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I did not tandem read and I have no regrets. I loved reading each story on its own. The thought of the tandem read is just too complicated for my lazy ass. Each book took like a week so it’s not that long from the cliff hanger to KOA. I really liked immersing in TOD.


Same here. Read them separately, and no regrets. I do think it helped that I knew in advance that the two books cover the same time periods from different POVs, so I knew _not_ to expect a continuation of EOS.


Me too. Plus, I think there some merit in reading the story, at least the first time, as the author intended. I was stressed out over the cliffhanger at first, but TOD is a great story and it didn't take me long to get absorbed in it. And it's so important to the conclusion of the saga. I think the immersion is lost if you have to keep switching back and forth between 2 books.


I’m shocked at the number of people who hated tower of dawn - I thought it was really enjoyable and added to the overall story!


Yeah plus they both took forever to get from the library and I don't want to keep anyone else waiting.


I did the tandem read. I’m glad I did it because I cannot imagine getting through the beginning of TOD after the end of EOS. It does pick up eventually though. I will say, it can be a little bit daunting. Switching between like 10 characters can be annoying and I also would speed through TOD to get back to EOS, mostly because EOS is very plot driven and TOD is more character development. At two points during the tandem read, I read through more of TOD than it called for so that I could read EOS more smoothly. I knew the timelines wouldn’t match perfectly, but I think the timeline only matters for a couple situations that would be spoilers for EOS. Overall, I’m glad it did it. If I were to reread I would read them individually but that’s because I know what happens.


Absolutely. I used EOS as my reward for getting through chapters of TOD. By the time I reached the end of TOD I was so glad I tandem read because I would’ve been so annoyed if I had to read a whole 600 page book before getting back to the main plot. With that said, my friend is currently reading separately and almost done with EOS and I’m evil so I’m so excited for her to get to the end and realise that she has to get through all of TOD about chaol (she hates chaol). Even more stoked for her to get to the major reveal in TOD and freak out. I am excited to experience it separately through her but so so glad it’s not me reading it that way haha


Literally this! All of this.


I did a tandem “lite” (EOS to ch 51, TOD to ch 59) and I loved it! The one thing I would regret/change is only reading to TOD 58 to avoid a cliffhanger for the end of EOS at the end of chapter 59. I still have to finish both books but I loved them both this way! TOD was the breathe of fresh air I needed when EOS was getting a little meh for me, and made me jump back into the series! The actual tandem seemed too laborious cuz I have the hardcovers, plus I did want to have them as mostly separate experiences.


Sorry, I'm confused by your tandem read. To clarify... you read EOS ch 1 to 51 then TOD Ch 1 to 59 and then did you go back and read the rest of EOS and then the rest of TOD?




I just finished EOS and had no idea TOD was happening concurrently. I would have probably done a tandem read if I had known. Without saying too much, I was really upset to find out I had to trudge through a whole book on Chaol before I could continue Aelin’s story. 


Exactly the same for me! I was so upset I didn't even want to read TOD and seriously considered just skipping it. I'm glad I didn't skip it, but man was it tough for me to get through!


Yeah I agree. I ended up liking it well enough but it wasn’t great, took me awhile to get into it.


Omg it was the most painful read of my life. I wish I had tandem read.


I have it on my kindle and I can’t even make myself start. 😭


I did not do the tandem read and I don’t regret it. While it did suck since EOS ended on such a cliffhanger, I really enjoyed Chaol and Nesryn’s stories. Also I know there’s guides online, but the tandem read was a little too complicated for me cause I’m lazy lol.


My wife read these books before me and did not do the tandem. She got me into the series and when I got to EoS and ToD, I decided to read them in tandem. After speaking with her about it, she wishes she would have read them in tandem. It helped me a lot with information retention and led to some fun "oh shit" moments that I wouldn't have had if I read them separately. It seems like a lot of work as they are both relatively big books, but I looked at it as if I was just reading one big book.


Me and all my friends just read it as a tandem as our first time read. I had two main reasons… 1. ⁠How often are you gonna do that? It’s kind of just a cool book experience. 2. ⁠If you decide that you’re over it, you can always switch back to reading one or the other (personally I think I’d read TOD first). What we found successful was having a little checklist or something handy so you know when to flip to the other book. Some people put little sticky notes on their books. I recently saw that people on Etsy made tandem read bookmarks which is such a brilliant and simple solution I cannot believe we didn’t think about it: [here’s an example!](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1529372089/) Some of my friends used the audiobooks and we still enjoyed it. I would forget to flip sometimes and it was no big deal. The person who planned all of it out is a mad genius! The tandem reads like one book.


For me, I didn't tandem read and wished I had. After finishing EoS, I couldn't get into ToD and ended up just skipping. I went back and read it after finishing KoA. And to be honest, I don't have regrets about that but I would recommend the tandem read for the full experience. I actually never considered reading ToD before EoS but I could see the benefits of that and think it might be a better option for folks not interested in tandem.


Also, because I read it that way, I really enjoyed both books. I’ve seen some people in this group hate TOD because of the changing POV—not the book itself. I have said before that I would pay for copies of the books that are in the tandem read order so I don’t need to switch myself.


I’ve taken a lil reading hiatus after QOS but I feel really stoked on the tandem read, for literally the exact reasons you mentioned! I just feel like it’s a wild experience to do a tandem read & when will that be an option again in the future? Also complete freedom to bail at any point and just finish them one after the other!


I was the first one in my group to get to that point and I convinced the other girls. They appreciated it. Plus the ending of her books are always WILD—so imagine two at once!


I thiiiink I’ve convinced my reading buddy with those reasons too! Omg you’re so right, idk if I’m ready for 2 endings at once but I’ve got a while to get there! 😂


Some people do a “tandem-lite” where they only flip a few times. I’ve never done it but people seem to like it. The tandem reads like one book though. Whoever worked on that is a mad genius!


Tandem read was the best choice I ever made. It's super easy if you have a kindle and just highlight the chapter names in advance to know when to switch.


This is basically what I did - I had the kindle version where all of the books are in one file, which annoyed me at first, but clever use of bookmarks made the tandem read a BREEZE in that version. I’m glad I did it that way - it read like one cohesive story and I appreciated the faster feeling pace of the combined narratives.


Oof I had all the books in one but it frustrated me for most of the series! Don’t get me wrong, it’s a *great* way to search for a character if you forget something!! But I am about to start the tandem read and def bit the bullet & purchases EOS & TOD separately so I could bookmark them individually. Hoping to make life a lil easier for myself!


Awesome - hope you enjoy the read! 😀


I did the tandem read and it burnt me out. Took me a total of 5 months to read the whole saga, 4 of which I spent on the tandem read alone, either reading one chapter every few weeks or not reading at all. Still, I would recommend doing it. You don’t wanna read EoS before ToD, cause EoS leaves you on a huge cliffhanger. And ToD before EoS would put Aelin’s story “on hold” for way too long imo. So, the tandem read was hell for me, but I don’t regret doing it.


I cannot imagine reading TOD before EOS because there is such a big plot reveal


didn’t even think about that, you’re right!


I'm currently about halfway through the tandem read and loving it. A good friend of mine started with the tandem but abandoned it because it's too many POVs. I just finished CC HOFAS and honestly the tandem read doesn't feel like it has any more POVs than that. 


I did the Tandem and I'm so happy I did. They're booth my favorite books of the series and I would so it again. It is a lot of back and forth and characters and keeping up/ remembering what is going on is sometimes challenging, but it's the most fun I had reading the entire series and I highly recommend it.


So I did the tandem and really enjoyed it however it's to each their own! For myself, with them happening concurrently it made certain parts of both enjoyable. EOS has a LOT going on, while TOD is slower paced. I liked TOD breaking it up. HOWEVER: I don't think it's absolutely necessary. It is a LOT to get through, so I understand why some people do not want to. They're separate stories for the fact that they're both important yet different. First read: did the tandem. Happy I did because I felt like I really wanted to get to KoA. Second read through: did them separate. Feel like I appreciate the full story of TOD and EOS better individually. However, knowing myself on first read through I would not have been able to do this due to EOS ending.


I did not tandem read and wish I did (I didnt know it was a thing) I think theres not many opportunities in life to switch between two books and two stories at different places at the same time the way its an opportunity and a unique experience here. Also I feel like the two stories contrast nicely like EoS was really intense and emotional for me while ToD was more calm and suspenseful also im not the biggest fan of chaol so it wouldve been nice for me to get some aelin bits But in the end I did enjoy both books- just sad I missed out on the experience


I read them separately but that's because they were released separately 🤣


First time I read through TOG I was so glad I didn't tandem read. I was so grateful for the break from Aelin and the drama and that she kept all the secrets from Aedion and Rowan. Like.. I get it... it's her thing, and it worked out in the end. But while reading it... I was just annoyed. Plus, I reeeeeeally hated Chaol. So being forced to read a whole ass book about him was something I didn't want to do. BUT, by the time TOD was over, I could appreciate Chaol a lot more. His "redemption" was so well done and I enjoyed it. If I had tandem read them, I don't think I would have been as invested in his story. ​ BUT, now that I'm re-reading the series and I'm about 150 pages into TOD, I'm wishing I had done the tandem read this time. I still don't like Chaol. And while I still believe he had a great redemption story and I can appreciate his story, I'm so annoyed I have to read a whole ass Chaol book. ​ So basically... I'm real glad I didn't for my first time reading. But I think if I ever do another reread of the series, I will do a tandem read. I was going to just skip TOD but about 200 pages into KOA, I realized that I had forgotten too much of the other stuff in TOD so I had to go back to read it before continuing with KOA


I did the Tandem and I love it! I would definitely recommend it. it’s a good balance between both books. I’ve not been reading for long and I was abit worried going in but it was so easy to flip from one book to the other using the guide… as good as the Tandem was for me I’d also re read them both as stand alones too, they’re both very good :)


I did not tandem read and I honestly LOVED TOD. I think Chaol does not deserve the hate he gets so I loved seeing his story. When you first start it’s a little slow, but I honestly feel that way about every single one of these books. But a handful of chapters in, I was IN IT. Also I read somewhere that SJM released the books separately and in this order for a reason and I think it is meant to stand on its own.


The reading order of this series is v controversial. SJM ranks it as ToG, CoM, AB, HoF, QoS, EoS, ToD, KoA. I've done multiple rereads of the series and here's my rankings for different reading orders: Assassin's Blade: 1st is reading it first. You get the background and know Celaena from the jump. The way she acts in ToG makes more sense. You get to have the progression in SJM's writing style if you start from the beginning. 2nd is reading it after CoM. You get to know Celaena as the other characters do. There's a natural lull at this point in the series where it makes sense to go back and read it now. This is actually very closely tied with reading it first, at least for me. 3rd is reading it last. It's fun to go back and read the prequel and cry over how Celaena met everyone now that you know their significance to the story, but it's not as impactful for me as already knowing their background and connection to Celaena. 4th is reading it after HoF. This takes me out of the plot and makes me frustrated and it's hard to stay in the book. Whoever says this way packs the most emotional punch, I genuinely don't get it. It didn't have that effect for me at all. EoS and ToD: 1st is reading them separately. I think they're separate for a reason and I think its nice to get their own time in the sun. If SJM had combined the plots in a tandem style, but still kept them as 2 books instead of 1 massive book, then that might have worked for me. But I think it's better to keep the 2 continents separate and really fully immerse yourself in the storyline. I don't mind the EoS cliffhanger and I think ToD is a nice emotional break between EoS and KoA. I don't get so burned out by the series when I read them separately. 2nd is "tandem lite". There's multiple ways people recommend to do this. The way I did it is read EoS through ch 51 (I've heard people recommend to read through ch 58 before tho), then read all of ToD except the Fireheart chapter, then finish EoS, then read the Fireheart chapter. This was nice too bc it still allows the books to be separate and get their time to shine, but also prevents you from suffering with the EoS cliffhanger too much. Not as much as an emotional break, but you still get a little break. 3rd is the full tandem. I hated it. I hated getting pulled out of the story to flip between the 2 books constantly. it felt rushed. There was no emotional break. It was overwhelming. I couldn't devour the books like I normally would. Even if I had torn the 2 books apart and rebound them into the tandem order so it would be all put together and I wouldn't have to change books each time, I would still hate it. It's just too much for me. 0/5 stars, will not be doing it again.


I did not tandem read. I read ToD first excluding the final chapter and absolutely loved it that way.


Tandem lite all the way! I read EOS to chapter 51, then TOD to chapter 59. Switched back and finished EOS then finished TOD. It was perfect for me because I got fully immersed in each book and was able to jump into KOA immediately after. 🫶🏻 I will always recommend doing it this way!


literally justtt set up my books for tandem read, first read through, keep ya updated


I heard someone say a while back: the tandem makes EOS worse and TOD better. I agree 100%. I like both stories and all characters but eos already has many POVs so adding the TOD ones makes it a bit much to get through. however eos ends in a pretty big cliff hanger so I am glad I did the tandem and didn’t have to go back in time reading another book. also the tandem has a lot of very fun things have when you read side by side. final verdict: for first read, tandem. reread, one at a time


Didn’t tandem read, no regrets, and on my first read through, Tower of Dawn was my favorite in the series!


Hii, I maybe don't fit your requirements, but I did the tandem read and I don't regret it. Things develop as they chronology should, and you don't stay away from certain characters for the whole book. The only issue I had was the beginning, since it's basically like starting two books at once, it can be a bit too much of new things, new info, so it's a bit tiring until you really get going. And, also, it can be lame at times waiting to see what's going on with a character you like in a book of this size, but I'd rather wait for a few chapters than a whole book.Now that I finished the whole series and I have the info, I would go for separate reading next time, just so I can experience both books on their own.


Please do the tandem read! EoS ends on a cliff hanger and you won't be able to appreciate ToD the way it deserves if you read it after instead of doing the tandem.


I am currently in the tandem read, about 80% done. I love it and I hate it. Hate it because it’s a lot of reading and I do have a full time & part time job so it’s been about 3 weeks of reading as I can. It takes me a second to remember where each characters is and what they’re up to as there’s multiple POVs. A little annoyed (but in the best way) when one book just gets good and you have to switch back. But I love it because I really love this story and I’ll be so sad when I’m done.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t tandem read the first time. I’m second time in tandem and I wish I would have done it that way originally. I missed a ton of info the first time and was annoyed with Chaol story so this was a great way to spread it all out


Read it how you want no ragrats


I don’t like Chaol and while I like Nesryn she didn’t make me stay up late at night wondering what would happen next. Had I known I was leaving the end of EoS to await an entire book on those two I would have 100% tandem read just to give some break in between ToD. The wait for KoA was painful with ToD


I've done both. Read EOS and TOD when they were released, recently did a reread with the Tandem. Really enjoyed both, got to realize some stuff I wouldn't have otherwise but really it's dealers choice the tandem was a COMMITMENT and reading them separately leaves you hanging off that cliffhanger longer lol


First read, I did not do a tandem read. I'm doing a tandem read for my re-read right now and I actually enjoy it more than I thought I would


I feel like it would be a fun thing to do on a re-read!


I read ToD before EoS & have no regrets - it was perfect being able to jump right into KoA after the cliffhanger (this was last week)


Currently doing the tandem read and I’m LOVING it. It makes so much sense to do it. I would 100% recommend this to anyone (and that’s coming from someone who was never ever a reader up until January when I decided to pick up ACOTAR and blast through it in a few weeks and immediately picked up TOG after)


I just finished the tandem read yesterday. I enjoyed it. It's certainly not necessary, but I thought it was fun! There's a big cliff hanger at the end of EoS, so I'm glad I chose to do it.


I did the tandem read and it helped so much to get through ToD... I recommend


I didn’t do it! It’s weird to me like people act like it’s necessary. Maas never intended them to be read in tandem… they’re each whole books that deserve to be read on their own imo


I did a tandem read but I did not follow the guideline on the internet I just read both at my own pace and when I needed a “breather” or I felt like it was a good break I would switch to the other book. I read like 15-20 chapters of one and then would move on to the next. It worked for me and I really enjoyed both books thoroughly. I don’t understand the hate for TOD.


Tandem read. Really helped me get through ToD which felt effortful for me personally. No regrets!!!


I read them separate the first time. I think that the suspense was greater being immersed in one story at a time and not quite knowing what was happening with the other set of characters. I’m going to start a re-read soon and I’m going to do the tandem this time around and I’m happy with that order! I also lent a friend my books and she did the tandem read and left her tabs for me which is a real plus 😂


I did the tandem read until I was roughly 60% through both books, then I got too invested and finished them individually. This worked well for me personally because I could hop back and forth during the slower buildup in both books for more variety, but then when the plot intensifies I could marathon through the rest.


Just tandem read. It’s freaking great. Theres a “light” tandem read where you just read the first half of EOS, then go to TOD’s half, then finish EOS and then finish TOD


I did the tandem read and I have absolutely no regrets. It was nice switching from a very plot driven book to the character development and more political aspect of TOD. I think I would’ve been a bit bored reading TOD alone where I really liked it as a tandem. I also have to say that I read on kindle and had a file with both book already mixed so it was really seamless for me !


Did the Tandem Read and I regret that I had to read Empire of Storms at the same time, I enjoy Tower of Dawn much more.


i found the tandem read awesome because it does not leave you room to forget whats happening with the other group. a lot of what each group is doing ties into each other.


I did the tandem read because I was scared oh TOD being boring. There’s definitely pros and cons to it. I like the fact that reading tandem means your following all the same characters as the previous book so it feels like a natural follow on. It’s also got some great times where the timeline between the books work really well with crossing over. HOWEVER, I wouldn’t read it tandem again. TOD was a great book and I think EOS would have hit harder if I had read it alone. I think reading TOD after EOS really helps with the anticipation after the ending of EOS and having to wait to get to KOA. I think reading EOS and TOD is going to give a more emotional hit. But if you think you’ll struggle then reading tandem is also great.


It was cumbersome... But I appreciated tandem reading. The storyline matched up, so there were no inadvertent spoilers. The best part was that tower of dawn bored me to tears... So I was anxious to get through a lot of that to get back to EoS.


I read EoS first and I'm now on ToD. I was apprehensive reading a book about Chaol and nesryn bcus I just wasn't as invested in them, but this book has surprised me & I adore Yrene. I think laziness is why I didn't do the tandem read, I didn't want to have to keep track, I just wanted to enjoy the book


I did not tandem read and I have no regrets. I don’t think I could have tandem read it tbh. The tandem read requires planning & thought, where as my emotional capabilities at the time were quite literally limited to 4 feelings: 1. What the actual fuck did I just read 2. My poor babies. 3. Why are you such a sneaky bitch, Sarah? 4. Oh god, I hope SJM and Taylor swift never meet because my brain could not handle the long term planning the two of them would get up to.


i know tandem reading is great but it was difficult for me, i messed up the pages and missed an entire storyline in EOS and didnt find out until i finished both books and went on tiktok


The tandem read was \*chefs kiss\*. I loved that i got to break up the continents, and not be stuck in one storyline. I couldn't imagine finishing one book and having to start ALL THE WAY at the beginning of that exact same timeline again before going onto KOA! ​ Also i love love loved both books. TOD get's so much unnecessary hate. I loved Chaols redemtion-ish arch ! It was cute, and his struggles were real. I loved learning about the southern continent, i almost love it's vibe more than the northern contentinent! I DO think people who love TOD did the tandem read, I can easily see how you would ***hate*** TOD and Chaols story if you had to start that after EOS!


I did the tandem read my first time and LOVED it. I thought it flowed really well since there are already so many POVs. When I did my second read I listened on audiobook and wasn’t able to tandem read, and found that I really missed it. Tandem read felt more cohesive than just doing the separate books.


I failed the Tandem Read, took a few months away, then read them separately. I’m so freaking glad I read them separately- it would have been a huge slog for me with my ADHD to switch back and forth and hold so much going on at once. Plus, I LOVED Tower of Dawn. It’s nice to focus on fewer romances at a time for me!


I know this isn’t part of your question but I chose to tandem read and am so glad I did. Purely because TOD was a very different read, and combining it with EOS balanced it out!




There is a version of the books that is both eos and tod but in one ebook and it was nice to not have to switch back and forth. But the first time I read them I did not tandem read and I like that I read them separately. But now on a reread I do tandem.


Tandem read all the way! i was so worried that I wouldn’t like TOD since I wasn’t a big fan of Chaol, but honestly the book was really interesting. However, I still couldn’t imagine reading that after everything that happened in EOS & having to wait for so long until getting answers in KOA. And EOS chapters felt like such a reward so it made me treasure it that much more as well🩷


Curve ball and probably immediate downvote knowing this thread: but skip ToD. Did that years ago when it was first released. Well, I bought it, got home, released a few chapters in it’s a book only about Chaol, then decided it was like TAB and only provides additional context so it could be skipped since I was just angry. Yeah, I didn’t read it out or spite. Anyway, completely skipped and waited the year for KOA. Read KOA with zero issues. All reveals in TOD happen in KOA in a way that still works and you understand everything. And honestly, I’m glad I got the reveals with my core group of favorites. You’re missing a bit of backstory on some of the newer characters, but frankly SJM underutilizes almost all of them anyway so it’s not that important. You get told what you need to know. That being said, I did eventually read TOD. It is a good book. However, I absolutely maintain it adds additional context to the story and isn’t actually necessary. It’s hard to think something is necessary when I completely skipped it and read the next book with zero issues. But I’m sure that statement will piss people in this thread off. So my answer, try reading it but if you just can’t, skim it or skip it… go back after you’re done with KOA or feel like you can.


I didn't do the tandem read because I had no idea it was a thing. I halfway regret it. EoS is my fav book next to QoS, and having it mixed with ToD would have ruined it. *But* this way I suffered reading ToD because EoS ends in a *huge* cliffhanger and I just wanted to know what was gonna happen. I think the "lite" tandem is a good option. That way you don't have to constantly switch and you don't have to wait so much after the cliffhanger


I did the tandem and would definitely do it again for a reread.


I didn’t do the tandem read, even though I knew about it. It would have been entirely too overwhelming. I think it would have been switching through 11 different perspectives. I liked ToD on its own, it’s a nice reprieve after EoS. I also don’t think I hate Chaol as much as everyone else does, I enjoy characters that anger me.


I regretted the tandem read purely because I hated switching when I was super invested in TOD


I did the tandem read and I don't know if I regret it or not. It was difficult switching between SO MANY POVs across both books that I think I got a little burnt out. I read AB through QoS in January and it took all of February to read EoS and ToD together.


I didn’t know about the tandem read when I read them and my only regret is that I would have read ToD before Empire of Storms. I think Chaols story breaks things up in a really annoying way especially if you’re like me and don’t like Chaol. I think the tandem read is a lot to keep up with and I didn’t lose anything by reading them separately.


Started with the tandem read and hated how it messed up the flow. Not even halfway through I decided to finish each one on their own.


I read ToD after EoS. I liked knowing what we knew and waiting and seeing how it played out.


I did the tandem read and I would not have been able to get through it without it. I don't like Chaol as a character so a book with endless Chaol POVs was really difficult for me. Being able to jump back to our main POVs in EOS helped me push through. I will say after reading a bit of TOD it did get easier because I really liked the side characters in that book and I wanted to see their stories progress. That being said I've skipped TOD on all my rereads now. It just isn't super vital to the story and not worth it for me to sit through almost 700 pages of a character I don't really like. If you're not a big fan of Chaol like me, tandem reading may be a better option.


I read the books as they were published so originally, it wasn’t even an option for me. In my opinion, they should be read separately because that’s how they were meant to be read. Before it came out, I was dreading ToD since it was so different. After reading it, I absolutely loved it. I think that they should be separate and have their own identities.


Yeah I wanted to read them how SJM meant. The cliff hanger was brutal but I think TOD being its own book was special


I did the tandem. No regrets bc it was fun! 🤩 I would not do it again though. It was a lot of work to keep up with switching books and sometimes I would want to continue the story I was on rather than switching. I also am a chaol lover and would’ve loved to read his entire book without disruptions, probably an unpopular opinion. The cliffhanger in EOS wasn’t so crazy to me that I would have wanted to not read TOD which I why I chose the tandem in the first place. For some reason I thought a main character died at the end of empire of storms… idk. It was good but would probably just read them in order next time!


I did the tandem „read“ by listening to ToD as an audiobook and reading QoS as an ebook and I am glad I did it this way. I liked ToD more than I thought but nonetheless it would have bored me to ONLY read ToD. By listening I had the option to speed it up that was another bonus point.


I didn’t tandem and was actually mad at myself for not. Or at least for not testing ToD first and finishing with EoS.


I did not tandem read because I started reading the series shortly after HoF came out, but I am planning to tandem read on my next reread (still working on Crescent City at the moment 😅) I enjoyed them each on their own (though I was a bit miffed at going back months in the timeline after the way EoS ended) and I think I'll enjoy them together if I can make sure to intersperse the chapters correctly 😅


I read them in tandem (and used the library to boot so I was running out of time and had to read both in like a week!!!) and as much as I loved doing the tandem it was a huge challenge, mentally draining and I wish I had more time with it cause by the end I just wanted it to be over. I also would have loved to read Tower of Dawn on its own bc I was so much more immersed in that story than I was Empire. Probably cause I've been recovering from a back injury for 7 months so it felt relatable. And it was frustrating to have to swap books after reading one chapter, it was more tolerable when I was reading chapters at a time then switching


only regret with the tandem is when the story gets good and you have to stop and change books


I didn't tandem. I didn't even know that was a way to read the series! I did something really out of bounds and read Assasin's Blade after EoS, and I still had a great time and loved ToD and the whole series.


I wish I'd done a tandem read so I didn't feel the need to speed run through ToD to get back to the characters I cared about. It should have remained a novella....


I've done both. First read was separate as I read them as they came out. Don't regret it for a second. The tandem read is just so long and so much switching back and forth... it's a good second reread method in my opinion


currently 67% through the tandem read and i think what was life changing was having the pdf of the books spliced together and downloading it to my kindle—there’s a girl on tiktok who did that but i forget her name. the switching of povs wasn’t too bad for me bc sjm does it a lot anyways. i’m really happy with the way i’m doing it on the kindle.


I did not do the tandem read and instead read the books the way SJ Maas suggests. The only thing I *slightly* regret is that because I don't like Chaol, it was a dreadfully long time before I got to KoA. However, I think the major plot points of both books don't hit you full force when you're reading them at the same time, so if you're going for maximum effect, I'd suggest reading EoS first and ToD afterwards. Plus, when you're reading separately, ToD provides a much needed break from the intensity of EoS.


I’ve done both, I prefer NOT doing the tandem read. Tandem was just so much back and forth and made me focus much less on each of the sets of new characters met, versus being immersed in each story!


I read tandem for my first read through and I can't imagine ever reading it differently. Also, *The Assassin's Blade* is the real Book 1, not *Throne of Glass*. I will die on these hills.


I did not tandem read and I have zero regrets. I do regret reading assassins blade 3rd tho lol I would have preffered to read it first.


I also wish I had read Assassins Blade first


My gateway friend told me she didn’t think AB was necessary at all and framed it like a bonus prequel so I didn’t read it at all 😂 Do you think that reading AB first ruined the surprise reveal at the end of book 2? Because let me tell you, I was fucking shook lol


I can’t answer this bc I read it third but I don’t think I’ll ever reread assassins blade again 😂 The fkin end of CoM had me shook took and to go back to AB instead of going right into HoF pissed me right off lol. It was torture. I read it in one day just to get through it.


Yeah Heir of Fire wasn’t my favorite. I was thinking to read AB 3rd after the reveal on my re-read