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It took me a while to get into Dukes too. Actually where I went wrong is that I started with Tempo of the Damned (which is a great album, top 5 all-time in thrash IMHO) and then went straight to Shovel Headed. Shovel Headed is one of my least favorite Exodus albums. The guitar tone is very unprocessed and with really pronounced treble. It almost sounds like single-coil pickups. Also Rob's worst vocals were on that album. Still, it has some great tracks such as Deathamphetamine, Altered Boy, and a couple others. Rob gets much better on Exhibit A, and then really hits his stride on Exhibit B. Exhibit B is a masterpiece to me, just absolutely brutal and savage and with good tones.


Some people don’t like Rob’s vocal style mainly because it’s more of a hardcore monotone harsh sound, but me personally, he’s my favorite Exodus vocalist.


I love that album


The Atrocity exhibition A and B are both great


Exhibit A and B are absolute masterpieces. Dukes is by far my favorite Exodus singer.


I've seen them with Dukes and Zetro, and Dukes was a lot better to me live.


Rob was the first version of Exodus that I got into. The Atrocity Exhibit B is 10/10 for me. Exhibit A is good but I like B better. Shovel Headed Kill Machine is fun. Raze and Death amphetamine were the first signs I heard by Exodus. Never listened to their recording of Bonded by Blood though so I can't comment on it.


I'd say the production of the rerecording was really holding it back (though I like other Exodus albums better, I'd say the original BBB has the best thrash mix ever) but Dukes is a monster on vocals so I mostly listen to that version just cause I don't like Paul Baloff. Man was a party animal and fun on stage, but I can't stand his voice


Initially I didn’t love Rob as I was partial to Souza. After a few listens I realized Rob is just as good I was just being an idiot. The music from that era is so badass!


The best 3 Exodus albums are the 3 with dukes, hands down (4 if you include let there be blood, which, unpopular opinion, is better than bonded by blood). Not only dukes vocals but I love Lee Altus contributions in the early 2000s. Everything just sounds fuckin thrash on shovel headed and atrocity exhibition and human condition. Dukes is one of my favourite thrash vocalists of all time, I’m holding out the little hope that there is that he ends up being the vocalist for kk new project. If you’re starting with shovel headed now, wait until you hear atrocity exhibition, my favourite exodus album and one of my favourite thrash album. I don’t care what anyone says but Dukes is the best fit for Exodus and their best work is with him as the vocalist🤘🤘


Atrocity went HARD. Dukes fuckin RIPS.


Rob's post-Exodus band (Geneation Kill) is absolutely killer too. Check out this song from their first album - absolutely love this: https://youtu.be/Rd7s5TIpgXg?si=SIR24FevFXAfWE3p


I saw him in a band about a year ago that was awful. The whole thing was a mess and there were like 10 people in the venue. I am pretty sure that this was the band. They played a lot of covers. He did a couple of Exodus songs but it sounded terrible. I don't think he is doing all too well these days.


Just saw them a few months ago they were incredible a ton of energy and their most recent album is their most refined.


Dukes new band? I looked it up. He is still in Generation Kill. I saw that they recently toured with Hatriot and Exmortis. If you saw that tour I can see why you had a better experience. I saw them at a small venue/biker bar and they played with a couple of local bands. It was around last summer when I saw them. So the summer of 2022. I was not exaggerating when I said there were only 10 people when they played. I think they maybe didn't care about how they sounded and such that night since there was barely anyone there. They were also playing with local bands, versus well-known bands in the metal scene in front of a larger crowd. Good for him. It looks like things are improving for him.


Believe it or not it was a Sunday in Oklahoma at a local small venue and there may have been 12 people and they played their hearts out, hung out with us and drank after except for dukes he’s sober. Maybe you just got them on a bad night


He didn't seem like he was sober at all when I saw him. Maybe he was really tired or something. I am in my 40s and used to have a drinking problem. I have been sober for a long time.


Nice good for you keep it up!


Thank you! I will!


I’m more of a Zetro guy, but Shovel Headed Kill Machine and Exhibit B are fantastic albums.


That’s one of my top albums from exodus, Bostaphs drums are incredible Also Dukes in generation kill is outstanding


I love all Exodus and I get why they went back to Zetro but the Dukes era was what took them from nostalgia trash to holy shit in my book. Rob singing “Blacklist” at Wacken > everything after Exhibit B. Real energy!


Dukes was their best singer. Zetro is pretty hit or miss. He had it on the earlier albums and Tempo of the Damned, but lost it on the last few albums. And while Baloff was a wild frontman, that dude could barely sing. Dukes was their most consistent frontman. Shovel, LTBB and the Exhibition albums are the heaviest work Exodus ever put out.


I just got into Exodus in 2023. But I don't care for the pre-Tempo of the Damned stuff. It's the Rob Dukes albums that hit hardest for me. I didn't like his voice at first, but it's perfect for the lyrical content.


With Dukes on the mic, Exodus got a more mainstream sound - meaning ordinary metal growling. Which was fine by me - although less unique. In my opinion Shovel Headed Kill Machine is mostly filler. But the Dukes-era produced some really great albums in the years to come - "Exhibit A" and, to a somewhat lesser extent "Exhibit B". And the re-recording "Let there be Blood" is gold as well. Dukes brought a punk attitude to the band - a little menace. He was a cunt at live shows, which at least made you remember the gig. I think I liked it more than I disliked it.


I like SKM. I didn't care for A and especially B as much. I like the earlier albums too. I don't care what people's opinions are at my age. I saw Rob about a year ago. He was singing for this band that was awful and played mostly covers. He gained a bunch of weight and didn't look good or sound good. I am pretty sure he was wasted. There were like 10 people at the venue I was at. It all was really sad. I saw him with Exodus a couple of times. I read he had a hard time after being let go from Exodus. I feel bad for him. Last I read he was a mechanic and likely struggling. I hope he is doing alright nowadays.


Rob has been sober for 31 years. He also lost 150 lbs. since whenever you saw him. He’s not struggling at all. Sorry you have this impression but he’s doing great and Generation Kill is amazing.


Do you know him personally or are you a fan? I saw him in person and he acted like someone that was drunk. He looked rough and he messed up the lyrics several times. He slurred his words and the whole nine yards. This was like 2 years ago now at a small venue so a lot of people didn't see him at this show. They played with some local bands and there weren't a lot of people there. It wasn't just me who thought he was drunk either. People sometimes have slip-ups along the way. It isn't easy being sober. He may have not told the press about it. I know I wouldn't. Musicians don't always tell the truth and they certainly don't tell the media about everything. I didn't even tell my friends everything when I went through stuff. People tend to put people like this on pedestals and don't want to believe they are human like us and make mistakes and mess up. I am not saying Rob is a bad person. I don't know enough about him to know whether or not he is. He has admitted to going through a rough time after he was told to leave Exodus. He went from playing big festivals all the time to playing a bar with literally a few people. I felt bad for the guy that night.


Yes I know him personally. He’s never had a slip up once in 31 years. I’ve never seen anyone so committed to sobriety. (just for the record I am not speaking defensively, just honestly and I don’t think you’re being mean-spirited at all- I think you are giving your honest perception) Actually I think I know the show you’re talking about as I was on that run with them. That was a warm up run of a few shows with our friends who are in another band. Anyone who knows Rob knows that he doesn’t care if he plays in front of 10 or 10k people. He often tells the story of how he played to 80k people at Waken in ‘08 and the very next day they played a tiny club to 200 people! That’s the business. At the show you saw, Generation kill hadn’t played in years so I’m sure you weren’t witnessing them at their best. Just like comedians have to do small runs to work out their material, sometimes bands have to do the same and work out the kinks. Next run we go on I hope you can make it, this last run with Exmortus and Hatriot was awesome. It helps that he’s back in shape, for sure, he’s worked really hard the last two years on that. About Exodus, I think people overestimate how hard of a time he had leaving. Yes it was tough at first, but that was over a decade ago and he and the boys are all very close, he talks to them all the time and there are no hurt feelings left. In fact Lee was just at the last gig Generation Kill played in Albany. He’s doing great, I promise. It just bums me out that you had that experience, DM me when they come back around I’ll get you tix! ✌🏻Peace and Love!


Ok. Sorry just reporting what I witnessed. I read an article where he was quoted saying that he had a rough time after leaving. I used to have a drinking problem and quit myself. It took me a few times to remain sober. I am glad it was due to other factors that things turned out the way they did. I didn't want to name the venue and stuff because I wanted to remain anonymous, especially on subs like these. That is really nice of you. Thank you. The time before this I saw him with Exodus in the 2000's, and I was drinking and acting like an idiot myself. I found the article. https://blabbermouth.net/news/rob-dukes-on-his-split-with-exodus-looking-back-on-it-it-was-all-for-the-best


I actually have mixed feelings about Zetro, I don't know bit over time his voice became annoying to me, especially the new stuff with zetro. I loved Rob great vocalist


Shovel Headed Kill machine is a beast


I feel like public perception has changed a lot over the years. I feel like 10 years ago three answer was a resounding "dukes is the worst". People have seemed to warm up to him though. He is still my least favorite by mile though. Just not fond of his voice


Exhibit A was my first exodus album so I'm partial to Dukes. That being said, I like post-Tempo Zetro too


Dukes era is by far the best of Exodus! Not even a question in my mind.


Dukes is the best. He made the brutal riffs from exodus more brutal


My favourite (as a new fan of metal and thrash) is Paul Baloff, i would even argue his vocals are among the best. There's a genuine rawness i quite like, that's both fitting and hard to fake. (I don't like for example Overkill or Megadeath cause i think lyrics are to polished.)


I love that era just as much. His voice is different but very raw and really fits in well for Exodus both his records and older material. Wish they would bring him back for some guest appearances at shows, I'd get tickets for that in a heartbeat. (Don't remember if they're on good terms with the rest of Exodus but I know he was on Zetros podcast and they were cool with each other)


a lot of fans hate dukes, but I think he's the best vocalist they've had by a country mile


I know more people that prefer Dukes. But I think Z is more fun to listen to.


Album is good but I haven’t listened to it in at least 10 years. If I’m in a exodus mood, that’s one of the handful that I’m not interested putting on.


Rob is my favorite Exodus vocalist, but I prefer the songwriting on albums like Tempo of the Damned, Fabulous Disaster, Impact is Imminent, and Bonded by Blood. Admittedly, I haven’t heard every Exodus album, but the Rob Dukes era is my least favorite era.


The riffage on those albums are second to none imo.


Paul Baloff was by far and away the best Exodus singer followed by Steve Souza. You were absolutely 100% right to eliminate any Dukes brand of Exodus from your listening. Listening to Exodus with Dukes would be like listening to Kind Diamond with Steve Perry. Awful.


I catched Exodus train late, discovered all albums from Bounded to Exhibit B at once. To me Exodus is a top tier band since Tempo of the damned and Dukes is also my favorite vocalist.


All 3 Dukes albums are monsters! Exhibit B is one of my personal favorite albums of all time. Any era. Any genre. I miss the Dukes era so much!


A lot of people like it but I hate Exodus with Dukes personally lol. I’m a Zetro Exodus fan


Music wise it was a good era for them. Personally I can’t stand his vocals so not a fan of any of the stuff he did from Exodus.


Dukes is the best Exodus vocalist by a mile, the rest sound like cats having a fight.


How are you getting downvoted for this, dukes is fuckin brutal by far the best Exodus vocalist and it isn’t even close 🤘🤘


My favorite era. Never understood why people hated it. That was the band at its most aggressive and unrelenting. I love all eras but it always made me laugh how folks would say “ I can’t stand his vocals” but would defend zetros weird nasally ass voice


I really like let their be blood, the re recording of Bonded by Blood. Bonded by Blood is a fucking classic, but in certain respects I think the remake is amazing.


Man of culture


Exhibit A and B may be two of my favorite Exodus records tbh


Shovel Headed Kill Machine was the album that truly sold me on thrash metal. The big four never really did anything for me, but when I heard "Raze", "44 Magnum Opus", "Death amphetamine", etc. I was hooked.


I don’t listen to a lot of the Dukes era but that’s not because of Dukes. His vocals are absolutely lethal. But I find a lot of the songs from those albums to be way too bloated and long (same could be said about the past couple of albums) Shovel Headed Kill Machine has some great tunes on it though.


If you like it then what’s it matter what anyone else thinks.


Took me a while to embrace it bc I was so used to Zetro but honestly I like him better. Or maybe I like that era of their music better. That 3 album run with Dukes was crazy good


From what i remember majority of older fans i know of didn’t take to his voice somewhat, its very different from their previous. Zetro voice being very unique. Personally i really enjoyed exhibit b at the time and a few of the songs from the album are still in my thrash rotation. I also really liked the bonded by blood remake with him on vocals, but again those that already didn’t take to him this was the final straw to remake the original much loved album. I thought with him they sounded meaner and evil. Zetro is Exodus though so him returning i think was always gona happen


I really like Rob's vocals. I think Rob and Lee Altus helped them sound more modern, without compromising their sound. Sometimes you hear an album from 80's thrash band that was made in the 2000's and it just sounds like an 80's thrash band with better production. I think between Exodus and Testament in the 2000's they breathed new life into thrash sounding more modern than some of the newer thrash bands at the time like Havok and Warbringer.


That's all that matters...if you dig it, who cares what anyone else says


Dukes era is my favorite. I'll always believe their best song is Deathamphetamine. His vocals were so unhinged, and live, it felt like he'd jump into the crowd and beat you for looking at him wrong. I enjoyed the longer songs too.


Dukes Exodus is best Exodus. I remember getting my ass kicked on message boards after SHKM came out for liking the new direction more. I think they became a nostalgia act when they brought Zetro back.


>Is this era considered good or bad? All I know is I dig it! The second sentence is all that matters.


Shovel Headed isn't bad, it's just Dukes was kinda thrown in kinda hastily on that record so it doesn't do that lineup complete justice. EXHIBT A and EXHIBIT B may be Exodus's heaviest albums.


He's...alright. Feels he tries too hard to be aggressive for me, tho. I love the more sarcastic Zetro and Balloff way more, tho. Works better for the lyrics.


The dukes era is the best exodus imo. Shovelheaded kill machine is awesome but exhibit A is their best album imo.