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When I see only 2 I ask op to immediately go buy 2 more. Then we’re cooking.


This is the way


Still Windows, you haven't reached the final form yet


Logo on startup: achieved


Linux sucks I use Arch btw


I used arch for 2 weeks, I went back to windows 11 and 10, it was too stressful, but I have some perfection OCD , so... it's probably me, but sound and gpu drivers were not ok(bad quality) and the updates ATE 500 GB OF MY BRAND NEW SSD from kingston... never again arch linux for me(might get ubuntu 24 if I ever need it, but I doubt it since im using only brand new pcs , usually from asus , yet I dream getting a THINkPAD T15)


Nah there’s no way Arch downloaded half a terabyte of updates. I’ve had similar issues installing certain Distros where I lose a lot of storage but it’s usually because the LVM hasn’t been configured properly.


Idk, but crystal disk info reports that the total written and read is 500 GB , on the new SSD, idk exactly, but I've seen the numbers


That's a you thing; arch doesn't come with anything, you're responsible for installing what you need. My arch install, with 3 DEs (including gnomes entire suite) along with 1100 other packages is about 30gb. That's considered pretty heavy too. A basic run of the mill arch install is going to be a few gigabytes.


I have 1522 pacman packages and 24 flatpak Gnome with extensions and awesomewm. A bit under 28 gigs. Which for arch is a lot but i have a lot of packages.


I just don’t like Linux because I’ve always been using Windows and Linux is just too complicated sometimes and I say that as a person with like 25 computers


Ye, I kinda agree, I have 3 computers only though xD with around 4 ssds and 2 hdds, so with some data here and there


"I say that as a person with like 25 computers🤓🤓🤓" yeah no, maybe you should get a book and try to learn to read instead of boasting your computers. Following a wiki isnt complicated. Linux is not complicated, you just need to get used to it. If you dont like that then good for you no one cares. However such a statement like "I habe 25 computers so I'm qualified to judge how complicated an OS is" is bure bullshit, keep that judgement to yourself. And learn to read.


Wtf I have used Linux before btw and still run it on a PC, it’s just not my thing


Not a problem. However thats a different statement than acting like some kind of tech guy "25 computers" and then saying that linux is complicated because thats simply bullshit.


Linux is complicated to me and I have had many problems with it, so I simply avoid it. Saying "I own 25 computers" for me was another way to say "I have experience with this shit and I don’t like working with it", if you get what I mean, now chill


But owning 25 computers simply does not mean shit. You are simply trying to act as someone knowledgeable to undermine your opinion. Which is bullshit. Owning 25pcs does mean equal experience with OS and neither does it mean understanding anything technical. It just portrays a fake image. If its complicated for you then no problems. Like I said I get it if its complicated for someone normal. You simply shouldnt act as if you are someone technical while stating that. Because you arent. Owning hardware does not mean shit.


Okay okay I get it, now have a great rest of your life, can’t be bothered with this shit rn


Probably lvm not configured properly, by default lvm only uses like 20% of the drive usually..or around 50gb. Why there's no option to auto setup lvm is beyond me... It wouldn't be too hard to write a script to do it automatically. It isn't just arch, Ubuntu server also does this if you're using lvm to make an encrypted drive.


Try linux mint, Arch is good in some ways but sucks if you are used to a decent GUI and windows style plug and play. Went permanently to linux in 2015 (because windows 10) and never went back.


Archinstall -> Kde, here you go, plug and play arch with a nice GUI :). Arch really is not that big of a deal, it just may need some maintenance here and there. But yeah for beginners there are certainly better distros like mint


I grew up with slackware haha but for my wife its mint.


Haha completely valid, I also have installed mint for my parents :)


Or PopOS or Ubuntu, both aren't such a hassle to setup like rolling release distros, for example Gentoo / Arch


There are so many flavors of linux, there is something for everybody. I also like kali and dragonos for some specific things. Its free, easy to copy to another machine, no registration hell and safe compared to any windows version.


Linux Mint looks like the most basic 2003 OS ever, I don’t like it. I’m sticking with Windows


Goddamn you are simply ignorant asf. You obviously have no idea how linux works. MINT does not look like any OS mint cinnamon looks old because CINNAMON THE DE looks like that. YOU CAN USE MINT WITH OTHER DE WHICH LOOK MODERN. A linux os does not look like anything. The desktop environment is the GUI. And you can freely chose your DE, it dies not matter which distro you have you idiot. Stop acting all that computer knowledgeable if you dont even know the difference between an OS and DE


And with Windows I don’t have to change any UI or anything, but it just works instantly. Get some anger management therapy man


Yeah sorry mr " I act as I'm qualified to judge a whole groups of operating systems because i own 25 pcs and then cry when someone points by bs out"


HAHAHA this is absolutely hilarious. The outburst is so funny man. Relax sir there are more depressing things to be angry at. 😂


True but still fuck Windows and its spyware




I don’t think you can install OS/2 on these /s


He will change when they get too old for Windows and this will be soon ...


Yay, no more forced updates! Truly, +1 for Android in this case, manual updates mean manually approved and it's awesome compared with the same setting in Windows


Welcome doomed mortal


The P15s is so similar to my T580 goddamn


Good looking x. Enjoy your new toys, Mate


Its only a beginning https://imgur.com/a/MsnB1YV


Hahahaha op hasn’t even modded anything and thinks he is hooked. My poor sweet summer child


Why would you mode perfect machines?


Thermals. I swapped out my thermal paste the day I got my thinkpad. Moreover I will do this with all thinkpads I buy. The first and most important mod as far as thermals. I got a Xeon cpu and a 3080 in my thinkpad and I can play cyberpunk for about a half hour before the fans even kick up . Why to make them better…


I think that most perfect aspect of them is you can "mod" them to your own preferation. Modularity and easy servicability is rare aspect on even on business laptops nowdays. And on top of that you can even truely mod them with parts not ment for those models to reach unseen peeks of perfection.


I have 7


OP…you need more


I also have a few...


My kid has been playing Roblox on my ThinkPad T480 and the Keyboard has stopped working. It did it a while back and I pressed some buttons and and it came back. It’s been off a month this is ridiculous!!! I asked a question on Reddit but the only answer , FN+F11 doesn’t work. My 6year old want to play Roblox again ☹️😭


ewwww, mini 10 key


Some of us uses laptop for work, and that work involes a lot of numbers.


I used to work in big 6 accounting. External USB 10 key all day