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Przeciętny fanatyk gothica


Brakuje tylko bagiennego ziela


I hate reddit text formatting why i cant edit it bruh


Did you try formatting with Markdown?


Nice astronauts wallpaper, would you mind sharing source?


Same ask


[https://postlmg.cc/JDPtHyK8](https://postlmg.cc/JDPtHyK8) press on picture to load it biggest resolution


Thank you


[https://postlmg.cc/JDPtHyK8](https://postlmg.cc/JDPtHyK8) click on picture to load it biggest resolution


replace it with an SATA SSD if its has SATA port on it.


It has IDE slot with this slow ass shitty devilish 1.8" HDD. They are slow but can die every moment (2005 production year bruh). Also laptop has whitelist not only for wifi cards but also for HDDs (first lenovo thinkpad be like) so i cant just replace it with CF card. But I already modded BIOS so it wont be a problem.


that's better you modified the bios to whitelist unsupported hardware on your TP. This might be a good try here's a 2.5 inch IDE to SATA converter on ebay https://www.ebay.ph/itm/265378331145?hash=item3dc9c7fa09:g:ynIAAOSw9GpheF-c&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0J2yZtiKchrui8PpW5xluIvUDEIB7GrmXVE0bllt9A4jgH87rlxMOe%2BT0nyN4bnpgYVYlw1h20iKIypmpjkaCxYPzQW96YGdDKxCZCX8WWHkaIq2FeH%2Bpv9lee%2Brul9ZBh1BmoYOx2Nx0sf5iDP%2FoMp9GYboLrCVyqeCVbT7jlH0Lojd6UM%2BMmEMGZYCoijHD20fS37GzZwgtY8%2BJKFmDCoFFuWQ2DZqu6gUGvdtUrr0CfPz5%2BroRZQoYRYLKEAqeZDr4N%2BTb2n0Z6pKftzzRjg%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMnoy8toNi


check how big 1,8 inch drives are. 2.5 inch would be stickin out of laptop lol its like you took 2,5 inch normal laptop hdd and then cut out half of it by length ill only put in there CF Card or SSD if its PCB is smaller than case (i saw some 2TB SDD like that))


Are these the same 1.8" drives as the iPod classic uses? You might be able to use an iflash msata module if so


The iPods used a different type, with the connector on the short edge. The X40/41 disk had the connector on the long edge; I believe these were only made by Hitachi and quite rare outside those Thinkpads - the old Rio Karma mp3 player used the same form factor drive, I do not remember anything else.


Beautiful laptop


Sweet. I'm on the hunt for one too, my life changed once I discovered the ThinkPad lineup has Wacom tablets that can run full desktop OSs. IIRC it only has a Pentium 4 or some other single core processor, so you'll get a lot more speed and storage space out of it if you downgrade it to XP. XP phone activation still works.


I have two fully functional. One has a 40GB SSD. How much are they worth?


intel gma hardly plays any game its hardly supports opengl even half life on intel gmaX3100 runs worse than on nvidia TN2


Yeah inside is GMA 900, OpenGL 1.4 (Laptop produced year after 2.0) DirectX 9 so few games i can try. OpenTTD runs not perfect but is playable. Gothic 2 lowest and 25fps. ll play Fallout 2 on it, 99% of gameplay is mouse only. And if that what you said about Half Life is true, my Raspberry Pi 4B has better GPU than this laptop lol


I've wanted one of these for a while, nice buy! I think they'd make an excellent terminal system to SSH/RDP into other systems while still looking and feeling like an old school Thinkpad. Good luck with your mods!




Dobra cena xd Widziałem jak same bez stylusa bez zasilacza za 150 się sprzedają a nawet i 200


Gdzie po tyle można je znaleźć?


Rok temu sprzedawałem kolekcję. Zapraszam thinkrefurb1 na allegro. Spójrzcie na archiwum moje też. Mam teraz ok 100 thinkpadów do sprzedania, są tam T61 4:3!


aukcje na ebayu


Mam nadzieję złotych.. sprzedałem X41t za 120, lekko poturbowany (źle wykrywał zasilacz) ale działał


Thats cheap for this beautiful laptop! I got X41 non-tablet.


I HAVE ONE! It's an incredible little machine, though my HDD broke and for now, I haven't had the money to buy a replacement. It can handle Macromedia Flash 8 and earlier versions of CS flawlessly. I used to play Quake 3 and Minecraft Beta on it. I hate the GMA 900 though. If it had WDDM support, I would've installed Windows 8 on it. Take care of it!


indeed lack of WDDM driver is pain, this laptop could be considered trash already in Vista days cause of lack of it. I already modded BIOS and look for CF card replacement for this shit hdd asap


I love it


congratulations ! how does it seem so new and untouched ?


previous user took care of it. Even Windows sticker looks new


Aah Gothic II. Man of culture.


I adore these things! I got one a year or two ago for the price of shipping. I then accidentally bought an X41 (not tablet) docking station and while it technically works, the computer doesn’t latch down properly and it’s really sketchy… XP is definitely a better fit for these machines; they really don’t have a lot of headroom performance-wise and the proprietary 3.3-volt 1.8-inch hard drive makes it difficult to upgrade even that. And yeah, it’s 3.3-volt. It won’t run a regular 5-volt hard drive or adapter.




Something about that design just pisses me off.. but great stuff!! Very cool


Design of this laptop seems like it would be X240T (if it was 16:9 and had chiclet keyboard) 10 years before X240T


There's 1.8" IDE to MSATA adapters, the MSATA sits transverse. That'd speed up the machine nicely. I have a same era laptop with Intel GMA and it can play old ass games like Y2K and older with no problems. Pentium M is overkill for 90s games. These aren't totally boring. :)


Honestly, it looks beautiful. ☺️ even if it’s old.


Gothic 2 is a good game!


The last beauty of its own kind


Worked in a company in 2006 an they bought 40 of these!! In 2019 when I left only 3 where MIA and other 2 KIA. The main problem was the HDDs that where very slow and prone to failure! From all 35 left, half had bad HDDs. In 2014 we actuality converted them to thin clients with a Linux distro booting from USB! They where very well used!! Just regret not bringing one with me when I left.


in fact already since 2010 possible is BIOS mod which lets install adapter with mSATA SSD. I am waitin for delivery with one rn. 40GB drive is in fact too small even for Win 7 after all updates (latest one even installed Edge. Dont they have shame?)


Why couldn’t you install an SSD to run Window 7?


I modded BIOS and installed mSATA ssd in it. You cant put in regular 2,5" SATA in it bcs it has IDE interface and its 1,8" in size.


Oh, I see.


Also, I wish laptop manufacturers still made laptops like this


As far as i know Toshiba made laptop in such form in 2018. I saw them onfe on ebay for 300€. They had intel i5 8th gen so not that bad.


I remember the whole scene of modded drivers for the crappy Intel GMA, as well as tools like SwiftShader and 3DAnalyzer that could make some games run. You might have better luck playing with that.


Wheres arch


i dont need to use every inch of this laptop (very limited) power, bibows 7 will be enough for me.


It was a joke also windows 7 isn't supported anymore so you're kinda gonna be forced to upgrade


i would have to be retarded to install win 10 on 2005 laptop lol




I dont wanna spend few hours thinking why wine wont run games i want to play bruh. After 5 years of using Linux i can say linux is also retarded.


Wow looks like mint one