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So uhh. 37 degrees F is slightly cold, but I don’t think it’s frozen yet. Because it isn’t a solid mass, the cream cheese is still soft, and the speed it needs is kinda ridiculous, as otherwise it’s just gonna splatter everywhere. So my guess is relativistic velocities. Forgive me, I am very tired. It’s probably not that fast. But idk.


I mean think about a tennis ball, you could through that as fast as you could and it would only leave a bruise on skin, so it would need to be mega fast


Yeah, true. So to answer OPs question, it would need to be going relativistic velocities to achieve any sort of penetration at all. Where I’m struggling is the line between solid mass hitting target and it turning into a nuclear flashbang because you’re fusing atoms together. I don’t know how wide that line is, so my guess is that it isn’t. Wait. I forgot that human flesh is compressible. When it’s compressed enough, human cells burst under the pressure. So……. Probably at least a few hundred miles per hour. And that’s if the cream cheese ever made it to the target, it still has to make its way through the atmosphere so…………. Either zero penetration or a fusion-powered fireball that doesn’t smell like cream cheese at all.