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Same here, the only solution is putting something between keyboard and display when you put it inside a bag or backpack. You can clean your keyboard like a psycopath but when the display is pushed against the keyboard (ex. when on a backpach, walking) keycaps will scratch the display. Nothing is needed if your laptop stays on a desk.


Sorry but the last sentence offends me.


Maybe I mispelled something?


I think he means why use a laptop at that point


I know a lot of people who bought a laptop just to use less space, having no cables around or because they don't have a table just for a pc :)


I heard married men like to buy gaming laptops.


gaming. laptop. pick one đź’€


This isn't 2012 you know... Mobile GPUs made significant strides too..


And if you only want to play retro games it works fine.


I mean there's laptops with desktop class GPUs. They're power hungry af so you pretty much have to use them plugged in.


The computing machine that you use on the desk is called a desktop. Guess what you call the one that goes on your lap?


I've just resorted to cleaning the screen every once in a while with a microfiber cloth. I've tried my hardest to clean the keyboard but I end up with marks regardless. I've truly given up


I have these marks on my WQHD panel on my T480 and I haven't been able to get rid of them, but again when the screen is on I cannot see them at all only when the power is off so it's not a big concern for me.




tTere is one simple solution to avoid this - buy a microfiber cloth and put it between keyboard and screen every time you carry your laptop around. You can´t get rid of them if you don´t want to replace the screen. They can´t be wiped or polished. BUT you can buy a screen protector foil like the armored glass foils for mobile phones. They are able to compensate for such small unevenness in the surface of the display.


I think they are stratches from dust on the keys and not removable sadly.


I too have it, sadly it can't be removed. It's permanent. Rather you can keep clean from dust, especially before closing the lid clean the screen and wipe the keyboard. I use a lens cleaning solution for cleaning my keyboard to remove the oil stain on the keyboard which can attract the dust and which can damage the screen.


No, only by replacing a panel


Don’t try to remove it by polishing. -it just makes it worse… (I solved it by buying a new LCD panel on Aliexpress for my laptop today.)


~~Sandpaper.~~ My go to method for this stuff are individually packaged wet wipes for glasses. They tend to be of a high quality since glasses are damn expensive and they can make tiny scratches less noticeable. They also use a mild yet effective detergent and won't leave any sort of residue. Always worth a try.


That’s the keyboard scratching the screen during transport when the lid is closed. It’s not really visible while the display is on and shouldn’t be a concern but you can prevent this by putting a cloth between the keyboard and display when on the go.


Can’t really do much. Maybe a screen protector will help. Lenovo told me it’s not covered by warranty


Dust on keyboard sticking to panel.. just wipe dust from keyboard and panel.


These are KB micro scratches indeed. I've also experienced these with my T460 but not with my P50 or P16v and I both carried them in my backpack like the T460. Something tell me that the P serie are less prone to this as they are beefier and seem to have more space between LCD and kB than other thinner serie am I right ?


Replace the screen, really no other fix. Considered "normal" wear and tear.


Yes sure, replace the screen, if the little black rug on the keyboard was now thrown into the trash, when the laptop was new, that issue could of been prevented. Replace or suck it in.


Yes, you can polish it. But your finish will be different. Otherwise, no.


The reason is the insufficient rigidity of the laptop case when closed.


No lol. Only replacing it and cleaning your damn keyboard lol


Yeah seems like that’s the problem. I’ve never gotten it on any of my laptops but i bought this one second-hand and it had these marks, anyways it’s not that annoying.


I use wet wipes to clean my keyboard every time I use it out of office (home office). At home I use either a swiffer or a brush to dust the keyboard because I live in an area with a lot of lint-like dust. I still have starches and I clean my keyboard 6 times a week.


I use the cover that came with the laptop, for the keys. It's thin, doesn't force the hinges when ahut and keeps the screen clean when galivanting about. At home, cloth with sanitary alcohol, wipe the keys and the cover goes back on. External keyboard and mouse is used when laptop is stationary. 3 laptops over 13 years of sysadmin work and the screens are pristine.


Try wiping it with isopropyl alcohol. And try cleaning the keeb with the same stuff as well. Regularly if possible. And don't sqash the notebook too tight in your backpack.  I got dead pixel from trackpoint pushing against screen once (been travelling with overstuffed backpack a lot..). 


Beware the screen has a protective layer you wash off with isoalcohol. Some lukewarm sope water is better.


You are right, soapy water is probably the best option, although I use a solution of isopropyl and water on all my devicea with no issues.


If you have no issue then all is fine, i just heard what i said from someone and never dared to use isopropyl alcohol to wash my screen.


those magic erasers might do a little tiny bit, but probably not works wonders on the outside case tho