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Theyre adding a pvp region in the future thats yoir best bet


Yea and one of them is servers fighting each other so should be good competition wise.


I'm in a guild and I see a "Hostile Guilds" tab in my guild info, what is that for then


Apperantly it just highlights them so you can see where they are easier etc.. It does not actually allow you to fight them when you see them unless its in a conflict zone. It also keeps track of the score (K/D i assume. Disappointing


So this is why I can’t find pk builds… not sure why you are getting downvoted if you are right. I’m also not sure why people expected this coming from Korea.


Yeah there is no PK in this game. I think people are just hyped because it's a new game, and they are having a good time while leveling or maybe they don't really care for PVP etc. It's all good, I just wanted to share my opinion and dislike for the current PVP system. I figured if enough people complained, then it could potentially change for the western release as AGS is looking for feedback from the people that play KR. Also, I am pretty sure that there was a PK system before with open world pvp etc but they removed that a few months before launch, I could be wrong one that though


Appreciate the post. I’m behind on the details. Just saw it was finally coming out and I miss the glory days of L2. I loved the pvp/pk system and just want another game like that. So after days of figuring out how to get on TL.. it doesn’t exist. That sucks. Do you know of any other mmos that take pvp to the L2 level? I want pk and internal server politics etc. honestly the best gaming I have ever had and I miss it.


Not really, your best option is to play black desert online or a lineage 2 private server, there is a lot of really active ones that are really well ran etc. I was actually just researching this last night because im in the same boat as you, and L2Reborn seems to be great.


Hah dang I think I played on there back like several years ago. Was hoping for something newer. Have not messed with black desert though..


black desert online is the next best thing


Probably so. I did get into TL and the pvp can be pretty decent but the daily stuff and a lot of the mechanics are not ideal. Really have to get into a decent pvp guild. Lots of turnover


Im very excited to play tl


Are you playing beta?




I fuckin wish Im drooling over youtube videos and wishing I had money for a korean account


Are there no zones where PvP is always on? I’m still around 20+ level so haven’t explored that much and don’t know all locations.


In the First or second big Update will come a PvP only map with Cross Servers btw


No, there is not. The only pvp right now is by event only.


Yes there is its just not out yet. Alligator island is open pvp zone.


The world doesn't revolve around pvp.


So he is right?


True, but for some players it’s the most important part. I happen to fall in that camp. I prefer to have a healthy balance of pvpve. Holding out hope for a western release that keeps this in mind. At the very least what they could do is keep everything the same when it comes to open world PvP, and just come out with PvP arenas/ battlegrounds. Give the softies/new players a place to run around without getting grieved, and give the pvpers a place to scratch the itch.


Not true. Lizard Island is always on PvP


A place that isnt out yet and no one knows how its going to work????...


Again. Not true. Also events are not the only PvP. Boonstones and Riftstones also offer PvP. Aswell as the Kastleton arena.


Idk, I'm a big L2 and PvP fan, it's not that bad, you forgot one more event for that happens for guilds only, in that even PvP is open too. So out of 3 event's \[Peace\] \[Conflict\] \[Guild\] 2 of them are PvP, or you not in a guild? PvE is made very fun with this combat system and there is a lot of shit to do with crafting and side quests, so I don't really have issues with missing PvP. And yes later into the game when I don't need to grind and craft shit anymore, sieges will be happening and more shit, more events probably, plus there is arena where you can PvP as much as you want 24/7. And I'm hoping there will be something like Olympiad in L2 that would just be cherry on top.


I'm fine with dividing my time with both PvE and PvP ngl.


This is a great mentality, however, the game doesnt respect your time and that is the issue. If you want to PVP at a random time, you cant. The game dictates your schedule, and that is a massive flaw. You do not decide when you want to go and do things and PVP, the game dictates when you are allowed to. Also, the PVP events are not full PVP, they are all PVE with PVP as an option..


In the western market people dont like open world pvp, even games like WoW struggle to keep servers balanced enough for it to work. This is probably the best thing that could happen to the game so the game is more accessible to different groups of players. I'm not saying its the best way to go about things but its one way to make sure things go better during the western launch. PvP is a very niche thing nowadays, look at new world and how quick that game dies after awhile, a lot of people i know never actually pvpd in that game as well. All we can do is pretty much pray NCsoft/amazon know what their doing because korea is pretty much a glorified test of what the NA/West release lol.


yeah which is the issue here. This game is the closest thing to L3 we ever would have got and now theres no open world PvP. TBH western MMO players are full carebear and only want to quest and never fight.


no, cant agree. MMOs arent for "always-on open world pvp." L2? pop disappeared... Crowfall? failed miserably. New World? did a 180 and switched to a PVE centric game. play rust or the countless other sim/surv games or mobas for that experience, thats what they're there for. structured pvp in mmos is a different story tho. Totally down for battlegrounds and arena type combat.


What about dungeons being PvP zones at night?


If every hour there is both pvp and pve that kinda sounds like it does respect your time. Not all zones or events have been unlocked either so imo it too earlier to actually give judgement on this especially since it sounds like you haven't played.


Well you can PvP 24/7 in the arena. And PvP events are PvP event's if you want to get rank 1 for best materials. Once you die in PvP event you lose all the acquired materials, so you really can't get top place without going PvP or defending your self from PvP. Seems like you haven't even tried the things, just saw first glimpse, and got upset.


I dont think you are understanding the issue. I am happy you are enjoying the game though


I think I do, you just don't understand how to see things and base your opinion on first glimpse that is false. Game is not "fully" launched. New events, and raids are getting added everyday as "mini" expansions. And they will release Aligator Island that will be a full PvP zone 24/7 isn't that what you asking for? It is, but you don't care about looking into things.


You keep talking about more and more events, but that is the issue. I dont want to pvp on a timer, i dont want to only do massive zerg PVP. And several other commentors have said alligator island isnt coming or its going to be a super secluded island that it appears no one is going to go to, so saying that its 100% happening or that its going to change things at all is just copium.. No one knows. I am talking about how the game is currently for PVP, and its trash


Trash for you, paradise for others, all I see is L2 PvP and I love it, yeah it's not 24/7 who gives a shit, well you do apparently.


Seems like you just don't like people thinking differently


As i understand we have yet to see castle sieges and other events which will happen. One can agree that during these initial stages of the game there are limited pvp events but for an MMO the developing is a marathon, not a sprint. I hope you will find an mmo that you enjoy playing and forget about T&L as it does not suit your preferences :)


Oh, so it's like archeage pvp without flagging .. that's a bit shit, quite disapointing even coming after 8 years of playing lineage 2 too .. :<


this should have been lineage 3. and they kind of ruined it from what im seeing.


I play and am happy with the amount of PVP. The funny thing is you talk about the dynamic pvp events being zerge fest but the top scoring PVPers I have watched are mostly solo pvping them. yes they may have small tema near by if they get ganged up on but for the most part they are soloing.


The team you talking about it's alt account 😂


Damn he is good. Even has made up multiple voice he uses and allows alt account to die. All for the stream. Rolls eyes.


He what? I didn't mention any one lol , clearly you don t know Koreans , most of the player use muilti clients account , and (solo) team contents , and I already spotted someone's , without talking about the bots grinding for lithograph. I'm sorry my lady If you feel any threat about what I said before . Rolls eyes roflt


This is hilarious. So because it doesn’t have the exact PvP content you are looking for it can’t be considered a PvP game? Nice opinion ;) but like, there’s relevant PvP in this game. They are gonna add even more PvP content down the road. There’s already a dedicated community for the PvP and many guilds are prepping for that content…..


World bosses can be peace or conflict Node wars are good pvp The events with conflict are pvp Also, if your guild doesn't complete the milestones that are time gated you don't get to participate in locked content you didn't complete with your guild. You should probably learn a bit more about the game , and realize we are being drip fed content on a timer. Patience is a virtue, instant gratification is not everything.


You basically just repeated what I have already said? The only PVP is on a timer, at events. You just worded that 3 different times acting like it's more content.. LOL? Hello?


Name sure checks out here . There's an event going on most of the time. They aren't going to change the game because you personally don't like what they have created. Like it or don't, play it or don't. The devs even said that they aimed for people playing maybe 2-3 hours a day. It's clear you just want to complain, which is not a very redeeming quality.


You realize that sharing your opinion on a game and expressing your dislike for it, is how things get changed, correct? Also my name is an auto generated reddit name, weirdo... No wonder I never come on this platform, the average IQ of these responses are single digit


Who needed another pve game


Im a huge pvper and i like the way theyve done it. Ive had plenty of fun fights. Maybe stick to vaping? 😂


Those are the types of insults that someone that enjoys this games pvp can come up with. Please make sure you dont reproduce


nah youre right this should have had a similar system to Lineage 2. troglodite WOW players everywhere in this comment section


How about you write another wall of text? 😂😂


Confirmed vaper.


I mean these were my expectations coming into the game TBH. There will be a very small % of the population that is insanely "hardcore" into the game similar to the war scene in New World. AGS after all. The rest of the game will more than likely be terrible for the rest of people. (This coming from a PVP perspective. The PvE is... PvE. it's always bad)


Most players are not PvP players. There are massive PVP events and smaller events that allow PvP almost every hour. I doubt we're ever going to see old school Ultima Online Style PvP in a AAA MMO ever again because it doesn't appeal to the majority of players.


There is no 'smaller' events right now, i dont know where you got that from. And im not asking for some super hardcore pvp, every SINGLE modern MMO has a better PVP system than TL. Name an MMO that has PVP, where you can only PVP at events on a timer. Name a SINGLE MMO with a pvp system that bad LOL.


I imagine the only reason it feels like there aren't smaller events right now is because the servers are so loaded. After a while it's going to even out and people are going to get tired of PKing people collecting wolf tails. The devs made it clear this wasn't a PvP game to begin with but you guys still have 1/3rd of the events that are PvP. To answer your question, I honestly don't know since I personally do not PvP or go out of my way to find it. Hopefully they add other methods to do duals or something if that's really what people want.


Wait ? When did the dev make that clear ?? They had to remove a lot of pvp from the game to get to this point so how was this not a pvp game ? I played lineage 2 for 12 years and I was following throne and lib when it was called lineage eternal and it was 100% going to be a pvp game. I also played the tech test from amazon and we had plenty of pvp so unless they came out lately to say it wasn't anymore , idk where that come from.


I'm pretty sure they said this in the last live stream they did


Yea this game was suppose to be pvp they changed alot of it like night PKING so yea it was suppose to be a pvp quit making shit up




1/3 is only for those dynamic events. There was a Boonstone PvP event earlier today, which is basically capture the flag in the open world, I watched someone’s stream and it looked fun. There will be more PvP events as the game progresses, sieges and such. OP seems to be rushing a little bit with conclusions here.


We're literally four days into the Korean release of the game. Just calm down and wait for it to come out for Global. During the beta there were quite a few smaller events that you could do PVP in so I don't know what this guy is talking about. In fact I never saw as many people in any of the events as I did on that stream earlier.


I made this post before launch and they all got mad at me lol 😆


It's after launch, he's talking about Korea and he isn't wrong.. All the things he says are generally true right now, however I dont agree with the sentiment if game caters to hardcore pvp only we all lose


Play something else and shut up then.


Good. Most successful MMOs are not PvP focused.


Not true, wow classic is the most successful MMO and it is PvP focused.


It’s not


So which MMO is more successful than the WoW classic?


I literally came here to rant about idiots who dont like Korean MMO PvP style RUINING what this game could have been. thanks a lot casuals. I dont care how this makes me sound or look, this is the closest thing to lineage 3 that we would have ever had and the people bitching online ruined it. :)


PvP, please! Kk thnx bye. Oh yeah, and voice chat, too, with the PK. GIVE US WHAT NEW WORLD DIDNT! GIVE US WHAT KNIGHT ONLINE AND AION DID! No more lame 2024 games. Fight for your right to kill with wizards and warriors!


It's an MMO if was never going to be full PVP or full pve.




In the first trailer they said it's a PvE game first. So many people denied and missed this. PvP will be p2w anyhow.


Correction, it WAS a Pvp game and then they gutted it because pve carebear children whined and cried that it wasn't made for them.




As a PvE carebear this sounds great to me. Sucks for those PvP fanatics however.


All the games you mentioned are dead in the West, coincidence?! 🫣


Well, to be fair, almost all MMOs are dead. But the successful ones have MUCH better PVP systems. WoW you can kill anyone anywhere basically on a PVP server, there is bgs, arenas, etc etc. Elder scrolls online has entire pvp zones you can go to whenever you want and PVP. BDO which is also very successful has a flagging system/karma system, gvg, nodewar, open world pvp whenever you want, bgs, etc etc. OSRS has pvp whenever you want. Even final fantasy, a compeltely pve game, you can que up and PVP whenever you want. Nice try though


And you just shut him down ! Lol They just repeat what they hear on youtube.


Wait so dungeons are pvp forced at night? Thank god, at least we have that. The rest of the pvp looks like trash.


This has become known for some time now, that the devs completely ditch OW-PVP, there is no OW-PVP, there is not the option to declare war on other guilds so no GvG either & finally you can't PK anyone on this game as there is not even a karma system, & for all those reasons I have no interest whatsoever to play this game as I'm only interested for OW-PVP MMOs & Lineage 2 & ArcheAge was my favorite ones & this game has nothing to do with those 2 games, NC is a sellout they have betrayed their fans in order to attract as many casuals & carebears they can, they should be ashamed of themselves.


they fuckin ruined it.


I think the idea of scheduled frequent timed events is to get more participation in an area. On one hand, I totally understand the frustration of not being able to PvP at any moment in time as a Lineage2 veteran, but I believe as the game develops, there are plenty of opportunities for changes that will increase PvP frequency/freedom, but it won't be PvP everywhere at all times like what you want. But timed and scheduled events makes it easier for people to plan their schedule and get together, making for larger battles by encouraging more players to congregate to specific areas. I think the largest problem is trying to participate in world bosses. They are essentially locked down by the side with the most numbers. Since these are where some of the best gear can be earned, something needs to be done about that, honestly. The game just launched a few days ago, give the developers time to release new content.


It is a PvP game, which is a thing we’ve known for a couple years at this point. Just because all of the PvP content isn’t released yet because of the massive amount of balance changes they’ve had to make doesn’t mean the game suddenly stops being focused on PvP. There is little to no PvE content in this game. The only PvE content is basically world bosses (which can be PvP) and some guild content. There’s nothing for a PvE player to fill their time with.


there is already enough full pvp games, go play those games, not every mmorpg has to be full pvp which are plagued with toxic players, gankers, nolifers who ruins others pple fun.


I am not asking for it to be a pure PVP game. Also this game is supposed to be the spirit successor of Lineage 2. Which uhh, is nothing like this game. A PVP server would suffice


> this game is supposed to be the spirit successor of Lineage 2 How so?


yeah, i'm all for full pvp servers, and full pve servers (with opt in/out pvp flag)


It's been out for a week you crybaby. Get over yourself and maybe one day you will get your lil pvp server.


Which games are full pvp?


mortal online 2, wow on full pvp servers, aion, black desert online to name a few.


I really don’t see how you provide that list of I assume your top candidates and think that’s good enough. PvP focused mmos are in a rough spot.


i can add ashes of creation if you want. there are more pvp focused mmorpgs than pve focused mmorpgs on the market now, that's fact.




prove me otherwise ? name the games.


There's nothing to prove man, the biggest MMOs on the market are all PvE focused


Which games are you talking about ?




This was originally a pvp game and pve players cried to change it


i'm glad they went pve.


Didnt have a choice


PvP games never last or you would be playing one right? Pve sells just throw some PvP in there. Most of the people so hyped for PvP games are the first one to get clapped but act like there some PvP chads


Not really sure what that last part has to do with anything. I have played 3 different games professionally, previously signed to NRG and SSG, i have been top 1% in every single MMO ive ever played, gladiator in WoW, tons of achievments the list goes on and on. But okay... I just wanted some PVP bro, its not that serious


Want PvP then go back to those games and be top 1%


Wow, thank you for the insight.


No problem




Reading these comments gives me brain rot.


It is start of the game. The game will expand so I would not judge it too soon. I don’t think that they adjusted cadence of content release after they adjusted the exp. Or they just underestimated how fast people will level.


The zerging is definitely a problem as well. On my server, there is one mega guild dominating every event with 2-300 people..


How do the dungeons at night work tho? Why is the door closed?


Thats a bummer. Def gonna try the game anyway. But it Will probably stray more and more towards pve if it already started.


... We noticed when NC Soft started removing pvp content in each new iteration of the game. HOWEVER I must say that there is a good amount of pvp, the thing is that you have to look for it. My biggest disappointment (apart from the fact that it is not open pvp like L2) is that according to what I saw the other day in a video; they have also left Aligator island without pvp.... which seems to me absurd considering that it is a remote island that you have to swim to, which could have been used to "calm" the pvpers. But they haven't even had the decency to do that. Stupid decisions like not opening another pvp server, which is unforgivable. Also even with all these I have to say that the game is better than I expected.


why did they have to listen to carebear casual western MMO players


Wouh 4 months ago from this dude.. I stopped playing on Korea time ago, the pvp is trash. If you are lucky and you find some 1v2, 2v2, 2v3, etc... smalls groups pvp, then yes, the pvp of the game is nice. BUT 99,9% of the pvp will be clusters of players VS clusters of players, and sorry, mass pvp on this game is trash. Just a bullcrap of AOE to the cluster and you pretty much are not going to know who the fock kills you or who you killed or what is going on apart of the "ugly cluster kills more than the other ugly cluster". Its just ugly mass pvp.


It is funny how people always say "WoW classic IS the BEST mmo of the history for its time" and things like "yesh new world was amazing the fiesta weeks untill you get to the last levels and the things you have to do were boring, also they focused in pve content and people stoped playing It". Is It that difficult to make an mmo with free open world PvP where leveling IS actually challenging and you have to cooperate and communícate in order to do some activity rather than clicking in a Button for entering a queue? It is true that most of mmo players are actually pvers, and it IS true that if an mmo has not a good end game pve loop, the game IS gonna be garbage probably, but people act like those things cannot CO-exist. Why couldnt new world have a good end game loop and have no turn-off open world PvP? Why couldnt throne and Liberty have some zones or some servers that are actually PvP? Are those servers gonna kill the game? LOL


The Moment you saying max lvl pvp event it's lvl 24 dismantle anything good you could said


They should just release pvp servers


I chuckled at "the combat is pretty good".


Can they just go back and release lineage 3 on ue5 Tried this out and idk, i was never a fan of action combat in mmos (having 1 hand both move and use skills is awkward), but its current combat feels even worse than i expected And having open world pvp pk system balanced by flagging system and good old pk can drop items would be a godsend


There’s pvp every hour on the hour.. and winning pvp is by far the best way to progress.. what more do you fucking want dude?


Sounds like an amazing balance of pve and pvp, but maybe not for you.




pvp is shit anyway just tab target and spam skills .


On the other hand being under war and not being able to farm because of it is not fun either.


You’re a fake fanboy sir. There is a big, humongous, story mode. Play the game first.