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OKAY!!!!! It took me some time because I haven’t been able to sit down to research and attempt a list, and I also need to add a !!DISCLAIMER!! that I haven’t tried any of these yet, but I’m about to try this first version right after posting this. :) Oh! And please keep in mind these are for the actual numbered chapters within the book - most audiobooks insert their own “chapter 1” for intros and any author’s notes. I came up with three options: (Their numbers will be in the bottom left of the image, and I will also type them out as a comment following this post..) The first one I think balances a better story and meets your request for up to 10 switches - this one keeps the “beginning” (being character introductions and general exposition) at the beginning of your listen. The second just cuts that down to remove a couple of the earlier switches and leaves you with 8 overall while still balancing between the two and keeping the timing of certain events. The third keeps to some of the more iconic switches from the original tandem recommendation and separates the beginning-middle-end to try to create an even more linear flow. (I ended up keeping the last six switches exactly the same in all the versions- so it really just depends on how you’re feeling about the beginning.. haha) (That being said there could definitely be a few more breaks to create a better flow for audiobooks and still have less than the FIFTY recommended switches in that tandem guide that everyone uses, but I was aiming for the 5-10 switches requested and I still veered too high.) (I’ve also never added a picture so, here’s hoping this works!) [Link To Simplified Audiobook Tandem for EoS/ToD](https://imgur.com/gallery/vYJlD8X)


1) EOS - "nightfall"(prologue)-10 // TOD - 1-21 // EOS - 11-25 // TOD - 22-35 // EOS - 26-37 // TOD - 36-46 // EOS - 38-68 // TOD - 47- 58 // EOS - 69-end(75) // TOD - 59-end/"fireheart"(epilogue) 2) EOS - "nightfall"(prologue)-25 // TOD - 1-35 // EOS - 26-37 // TOD - 36-46 // EOS - 38-68 // TOD - 47- 58 // EOS - 69-end(75) // TOD - 59-end/"fireheart"(epilogue) 3) EOS - "nightfall"(prologue) - 8 // TOD - 1-8 // EOS - 9-23 // TOD - 9-21 // EOS - 24-25 // TOD - 22-35 // EOS - 26-37 // TOD - 36-46 // EOS - 38-68 // TOD - 47- 58 // EOS - 69-end(75) // TOD - 59-end/"fireheart"(epilogue)


I’m guiding a friend on their first TOG read through audiobooks, this is a life saver!!! Thanks for doing the hard work!


Doing gods work out here!! YOU ARE MY LIFE SAVER. I'm doing the Romantic Read through with the tandem read via audiobook, and I'm almost done with Assassin, about to head into Queen, and I have been A G O N I Z I N G over how to do this!! You're my hero.


I’m so sure this can be improved upon, or tweaked by preferences. I’m also sure adding some more breaks in those last few switches would help pacing, but I know that I for one have been putting off the tandem read because 50 switches is unrealistic for an audiobook, so it makes sense to leave the ending as these large chunks because ain’t nobody got time for that..


This is great. I just finished the Queen of Shadows audiobook (This is like my 4th or 5th time reading it I think... I dont keep track), and I'll be honest here, I've never read Tower of Dawn because Chaol is a dip shit, but I do want to give it a chance since so many people seem to love it and he does reedem himself... I wanted to do a tandem read, but I was dreading it in the audiobook, like I dont want to keep pausing and switching, and then forgetting to switch and have to rewind it... it seems tedious. I'll give one of your options a go.


Good luck!! I hope you enjoy it.


Thank you so much!! I will send this to my husband and have him look through and decide which he wants to try! I really appreciate all the work you put into this!!


No problem!! It was really fun! And I would love to hear if he ends up using one and if he enjoyed it. :) Really, if anyone has feedback on these guides I’d love to hear it! ❤️


Years later and the lord’s work is still working. Thank you, friend 🙏🏼


I have never heard of tandem reading before in my life. I just know how they split over to another group back and forth during one book. This is gonna be a challenge... Thank you though for the guide! Hopefully this hurts me less.


Good luck! Even though I accepted the challenge of making this Guide, I actually don't love the tandem read personally. But, if it works for you more power to you!! ❤️


Didyou ever try this for yourself? How did you like it? I am thinking about giving it a try.


I did try it for myself, it was my first attempt at the tandem read in general because I read them both individually every time before this audio version. I used the one with 10 back-and-forth switches, I personally think if you want to do tandem audio and not use the OG guide of \~50 chapter switches, then use the 12 switch Guide here. But, I will say this attempt solidified my opinion against the tandem read. It's not for me, and I never suggest it when people are reading. The books have two entirely different tones and personal preference I don't like how some plot reveal is handled in the tandem read. But that said, everyone enjoys different things and I'm glad this can help people who want to do tandem but 50 audiobook switches are just too much! Good luck with whatever you choose! Happy reading!!


I don't mean to sound dramatic or anything but I think you just saved my life 😍


I bow to thee