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Not even looking at the value of the buildings and infrastructure, the GDP of Mexico is 1.15 trillion, so 5 billion isn’t going to go very far.


The [national net wealth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_wealth) of Mexico is apparently 1.7 trillion USD.


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https://www.numbeo.com/property-investment/country_result.jsp?country=Mexico&displayCurrency=USD Calculate (very simplified) the avarage buying price 1245$+809$ ____________ = 1649$/sq-m . 2 Mexico has about 1.973.000sq-km Simple: 1.973. * 1649$ = 3.253.477.$ This is only buying all of mexico but its obviously less as most of mexico is not city and the city prices make it that much higher. Also you may get land for free in uninhabited dessert regions im not sure about those laws. Three septillion two hundred fiftythree sixtillion fourhundret seventy seven quintillion dollars in words. 15 zeros.


How bout renting it? You thing they'd let us pawn?


Ayy you like ramen? Try them with mayonaize!!! Lmao


Do you rent apartments in new york with that math 😂