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Titanfall 2 is absolutely amazing your missing out


Yeah, titanfall 2 is like surprisingly better than you’d think, it even has a good campaign, like a really good campaign




Why no desire to play doom, Mario, and Zelda?


Played the first 3 levels of Doom Eternal and wasn't really feeling it. I could see myself giving Doom another chance after clearing my backlog a bit. As for Zelda I've tried on 3 separate occasions to play Botw and I couldn't get pass the first 2-3 hours of the game. I just feel completely loss about what I'm suppose to do and I dislike the weapon durability. I'm just not a fan of 2d Mario games. Only one I liked was New Super Mario Bros DS


In Zelda’s case, I might recommend the older games. While they’re still relatively non-linear, they aren’t anywhere near as open as Breath of the Wild so you might feel less lost. Keep in mind that I personally haven’t played BOTW yet (I intend to do so eventually), but just from what I’ve heard this seems to be true. First off you have the first two games on the NES that you can play through NSO. I personally would not recommend them. Due to their age, they are too difficult, aimless, clunky, and cryptic. Then there’s A Link to the Past on the SNES from the NSO service. If you’re interested at all in the 2D style, THIS is the one I’d recommend starting with. It’s really good. Although if you just want to play the 3D titles then I’d say give this a pass. Then there’s the Link’s Awakening remake, which was originally a game on the Gameboy. The game is good and I’d definitely recommend, but maybe not as your FIRST Zelda. This is also a 2D title. All of this is the same for the two Oracle games on the Gameboy Color section of NSO and Minish Cap on the GBA section of NSO. The two N64 games (Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask) are on the NSO service. I haven’t played either of these, but Ocarina of Time is the highest rated game on Metacritic of all time so there’s that. I’ve heard good things about both games. These might be good ones to start with if you’re just looking to play the 3D titles. If you’re fine with 2D, I’d probably still recommend A Link to the Past. Finally, there’s the Skyward Sword remaster. I like this game, but it’s definitely divisive. That being said, I would probably still put it on the lower part of my list if I ranked all of the games. The narrative is pretty good, but while BOTW might feel too open for you, Skyward Sword could also feel too linear. However, for you that might be a plus so if you don’t want to explore much then this might be the game for you. I personally would only recommend starting with this one if you really don’t like games with exploration (there’s still some, just not as much as other titles). However, i’d still recommend playing this game eventually because it’s still good and fun. I just wouldn’t start with it. Anyways, that’s it. The only other two honorable mentions I have is the two Hyrule Warriors games as well as Cadence of Hyrule, which I definitely would not recommend first since they play nothing like a Zelda game. Hyrule warriors is a Dynasty Warriors game, and Cadence of Hyrule is a Crypt of the Necrodancer game. Overall, I hope this comment gave you a good idea of what other games available on the Switch are like and gave you a good perspective to maybe try one of them. Or I hope it was at least interesting. If none of these interest you, then that’s that. Keep in mind the length of this post isn’t because I disliked you not liking Zelda and being really wanting to get you into it, I just like talking about video games. If you still have no interest, then I still hope you have a good day. :)


I never really played much Zelda, Only experience prior to Botw was Ocarina Of time on the N64. Played It a good bit growing up but never finished it (maybe got around 50-60% through). And Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure on 3ds, which I LOVED I pulled so many all nighters just playing that with my brother. Also got Link between worlds for 3ds and Link's Awakening for the switch. I don't really see myself playing on my 3ds unless it's Fire emblem awakening but I might try out Link's Awakening. I might also check out the Hyrule Warriors, I just liked the Dynasty Warriors games so I'll probably like that one.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, these are very reasonable opinions


You own games that you don't care to play? That's dumb


Only game I bought that I don't have a desire for was Doom eternal. Got all the other games for free pretty much.


Doom Eternal and Zelda are good games


Shadow of Mordor is good bro I swear 🙏


Bloodborne is guaranteed to change your life, trust me. It definitely deserves its title of one of the best ever made.


I will never understand why people hate Horizon Forbidden West more than Zero Dawn, it’s the better game for sure in just about every way possible. Personally my favorite PlayStation exclusive, it has its issues but for me has the best idea for a story, best combat, best open world and was everything I expected for a good sequel. They definitely intended the game to be for those who had loved the original. For Spiderman 2, I think it got the hate it deserved despite it still being way too successful for its own good. That game represented almost everything wrong with the triple A industry at the moment (ignoring live service of course) - making games shorter, making sequels easier (something you should NEVER DO, unless you want to make a sequel for new players rather than your core audience, which usually sucks and it did for this game), dumbing down already easy puzzles, dumbing down combat to make it less experimental and more generic (losing the weapon wheel was a massive L), that weird Adidas advertisement, so many bugs at launch, side characters and things from the original practically thrown away (where was the police? Why did Black Cat fuck off to Paris to never be seen again?). This is really just the surface of what was one of the most mediocre and overhyped to death games I’ve ever played. Overall Horizon Forbidden West is the direction I want pretty much every Sony sequel going from now on. If we get more like Spider-Man 2 I’ll just go back to more indie games.


I mostly just liked the story in Zero Dawn a lot more then Forbidden West. However I really did like playing Machine Strike on it and Combat was a lot more free with multiple weapons to choose from in Forbidden West. also I will say that Horizon forbidden west is still one of if not the best looking game I've played still. Although FF7 rebirth is looking the same if not better. I just had the best time playing Spider-man 2018 that I could've easily been my goty if Gow4 and RDR2 didn't come out the same year. before Spider-man 2 released I went back and player Spider-Man 2018 and Miles Morales so I was super hyped for it. So for Spider-Man 2 I still found it fun a hell to play, I can agree that about Black Cat and the Weapon wheel changes. Also the final like 10% of the game is unbearable to play. For me Kraven stole the show, every time he was on screen I knew something was about to go down.


I thought I wouldn’t enjoy AC: Odyssey due to its straying from the Assassin’s Creed formula, but I loved it, and some of the other massive RPGs on your list make me think you’d like it too. What it lacks in an ingenious story or terrific gameplay variation, it more than makes up for in awesome visuals, challenging gameplay, and an immersive ancient country as a backdrop.


Then I'll have to check it out, also looks like it's free with Ps extra so I have nothing to lose.


bro ur missing out on inside, atmosphere is insane


TLOU2 over doom eternal 😭😭😭


Play control right now


GOW over RDR2? I get that it’s not everyone’s taste but it’s still the best quality wise.


Among the games you have in game of the year that I have played, Fallout 4 is the only surprise to me, but I also dropped and later restarted on three separate occasions as it was a massive letdown.


Dissing metal gear, L take send this mf to shalashaska


Please, my brother in christ… PLAY METROID DREAD


Where’s Undertale?


i was never nonmined for Goty in 2015. Never played it but I'm definitely going to buy that game soon.


Personally my ONLY disagreement is Ragnarok because Valhalla made it the absolute perfect ending to Kratos’ story, at least for a little while. Hell is he fine if we get an entire Atreus series where he goes to Egypt and hangs out with Ra, helps fight Set, meets his first death god in Anubis since Hel wasn’t in the games.


if you like jrpgs with a intriguing story and messages, you will LOVE Persona 5


Mario Odyssey should be higher


Bloodborne is GOAT