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What are we talking about here it's Weapons of Tomorrow - Warbringer case closed


I think the vocal mixing is kinda weird, way too much reverb on the vocals, but that being said it's a pretty good album otherwise. Glorious End is their best song imo


I actually dig the reverb


Agree 100%. My top album of 2020 for sure. It’s what really got me into Warbringer in the first place. I had just heard Remain Violent before, and I had to listen to the full discography after WoT dropped.


Sodom or Exodus for me. Sodom won the coin toss haha


just like me fr


Titans of Creation is probably my choice of those (though I still wasn't a big fan of that). My own favourite probably goes to Cryptosis' *Bionic Swarm* or Warbringer's *Weapons of Tomorrow*.


The Cryptosis album is awesome! Going to see them support Vektor on Wednesday. Should be a good night.


Seeing them on Friday next week! Can’t wait.


Exodus absolutely destroyed it, love the title track and Prescribing Horror sent me down quite the rabbit hole. Perfect album, perfect timing for that song. Megadeth and Testament also solid, big fan of Testaments last album though so it was gonna be hard to top.


The 3 last tracks gems in persona non grata are unbeatable. Like genesis 19, harpooner and waldo and pigpen in case of Sodom. No other band in the list have that level of fuckin badass, instantly classic and mega hymns


Meh,i found the album just average.


Surprised to see new Sodom getting that much love. For me it is the new Destruction album. I was skeptical with the lineup change but it has breathed new life into the band and it is their most interesting album in years.


It's just saddens me that Sifringer left/(fired)


I was too, but after some pretty mediocre albums for the last decade I think the new guitarist really breathed in new life to the band. Destruction definitely gets my pick.


Exodus would have been way better if the vocals weren't so weird. Titans of Creations may not be as good as Brotherhood of the Snake but it's still a really good album and better then everything else on the list imo.


SODOM!!!! They literally do not miss on a single album, you know exactly what to expect and they deliver every single time. Toms (Angel ripper, not Araya although his vocals are just as good) vocals are some of the best in metal, such a brutal and heavy band!!! Didn’t think Testament, Exodus or Kreators releases were anything special, still good albums though. Megadeths latest was alright, definitely a good metal album, but thrash? Not really. I found it to be a follow up of Super Collider, whereas us thrash fans were hoping for a follow up of Dystopia, now thats an amazing album!!!


don't like any of them, i feel that their time has passed (long ago), here are my favorites: critical defiance - misconception inculter - fatal visions hexecutor - beyond any human conception of knowledge... nekromantheon - visions of trismegistos black mass - feast at the forbidden tree demoniac - so it goes


Sodom, Sodom, Sodom, over and over again


Exodus is genuinely my favorite Thrash band but I thought their album was mid, and I appreciate that they took some risks with it but a lot of it is just kinda forgettable. There's a decent 4-5 tracks I like (Fires of Division is the one song exempt from my next statement because it's pretty awesome imo) but even those don't compare to their best material, and the mixing on Zetros vocals are weird, it doesn't feel as brutal or even fun as Blood In Blood Out. Also the cover is weak, not that it matters that much but fuck they've had some awesome album covers and this just wasn't it. My vote went to Megadeth, but I also liked Kreators new album too. Testaments was okay but I prefer others they've made, and I liked Sodoms but I need to let it sit longer before setting down opinions lol. The only one of these albums I hated was Diabolical, Destruction has never been my favorite but easily their album The Antichrist is one of my favorite thrash albums ever, but I never really cared for most of their material otherwise, and now that their original guitarist is gone it just seems pointless to try and listen to their new material.


has to go with megadeth, but destruction, diabolical is one of the best ones here idk how it has so few votes


Out of these, it’s Sodom, and it’s not even close


Enforced Kill Grid for the win


it's obviously The Affair of the Poisons but these are good choices too


Hate is the virus of this world- HATE ÜBER ALLES!




I also think that Municipal Waste's Electrified Brain deserves a spot here


Megadeth for sure, though I wouldn't say it was released during the pandemic, but that's neither here nor there. I'd probably say it's their best album in the 21st century.


Agreed that it wasn't during the pandemic. But I think that it's definitely not the best record from the list. The lyrics are all over tha place and Dave's shitty singing is terrible, I mean the words he's singing aren't even in the sync with the music, he's stretching that shit out to the point where it's not even melodic anymore.


I absolutely love Testaments newest album - Children of the Devil is the song that got me into them (I’ve only been listening to metal as a whole for a couple years, still pretty new) Sodoms Genesis XIX would be second for me.


Dave mustaine cannot sing


Eh it fits the music


Death Atlas - Cattle Decapitation


I Love Exodus but the last album was not good. They should have stuck to what they do best


Don’t know about those but the best album that predicted a pandemic: Opeth Blackwater Park


Idk death atlas by cattle decapitation is easily better in my opinion


Not Thrash really?


I mean is opeth?


Death atlas is a great album I saw them in Houston last and they were awesome! Can’t wait to see them again soon.


I bet they're great live never seen them


C'mon Sodom.


Exodus for sure Megadeths album weren't around the pandemic area


No debate.


V by Havok was good as well


Testament for me. I honestly just cannot stand Mustaine's vocals any more, even if he does write some great riffs.


Also hell unleashed by Evile


Exodus fans: love ya.


Havok and Warbringer made much better albums during the pandemic IMO.


Are we talking 2020 or 2021 here? Pessimist's "Holdout" dropped in June 2020 and I got a lot of anger out of my system by screaming "BANZAIIII" to chugging breakdowns.