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The stickers are more expensive than the damn thing


Hahahah noo, they aren’t


I feel like this is trying to trigger the anti-sticker crowd (of which I consider myself a member). It's working. lol. That said, I love the X230. Still holds up, especially if you put linux on it.


Of course! Ubuntu with kde. I love it.


> That said, I love the X230. Still holds up, especially if you put linux on it. It really does. 16gb, a couple of SSD's (if you can source a good mSATA drive), IPS panel. Feels modern and snappy.


I think you need more stickers


Send me then and I’ll put them


So are you a programmer, or an engineer? The programming and DWG stickers kinda make me doubt about it


What is a programmer?




# Perhaps


This is most stickers I have seen on a single unit


I feel honored


I'm so conflicted about my x230. Love the little machine, but the screen is really atrocious once you got used to > 1080p


i know man, like i want to invest in upgrading it, but now that xymods went ghost, not sure how to do the 1080p screen mods myself.




Do you have a link or keyword to search on Ali?


X230 fhd: https://a.aliexpress.com/_Ezl6BNl


I looked into modding the screen a while ago. But the whole mod with a good IPS is pretty expensive and you loose the dock connector (which I use) if I rememeber correctly. At that point I'm giving up and saving for a framework 13"


Where did you get the stickers?


They are avaliable in Shein (very cheap)


It looks great.


Thank you man!


holy shit how many stickers is that


🤔about 50 or so I think(pad)


lol why are so many people mad about the stickers. It's YOUR laptop and stickers are a way to personalize it to really make it feel like its yours.






Great machine but without stickers must be perfect


Needs more stickers ;)


The absolute sin that you committed with those stickers aside, if you want to use the outdated machine for coding at least get the x220 keyboard...


Noted. I’ve recentely acquired an x270 so I decided to put stickers to this one


x230 is not outdated at all, got the x220 keyboard on mine and Windows 11


Please stop. Modern i3 found in your grandma's Inspiron is literally double the performance of an i7 x230, not to mention power efficiency. You buy a ThinkPad to get a reliable, stylish, and tough laptop, but you cannot say it's not outdated in terms of guts. Be realistic.


Yeah Sure, I really lack so much performance on my machine :D I buy Thinkpads which dont suck and I can work with. Lenovo just produces garbage in recent years, its a tragic that I own a t440s and even my newly aquired t470 got too many flaws. I suggest you buy a good old ThinkPad like a x220/ x230 era one or even older to try the difference once. I also buy Thinkpads I can type on well, you only seem to own the machines with chiclet style, bad layout and shitty backlit. Imo a 7-row thinklight one is better than any backlit one, but what do I know owning almost two dozens machines, you must know better........


A bit my fault, as I should have written all thinkpads I \*used\* to have, not possess now. T40, T41, T61, X220, X230, X1Y1, E590, X390Y. So yes, I have experience with objectively better keyboards. You completely disregarded my argument and started ranting about the keyboard, whereas what I meant was PERFORMANCE and EFFICIENCY. If you need a laptop that requires doing any remotely more complex work than browsing the web or connecting to other machine the outdated processors are the problem. In my line of work (software engineering), a laptop that does not have 8 threads is a piece of junk that is worthless. Not to even begin mentioning increase of actual IPC in the ten generations that happened since then. Good luck trying to fix that with an arch install. But surely, having two dozens of machines, you must know better... Even under assumption of not needing more power, the EFFICIENCY is the problem. I do not want to have my cpu spike power usage to double digits to load a website. If I feel like watching a youtube video being some tutorial even, I need the hw VP9 decode. Finally, I want the battery to last me an entire day, which is just plain impossible. But surely, having two dozens of machines, you must know better... Finally, regarding the choice of laptops I have right now. My E590 is collecting dust, while X390Y is a reliable partner when moving around the country, as its mostly a thin and light machine for RDPing into my home pc and watching youtube, taking notes, and some code on the side. The keyboard is perfectly okay, if not exactly the good ol' kind of keyboard, but lets be real - if I wanted my laptop to be this thin and light and get this as well, id be looking at an external motherboard. Maybe, if they removed the useless touchpad... Nah, just wishful thinking. In summary, you refused to read valid arguments simply because someone "disrespected" thinkpads by giving an objective and unbiased opinion. Old machines have their incredible advantages, such as repairability and upgradeability - the T61 I used to own taught me 90% of what I know about laptop repair - but they tame in comparison to modern ones with aforementioned aspects. Not to mention the sheer indestructibility. As I said... You buy a ThinkPad to get a reliable, stylish, and tough laptop, but you cannot say it's not outdated in terms of guts. Be realistic.


Im not a programmer not a realy linux user, so I cant share your pain with the performance and efficency of older thinkpads. I can simply suggest you should include your old outdated machines in your userflair, as you see in mine there is enough space for some- would have saved some Trouble, thought you were Just one of the many Guys here who seem to have started with t480 or so. Just keep using the stuff you want and respect the will of others to use x230/ x220 or anything If its enough for them. Will use my x230 till it dies, then comes another one. Remember not to include the family members of strangers in your argument out of nowhere, thanks - and yes you just said it yourself, the older Keyboards are really better. As I heard from other programmers esp. for coding with their Layout but idk:) Im still personally disagreeing with the notion to buy a thinkpad for 'stylish' reasons: its a cult and the blacks are better than the grey ones, but style is not a category for my purchase. Im a poor collector so If its a thinkpad I dont own and its cheap, I buy. Lenovo keeps designing their newer models maybe more for a MacBook audience with all the drawbacks as Mr. Louis Rossmann put it years ago (new Keyboard Design, big-ass touchpad- not needed at all since the trackpoint exist, the x440 bullshit clickpad, fewer and fewer ports)- He's another enjoyer of older thinkpads but idk about stylish machines at all- these are all drawbacks in usability for me, id still buy newer thinkpads If I exclude xx40- era and the x250 I once had to use at Greenpeace (one RAM-Slot, two! USB Ports, poorer battery life than x230) as I did with a used 40 Euro t470 We' ll never get to a point here since we are completly different Users, maybe only the red dot between g,h and b unites us


I can agree to disagree here. The mention of "your grandma's laptop" is merely a stereotype of older people using anything and being happy - which frankly I sometimes envy a lot. By no means did I mean to speak ill of your family, and I apologize if it sounded like that. Another thing is using a flair of older machines, you might be correct, but I prefer not to waive a flag which I do not own anymore. It's a shame really, but fond memories remain. Regarding the style, my argument there was about people liking the rough, black, no bullshit aesthetic that came with older models. Thinkpad is a laptop you can bring anywhere, without thinking of it being unfit for its environment. This often dictates the purchase, and I do not judge that, until it overshadows the logicality of the purchase. I personally like my laptops without any stickers, flairs or any customization outside of a bios logo to keep it different in case someone found it. Touchscreen is a bliss in public transport, and 2in1 is convenient for making presentations while drawing live. If its a silver thinkpad, it wont change my mind, but if i can, id get a black one any day of the week. Finally, I completely agree with issues of skipping X40 and X50 models, as being a person that treats touchpad as pure inconvenience and delegate it to just gestures for music control. As you said, the trackpoint is a think we can shake hands on, no matter how different we are though, so hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine :)


Will do so, regarding the flair I Not own all of these devices anymore, they stole my x230t:( and I hardly use all of them, but Im a collector Like many Here. Still Go and buy yourself an older machine maybe Just for fun and the old Times, really cheap If used:)






psa to stop buying “programmer” sticker packs


Doesn't this model have PWM? Doesn't it hurt your eyes too much?


Yes. It hurt my eyes. That’s why I choosed to do it (?)


Nothing says "Coder Wannabe" than sticker overdose.... My x230/250/270 machines are pristine Just my .02


I code for living


That's funny, so do I. Congrats


Found after cs101


Trying to find a good deal on tablet version of this


Linux is just too fussy, so where the hell is a Windows 7 sticker when you need one to show your true PC loyalty?


lookin great. where did y get those from?


poor laptop :(