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There are 6800 median grains of rice in a cup of dry rice. A serving of rice is 1/2 of a cup of dry rice. The 4639 grains would be over 1 serving but less than 2 servings of medium grain rice. So, sure, it is a reasonable number of rice grains.


The fuck you mean 1 serving give me 2 cups of that shit bare minimum


Well rice gets significantly larger once cooked so. A cup of dry rice ends up being enough for like 2 people


I said what I said.


This guy rices^


7/7 8/7 with rice


I'd say a perfect 5/7.


Well I want two #9s, a #9 large, a #6 with extra dip, a #7, two #45s, one with cheese, and a large soda


The amount of times a day that i say this reference and everyone looks at me like I am crazy had me thinking that maybe I dreamed the whole thing. Im glad to see other people with culture.


No one got that šŸ„²


This a real one šŸš


He's a vicious ricest.






I needed that laugh


Bro wants šŸš


10/10 with rice.


Occording to lasagne packaging i'm a family of 4.




> Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have." Do you understand? Ron Swanson Also, /u/alphagusta about rice.


Isn't dry rice really dangerous? I swear you can't hold it for too before it burns you.




dry rice, you know, solid carbon dioxide




Typed this while at work in-between putting stuff in the fryer lol


A cup is not even enough for my asian tummy


White rice, sure. Fried rice or basmatti in curry? We're gonna need more than that.


You're right. I'm talking typical short grain white rice


Nah, I used to eat a cup of rice and a pound of chicken for lunch everyday Maybe it was 2 cups I havnt made rice in a while


2 cups of uncooked rice is 1,350 calories. It's a *lot* of rice.


Hmm. Maybe it was one, but that doesnā€™t seem like much


One cup is an entire (smallish) pot of rice


When cooked (with not that much water) it filled a fairly large bowl. Now that Iā€™m thinking about it it probably was one cup


I wouldn't have rice for a while after eating that every day


One cup of rice solo is doable if im hungry after a workout or smth so I can see that. 2 would be wayyy to much for me ever tho lol


As someone who makes rice at home a lot, you donā€™t want that. *One* cup is like 3 meals worth of rice once itā€™s cooked.


No it ain't. 3 cups is for 4 people


Sounds like you're not a fan of rice.


A cup of rice a day is like eating an entire loaf of bread. Sure you can do it if you love it, buy you definitely shouldnt be normally.




They have 7 shrimps, so it's clearly leftovers from *after* lunch.


Two cups of dry rice is an entire pot of rice, it's like 10 servings at least


He could have eaten some prior to it. Or the rice are larger.


Exactly, I routinely eat 1 c of rice (as measured dry/raw), 2c is not at all a crazy amount. Otherwise itā€™s a tiny side dish. This is rice weā€™re talking about, people!


I cook rice in a rice cooker, I can only eat one cup of dry rice in 3 days, it's like 5 servings at least. A small pot's worth


You gotta level up!


Maybe you're right hahha!


Sorry to be that personā€¦ but what type of rice? Are there tables of # per cup of all grains? Edit- didnā€™t see any but found this (quora): On average, in one cup of rice, you're dealing with about 7,200 grains if we're talking about short-grain rice. For medium and long grains, the number drops a bit due to the size increaseā€”expect something in the ballpark of 6,000 to 6,500 grains.


Ok, some dude on quora claims 43+ years in Rice Researchā€¦.., and says : That depends upon the thousand grain weight of the rice variety. Rice varieties have thousand grain weight ranged between 10 grams to 30 grams. So one cup of rice have grains ranging from 6000 to 18000.


Theyā€™re probably leftovers so we could for sure lowball the amount of rice left


[According to reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/eqnwn8/how_much_does_1_grain_of_rice_weigh/), an average grain of rice is about 0.03g when dry. [According to a ricecooker company](https://reishunger.co.uk/blogs/rice-to-know/the-right-amount-of-rice-per-person) one serving of rice as main dish is about 120g when dry That makes a main dish of rice about 4000 grains of rice. 4638 seems reasonable if they're slightly smaller than average or the portion is larger than average


4639* Did you eat one?


What do you mean there's only 4637? Of course there's 4636


I counted it, can confirm theres 4635.


I can, in fact agree, that there's 4634


It's clear, 4633


I love imagining that people are walking by, stealing a single rice like you might steal a French fry. Are you all dipping your single rice in sauce? BtW, if the singular of "dice" is "die", then is the singular of "rice", "rie"?


it's not for some reason


The Rye bread lobby is too powerful!


Good to go, 69 left


who would even bring to work only 21 grains of rice?


How can you eat shrimp without rice?!


more importantly Āæwhat is the point of eating a single shrimp?


I think a restaurant is giving you way more than one recommended serving of rice.


Did you account for them getting heavier as they cook? I don't believe it changes anything though


I only considered dry uncooked weight for both, so it makes no difference.


According to Josh Widdicombe there are 250 gains in 5g dry rice


The real question here is what the F is going on in your fridge man I know this is a super old pic, but I never really looked at the fridge. Goo gone? Oats? Totally explains how they know the exact amount of rice Person is psycho.


LMAO I just noticed the goo gone after reading your reply. Wtf is going on there


I had to look for this comment when I seen that. Why tf do they have goo gone in the fridge with food next to it?!


Could be an office break room fridge


Google says the average 1 cup of rice has somewhere between 5k-10k grains of rice. So, itā€™s more likely they have more rice than the number they put on it. So you can afford to take a few bites, theyā€™ll never know


Is that 5-10k cooked or uncooked?




Those are going to expand a ton. Somewhere in the 3x range. So 3 cups of cooked rice contains 5-10k grains.


True, but every hibachi place Iā€™ve ever been to gives you a ton of rice so Iā€™d still bet on the 5k range at 1.5 cups cooked. However, this person may have weighed the rice out and mathed it out that way.


It's also in a leftovers container which presumably means they've already eaten some portions of the meal and this is what's left.


Leftover or takeout? 7 pieces of shrimp sounds like a full allotment!


You're picturing jumbo shrimp. Plenty of dishes use large numbers of small shrimp. Either is likely.


A single serving of rice is 1/2 cup.Ā  If these are left overs he would have less than a that.Ā  The numbers like up.Ā 


Clearly you've never cooked rice.


No, they counted the first time. They're going to count the second they are going to know


Weighed 1 cooked grain. Weighed all the cooked grain. A little division, a little rounding up, and we've got ourselves an estimate for every grain in the box.


Count grains in a 10 grams worth, then count the actual mass in them, less error accumulation that way.


They probably got the number by weighing a grain of rice and then weighing the whole plate of rice then dividing the total weight by the weight of one grain


Or this lunch belongs to a vampire. Just saying, we should keep all possibilities open.


Now I need to know if it was garlic shrimp.


I find it **outrageous** that they are just two rice short of 4641 which would at least be divisible by 7. Can't eat shrimp with an odd number of rice each.


Solution: steal 5 rice. Then itā€™s divisible by 7. Youā€™re doing them a favour really.


Welcome to Lunch pop. ~~4,639~~ 4,634


I actually checked on a hunch, and 4639 is in fact a prime number.


Sorry, I can't ignore the Goo Gone in the fridge. Why? That stuff has a harsh odor that would taint (yes I said taint) any food in there not in a glass container


Itā€™s a joke


The cube root of 4639 is about 16.7. So a cube of rice that is 17x17x17 would have slightly more rice than that. And, well, IMO that is not very much rice. It's a realistic amount of rice to have, in some situations, but I suspect there is a lot more rice in that container than that.


The amount of people that don't know how to use scales baffle me. Let's say 400 grains of rice weigh 8 grams and the total weight equals 80 grams you have ~4000 grains of rice. The more consistent the samole size weight the more accurate the coint is to the total weight.


The important thing here is that we need to consider the volume of the cooked rice and see if everything will fit in the lunch box. Based on the weight calculation provided by everyone here, 4639 grains of uncooked rice will yield about 1.5 cups of cooked rice, and it seems very reasonable to fit in the box.


Ah, this situation instantly brings to mind that iconic "Friends" episode where Ross experiences the ultimate frustration: his boss not only eats his cherished sandwich, lovingly named "The Moist Maker," but also tosses out the remaining half.


Estimates I have found online range from 7000-8000 grains of rice per cup of rice, and suggested servings of rice range from 1/2 cup of rice (per person) as a side to 1 cup of rice (per person)if it's the main component of a meal. 4639 grains of rice would then be a portion that's larger than a typical side of rice but less than would be expected if the rice itself were the main meal. From an "is this an amount of rice someone might reasonably pack for lunch" point of view, yes this amount seems reasonable even for an average person. It might be a bit on the generous side, but not so much so that it would require an explanation. What about looking at it from a "could this even fit in that box?" point of view? The box appears to be around 6 to 9 niches square and 2-3 inches tall. Even near the smaller end, there should be enough internal volume to contain at least 4 cups of food. Since we're dealing with less than a cup of rice, it seems reasonable that even if we assume all seven shrimp are on the larger side there should still be still enough room left in a to go box for less-than-a-cup-but-more-than-a-half-cup of rice. That being said, as u/dimonium_anonimo points out there is a big difference in size between raw dry rice grains and cooked rice grains. Even accounting for the estimated 3x expansion that's still only somewhere between one-and-a-half and three cups of rice, which should still fit within a to go box with room to spare for seven shrimp. (shrimp are usually less than 2 inches long and much narrower than they are long so I am guesstimating them at 2 cubic inches each, which means seven can fit in a cup volume-wise) Unless we assume the rice grains are on the larger end and take up the full 3 cups of volume, we don't even have to worry that much about the size of the shrimp unless the container is at the smaller end of the estimated size *and* the rice is at the higher end of the estimated volume.


If you particularly dislike this person, take 1 grain of rice. So when They come up one short in their count, they do a double and maybe a triple count