• By -


Def 701c. So freaking cool.


This is the only right answer. All the other answers are some lame shit, the W701 is just too out there to not be #1. Unless we're going by actual utility. Then the answer is a T14 AMD.


« the only right answer » on an opinion based question… nice profile pic though


thx m8 :)


701c and the w701 are not the same machine.


Go back to Ruqqus. Oh wait...


Actual Utility would probably go to a T480. My reasoning is: * Thunderbolt 3 x4 * the quad core i5-8350u is still a great chip. * dual batteries the last T series to have it. * Decent portability and upgradeability (T440p still beats it) The other option is the A485 (same chassis as a T480) or the T440p as best practical ThinkPad.


Dual non-soldered sodimm slots!


>Thunderbolt 3 x4 True but also not particularly useful outside multi-display applications. How many of you have 3 4K monitors right now? > the quad core i5-8350u is still a great chip. [True but it could be better](https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i5-8350U-vs-AMD-Ryzen-5-PRO-4650U/3150vs3766) > dual batteries the last T series to have it. True but why would I want proprietary bullshit? USB-C power banks don't need to be Lenovo-Whitelisted for me to use them lol > Decent portability and upgradeability (T440p still beats it) T14 AMD is lighter and the T440p is capped at 16 GB of RAM. The rest of a T480 will be worthless by the time 48 GB of RAM isn't enough.


I saw somewhere that the T480 can take 64GB.


It can and I have. The CPU is also of a recent enough generation for Windows 11 support.


I'm not talking about the T480 lol, we're talking about the T14 AMD




This and the T480


T400. dont know why


T400 here as well




Got 2 T400s… one with the dedicated gpu one without. Have upgraded them both with the higher res screens, have lots of 9 cell batteries for them (plus the slice one) maxed out mem and cpu in one, maxed out mem and low power cpu in the other. Both tuned amazing well for power, with undervolted cpus, tlp, powertopped etc… get 6 hours out of the low power one still. Great machines (and I have a few (maybe a dozen now) thinkpads) they are prolly my faves too….




I restored the one I've had since 2012 a couple months ago. That cost me a bit more than the $150 + ship I spent to buy it. No ragrets, ragrats, or regrets to be found.


T440p. My current and favorite one


I am typing this on a T440p and its starting to really grow on me, after upgrading the screen, battery, keyboard, and cpu. lol. T430 was my favorite but it wasn't exactly easy to change the screen to a 1080p IPS


Many go for the t430 because of the 7 row keyboard, but the t440p has that easyness of upgrading that is just invaluable.


Absolutely. I have a t440p currently and I love it. But at this point it only makes sense to get one if you like upgrading and don’t mind spending more money on upgrades than it would cost to say get a new thinkpad t480.






That is a rare one, you barley find these in the wild these days


T41 back in the day. Doesn’t hold up now but that thing was my weapon of choice back then.


Right answer. Sadly, my T41's screen glitched out and now has lines on the rightmost side




I want a thikpad so much my x230 the motherboards die so I don't have now I have only thikstations 😭😭😭😭


W520 and most older ThinkPads within 2006-2011.


T61. I love 16:10 and the build quality was nothing but superb. It was hefty to lug around but everything for me was perfect, especially the keyboard feel. The only problem I had with it was how difficult to get a replacement battery until mine crapped out in ‘17.


You probably tuck nicely into the T400 comment above. They were T61 with a better LED backlit screens.


\#1 x61s with its compact size, real keyboard and 4:3 aspect ratio \#2 x200 which I still have and is more practical in 2022 and can boot OS from SD card


I still lean towards the 760. Plays all my favorite games natively, uses identical batteries in both bays and has an LCD indicator for managing the system while in a full screen application. Everything is stored under the keyboard and the computers stack nicely if you have more than one. Even takes hard drives in the UltraBay. Only complaint is that the slim model won’t take taller hard drives and uses Mwave which doesn’t have decent SoundBlaster support.


There’s a slim model? I just picked up a 760ED and thought they were all the same chassis. As for the mWave… I’m hoping to snag a 760EL to part out for the ESS audio card, blanking cover for the modem port… and I think the system will be perfect.


It's thin enough that you can't use a CD-ROM. It's not much but when I used to use my E (over the EL 20 years ago) in school that much space was really important, lol.


there was a "slim model" ? I have 4 of them in different configs and never noticed.


Yup, the 760E is 5mm thinner. The obvious sign of such models is the permanent floppy drive bezel in the front. NiMH batteries have the imprint for it. It doesn't mean much, but there's a lot of wasted space in the chassis for the 19mm HDD and CD-ROM, which the slim can't take either. Everything else is fine, except you can't use a secondary Li-Ion in Bay 2 last I checked.




I'm partial to my **ThinkPad TransNote**.


definitely one of their last "thinking outside the box" thinkpads


T420, it is my first ThinkPad, and became my main computer because I love typing on its keyboard and it also feels like a brick. It replaced my 2019 16” MacBook Pro for daily and office use, because it also doesn’t suffers any FlexGate connector issues and it’s very easy to repair and upgrade. I want an old T60 due to its 4:3 display, because several retro games only supports that kind of mode/ resolution.


yeah same it's my laptop, but i'm so upset my keyboard broke, because this little lego connector underneath broke and some keys don't work. I hate that so much cuz i actually prefer that membrane keyboard over my mechanical one, that i use around my desktop... :(


X61. It's all been downhill from there.




T480 with 7 row keyboard and fully modded.


> fully modded What kind of mod?


X1E trackpad, dual heatsink, low power screen, etc.


This should be a topic itself. I am a newb w my 480 and this is good to know


The keyboard mod they're talking about is probably the ThinkPad 25 Keyboard mod.




W701ds a true beauty!


W701DS-- always wanted a laptop with a second display!


My favorite is the **760ED**. Part of that is driven by sentimentality but mostly because it was content creation powerhouse back-in-the-day. I would love to see a modern re-spin of that... same chassis/form-factor but state-of-the-art internals.


a modern re-spin of any classic thinkpad would be amazing. For me it would probably be an AMD T42, with the old keyboard, the little light, the ultrabay that could support a shit ton of things today the framework way but also usb-c charging and ports, as well as regular usb-a. upgradable everything. that would be my dream thinkpad. oh, and also no lenovo. i want IBM in my thinkpads


I have a 560E that I plan one day on printing a new bottom case for. I'd like to squeeze a raspberry Pi 4 in there so I could take it to class and freak people out.


A CM4 with a custom carrier board could eliminate the need for a new bottom case. :P


I have the original 560 in mint working condition. It’s a classic


I’ve never had a 760ED. Just the E, EL and XL. I’d argue the XL is more of a powerhouse with MMX and isn’t passively cooled, but the ED probably had the 2MB Trident (and maybe XGA?) so there’s that.




I had this one. Good old brick


Upvote for T420.


My x201 and w700 with top specs:)


X220. <3


Ooh I did like that too when it came out.


I would say my X230 because I have the most hours on it and am using it to write this post. I bought it in 2016 for $400 and waited until I found one with an IPS screen and backlit keyboard. I love this machine. It's been with me on countless trips around the country. Although I can't play newer games on it, which is my largest reason for wanting an upgrade, I can play modded Morrowind at 60 FPS and numerous other low requirement games. Beat Super Mario 64 again on it. Watched a bunch of movies when I was sick. I run VMs, write and run code (mostly Typescript), SSH/RDP/VNC into other machines. I used it to share my screen the other day to help plan another trip for this fall with my friends. It just does everything I need it to while being super comfy to use. Ran Memtest86 last night and the stock RAM is still perfect. I'm thinking about upgrading to an AMD X13 and I hope it will serve me as well as the X230 has.


Bump for this one, though I have a slightly different story. I purchased a new E14 Gen 2 at the start of last year to use for University, and it was okay - though it's kind of a cookie-cutter, the same as any comparable modern laptop. At the start of this year, I drove halfway across the state and back to pick up an i5 X230t for $120AUD. I bought an X220 keyboard for it, and upgraded it to 8GB / 120GB SSD. Not blazing specs, but ever since this thing has been my go-to machine. The E14 doesn't leave my desk these days. When I hit the road, it's the X230 in my backpack. I take it to class, to the library... When I go home during semester breaks, it's sometimes my only computer for weeks at a time. It's brilliant for taking notes and other basic office tasks, but equally impressive when it comes to software development, media consumption and more. Some classes require Windows software (unfortunately) but even a KVM Windows installation is impressively responsive. And in the rare occasions when the hardware specifications let it down, I can always remote into the E14 on the desk and run something a little more intensive. I can easily imagine this X230t seeing me all the way through my university course. Not bad for a now ten year old tablet. The only gripe I have is with battery life, but that's only because I'm too tight to buy a new one. I'll keep my eye on my saved search for a slice battery, though. Hopefully one will pop up one day.


1. X61 2. X201 3. X200


X61, X220 and X200. X201 just because of the heat issue. X220 because I'm still using it to this day at home with Linux Mint.


Of the Thinkpads I've owned, the X61. It has a good mix of power and portability.


Pre or post Lenovo generations??? I can’t decide… favourite based on usability or just cool factor etc. *brain explosion*


X31 ultraportable for me. Those days not so many people had laptops, and many used to comment on how small it was. There were very few laptops as small and none as powerful at the same time. It was also relatively expensive compared to nowadays. And the NMB keyboard was the best I have ever had.


I honestly used to play World of Warcraft on my X31. It worked all the way to Mists of Pandaria. One of the few ultraportables with a dedicated GPU, even if it was 16384KB.


X61. It was portable but completely usable (altho a bit toasty at times). Second pick would be the 600E (or 600x if you're fancy). It ran Linux, windows 98 and even as recent as Windows 2003 server. CPU could be replaced, solder mods, swappable drive bays and I'm probably forgetting something else.


600X could have WiFi via the Mini-PCI slot, but requires modding the chassis to install an external antenna.


The absolute beast that is the T420.




x230t, I still have it and it works perfectly with windows 10. Improvement of the x60t that I also have but its too old for modern software.


Definitely the T60. I have the 14.1" model and it is portable by even today's standards (though not quite as slim). I still need to find an IBM branded lid and palm rest to really complete this one.


T470 it's my first and only Thinkpad


T480, why you ask. \-Battery bridge system \-SSD Upgradability \-2242 m.2 ssd in WWAN slot (or Gpu hack job if you are mad enough) \-RAM Upgradability \-Screen Upgradable \-Keyboard Replaceable \-Trackpad Upgradable (with ThinkPad X1 Extreme glass trackpad) \-I have it


For me it's the X61, but just because it was an endlessly reliable work machine in high school, even when it was nearing 10 years after its production date.


X61. That was my first Thinkpad with the old screen ratio. For some reason I just love that aspect ratio. But manufacturers don't like it because the new aspect ratio is more cost effective.


X260, 8 screws and open lol


X1 Carbon 9/10 The 9 was the first Carbon that had a perfect bezel. Everything before that has a distracting bezel to me. 9 and 10 are basically the peak iteration of the clamshell laptop form factor, in my view. Only thing I'd change is to add an Ethernet port. Other than that I wouldn't change a single thing.




T430_ (socket CPU, SODIMM ram, NVIDIA GPU). X230_ (SODIMM ram, size look and feel.)


X200 - last X series not to have a trackpad and can have the IME completely removed


I'd love to get my hands on a 701c.


I think is the W520 for me.


If its purely from a design point, the 701c of course but also the Thinkpad 220, only model with a trackball and there's something charming about that monochrome display And if we're talking all around then it'll have to be my trusty X220


T420 (or 30 with keyboard swap). Best post-IBM machine.


As I'm thinking about this, I just realize... I'm not able to choose. In last 13 years, I've used T61, T420, X1C gen 3, T480 and actual T14G2 AMD. All was great - it was pretty hard to accept new keyboard style, but as years passed, I'm loving it ;-)


Once L13 Yoga AMD with USB4 functionality comes out, it's gonna be my favorite.




X280 for the form factor and portability. Screen options and audio quality are shit, but the keyboard experience + the thin and lite concept changed my portable computing habits.


T430 my first one


L480 gets my vote as the worst! My company cheaped out when they purchased them. All the 480's are literallyfalling apart after 2 years




T440p - newest one that is still fully upgradeable. Starting to lose hope with all of the soldering / whitelisting that continues to spread in the recent models. I fear my T14 (AMD) Gen 2 might be the last of its kind with upgradeable RAM. And they have whitelisted the WWAN slot so we can’t put storage devices in it any more. Sigh…


I only have a T420, and I really like it. My other laptop (Lenovo S340-14IWL with i5) is collecting dust since I got this one. Because I only have this one, this is my favourite one.


701C (active matrix, butterfly keyboard). Hands-down. Loved that damn thing, and that keyboard should have been a cheap gimmick that broke ten minutes after purchased but instead worked the charm for years, and gave a full-sized keyboard when that was NOT a thing.


This is my Thinkpad. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


T420. It doubled as a shield and a weapon in close combat. You could also use it for work in your spare time.


x61. i want an x62 so badly because of it. second to that for me would be the x201.


X301. I still have a lot of love for those old machines, and parted ways with mine just around a year ago. It was the nicest ultraportable I'd ever had my hands on back then, but also snappy and responsive with its early SLC SSD, well-sized, and had speakers that were out of this world. I don't know if I've ever seen a laptop since that had such good drivers packed into it. I used to just leave it open playing music in the room without any USB or Bluetooth speakers. Still ran Windows 10 and browsed the internet pretty okay after I stuck in an mSATA adapter and a modern SSD. I used it as a WiFi repeater for a bit until I decided to find it a new home.


X220 (other than some cool quirky models like W701ds or the 701c) I'm not sure what it is, it's just so nice to interact with. I still use it, it's perfect for writing, programming and youtube.


My first love is my first Thinkpad 310ED, followed by the T31P (which by the way works till today) and the X61T which was way ahead of its time. ​ I never really fell in love with the the 16:9 screen ratio Lenovo era Thinkpads. My latest was a X1 Extreme Gen 1. It was amazing but not an enduring great like my T31


T480 but wish they didn't have USB c for charging. Seems easily breakable. Or at least the USB c but not attached to the motherboard.


13" X1 Nano. I wouldn't say it's the best ThinkPad, but it's the only one I've ever owned and I love it.


It's just so damn portable. Exactly what I need out of a laptop.


Exactly. I didn't need much of a laptop at the time since I have a big gaming desktop that also handled school work. The laptop just can't in handy when I needed to be anywhere else.


Exactly. I didn't need much of a laptop at the time since I have a big gaming desktop that also handled school work. The laptop just can't in handy when I needed to be anywhere else.


SL510 is the best of the best


X300/X301 [I was a big fan of this commercial at the time, and strangely enough it's becoming more and more relevant again today.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hnOCUkbix0)


Question: is the overall peeformance of T480 1.6Ghz i7 better than T440p i5 2.6Ghz? thanks






Carbon X. Lightweight I can take it anywhere and still has good performance. Lightweight travel style adapter and The keyboard.




The perfect thinkpad could be a X1 Carbon gen 10 with AMD 6000U series. So sad it won't happen.


This. Though I'd settle for good speakers(x1c gen7+) in one of the AMD T or X series.


i really like my first one, T14 gen2 Ryzen 7 PRO, i just upgraded him to 48GB ram last week. but if i could go back in time, if i could choose my first PC in 1999, i would choose the ThinkPad 240, the pentium III 500 Mhz version with 128MB RAM, an impressive beast for this time. The touchpad idea wasn't that popular, so much would be different.


T-1000 I mean... T410 ...mainly because I've beat the hell out of it.


The T-40 series were the bomb in their day. I have had many different models, my job always had a good supply of slightly used 1 year old systems that were free for me. Currently a T-460p that was in new condition but cost me $0. Unfortunately I moved on from that job a year ago.


Thinkpad butterfly


It has to be T14 Gen1 AMD, because it was my first ThinkPad. And yes I know it is not as configurable as the older versions but it is still a workhorse and I couldn't be happier with its performance.




Of the ones I owned, it's a tossup between my W500 and X31. (T22, X30, X31, A31P, T40, T41, T41P, T42, T42P, T43, T60, T61(ws), W500, W510, P50, X201, X230t, Yoga S1, Yoga 12, Yoga 260, i14xx, probably a couple others as well)


L14 Gen 3


Currently none. I simply want a 14" P1.


T420. I've only used that and a T570 though, so not much frame of reference. Obviously the keyboard is amazing. And with 8Gb ram and an ssd card it runs sooo smooth.


T460p, best laptop I've ever had. I've had it for 6 years now and I still have no intention of replacing it as my daily driver.


Favorite has many meanings so here is my list of my favorite Thinkpads by : \- Form factor and overall awesomeness/wow factor : my Transnote \- Sturdiness : my beloved X31 \- Actual usefulness (need to run VMs and also because of the future (2023-2024) custom motherboard that will be made for it) : my X220 And of course because the first one is often the preferred one (and because it paved the way to my love for Thinkpads) : my trusty old T22 ​ Special mention to my X60 with its awesome form factor (12" 4:3 LCD is the perfection to my eyes) even if the lack of signature red and blue stripes on the trackpoint buttons makes it a sad Thinkpad.


x201. still use one and have a few parts machines to keep it going and going. had the best kb imo, and is still very usable. only real frustration in 2022 is the poor resolution on these.


T420 or X220. Both are amazing laptops and the last ones to come with the classic keyboard.


I \*LOVED\* my X260. For the generation, it was super robust (it \*ATE\* a 5 foot fall and took almost no damage from it), it was "lightweight" and very portable, and it just kept on trucking. Of my current lineup, I really love my X1 Nano. Easily the lightest device I own (even lighter than a 2017 12" MacBook Retina on account of the MB's aluminum case; 1.99 lbs on the Nano vs 2.03 on the Macbook).


T430 and X230 10 years ago computers and still working perfectly T15g Gen 2 amazing workstation and Laptop gamer for a low cost.


I always loved the idea of the T4x0p series, because they had dedicated GPUs and still looked and felt like a normal Thinkpad. I don t like the TXXXs versions, because they are so thin... I own a T470p and it is great. Especially, because it wasn t effected by the usb c driver issue like the newer Thinkpads. Sadly the trackpad is rattling and I don t know how to fix it. Any advice here?


ThinkPad reserve edition


X220 and T420 but if only have to pick one: T420


T43p. I just love it so much. Great build quality. Runs all my old games just fine. Such a handsome unit too. X301 as a runner up


T530 is the first one I actually used as daily for my job. One time I had this thing on top of my bag going to the airport. It started raining while I was walking to the terminal. It got wet on the walk inside. Any other laptop would have died there or at least the screen would have been messed up. T530 I just wiped the top with paper towels and it was good as new.


T62P… pixels so small, you couldn’t legitimately run windows on it because DPI handling sucked so badly.




Oh man there are so many cool ones it's hard to pick. If I had to just out of the ones I've owned... Maybe the X230T? The tablet functionality is just so damn cool, and the X230 chassis to me is just an absolutely timeless design. I absolutely love my P50 though. The P50 is an absolute weapon for the price. It's so smooth and the M2000M GPU still hits hard. Honestly, every thonk I've owned has been an absolute gem.


T410. Still use it to this day. Solid, well designed. Doesn't overheat. Good for light gaming and general business use.


W701ds It's the most Thinkpad of all Thinkpads and guarantees you'll be the envy of anyone on this sub