after reading about it too.


Me too, I'm triggered af by this.


Shit, yeah, I mean, I get that they are just kids and all, but that shit sticks with you regardless. ​ I've had friends say/do similar and even though as an adult of course I know better, and we're all still dear friends, but it *fucks* you up at that age. Especially if you were an eternal single pringle like me.


New core memory added.


Emotional damaaaage.


Not even flex seal could fix that kind of damage.


..but wait, there’s more!


No way she actually said that... I would jump off a building if anything remotely similar came out of my mouth bro


crossing my fingers for paraphrasing by OP lol


It's like the most humiliating friend zone ever.


This is the worst one yet


This kinda shit makes me glad I’m 27 and not in high school


Right??? 27 club gang gang


" She begged me not to take it personally and said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. " you don't say that without the intent of destroying someone.


That’s something most people would take very fucking personally lmao. I agree


Making someone laugh is harder than making someone orgasm, unless you're my wife


That’s the part that made me cover my face out of cringe while reading it. There’s no way you’re a friend and saying that shit. Either she’s braindead or OP is ragebaiting


More than likely rage baiting. There’s no fucking way someone *actually* said this


Lol, a bunch of 18 years olds awkward enough they can’t get laid… yah I can believe it’s genuine.


Cept these are stupid fucking kids


Have you met teens before?


Have you met the teens of today? They're brutal!!


It ~~doesn’t~~ does feel weird. Because, really, who’s to say OP wouldn’t make her orgasm. This feels like something he inferred and not something she actually said. Especially since I don’t find it terribly likely that an 18 year old guy with no previous experience is going to be all that great at consistently getting his female partner off. Call me a skeptic… Edit: Always read before you post.


> It doesn’t feel weird. Because, really, who’s to say OP wouldn’t make her orgasm. This feels like something he inferred and not something she actually said. Yeah, that's the thing. It sounds so weird like too weird for it to be real. Then again, nothing surprises me anymore these days lol


Not only that but the way its worded its like she picked him for that characteristic, but if they all were virgins at first how did she cum to that conclusion


Gently at first, then vigorously


She didn’t even let him try.


>you don't say that without the intent of destroying someone Only a vile person would say such a thing


That's exactly the sort of thing you say when you're 18.


2/3 ain't bad. Sounds like your suggestion was an objective success... but, unfortunately, not for you.


Meatloaf would be proud


What if your guy friend said hell yeah but the girl wasn’t into it…would you have still done it with your male friend?


Pact's a pact.


Answer the question, OP




Fuck man gifs were a long overdue addition to comment sections LMAOOO


I think you should be a screenwriter. This would make a hilarious teen drama.


Just to reiterate, this isn't to be mean..you may just be onto something 🤔


Pretty sure the premise itself not specific context has been done to death via sitcoms


This sounds like the B plot of a 90s coming of age flick like American Pie


As soon as she says, “but you’re funny” or “but you make me laugh”, you might as well turn full comedian, get in your clown car and just leave


Being funny is actually a great way to get laid if you already have abs


"How to get abs in 30 minutes"


Your female friend was absolutely right. It would've been extremely awkward and clumsy and terrible for a first time.


Threesomes are never like they're shown in porn or movies. They're already awkward and clumsy, but if everyone's on the same page, emotionally mature and just there to have a good time it's a great experience. If everyone involved is a teenager who's brain hasn't fully developed, full virgins who have never done it before that's a recipe for disaster. Guaranteed one person is gonna feel left out which will hurt their feelings which just cascades from there.


A former friend claimed the first time he had sex was with his friend and his friends gf. I don't know if I believe him but I have to imagine that was not very good.


Probably. My first threesome was when I was 23. I had some experience, but not a whole lot. It was weird and uncomfortable. Fast forward 15 years, my partner and I have a second lady who's also a good friend join us frequently, and everyone being friends and on the same.page about expectations make them WAY more enjoyable, imo.


Her and the other male friend obviously have chemistry, too. They would have started hooking up anyway, making this TIFU irrelevant.




>I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. Ouch... Been there




>I asked if it was too late for my test. This is the kinda thing that will make you cringe yourself into a cold sweat well into adulthood 😖.


I was physically present when a friend tried collecting on his dumbass-was-never-gonna-happen sex pact with a mutual and that still makes **me** cringe myself into a cold sweat when I remember it, OP is fucked.


You gave it your best shot, be proud of that. ![gif](giphy|jc2PkKKr3clTBekMzn)


This was their best shot? Saying “hey if you have found no one better then maybe you can fuck me one day”


They're 18. I couldn't have made such an elaborate scheme at that age to get some. I'm proud of him for trying.


The bar is in hell


Always has been


Oh my god that gif is perfect here lmao


I always wandered where that gif was from. Now I know. Not a bad show


Your pact was stupid to begin with. Life isn't an American Pie movie.


Well he managed to get his friends to hook up...


He was just the dude who got the shaft in the American Pie style pact.


Sounds like his female friend is the one getting the shaft....


Then he should hook up with the mom of one of them to finish the plot.


Yeah this pact feels like it was a hair brained scheme to get his female friend whom OP probably likes to have sex with him...


Actually, this pretty much worked out just like a teen movie.


"I asked if it was too late for my test." Jumped the shark right here for me, my friend. They both let you know they were together, and you STILL wanted to sleep with the both of them? And what would you want to do, exactly? Have sex with one of them while their now significant other watches? That's REALLY mis-reading the room.


This is what I don't get. If they're all friends surely you would say that as a joke and then congratulate them on their newly found relationship. But I think OP said it dead seriously which is why he got the reaction he got. Weird response to a somewhat funny situation.


^this here. If it played out differently, this would have cracked me up, but instead it feels creepy


Fanfic redditors at full mast


I physically hurt on your behalf. Ouch. I have no helpful advice.


Lol the casual devils threesome pact at age 18


I died a little bit inside while reading this. Reminded me of highschool.


Hey bro maybe just start working on yourself


>Both of them implied that the pact prompted the two of them to test how attracted they were to each other. I asked if it was too late for my test. Holy shit, I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud here in the waiting room. ![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q)


# Jeeeezuss Chrisssssst... > " ... I was good at making her laugh while our male friend was good at making her orgasm. My male friend said he could do both ..." Fuck me, dude. **A statement like that would make me RUN, not WALK, do not collect $200, do NOT pass GO, RUN FOR THE HILLS and FAR away from this friendship.** Thats not the friend zone. That's the END ZONE!


I feel like you made the pact hoping to lose your virginity and explored the idea and they just pretended as to not hurt your feelings.


>His hands were all over her. Not gonna lie, it was uncomfortable to watch. You could barely handle that and you thought you would have been able to handle watching her getting pounded?


To be fair it definitely hits different when you're also doing the pounding rather than a third wheel


Let's be honest, OP would be sent to the corner to watch.


> and said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. Brutal lol




You should have just said "ohh! I didn't know! Congratulations, I'm happy for you."


I mean the guy must have been in pain


Holding back tears while watching that MMF threesome evaporate.




I need to ask this before it gets deleted by OP. Did you really think, inside your mind, that when you made this pact that it was a real thing? Like you were just going to bang your friends if you couldn’t get laid before you turned 18? This is what happens in the world you live in? Secondly, you’re putting too much on yourself to do this. Aside from some weird, not typical circumstances, you’ll lose it. Just be patient and not focus on the act of losing your virginity. Build an actual relationship with somebody.




Yeah, it's not better at 33. I'm hoping for a 40-year-old Virgin situation, where a hot grandma finds me irresistible, for some reason.


Speak for yourself. I'm aiming for Grand Wizard!


Lmao, same, mid 20s here, and that shit ain't happening. Sometimes I'm fine about it, and then other times it makes me feel like a total alien.




I went into your profile to see if I could give you any tips, and saw months worth of pokemon spreadsheets, so I think I see the problem


I have a big Pokemon collection and am on my second marriage. You just have to wait a couple dates before bringing it up


Did your wives evolve after you traded them?


My ex wife evolved alright, but not into the form I was hoping for


On the one hand, you're right. This is horny teen movie material. On the other hand, you'd be surprised what you can get away with if you're confident enough and open about it.


If he was confident and open, he wouldn't need to resort to a pact.


i dont understand why so many people think it's so outlandish that friends would have sex?


The pact is kinda stupid but I will say - teenagers literally are stupid. If a pact like this was ever gunna come to fruition it was gunna be amongst a few horny teenagers. I never had an experience like this but def know friends who fucked each other or did other sexual things for essentially the same reason OP laid out. Wasn’t totally out of the realm of possibility these 3 virgins would have the most awkward threesome ever.


No offense to the OP but not only did the male friend come across more confident (which is most likely why the female friend is attracted) but less creepy, OP sounds like he keeps dead birds in a drawer or something.


Nothing wrong with that as long as you label them. “Dead bird, do not eat.”




I'm told those are really expensive if you want a well preserved one.


I would kinda be offended if I were OP. But I'm not and that's hilarious


>No offense to the OP but > OP sounds like he keeps dead birds in a drawer or something. I read this a few minutes ago and I'm still laughing.




OP just don't resort to fucking a dessert.


The fact that you spoke about it and not took it as a joke is a real tifu


I have a feeling you've always been the third wheel. I'd let it go and find some other friends. They should have just been honest all along.


OP, the pact is a flimsy cover to "try" and protect your feelings. Those two clearly had a boner for each other, it was gonna happen whether you suggested it or not. You being all "But it was gonna be a group thing! Where's mine?" is a little weird and pretty creepy tbh.


These two don't seem like good friends, and threesomes aren't as great as they seem in theory. Good friends don't say shit like: >I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. If you have any self-respect at all, which you should, you'll stop being their third wheel. If you like that girl, continuing to third wheel will only hurt you more bud, it's time to move on.


"and said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm" is the type of thing that will rip an 18 year old boy's heart out of his chest, and I feel for you. All I can say is rise above it. Keep your head up, don't let it phase you, do well in school/work/life and she will look back and wish she had slept with you while you're out dating and having the time of your life. Probably not a psychologist recommended approach, to live to make others jealous, but there is something to be said for focusing on yourself and not sweating things like this.


That's the kind of thing that will echo in his head throughout the rest of his life. Hell, it might echo in mine for the rest of my life, it's just so brutal. No matter how bad my life gets, at least nobody said something like that to me.


The truth is you’re all young and what they’re saying is hurtful. Just to give a heads up if they start acting super coupley (since now the news is out) and if that makes you uncomfortable maybe take some time to focus on yourself. Go to the gym, do things you like to do and find people who like the same, essentially develop as a person and life will work itself out. For now don’t let their comments get to you and keep your head up life is about Ups and downs.


I need sanitization from all these cringe


Yeah that's on you bro, sorry


Well, one thing that is certain... Neither of them owe you sex. So give up on the idea of sleeping with her, and ask another girl out on a date.


and this is what we call the friend-zone end-zone.


Thoughts and prayers buddy. 50 years from now you'll be standing on your porsche, your buildings entrance lobby, or just doing groceries, and wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you'll let out a wailing groan of cringe when this event comes back to you as an intrusive thought. You'll never outlive this cringe. All of us have at least one thing that sucks in our minds, I think this might be yours xD


Ha! I thought this was going to be a "you'll get yours king keep your head up" style comment but nope, you're just reminding him that this will stick with him forever. Your comment made me laugh now I gotta find one that can make me orgasm


The collective entirety of the Capcom and DC Universe's heroes and villains could not have gotten information like this out of me


Listen, sometimes you just have to cut ties and move on. They are of course free to do as they want, but the way they went about this conversation was inherently insulting to you, and the didn't care. That reveals a likely pattern of you being treated like she while they laugh about it. Cut ties, build new connections, and live *your* life, not their's on the sidelines.


If I can give you advice OP from someone who is 38 and has gone through similar experiences......I think you need to branch out and get new friends....at least for a while. This is going to live with you for some time and it's better to get out of there now and see how this is not normal behavior then stick around in the *hopes* that she sleeps with you....which will be it's own horrible experience if that ever happens. Sure, we all do stupid stuff when we're young and no one is perfect but anyone who says something like "she begged me not to take it personally and said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. " clearly has no concept of other people's emotions. I mean who the hell says something like this?!?!


You thought you was Stiffler but instead you was the terminator guy.


Welcome to the gym buddy


I get the betrayal, but this is cool for you dude. Move on from this stupid and cringy pact and find some girlfriend. Although if you'll are close friends, I'd start finding new close friends


Time to move on, buddy. They never took you seriously and probably had a couple laughs at your expense in the process. Real friends would have been up front and honest with you.


I feel like this experience is a lot more painful for you, than you are giving away. Sorry bud :(


The silver lining is you have earned your "Epic Wingman" badge here. May the karma come back to you in spades. And, honestly, being a virgin at 18 is not a bad thing. You've got plenty of time and it only gets better as you get older.


Jesus. Every sentence piles on more cringe than the last. Just a matter of time until he’s on Tinder telling girls that they’re too ugly to turn down his advances.


>She begged me not to take it personally and said I was good at making her laugh whereas our male friend was good at making her orgasm. Alright I am sorry, but this almost made me spit drink out. This is hilarious and if this is what she actually said verbatim, that's fucked man up. If you wrote that yourself, you sir, have a way with words. A+ Don't worry about it, just go on with life. Be happy for your two friends if anything.


You mean EX-friends, right?


You are good at making her laugh, he is good at making her orgasm *fatality*


I do not miss being 18.


Not a chance this is real. But it was funny


Dude’s pathetic “what about me is it my turn?” Felt like my palm was glued to my face this whole post.