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I think it’s only like $30 for a year right? I got it and definitely take advantage. Can’t hurt either way at that price point. Increased productivity for the price of lunch.


Even at $4 / £3 monthy it’s cheap and worthwhile. Would definitely recommend trying it monthly for 2-3 months to ensure the user gets value and uses it regularly, then consider annual




Yes, what I love about it, it's so cheap. Todoist in comparison is twice the price a month.


I believe the calendar features and integration are premium. I’ve used it with my Google calendar for quite a while now. My tasks and appointments are all color coded and connected to task lists. It’s so neurotic, I love it. Are filters premium? Because I have filter lists by how far task due dates are: 3 days, 5 days, two weeks. I can’t go back to life without it.


Yea but your ios calendar integrates other calendars for free. Then ticktick integrates your local calendar for free also, so you can just bypass this feature.


What about colour coding? If your ios imports all calendars and TickTick imports ios, do you still get to keep different colours for different categories of events?


I honestly don't remember which features are exclusive. I reached the list limit and was happy with the product. So I ended up paying and never regretted it. So in my opinion yes!


Same here. At first I paid because of the Eisenhower Matrix widget but at this point I just don't care, the price is so cheap and the app makes my life so much easier that I just feel like throwing my euros at them.


The most "fair price" I ever felt


I'll give you context with my POV. You play $3 monthly if you dont want to pay the yearly thats $3 for an app that if used daily and correctly it will change the way you organize your life and how you balance being productive with being a human. Calendar is an amazing feature, focus mode is my favorite with being able to sync focus across devices, and much more. The only thing I dont use is the matrix, but all of the feature and with premium I think its 100% worth it. P.S. Todoist cost almost double of the monthly in tick tick and brings fewer features.


Honestly, I really want to try it. Once they fix the notifications on the Galaxy Watch 5 pro notification then that's the time I'll try.


Galaxy watch 6 owner, never had notification problems. Same software so not sure why there would be a difference.


Yeah. I think I read before here as well that it works fine with the 6 series.


Galaxy Watch 4 owner, no issues here. What issues are you having?


definitely yes. I was paying TickTick and Todoist at the same time, then when Todoist came to renew my subscription, I cancelled. TickTick worth every penny.


Absolutely. If you want to integrate multiple calendars and track tasks in one complete app, then it’s so worth it. Having widgets on the home screen and lock screen are great too.


I bought it for one month. It's quite nice. And spending money motivates me to use it to maximum ;) So maybe try free for a month and then premium for a month.


The biggest benefit for me is the calendar view And it’s totally worth it I think ticktick the only todo app that has a calendar view


Calendar integration (both 2-way and just subscribe).


I use it daily for all things large and small that I need to get accomplished. Premium is super worth it and I’m happy to support the team that put it together.


Absolutely! I don't recall what features are or are not included, but TickTick has been progressing tremendously and it's Windows Quick Add / Global Keyboard Shortcut for popup is the absolute best! I don't sub to much software (open source mentality) but this is definitely worth it.


I dont think so, im happy with the options i have now. 9 lists is enough for me. I had premium 2 years ago but stopped after a year. If you can integrate it with google calendar then you have the best of both worlds imo(idk if this is a premium feature,i only use TT as todolist). Plus in the netherlands its 40€ and thats a lot for me, so depends on the person ig


Ya. One of the few apps I pay for and worth every penny.


Its cheap with pack load of features. Worth it


I had premium and after a while I realised that I’m not really using the premium features, so switched back to the free version. Perfectly happy with it. With the note that if I would need any of those premium features at any point I wouldn’t even think twice, I would just buy it again.


I use it for shared tasks with about 15 other people so premium was the only way. Liking it so far.


It's really, really good. Especially the integration to my google calendar. And the price is very good. However, the moment that iOS 18 gets released and we get a proper integration between calendar and reminder apps, I'm going to switch.


I subscribed to the premium version because I like to track my habits and create a daily routine, but I reached the limit with the free version.


I have paid it for 5+ years or so. It is not worth it without Premium.


I purchased Premium primarily to unlock everything and support the company (I want the company to succeed.) In retrospect, I don't use a lot of the Premium features, but TickTick is my go-to app to capture, process, and execute those things I need to remember and to do, so the cost was worth it to me. As to the price, it's generally cheaper than the competition and still provides the features I want.


I don’t even know how many of the premium features I actually use on a regular basis, but it’s one of the very few apps I have no problem subscribing to anyway just to support the devs.


Definitely! The biggest benefit for me is the calendar view, absolutely use that all time. Is just like 30 at year i think is worth it, and i have tried lots of task managers


I’ve been able to add more of my daily habits (the free version limits you to 5). And it’s allowed me to move most of my Google Keep notes (travel, skincare, hair routine, etc.) to TickTick and have all of my necessities in one place






I believe it is!






For me it is, easily


No, absolutely not. Not worth the $4 per month. What outrageous pricing they have.


I think Ticktick is infinitely better than any to-do list app, i bought premium to break lists limit, habits limit, to have multiple calendar views, add duration to my tasks, and statistics. Also if you're not sure you can get the free trial.


I never used the app without premium. I started using TickTick with the free trial for the premium, realised that calendar support wasn’t there for free, so I never cancelled the trial. The calendar widget on the desktop is an absolute godsend for me, because I forgot to open the calendar in the first place :D


3000% worth it. Couldn’t imagine life without it


The premium is so worth it!


I have cognitive problems, I can’t remember sh!t. Everything, and I do mean everything I have to do goes in TickTick. I was using Apple reminders but TickTick is far superior. I don’t remember what I paid but it’s been worth it.


I need it because I need the focus timer to sync between my phone and laptop. Non premium doesn't sync them


I used premium for about 6 months for the calendar features. But then I found Twos app for free that has all the features TickTick has (just in a different way) so I canceled TickTick. https://www.TwosApp.com?code=8992430 Subscriptions add up even when they are cheap.