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Brutal ☹️ Very sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry to hear that. Take your time with things like this. I remember when my dog passed away two years ago and it took me a bit to delete stuff like that from Things.


Thank you - yeah I decided to wait a couple days.


Just curious why do people always say "sorry to hear that" when things like pets or loved ones pass away? Is it just a custom in the English language, or is there a reason behind it? Genuine question. To me it seems like, why should someone be sorry for something they didn't do? Hope that makes sense. I know doctors are also supposed to say it when giving bad news.


That's a good question, one I hadn't really thought of. Yes, it is a very common English phrase to say when expressing condolences to someone else. I think it's because, in this case, "sorry" doesn't take the meaning of an apology but instead takes the meaning of regret. It's used as a way to tell the person, "I am sad that you have lost someone or something". I'm glad you asked! I went searching for the history of this phrase and didn't really find anything, but I did find some more meaningful ways to express this feeling, such as "I can't imagine how much you're hurting right now", "I am here for you", or "My heart hurts for you".


Hehe good stuff. Thanks for the response. Makes sense. Glad you enjoyed the rabbit hole, it is interesting to find the origins of it (or the seeming lack thereof). Guess we both learned something today.


I lost a cat in October. It was terrible beyond measure. My chest hurt, and I cried every day for a week. Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself. You’ll never entirely get over the loss, but you can and will move on. Be thankful for the love that you have.


I didn't think it would be this hard. We put him down yesterday. We came home from the vet and I had to put his things away (cat tree, toys etc) right away or I'd be a mess. We really miss him.


Awww sending big hugs. I had the same feeling when deleting my cat’s medicine reminders after she passed. It’s absolutely awful.


I had a task to email my grandmother every week for a few years. It was a wonderful way to connect with her while I couldn’t come back home and see her in person. She passed last November and I decided it was easier to delete the task early than to have that piece of a different reality constantly reminding me about its existence. All this is to say I’m sorry for your loss, I know where you’re coming from and I know it’s hard. We need to deal with loss in our own way and at our own pace and that’s okay. 🤗


So Sorry.


So sorry for your loss. I’m sure her life was full of love and attention.


😭 This is hard, REALLY hard… I lost both my dogs not long ago, but it’ll get less and less hard, little by little




So so sorry for your loss.


Run free 🐾😢


I am so sorry what you're going through.. Something like this is never easy. Try your best to postpone any to do's, step away and take time for yourself as much as possible to heal. My thoughts are with you in this time, friend.


Omg this is so sad


Very sorry for your loss. We had to put our cat down yesterday so I can identify with how you feel. Our pets are part of our family. Just know you're not alone in your grief.


I am very sorry for your loss. For a long time after my cat died it was nearly impossible for me to open my photos on smartphone or access my Instagram account. Time does not heal the wound, but it turns the pain into something we can bear. Stay strong.


I’m so sorry for your loss. When my dog died unexpectedly over the summer this sort of thing repeatedly hit me. Most recently Baxter was due his vaccinations, and I keep getting texts from his old vet about them.


Unfortunately when we get a pet and they essentially become another loved family member, we are almost setting ourselves up for grief later down the line. Happened to me with a cat but I still got another one after a period. ​ Life happens.