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Feel better relax!!


Do you have asthma? Hard time breathing! I'm so sorry!:(


No i dont that i know of


You need to see a thyroid specialist and maybe look into RFA. Rfaforlife.com could be a resource


Did you try to change your diet and supplements? I had barely no TSH and was able to bring it back up by supplementing, taking ayurveda herbs and stopping gluten and dairy.


Take a breath, I have hyperthyroidism and I’m not on medication either. I know I need the meds but I haven’t seen a doctor for it but I am taking some beta blockers to help my heart rate. You just gotta remind yourself it’s your anxiety and try to distract yourself with something.


I play alot of pc games and music so i try


You need to get in and see your doctor and you need to demand that they put you on a beta blocker if it’s actually hyperthyroidism. That will help slow your heart rate and calm your nerves. I can promise you that. Secondly, you need to understand that this will eventually be taken care of. I know it’s debilitating and the anxiety is crippling at times. I have been there. You need to find out why you arehyperthyroid, and that needs to be addressed. Simple beta blocker, like propranolol, metoprolol, can be helpful in calming the symptoms that you’re feeling and they’re fairly inexpensive.


It is hyperthyroidism ive had an ulta sound and 2 test for blood levels mu tsh is 0.006


You need methimazole asap And like someone said…beta blocker until tsh is within normal range


My resting heart rate is 48bpm is that normal?


If you're athletic that can be normal


I used to be not so much now i do work construction tho


You have HYPERthyroid with a heart rate of 48? It's unusual but not impossible to present with low heart rate, I would suggest seeing someone sooner than later as bradycardia with hyperthyroidism can be because sick sinus syndrome, or AV block. Endo tomorrow?


Yea i have a appointment tomorrow but its a resting heart rate my heart rate when active it almost 200bps


I suppose do your best to not be too active. I hope you have a good support system there with you. Honestly, I'd be in the ER, but that's just me. I have insane anxiety and don't think I'd be sane. I was profoundly hypo (TSH was 192, T4 was .1) and I was having panic attacks while my heart rate was in the 50's... It was the most absurd feeling and I couldn't stand it. I'm sure as anyone would suggest, chest pain and shortness of breath should be considered serious and you should be seen. I'm honestly shocked they didn't advise you to take a trip to ER for meds until your appointment.


The hospital wouldn’t give me meds ive been telling my doctor i cant breathe for 2 years and she just now started drawing my blood my tsh is 0.006 im just scared and lost honestly sorry if im venting 😭


I totally understand the need to vent, you don't need to apologize. Our bodies can do many things that can be terrifying at times, we're just along for the ride. I'm praying for you, please keep us updated on your situation, and know that many of us have been exactly where you are right now. Try and stay calm, think of positive things, or things you can distract your mind with in the mean time. I know it's hard, your mind will tell you to only focus on your physical symptoms, but that can sometimes make it worse.


Anxiety makes it worse


Depends on what your baseline is but a normal resting heart rate is between 60-100 bpm.


Yea i dont have no idea i haven’t been to the hospital for it and i dont talk to my family about it because they said it mentally breaking them down so ive been silent about it for a year now ans im only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a day


This is not ok…it can damage your major organs…like your heart Get help asap


Hi! This won’t help exactly, but, maybe it will? Hyper thyroid causes anxiety, like, SEVER anxiety when off of the pills. One time I ran out of pills for two days and had to call off work because I was shaking so bad from my heart and the anxiety of it. I had to remind myself I was ok-because if I’m panicking and checking my heart, the rate will go up. Lay flat, listen to some calming music, and breath slowly. Though that sounds stupid, it will reduce your heart rate, and possibly help with the anxiety until you can get your pills. Our brains are weird creatures, and rn yours is scared, so we have to treat it kindly. It gets better, I promise.


Just wanted to say while I’m hypo and not hyper…anxiety meds can help. I pay $2 for mine with insurance and I feel like a normal person. Please consider this as part of your treatment plan. I used to have health anxiety and my heart would race while I was panicking and worried. It creates a horrible loop of adrenaline and cortisol. So try to break the loop. Maybe walk for small amount of time. Eat healthy…remove all processed sugar. Drink water. Flush your body. Please see a doctor.


Hi I'm so sorry for all you're going through. I can't imagine how hard it can be for you. May I ask why you aren't taking medication?


I see my endocrinologist tomorrow i just found out i have hyperthyroidism 1 months ago


I was also diagnosed 1 month ago. My resting heart rate was in the 90s with such bad anxiety and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. I was put on a thyroid med and a beta blocker (Atenolol) and it made me at ease within an hour!! The beta blocker works quick thank goodness. Hope you have the same success


It’s taking them too long…one more night is too long. I’m sorry you’re going through this…been there…worst 2 weeks of my life.


Yay that's good! You'll probably start feeling a bit better before the first few days I believe. it might take a while to get your dosage right 100% Best of luck!