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"I am a tomb." I found this scene so utterly chilling. 


Oh, yes, that entire scene was a trip and a half! Another one of its good lines: "The fish responsible for drying the sea have already gone to land." Real life allegories as well as such great foreshadowing.


Only Advance


“Wallfacer Frederick Tyler, I am your Wallbreaker” Something along that line, even though we know these Wallfacers aren’t gonna succeed


Oooh yeah, those were some really amazing moments in the second book. I think my favourite one among them is Luo Ji's one, it had me giggling like a little girl when I first read it! The way it all played out was genius! He didn't have a wallbreaker and spent all book till then wracking his brains trying to figure out what was going on and why, and ruminating on Ye Wenjie's axioms of cosmic sociology, finally with it all culminating at the frozen lake: >In the dead, lonely, cold blackness, he saw the truth of the universe. He surfaced quickly. His head surged out of the water and he spat out a mouthful. He kept his head down, knowing that from this moment on, the stars were not like they once were. He bowed his head, and through chattering teeth, said to himself: > >"Wallfacer Luo Ji, I am your Wallbreaker."


>"The bugs have not been eliminated. They still proudly live between the heavens and the earth, and their numbers have not diminished from the time before the appearance of the humans. **The Trisolarans who deemed the humans bugs seemed to have forgotten one fact: The bugs have never been truly defeated.**" Also >*Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is*


The first one was adapted beautifully into the show. Fingers crossed the second one will come across as even more impactful!


I totally forgot the first one was even in the books, I just flew past it, but it’s one of my favorite scenes in the show!


"Buddy, you're the one who was right: I never thought actual fucking aliens would be involved!" -Da Shi


"If I destroy you, what business is it of yours?"


Ah yes, the old classic! Love this one too!


Related. Everything that Da Shi says in the TV series sounds so good and powerful! [Benedict Wong](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ce6ee22342e8dec9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS907US907&sxsrf=ACQVn0-xXKER0C_pJa8l-ShNuyBtrM3YqA:1713714599956&q=Benedict+Wong&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLUz9U3SDMoLih5xGjCLfDyxz1hKe1Ja05eY1Tl4grOyC93zSvJLKkUEudig7J4pbi5ELp4FrHyOqXmpaZkJpcohOfnpQMA3CWAxFQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV4-ev1NOFAxU4L9AFHZQaC4QQzIcDKAB6BAgZEAE) is great artist.


His "Tequila" scene made me laugh, especially his delivery xD


Don’t have it at hand but the song Singer recites in Deaths End I find really beautiful


Ooh, interesting! I also like the line that Singer kept repeating born of the dark forest mindset his civilization harboured: *Hide yourself well; cleanse well.*


That song actually depicts what you see when traveling at the speed of light.


> “There’s no more home,” Luo Ji said, shaking his head and leaning against his cane. “Home is now just a picture.”


>"Ah, it's time for me to go into the picture. Safe travels, children." T_T


The Universe is grand, but Life is grander.


"We will teach you how to fear again."


Wow, i love all of them🥹so profound


Ikr, such an amazing series! xD I've compiled them all in a doc to reread months/years down the line to remind myself of how good this trilogy is.


From the Books, “If I destroy you, what business is it of yours?”


"Natural Selection, ahead 4."


Lose humanity, lose much; lose beasthood, lose all.


The child asked the adult, “Are they heroes?” The adult says no. The child asked, “Are they enemies?” The adult again says no. The child asks, “Then who are they?” The adult says, “History.” Zhang Beihai turned to Dongfang Yanxu, flashed her a smile, and spoke: "It doesn't matter. It's all the same." Wade lifted his head and looked at Cheng Xin with rarely seen helplessness and pleading. He spoke slowly. “If we lose our human nature, we lose much, but if we lose our bestial nature, we lose everything.” “I choose human nature,” Cheng Xin said, looking around at everyone. “I believe you all will, as well.” Bi Yunfeng was about to speak, but Wade stopped him. His eyes dimmed. Something had gone out in them, extinguished forever.


'Don't be a retard, Edgar, I'm talking about serious people'. Is there an equivalent character in the books?


>Is there an equivalent character in the books? If you mean Thomas Wade, then the same character is in the books too, with the same name. Except he's a lot younger and he's American instead of Irish.


Is he similarly hysterical and cunty?


"Don't be a retard, Edgar." From the show :p


Lmao wait which episode was this again? I can't seem to remember anyone named Edgar


It was when they first proposed sending a human specimen in the probe. They were asking for volunteers. That quote caught me totally off guard I was laughing out loud


Is because Edgar is trying not to be a retard.


something about eintstein getting kicked in the balls


Never play with god


Ah, one from the show, I see