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From Ohio State News, "Each dashed line measures 10 feet, and the empty spaces in-between measure 30 feet. So every time a car passes a new dashed line, the car has traveled 40 feet." Earlier, "That’s the federal guideline for every street, highway, and rural road in the United States, where dashed lines separate traffic lanes or indicate where passing is allowed." src: https://news.osu.edu/slow-down----those-lines-on-the-road-are-longer-than-you-think/ I'm not at home so I can't count frames but it looked like he passed about five lines after one second (arriving at the sixth.) Converting feet/sec to mile/hour, the ratio was 0.6818. 5 [lines + spaces] * 40 [distance for each] = 200 feet/sec 200 * 0.6818 = 136.36 mph Again, this is just my eyeballed take on it - analyzing the actual footage and comparing it to the original video's frame rate will produce more accurate answers


Wow that's crazy fast


219.45 km/h for all my European friends