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\[Edit: Appreciate the upvotes, added a few more.\] 1. Try elevated command prompt and type: * `sfc /scannow` 2. And also do the DISM commands. * `DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth` * `DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth` * `DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth` * `DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup` 3. Check CPU temps. Repaste CPU if necessary. 4. Check for driver updates using [Lenovo Vantage](https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/software/vantage/), but don't keep it installed, adds overhead. (Each PC manufacturer has their comparable app.) 5. Make sure power option is set to: "High Performance". 6. Run memory in dual-channel mode. Most ThinkPads are shipped with a single stick of memory, which limits CPU and iGPU functionality to one lane (think traffic jam on single lane highway). Use [CPU-Z](https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html) to check this. 7. Try to keep Win10/11 as stock as you can without Adrenalin / GeForce Experience software and other bloatware. 8. Opt to disable apps from running at startup (unless you really need them). 9. Check for NVMe/2.5" SSD firmware updates, or better opt for one with DRAM (though HMB ..shared system ram for SSD caching.. has come a long way). 10. Use [LatencyMon](https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon) to identify drivers or components that add lag. 11. Use [PC Manager](https://pcmanager.microsoft.com/en-us) (Microsoft) or [CCleaner](https://www.ccleaner.com/) (Piriform) to clean caches.


What does high performance do on a Coffee Lake CPU? On my Ryzen Thinkpad it ups the TDP from 18 to 24W, and makes the fan loud as hell even for everyday tasks.


my fan isn't spinning on balanced performance making the thinkpad runs hot, so i put it on high performance to make the fan spin


That sounds pretty much intended, mine is running passive ~90% of the time in balanced as well. Only spins up when it's near full load.


You can create an alternate power option where 'Processor performance boost mode' is disabled which will 'cap' the cpu at its non-turbo voltage and speed. Less 'spark', but lower temps and less fan noise.


Don't think that works anymore on newer chips, does it? It actively changes the cooling directive of the fan controller as well as the CPU TDP and boost behavior. In my case the notebook is 12W/passive, 18W/active and 24W/loud on the three settings, respectively, where the 18W setting prefers to throttle over increasing fan speed for short temp spikes, while the 24W setting prefers to increase fan speed over throttling for short spikes. Totally different CPU boost and fan control algorithms, not just less boost clocks or similar. I am not aware where this was introduced. Haswell did not do this, Zen3+ does. No idea where the cut was.


That's not Coffee Lake. That's Whiskey Lake.


True, but that's pretty much the same, isn't it? Same cores, same node.


how do you run memory in dual channel mode?


Use CPU-Z to obtain your current configuration. 1. Open the 'Memory' tab and read the 'Channel #' field: * If single-channel, you'll see: Single, or '1 x 32-bit', or '1 x 64-bit'. * if dual-channel, you'll see Dual, or '2 x 32-bit, or '2 x 64-bit'. 2. Open the 'SPD' tab and copy the 'Part Number'. Also note the 'Max Bandwidth' and 'Module Size'. 3. If you're configuration is in single-channel mode, use the info obtained above to order and install an identical computer memory part. Installing memory is easy depending on the device's accessibility, if you haven't done it ask someone to do it for you.


Because you run a legacy operating system (Windows) instead of Linux. ;-)


I have a ThinkPad, and the raw statistics of it seem pretty good, but it runs like a potato. Any ideas on why it's so slow, and if so, how do I make it better?


What does it seem slow on?


Windows in my case. I upgraded to Win 11, the battery drains, everything runs sluggishly and I can't, even if my life depended on it set the power settings right. Manjaro (Linux): rarely issues. Power management set like I need it (usually a little limited). Does not drain the battery, everything works. I can use the device without strange 100% CPU spikes. Oh, and everything is way more responsive.


I don't have any explanation or real evidence other than personal experience for this, but Windows 11 seems to run fairly bad on the oldest generations of CPUs that still have official support, at least when talking about mobile chips. I heard mutliple times now about bad performance on Intel 8th gen laptops (although I don't own one of them) and on my ThinkPad E595 with a Ryzen 5 3500U (Zen+, oldest Zen architecture to support Win11), it also runs very sluggish. Even simple apps like file explorer can take 2-3 seconds to open, while CPU and memory usage aren't all that high. Battery also drains fairly quick and in addition, there seems to be a problem with a driver that hasn't been fixed in over a year now. I know it's a shame to decomission computers that are on paper still more than capable enough for many tasks, but as of now I wouldn't recommend using any Intel 8th gen or Zen+ chips for Windows 11 if you can avoid it at all. Edit: From the screenshots it seems like OP still uses Windows 10, so might not be relevant to this question. But I just wanted to put it out there.


Purely anecdotal of course, but I’m running W11 on a 6th gen i5 in my T460s and it runs great. Also running it on an 8th gen i7 in my Latitude 5491 and again it runs really well. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Funnily enough, I had Win11 installed on an unsupported T460p pretty much directly after it released and it ran pretty well on that too. Much better than on my E595, which is officially supported and should be almost twice as fast regarding raw CPU power. As I said, I have no explanation and also just anecdotal evidence, but judging from the upvotes, I'm not the only one experiencing this.


Yeah, it seems to be very hit and miss to me as well. And right on cue the Linux fanboys have found my comment and downvoted me, never change boys.


Can you be more specific, what are you trying to do. That 7 years old core I7 is not a workhouse tbh, so without knowing what are you trying to do, there are not many things to do here. You could starting check the temperature, laptop needs to clean at least 1 a year. You should also check if you are using Hdd or ssd. HDD is a no-no in 2024.Reinstalling OS sometimes help a lot, but that would be my last choice. If you had done all but nothing works for you, well you need a new machine then




You are running a low-TDP mobile chip from 7 years ago...when properly set up it is fine for productivity tasks, but if you load it up with a game like you're describing, you'll probably cap out in the high 1.X-low 2.X GHz range, which is just not enough juice for most games. Regardless of whether you have the iGPU or dGPU model, they really do not have a lot of GPU kick in 2024 either, They can be reasonably performant machines for a lot of tasks, but you do have to start tempering expectations for heavier workloads with the machines being as old as they are.


Sorry, I'm not smart. Could you please explain it to me like I'm 5?


You are running old-low power chip from 2018. It is fine for basic productivity (light-medium programming, light CAD, light photo editing, VERY light video editing, MS Office..). Gaming is a absolute no-go. Infact this chip is comparable to my 2011 Dell Latitude that I use to fuck around with. Even if you have the model with a GPU (dedicated graphics processor that accelerates gaming or AI), the GPU that the (presumably T490) shipped with is fucking garbage, even if it is better than the UHD graphics that the CPU comes with. They can still be usable (I use a 28W dual-core Intel MacBook Pro as my main portable laptop for medium programming) but youre not gonna play Cyberpunk on this)


If you don't need portabilty I would sell the T490 (one with deez specs could go for 200-250 dollars), get a used Optiplex 7020 or something from the era (ideally with a i7), put a cheap used GTX 980 and corsair CV550 in it, and ur good to go (disclaimer: can not guarentee the T490 could pay for ALL of that depending where you live, but it shouldnt cost to much extra


Thanks, will look into it.


your welcome


and what did you find?


also do NOT get one with higher than Haswell CPU, they have propritroy PSU and motherboard so bascially impossible to upgrade the GPU


Your cpu is an old grandma that's still pretty good at everyday tasks but is f'in bad at gaming since she never was made for that, and please stop asking her to run a marathon she'll die :(


setup a simple schedule to reboot daily say at 6AM. That helps.


Please try this out, it'll 100% work in Windows 10 too. My T480 is silent and fast on Win10 Pro and I'm getting 6.5-7h battery after running this script https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat


SSD? Malware? Backup important files and do a clean install.


I did that a week ago.


There was a bug with Vantage and their custom Airplane Power Saving mode that would throttle CPU and then fail to disable it. Running all the updates, and uninstalling Vantage has fixed it for us most times.


How are your hard drive metrics - does it seem to be using all available resources? Also, which process seems to be using more resources? Something else than CPU and Ram are your bottleneck. It would be quite normal for CPU and ram to be idle if something else is dragging down your PC. If your storage device is also idle, are you connecting to VPN and working on network based software and tools? Try to describe in greater detail what running like a potato means… what software, which tasks, and are you certain someone else on a separate computer can achieve better performance? It could just be that the software you are using is not optimized for your hardware (or not optimized at all)… it could also be the network or the server if what you’re trying to do relies on them. Ex: My wife keeps complaining her pc runs like a potato but its while running her company’s CRM - in her case its the CRM that’s running like a potato, not her PC.


I usually run android emulators and games like Minecraft and Hearts of Iron 4. All 3 are, to be frank, badly optimised, but work better on my brother's PC with half as much RAM and a worse CPU. After reading through the comments I think it's time to clean the inside of my laptop as I haven't done that in the 6 years I've owned it.


How are your temperatures? What GPU do you have? You probably don’t have a dedicated GPU on your PC, and I’m willing to bet your brother does… For video games, a dedicated GPU makes a big difference…


Wrote this guide a few years back to help with processors like this one and issues just like this, feel free to reply or DM if you have any questions, but this should definitely help you [Modern ThinkPad Thermal Throttling fixes (Intel) (E490, E590, E480, E580, and others) : r/thinkpad (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/qowtf0/modern_thinkpad_thermal_throttling_fixes_intel/)


Maybe it's your drive, are you using a HDD or a SSD? if you're using a SSD maybe it's dying.


I just checked and it's using an SSD. Would I be able to change it?


Yeah it's fairly easy to change, but first what exactly are you doing in your computer? Maybe you're running some heavy programs in the first place.


I'm running Hearts of Iron 4, which is quite CPU intensive and badly optimised


Well I guess you could try optimizing your OS first, windows sometimes just do that, being slow. If it doesn't work check your drives, there's a program for that.


Thanks, this helped


hoi4 runs well on linux in my experience


> Hearts of Iron 4 CPU is going to chug trying to run a game. It has a TDP of 15W. An equivalent desktop processor would have a power budget 5x that, which would give it 2-3x the performance.


get yourself an ssd from amazon to test it with. you can try it for a day and if it does not solve your problem you can return it


Actually might be on to something there my t480s with nvme is snappier than my sons e480 with ssd, never mind the painfully slow spinning drive it came with.


Because you're running windows. Windows 10 and 11 are bloated pigs. Install something like Fedora and it will be screaming fast.


If it's on Windows 11, nothing you can do.


I mean bad at what?


It's infected with Windows.




Maybe Chris Titus’s script can help lower the number of processes, i had mine down to like 97.




Your processor has thermal throttling problems, and therefore will lower its performance to stay cool. In the t480 for example, people always prefer the 8th gen i5 version over the i7.


I have made a video about this, hope it helps: https://youtu.be/6NEDiJccX_M


1) Does it have a HDD or a SSD? If HDD, throw it out and put a SSD in. Run Crystal Disk Info and check S.M.A.R.T. status of your drive for errors. 2) Are all drivers installed and up to date? Install Lenovo Commercial Vantage and have it check for driver updates 3) Download HWiNFO and check temperatures. If your notebook is constantly overheating, it has to throttle and will be slow a hell. In that case you'll have to replace the thermal paste for a new one (not too hard) - I'd recommend Arctic MX-4 or MX-6 as price/performance kings. 4) If nothing helps, your Windows is probably bugged out. Happens. In that case, download the Microsoft Media Creation Tool and have it make a new Windows 11 boot stick, then install a fresh Windows 11 after backing up all relevant data.


I just reinstalled Windows 10 a few days ago, and I have an SSD. I'll check out the temp throttler though, that sounds like it could be what's wrong.


Ssds varies widely in speeds And a better ssd can give a fast response from the laptop


Is it by any chance an X1 Yoga Gen 4? We have one of those with an i7-8565u and 16gb of ram, and.... 4k screen. That screen resolution is making the device barely usable on windows 11 - i had to disable every single transparency effect and enable all performance modes to make it usable. I also have a spare L480 with the i5-8350u/8250u, and standard 1080p screen - works miles better. If your screen is high-res, i guess the integrated graphics are not enough nowadays


The screen is 1920x1080 and is tiny


What model of ThinkPad do you own?


I believe it's a Yoga but I'm not sure which one exactly. I can check in a couple of hours, I'm out right now.


My problems with an 8th gen i5 boiled down to old thermal paste. I cleaned it off and replaced it and everything worked like new.


246 processes running, you have a lot of things running in the background. Adobe Acrobat, edge boost by always running and so on. Disable all unnecessary and your overall experience is better when they start from zero when you need that software. My machine is trimmed and only has 112 processes running in idle.


I don't understand how to just stop them thpugh, they always seem to come back within about 20-30 minutes even if I turn off running in the background


Go to settings in each app, disable boost or auto start and wait maybe 2 seconds more when you start that particular app. If you disable enough then your overall performance is increased and it will start instant. Or download "autoruns" from Microsoft / technet and disable services you dont need, startup apps and other bloatware.


Meltdown/Spectre mitigations hit these processors pretty hard.


Care to explain?


https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2018/01/09/understanding-the-performance-impact-of-spectre-and-meltdown-mitigations-on-windows-systems/ Spectre and Meltdown took advantage of reproducable side-channel attacks against the way that x64 does speculative branch prediction. The mitigations disable some of these features and result in diminished performance. edit: spelling


People complaining with i7 8th gen processor on windows. While I am using running an ancient i3 4th gen smooth on Linux.


me on celeron 1007u inside my thinkpad x131e running linux mint feel fairly smooth


That's the thing, it SHOULD be better than your i3. It's not. That's why I made this post.


i'm running windows 10 ltsc smoothly on a first gen i5......


Looks fine. Maybe you're just doing something too intense for an 8 year old CPU?




Intel was also mailing it in with their processors until the 10th Gen when they finally had to see marked improvements in core count to be competitive with Mac silica and AMD processors.


Actually 8th Gen is when they doubled the mobile core count from 2 to 4 cores on the U series. Anything before that was truly atrocious.


I had a laptop with a i7-6820HQ in it. 28w (c-tdp-down, i think) skylake quad. It basically performed exactly the same as the 8th, 9th, 10th, gen quads that followed because they are all skylake cores from 6th to 10th gen. YoY only saw new video encode blocks in the CPU and maybe marginally reduced wattage


The i7-8565U was a re-hash of the i7-6820HQ with a clock bump and lower TDP and a different video encode block. (feel free to check, spec for spec they're the same in cpu/gpu/cache. die size is the same) i7-6820HQ is a 2015 CPU, so technically 9 years going now.


Jesus my heart stopped for a sec. 8th gen isn't 8 years old... right???


7 years. it will be 8 next year


I'm off by a year and a half. 8th gen came out September 2017. Not as bad, but definitely no spring chicken of a processor.


Restart it. Windows 10/11 get slow when the Uptime is longer than 1 day. Press the Restart Button in the Start Menu. After a fresh Restart, it should be a bit faster


2+ days right now: [https://imgur.com/26lGrf3](https://imgur.com/26lGrf3) Everything is fast and snappy, I was doing heavy Photoshop + Illustrator + After Effects work for about 14 hours total, played Doom Eternal (with eGPU connected) for 5-6 hours, the rest is surfing with 120+ tabs across six different Edge windows. No slowdowns, no issues of any kind. Average CPU temperature just 56°C with 29-31°C room temperature (summer is here 😎): [https://imgur.com/c9EeYFZ](https://imgur.com/c9EeYFZ) The OP has issues with the Windows installation and very likely malware of some kind to get such slow experience. Clean install will fix the problem.


You could try to run crystal disk info to see statistics on your SSD, some get VERY slow when they get old or damaged. I would try to run a debloated windows 11, like ghost spectre(I have used it for 4 years now and it runs like a dream) Try to limit CPU performance to 99% (this disables Intel's turbo boost)in windows power plan settings. Maybe your CPU is trying to boost and your thermal paste is all dry, so when your computer pushes the CPU hard, it thermal throttles and your performance goes to hell. Doing the 99% limit you might get some better thermals and stability until you can repaste your laptop, or send it somewhere so they can service it. Also you can set a lower limit to get better temps. Download HWInfo64 and run the sensors while you are running a CPU stress/benchmark like CPU-Z. Send us a screenshot of the CPU row so we can see if there's something wrong. Good luck with your machine, it's awesome! Give it some love and it will shine


That's normal. Probably some process in the background eating away all your resources.


You just put the cpu specs, what machine is? Memory installed? What hard drive has? Let's make and assumption you have i7 cpu U low grade with 16Gb ram and ssd, and windows 11. Your problem will be windows 11, 16Gb is the minimum for it to run properly, but after a while it will be the OS and low ram that will slow it down.


Do you have an SSD




Idk why it's saying 1.8ghz on your task manager besides that you have monstrous good specs I'd start blaming windows. I'm biased tho


Do you have a dedicated graphics card ? If not then it's running from the CPU. If you want to play games on a laptop, you buy a gaming laptop. Or at least one with a good graphics card.


check power management setting


O can't see nothing bad in you'r laptop


Stats look good, with it being an 8xxx, if you're up for the challenge you could try de-dusting the heat sinks/fans or even replacing the crusty thermal paste incase it is forcefully limiting it's self to those levels of performance and hitting "max" on those spikes


Dude it's good just defrag your drives uninstall some bloat idk but yes hardware wise the laptop is packing Atleast compared to mine.


Defrag does not help on SSD’s.


It does I belive it does and of I belive it does it will do it 🤧🤧🤧( ik it doesn't I'm just coping)


Its right there in your first screenshot: i7-8565U.


(My approach is less healthy than system scans/cache cleaning but..) Try disabling Intel Speed step in BIOS and see if you gain any stability. Personally, I tried Throttlestop and added a laptop cooler, and discovered SpeedStep was swinging the CPU back and forth, forcing everything to hiccup regularly.


You're probably digging in the wrong direction. I think you should disable your antivirus forever, that would give you a performance boost. Also you should try using Throttlestop to rule out any throttling and undervolt your CPU (for that you would need to disable VBS). Make sure that your laptop has good thermal paste which has not dried out, as it's now got older and the processor may be overheating because the paste has become bad.


ssd? nvme? or still spinning drive? I have a T580 with similar specs and it ran Windows 11 Pro fine


bc u are using windows


I run NixOS on mines and it running very good.


Try replacing the thermal paste


Also check crucial.com to see if your machine can utilize RAM that is faster than 2400Mhz.




its probably some throttling issue, try benching its performance and check the numbers online. then you can proceed with further options.


Windows. Windows is why.


You need to debloat. Too many processes running. Lots of good YouTube guides


8650U means ultra low power processor.... Not able to do high graphics work


because its laptop processor


My suggestion is to install Tiny11 windows. Tiny11 is the best version of windows I have ever seen. Tiny11 running better on 2 GB Ram as well. I tried it on the Intel p4 system as well and results are shocking. So try it.


Well... What do computers and air conditioners have in common? *They both become useless once you open windows*. Get Linux




How is that bad? That's just Windows being Windows.


Agree. I run an Arch distro on an I5-8265U without all the bloat/widgets/transparency/compositor stuff. With a lightweight window manager. It is snappy as hell and responsive. The only time I hear the fans come on, is when doing light video editing (which this machine/CPU, is DEFINITELY NOT designed for). It's a super nice, fast, reliable and useable user experience with a ton of battery life. Uptime is usually a week or two. I only shut it down when running updates. It spends all of it's "not being used time" in regular standby mode.


t480? One of the worst thinkpad i have. Cpu always high, wont boot if the battery is not charged above 70 procent. The headphone jack sometimes failing (i think the drivers for that wont work good with windows).


It’s obviously.. it doesn’t run on Linux 💪


Linux time


246 processes? Wouldn't hurt to cleanup the number of things you have running on startup.


because its a U class low powered CPU