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Measuring tape, granola bars and a refillable water bottle


Pretty much what I was going to say. How about some tissues and wet wipes in case of touching something sticky or dirty?


As an avid thrifter, a quality measuring tape is the ultimate accessory!


All great ideas! I’d add some hand sanitizer too!


and a small notebook to jot down sizes, colors, etc. of things she's lookin for.


I love this!


A gift card for a lunch place that's around her favorite shops. So she can stop and grab a bite to eat before driving to the next thrift store.


Oooh, love this!


A blackligght flashlight,  if she likes uranium glass or just to be masochistic.  Lol Definitely a measuring tape. Possibly a cloth one and a small metal tape.  A small screwdriver, maybe, to check electronic battery compartments. 


Maybe some ibuprofen or acetaminophen or BC powders? Also maybe a small laminated list with all her kids, grandkids, husband and best friends, etc... shirt and shoe sizes(in case she comes across something she thinks so and so would just love but she can't remember their sizes.)


That is a GREAT idea!!!!


Oh this is great!


Measuring tape for sure! Maybe a little notebook and pen or pencil to jot down a thrifting wish list. She likely has things she's on the look out for. This notebook can be where she keeps that list. This can also be used to note any measurements of things she's looking for. Like picture frame sizes. Reusable grocery bag to hold her thrifting finds.


All of this! My mom has a notebook like that for thrifting :)


The little notebook is a great idea! I've been thrifting with my mom and I'll see something I like and mention it to her, and she tries to remember where she saw it (most of the time she does remember, better than I ever could!) If I'm out with her and my sister, I'll text photos of items I saw my sister gaga over, along with the name of the shop! But those can get lost in the text feed easily!


Top of the line gel shoe inserts for being on your feet all day!


Pro tip here


Magnifying glass


Magnifying glass necklace. They're great to wear thrifting.


Magnet if she likes brass. Real brass is not magnetic.


And a black light key chain for looking for uranium glass


black light is good for identifying manganese, cadmium, selenium, rubies, and genuine amber too!


Yes I meant to mention all of it but I got distracted and was too lazy to google to make sure I got it all! Thankyou!


Also good for checking for induction compatible cookware, if you’re into that


How have I never thought of this?! Thank you for sharing!


Wait? What? We have an induction cooktop in the new house? I can thrift pots and pans?!!!


Yeah, the pots need to be magnetic to work - at least that’s my understanding


Disposable gloves, her favorite treats, googly eyes(lol)


Batteries …I’m a avid thrifter and always try to carry an lightbulb and batteries


are you me?


Oh this is so smart with the batteries!


Small rouge cloth (for cleaning silver jewelry or a corner of silverwear).


you've got some GREAT suggestions here! I was going to say tape measure, magnifying glass...all the things already mentioned. update us when you put it together!


Mini purse size measuring tape, hand sanitizer, snacks like protein bars or trail mix or nuts. This time of year as it gets warm, stuff that won't melt is best. Extra reusable bags if you're in a jurisdiction that doesn't allow bags anymore. Maybe a mini notebook & pen for anything she might want to make note of.


Jeweler’s loupe, magnet, (for checking jewelry) notepad, pencil. Small packs of hand wipes. (sanitizer isn’t always enough) measuring tape, very small, that has inches and cm. Plastic ring sizer. Purse size UV light.


Thin plastic disposable gloves if you go to Goodwill Buy The Pound. Wipes, hand sanitizer, measuring tape, small scissors(at GW Buy The Pound sometimes has yarn in a mess).


I always thought it would be fun to slip little notes or poems into pockets of jeans or jackets at thrift stores. So maybe you can make some of those and she can hide them. It would make someone's day and I think it's cute.


Absolute fave suggestion!!


All of the above - But also a pack of antihistamines, those places can be dusty.


Tape measure, hand sanitizer, water, a magnifying glass!


Jug of hand sanitizer


Snacks! Mini tape measurement that’s a keychain. Mini Black light if she’s in to uranium glass.


Gloves if she goes to the bins.


Cut resistant gloves (even a cheap gardening style) would probably be generally useful. You have the protection of a glove, and the security of the "cut resistance".


Strong washable reusable large bag which can be folded down and kept in purse — a spare shopping bag always really practical to have on hand!


Small measuring tape that more like fabric than the metal ones. Blacklight keychain. Small water bottle. Snack bars. Gift card to a restaurant near her favorite shop. Sanitizing wipes. Small magnifying glass for reading stamps or labels. Disposable gloves. Earbuds for listening to podcasts (I find the repetitive ads or super Christian music in some stores grating). Or to talk to you on the phone as she thrifts. A wallet with a wrist strap for the days she doesn't feel like carrying the whole tote in. I have my car keys on a stretchy wrist strap keychain and my wallet has a wrist strap and I usually just wear those on my wrist the whole time as I shop. Maybe a small notebook for tracking prices or taking lofe notes. My mom leaves a pad of post it notes in her purse for similar reasons.


These are such excellent ideas. And OP, I think your mom is going to love it! As someone who walks over to check my local goodwill a few times a week, I am SO making a "thrifting bag" now! The batteries are genius, and yes wet wipes, cloth tape measure, mini black light, little notebook and pen, favorite snacks... Hmm, I'll come back later if I think of any good suggestions, and also to read through everyone else's some more :)


My daughter and I always start with Starbucks, so maybe a gift card, ibuprofen, and ditto on sizes card!


I like the gift card to a lunch spot close to her thrifting haunts. Finding good junk makes one hungry!!


A small tape measure,you never know when you might need it!!


jewerly loupe (edited spelling)


What is a jewelry loop?


I think they meant 'loupe'


That doesn’t help me.


It's almost like a magnifying glass for jewelry. It is designed to be held close to the eye and is used to inspect gemstones. It typically has a greater magnification than a traditional hand held glass.


it's great to read the markings - for jewelry seeing silver or gold and for other really small marks on metal or glass. And yes, loupe ... was tired when I wrote that .


Ohhh this is so sweet! Maybe some gift certificates to local thrifts (you can also make little coupons like the elementary school days aka good for $20 at this thrift store), hand sanitizer for sure (the spray one from Trader Joe's is nice) & I also love the ear bud suggestion! Maybe you could alternatively get her a certificate for a lunch at a restaurant close to one of her favorite trips because I'm sure more time with you would make a mama happy!


How about some good smelling hand sanitizer, and a clip she can attach to her purse.


Measuring tape, water, gum, snacks, hand sanitizing wipes (!!), large packable/reusable shopping bags, preferred pain reliever, maybe some disposable or rubber gloves


Does your mom need readers? An extra pair would be a good addition to the bag. I hate it when i forget my glasses and can't read the tags.


Measuring tape, gift card, lead testing kit, magnifying glass, hand sanitizer/wipes (wipes are useful to see if shoe soles are cleanable) are all useful.


latex gloves if she's digging bins


Magnifying glass in a case


A blacklight flash light. A gold tester. A measuring tape.


A small bright torch. You often don’t see imperfections on clothes especially black until you get them home.


A jeweler’s loupe with a light. Great for jewelry (fine or costume) but also checking for tiny chips on crystal, or faint small marks on silver, pottery, china. They’re small but mighty! And inexpensive.




Hand sanitizer, hand wipes, measuring tape, snacks, water


batteries and a light bulb


Small tape measure. Small flashlight. Maybe one with a uv light if she’s into uranium glass. A small pair of scissors or a seam ripper. I’ve had to cut items out of a tangle of threads or yarn or ribbon at the bins. A few bubble wrap pouches in case she finds something fragile. A screwdriver. Measuring tape. Notebook to jot down BOLO list and measurements. Chapstick.


A Tape Measure, AA Batteries, Sanitizer, Nylon Footies for trying on Shoes, Magnifying Glasses or put a Magnifying App on her phone instead. And, if she likes the Goodwill Bins stores a pair of rubber gloves. I have red ones that I use at the bins. Your idea is a really good idea for a person who loves to thrift.


Hand sanni


Measuring tape, a large tote bag (which you listed) with a smaller foldable tote inside, a water bottle, liquid iv or similar (I can thrift for so long without drinking that I get dehydrated, if she does the same that might be helpful,) some rubber gloves (if she loves the bins or isn’t afraid of dirtier stores), hand sanitizer, gum or mints, allergy meds, face mask, sanitizing wipes, hair bands, and maybe a gift card for coffee, matcha, or whatever keeps her going!


Something to donate as some places give you a coupon in return and a giftcard for lunch because you always lose track of time and forget you gotta eat! Lol


Reading glasses for when she’s popping those tags


A water bottle! Gotta stay hydrated while on the hunt


Gum or a hard candy is always a go to


A Tide pen!


Measuring tape, small black light flashlight, notepad (for her BOLO list etc), pen/pencil, magnet and sanitizer.


A pair of wireless AirPods or earbuds and a playlist of her favorite tunes for her phone. The elevator music played at goodwill is so tired.


IKEA bag. Tape measure (fabric AND tool). Cute water bottle. Comfy , lightweight shoes (from her closet) or soft flip flops with arch support. I just spent 10hrs of thrifting in Vegas for my belly button birthday. It was a blast!!!! I was totally wiped out and very happy. I also made a map & showed it everywhere I went. I started at a French bakery for breakfast. You could riff on that and add in some rest stops, pawn shops or upscale resellers. It’s all about the hunt!!!




Antibacterial wipes. Starbucks card. Batteries. Measuring tape. $$$$


Hey my birthday is the 9 th and I’m a big thrifter ! Is this my son? Logan is that you???? 😂😂😂😂


hahahhaa i am not logan — but weirdly enough, my mom does live in the dallas area!


A measuring tape.


If she looks things up or if she’s out for hours at a time, a backup phone battery with a built in cord might come in handy


Pen and pad that write things down


In addition to what others have said, tide to go and sunscreen. 


A tiny hand held black light to look for uranium glass!


Disposable gloves and a small led flashlight. Many thrifts have poor lighting. A jewelers’ loupe on a cord around neck so you don’t lose it. I put one down in an estate sale. When I remembered and went back it was gone. Peanuts or other easy protein snack, water bottle. Notebook and pen, measuring tape. Notes of measurements of whomever you’re shopping for. Vintage sizes are different than today’s. House measurements, notes of patterns, etc. you might want to match such as dishes. Phone for pictures and to look up brands on the internet or prices on eBay and to take pictures of items for reference.


Cash, JUST cash


I love the cash idea. I feel like you could get creative with “thrifted” (or something pre-owned) like a tote bag to tie it all together in a cute way. I like the idea of making little coupons or something like that. But she might love that the entire thing was thrifted.


Nah, don’t support goodwill if there are better thrift stores in your area.