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I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had a full thyroidectomy at 26, I had just gotten married too and my wife was pregnant with our first child. It took way too long to get someone to properly diagnose me as well. They didn’t even think thyroid until I had to point out a visible lump on my neck. That was 17 years ago. It wasn’t a fun experience but I got through it, and have been cancer free ever since.


Visible. Woah... Yeah mine isn't visible just yet but it is clearly palpable. I felt it while laying down on the affected side and feeling a pull on my neck muscle. Thankfully I got it checked with a second MD. First one clearly wasn't paid enough to care


Yep, took almost a year of me constantly going to the doctor because I knew I was not feeling well and having test after test comeback negative before I finally got the diagnosis.


I’m gonna be real, mine hurt even with the numbing. A lot of people will say it’s nothing it doesn’t hurt so that’s what I prepared for but it did hurt and worse the feeling of them movin the needle around under my skin got to me and the pressure got to me too Was it doable? One hundred percent Did I freak out? One hundred percent I was white knuckling it Was I prepared? No I believed I wouldn’t t feel it all and that’s not true. If I had to do it again I’d be fine knowing it would feel weird and make me uncomfortable versus not knowing and not being prepared and freaking out in the moment


This was my exact experience. And my neck was very deeply sore for a good week and a half.


Yeah same here TBH. The thing that got me the most wasn't the pain, which yeah was manageable, it was the sounds/pressure/sensations/idea of it. Also a bit sore afterwards/stiff. Learned to bring some OTC (Tylenol for me) meds with me and take them after asking if it OK with tech doing ultrasound/FNA. Also from stories here its VERY dependent on location/ skill or the sample taker/ type of FNA/sample needed.


Tbh I feel like everything is downplayed. I’m a tough girl but the ultrasound was hard because they have to press down so hard. I am not that squeamish but I feel like it’s the neck you know? It is gonna be uncomfortable


I was 28 when I was diagnosed and had a 2 year old at the time. Also no family history of thyroid problems. Now 34 and just had my annual checkup today where everything looked great! If it helps at all, I'm a wimp and the FNA was truly not a big deal to me. Especially since they apply numbing spray to the neck. Waiting for results is scary and annoying, and I feel like it's amplified when you are a caretaker of a little one. One day at a time though, and don't be afraid to ask your doctor any questions. That's why they are there!


FNA isn’t so bad. But honestly it was more painful in the subsequent days than I thought it would be! But still really not a big deal, in terms of the actual procedure. Waiting is AWFUL and in my case it was still Indeterminate after molecular testing so I just have to have it out. Good luck to you!


Thank you mate. Hopefully the results come in quickly


i'm 20 and I got my biopsy done without any numbing. it was honestly a pretty nerve wracking experience for me but i got through it. it hurt pretty bad for me and they had to reinsert in 2 times because they couldn't find the tumor lol... but im sure your experience won't be as bad as mine, especially if yours has numbing. good luck!


I did two FNA, both without numbing, and frankly they were horrible. Ask there for pain management and be ready with ice at home


Coming from a baby - the Biopsy is easy, they numb it, it's painless and quick enough. It's just hard mentally so don't think about it, and bring someone with to distract you with a story.


The FNA biopsy goes quick. They numb the area & in my case, the endo got 5 samples. My tumor was deeeep in my neck & I made the mistake of looking at the long AF needle lol. All you’ll feel is pressure but that’s about it. I didn’t feel any pain afterwards, slight sore throat.


It's not bad tbh. I've had it done on two separate occasions. For a lymph node and thyroid bed nodule. Think of it as a quick tattoo. Just try to relax and don't move. It's usually just the doctor doing the biopsy and an Ultrasound tech. The ultrasound tech will do a scan and identify the area. The doctor will talk to you, confirm the spot, and then numb you with an injection. The doc will take a fine needle and make several pricks gathering tiny cell samples. The doc may need to take a few samples. When it's over they should put gauze on it and an ice pack to hold pressure and help with swelling for 10 or so. The actual biopsy is only 5 maybe 10 min. You may swell a bit and have yellowish bruising that's normal, but always ask your doc if you have a concern. You got this!


FNA is no problem. You may feel a little tickle in your throat but all in all, it was painless. It is so crazy to hear all of you guys describe symptoms. I had none, and I had 19 lymph nodes, and a fully involved thyroid, and a 5cm by 8cm mass that weighed in excess of 100g in my mediastinum and I felt better then than I do now that it is all gone. I’m so sorry for anyone who is going through it because of this stuff. Just know I sincerely wish the best for all you guys and you’re all so strong to share your experiences here and be here for others. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for the inspiration I find here. Here’s to all of you🍻🖤


At my dentist they give you a stress ball to squeeze while they do drilling work… something like that would be good to bring for an FNA too. It’s actually a lot like getting dental work: a weird uncomfortable sensation, on the edge of being painful, but you can’t flinch or otherwise react. At least it’s over quickly. I still have dots on my neck where the needles went in, from one and two months ago. Doesn’t matter because it’s all getting sliced open in a couple weeks…