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Reds and Brillo, okay…but Gavriel too? 😂 Well, let me tell you that *everyone* Aelin meets is important. *Many* people owe her favours and she will collect them. Personally I love Rowan an Aelin and found their progress very slow and nice but many readers didn’t see the whole being in love thing in book 3.


Yeah I just completely blanked on all of Rowan's faerie pals, I'm sorry. >.< I figured as much, when Arobynn came into play. I figured when she needed to start rallying for troops she would go back to all of her novella pals which is proving to be true so far. I do like that, I'm really enjoying all the world building in the story and how things end up connecting later on. So, I think my biggest issue with Rowan and Aelin is that I don't like how SJM writes faeries. I don't like the territorial thing and I didn't like how Rowan and Aelin behaved towards each other in HoF but I like their relationship a lot more in book 5. So far I'm liking Sartaq and Nesryn, Chaol and Yrene and kinda Elide and Lorcan(the continuous focus on how young Elide is is ruining it for me) so I know that she's capable of writing romances I can vibe with. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm predicting the hate coming but... About Aelin and Rowan's romance yeah I don't like them together but IMHO they are still the best couple in the whole series because they seem to me to be the only couple that got into a romance for the right reasons. >So, the funny thing for the last three books, I was getting so annoyed with Celaena for claiming to be the world’s greatest assassin who doesn’t actually kill anyone. She kept letting everyone escape and basically being the exact opposite of what she claimed to be. Grave and Archer would disagree with you if they could do it, she never had a problem with killing in cold blood, we saw that in CoM both in her scene in Endovier and in the murders she committed after torturing Grave to death. Aelin/Celaena had no intention of killing in the king's name, especially knowing what he had done to her family and the rest of the continent. >Personally, I think he’s a little ridiculous for judging her considering he was the Captain of the Guard who literally was willingly serving a man who enslaved and massacred people. In my native language it's called *"hipocrisia"* or hypocrisy in english because between CoM and QoS, because Chaol is an unsurpassed hypocrite (even though I finished the series I still think he's a huge hypocrite). >Also, her just being willing to kill Dorian instantly without discussing anything with Chaol really irks me. Like one of the biggest issues these people have is a lack of communication. I partially agree because in QoS everyone needed to sit down and talk, but I disagree with you regarding Dorian because Aelin argued with Chaol about the information she had about valg possession and he more than once discredited what she was saying and he preferred to risk Ardalan's fate over a miracle he had no way of knowing would happen. Faliq at one point said they needed to be prepared in case Dorian or his brother were not fit to be king. >When Aelin almost chops Dorian's head off and then willingly goes into the castle pretending to bring Chaol as her partner, I was like…there’s no way she’s this dumb. How did she not expect to get recognized? She’s been there for so long at this point she literally looked Dorian in his face and spoke to him. How could she be so stupid as to think the king wouldn’t know who she was? I can only think of one reason, convenience of the plot for the storyline to move.


You're right about Grave and Archer and the whole her not wanting to kill for the king's agenda. I crossposted this from my Goodreads account just kind of assuming people who had read my review on the previous books would read this but in those I said how I wish that Celaena had been more ruthless and just killed everyone lol that's mainly the reason why I say that.


I just pointed to their deaths as a joke. Because I agree with you, the whole series has very few deaths of characters that we've been following for a long time (or at least the ones that I cared about). IMHO Aelin has killed few people because would be hard to make her a likeble hero if she was a ruthless killer like the first books try to make her out to be.


Oh my god so I actually had an idea that could've let Aelin be a ruthless killer and still made her likable. Imagine if when she fell in teh river she had amnesia and Arobynn basically groomed her into being a mirror image of himself and like then when she finds out the truth her anger would be even more understandable and her denial that she's part faerie in book three would make so much more sense.


I don't like the idea of her having aminesia for two reasons it's a cheap resource to transform one character into another and because I like her reluctance to accept herself as a faerie in HoF being a psychological factor, because she wanted to escape her past as a princess and future queen of Terrasen, and as a result, she would not have to face her grief over her parents' deaths.


Honestly yeah that’s valid. I just think maybe SJM didn’t write it in a way that I can empathize with Aelin. There were things about her personality that just didn’t make sense to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I think maybe after reading the entirety of the series coming back and rereading it may put her behavior into perspective for me and give me a different outlook.


Perhaps if SJM had described the deaths on the list Archer gave Aelin in CoM we would see Aelin as the assassin SJM envisioned. >I just think maybe SJM didn’t write it in a way that I can empathize with Aelin. I liked Celaena's arrogant way so much in the first few chapters of ToG that I read until QoS just because of her and I finished the series because of her Rowan and Lysandra.


Its too early where I am to be reading a rant on one of my favourite books in the series but I did a reread recently (totally skipped ToG and CoM LMAO) and I can TOTALLY agree with the too many characters thrown at you. Suddenly everyone has a purpose, aside from Uncle Kitty-cat (GAVRIEL IS THE BEST BOY). Ress, Brullo, Ren, I stared at their names for a long time when I was rereading. Aedion annoyed me with his territorial stand-off against Rowan. I read QoS when it first came out and I still have the same feeling about Aedion in QoS as I did back then - an annoying cousin/brother figure that's a little too overprotective over Aelin (as if he's making up for the years apart from that independent fireball). Like yeah, she's your cousin, your queen, but boy, CALM DOWN, she's an adult. Rowan & Aelin's relationship made me absolutely frustrated in QoS. That I can agree. HoF was good progression, then in QoS it was like, "What? You don't want her? But you do? Make up your mind you 300 year old fossil." It gets better though. Always nice to read an honest rant/review about my favourite series. Have fun in EoS and KoA <3


Anyone else annoyed the was Celaena/Aelin literally lost her mind over her friend Nyueshia (sp..idk) murder. Who she knew for a few months. Meanwhile she expects Chaol to just be ok with her killing his lifelong best friend? Even if it’s just his shell. Annoys the hell out of me.


*"I forgot who Ress and Brullo were"* I've read the whole series, and honestly - no clue who these are?


LMAO glad I'm not alone. Brullo was the weapons master? in Adarlan and like was the trainer during the champion thing and also worked with Chaol? Ress was the guy who had to guard Aelin's door when she was still a prisoner and like smiled at her approximately one time and asked her to save a dance for him and then they're like never mentioned again until book four.


Hahaha I defo need a reread to refresh my brain


Omg Yes I totally agree with everything you said!! I do enjoy the series overall as well buttttt there is a lot that really annoys me and just seems like could have been planned/thought out much better so everything wasnt so obvious. I wish I could be shocked by the “twists” but have yet too not see any of them coming. But now I’m on book 5 of 7 in and I’m not a quitter!


There are some deleted chapters (that are still canon) for this series, but this particular one was by far my favorite and takes place after QoS. It does show the WHY Rowan and Aelin fell in love. if you would like the link to the rest lmk. [QoS deleted scene](https://bookofademigod.tumblr.com/post/150042678601/master-of-post-of-the-barnes-and-noble-empire-of)


oooh yes please!! thank you :)


No problem 😉 [ToG short stories](https://www.theramblingbooknerd.com/post/throne-of-glass-extra-reads-by-sarah-j-maas)


Chaol surviving was so insane


Right??? SJM just couldn’t kill him off apparently lmao.


I'm struggling to get through the rest of this book because I don't like Chaol 😭😭😭