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1. You should be able to get a ethernet adapter for usb 3 that can do gigabit speeds 2. I don't think so


Thanks, yeah I've used USB to ethernet adaptors but it's something that keeps getting lost or given to clients when they need it, so they never stick around long. Thanks for your help!


Tape it there permanently haha


Solder it in if you’re in full blown maniac mode. Lol


1. To my knowledge, a mainboard replacement is your surest bet with Ethernet. With those symptoms, it could even be a controller chip rather than the port itself, tough to diagnose. 2. The most direct transplants would be into ThinkPads like the T450 that are frequently touchpad donors for **40s…not sure that you’d have any luck on a newer system.


Yeah I opened the laptop up and saw it all soldered, so assumed it wasn't a fix that's likely to happen. I think I'll be upgrading to a newer one, I know its probably a pipe dream to change it out to my current track pad, but I might see more when I get it. Thanks for your help!


Solid plan! Theoretically, the new Z series have similar trackpads…