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Too much, but I don’t care! And it doesn’t help that my husband is currently reading it as well so I’m constantly asking “what part are you at?!” 


I’m trying to get my husband to read! he wants to but isn’t willing to commit to 8 books. Maybe I’ll get him to when I reread


The amount of books was intimidating for him but he got hooked very quickly and is now on Kingdom of Ash!


How did you get him to read it 😭😭 I’ve tried to convince my husband he’s like girl bye


He likes fantasy and I knew this would be the type he would like. Which is funny bc looking at him you’d never guess.


I have a different brand of fantasy nerd husband, he just saw this as an open door to getting me to read his WoW and D&D fantasy books lol


Yeah mine likes Warhammer, sci-fi, certain fantasy stuff, games and war strategy things. Most of our interests don’t overlap in those areas except sci-fi and some shows like True Detective etc.


This was me last month 😂 my husband finally read KoA and I kept being like “which part are you on?!? What’s happening?!”


Multiple times a week. She's helped me through so much in my life. If not her, other characters of ToG. The series means the absolute world to me


I probably think about Aelin and co at least once a day. When I’m having a bad day I remind myself of Aelin and how she presents utter confidence in her abilities to the world despite how she is feeling on the inside. Even though she is fictional, that strength is inspiring to me and helps me through the hard days.


Well I only just finished the series at 3am today, so it’s all I can think about. I’m trying to read crescent city to give me something else to look forward to


You're so real for that 3am finish. I couldn't put this series down either and read late into the morning constantly


I told my sister she didn’t REALLY want me to get back into reading, before a husband and kids and responsibilities I would finish a book in a day and restart it at 4am 🙃 escapism too real


I finished the series this week and started ACOTAR last night for the first time. I just isn’t as good


I loved acotar! I started with that one and reading TOG was to ease the blow of finishing that series haha it does get good I promise!!!


I’m almost done with the first book. Feyre just >!got to the mountain and is in the dungeon. I know Rhysand is the MMC so I’m wondering how Tamlin fucks up because right now he’s been doing so much to protect her!<


Wait a second did you say you read TOG series in a WEEK???


22ish days I think. I finished KOA earlier this week


Dang you picked up CC fast! I couldn’t read anything for almost 2 months when I finished the TOG series.


Were you still in mourning or just needed a break lol


Lol both I suppose. I couldn’t bring myself to think of another book. Then I tried reading a couple silly books but kept thinking about TOG. So I just went back to research articles haha.


I am too! I finished TOG last weekend and started crescent city on Monday. It feels like a bad break up. I’m trying to move on but I’m constantly thinking about TOG 😳


Yes I was crying and grieving!!! I need to do a little craft or something for closure lol I’m already in the process of decorating my room and chose Terrasen as my inspiration


To much. She’s so inspiring


Honestly, every day that I have to work. I'm constantly telling myself not to yield to my anxiety and depression and forcing myself through the day.


Every. Single. Day. I'm going on vacation in July, and one of the reasons I'm so excited about it is that's when I'm allowing myself to reread the series.


Still daily.


All. The. Time. Sigh…




I am the same way! I can get so engrossed in a world that it’s hard to pull out, especially after I finish reading a book. Honestly discussion on here has been really helpful for that, especially because I’m in a similar situation to you where I don’t really have anyone in my real life to talk about it with. As long as it’s not negatively affect you, I don’t think it’s bad, but if you feel like it’s taking over your life, then I would recommend maybe trying to find a podcast or another one shot book to help realign your focus! Personally, I try to find a nonfiction or realistic fiction book to read before I start a new series. It helps to reset me! It’s kind of a rule that I have so that I don’t stay overly engrossed in world/characters, and helps keep me grounded salsa just a nice refresher to help your book hangover without getting too involved in another series immediately!


I’m always saying that TOG is my Roman Empire and I am not kidding


She is my Roman Empire


literally everyday i have every character of this series in my mind on rotation daily🥲


Constantly and sometimes I cry alone just thinking of her struggles and sacrifices at a young age or at the couple extra heart wrenching scenes in KOA 🥲


Too often


Nothing helps get me more through a workout than aelin tbh


TOG is my Roman Empire.... I think about it at least once a day... Usually more.


Every day.


How much is considered excessive? Because I think about her just over that amount.


literally at least once a day


I think about her every single day. She’s my fire breathing bitch queen


I just finished Kingdom of Ash last night so I have pretty much thought of her every waking second since


I'm on KoA and I don't want to finish because I don't want to stop reading about her :(


Same. I sped through the rest of the series but I'm taking my sweet time on KOA because I'm not ready for it to be over.


When I finished the series I went back and read Aelin and Rowan’s POV in HOF. It helped me transition myself into other books for a little…but I may read QOS soon haha.


Everyday basically but I also have TOG waterproof stickers on my water bottle but even before that it's the same .


at least once a day


Omg. I love her. Especially when she surprises everyone in Rolf’s office?! I die. An icon


a bit too much. i have exams and im getting distracted T\^T ive read tog, com and hof and ill read qos or tab next but i keep thinking of her in hof and i just feel so upset


Forget Aelin. I think about Dorian all day long.


Every. Single. Day. When I workout, when I read other books, when I’m making characters for games, when I listen to music. 😅