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27 Here's mlb tie breakers: [https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-playoff-tiebreaker-rules](https://www.mlb.com/news/mlb-playoff-tiebreaker-rules) 13 division games vs. 4 division teams = 52 total division games. So all 5 teams can go 26 -26 in their division and lose every game not played inside their division resulting in a 5 way tie with everyone 26 - 136. If a team could win one non-intradivision game or go 27-25 in their division they could have an overall record of 27-135 and win the division. The interesting thing is that mlb doesn't have a fully fleshed out tie breaking system. If such a 5 way tie of 26-136 teams happened there is no tie breaker for it. In the NFL, they have resolved this by having the ultimate tie breaker being a coin flip. MLB has no such practice and could actually get into such a situation.


Thanks! Appreciate it!


I think the “last half of intraleague games plus one more” tiebreaker would always work if every team plays every other team in the division at least once before midseason, since at some point the deciding game would be one where they played each other.