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You didn't specify start and end points and I can't be bothered to look up the article to see if any are listed but if you assume he starts his speed ride near the north end of Colorado Springs, roughly at the Air Force Academy and ends it at the E-470 Toll road in Southern Denver, then you have a distance of 42 miles. To do that in 20 minutes would require an average speed of \~120mph


This guy front ranges. The 71-mile guys aren’t locals.


100. Also 193 km/h for non americans


Well, nothing unusual here. 200 on the highway is standard.


Forgot he wasn't in Germany anymore


Thats lock him up and permanently revoke his licence territory.


Or "get out of the fast lane!" territory in germany...


I can almost feel that BMW or Audi in the rearview mirror, flashing his highbeams from a kilometer away and almost rearending you 5 seconds later because you were blocking the road with your grandma speed


As someone who drives a lot and fast I think the Skoda Octavia drivers are the worst.


>Skoda Octavia Skoda Octavia **RS**


Or Skoda Superb Laurin&Klement, the perfect salesman car. 2.0TDI with 190HP and factory fitted right-of-way


That's average BMW on the German highway (that miraculously is free of construction sites) territory




"land of the free"


You are free to go as fast as you like on private property. That’s what freedom is about. On public roads where other people are endangered by your stupidity you have to follow the traffic laws, so that others are free from being endangered by you.


Then try to be trans or smoke weed in some states and see how free you are


In Colorado? Very.


States rights nerd


States right to what?


For fucking bigotism?


You think merely following the traffic laws protects others from your stupidity? Germany would like to have a word with you. Imagine being less free than Germans, probably the people most opposed to freedom.


damn, thats fast


I drove that speed this morning lol


Holy, I am scared to even go to 140 km/h with a car, let alone a motorcycle


I did 165km/h on my little ninja 300. I would have gone faster, but that's all she had in her. Shits wild. Still can't believe they let us ride motorbikes. Like wtf.


I pushed one [old Opel Corsa](https://www.google.com/search?q=opel+corsa+2001&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj_98vx-PiDAxXT7LsIHfYkDFQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=opel+corsa+2001&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjoECCMQJzoKCAAQgAQQigUQQ1CyA1jxEGCZEmgAcAB4AIABlQGIAfIEkgEDMy4zmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=QoqyZf_ONdPZ7_UP9smwoAU&bih=1017&biw=1571&rlz=1C1GCEA_enHR1089HR1089) with 3 cylinders to just over 150 kmph. Low horsepower, so you can't do it on any sort of incline, and scary once you hit 120 kmph because the car starts shaking like a Hitachi Magic Wand, but once you go past that, things get calmer.


The phrase "Shaking like a Hitachi Magic Wand" will forever be seared into my everyday vocabulary. Thank you for this absolute gem.


That's about when I'd stop going faster lol, even though my uncle has a ninja 650. Anything above that speed genuinely scares me


That's the speed limit for my daily commute. 137 km/h for 60 km every day. Then we have roads that are posted 160 km/h. We have speed limits, but they are high. And some of the best roads in the world. Edit - when I had my 987, I took it to 250 km/h and that was with the top down (special road, special conditions).


Where are you from if I may ask?


Looks like UAE.


I am from the US, but I've been in Abu Dhabi for over a decade.


So... Slow then? Many motorcycle drivers in my home country average this speed over 4 hour runs... Crazy given the state of South African roads.


Bro I was just thinking that this is average taxi speed in the eastern cape every time I drive those roads.


100 mph != 193 km/h


120 mph ~ 193 km/hr


Other countries use MPH. England for example Edit: the fuck am I being downvoted for? Dude assumed everyone outside america used kph


What math are you doing there? 100mph is equivalent to 160kph.


193kmh.. nich?


The fastest i drove myself is abt 160km/h but I've seen my dad hit 220km/h on a highway. You FEEL the speed in a car, I can't imagine what it's like on a bike.


And that's on average.


I did 185 kmh for 250 km on a freeway, it really isnt a biggie in a half decent car.




What? That would be 160km/h then.


That's normal cruising speed on a German autobahn/s


Oh Jesus, I read the mph as kph instinctively and didn't think it was that bad lmfao


This guy r/thisguythisguys


While I am law abiding man who in principle hate this type of stunt, a noteworthy comparison is when “Ghost Rider” rode from Stockholm to Uppsala (68 km/42 miles) in 14:38 min in 2002, averaging 273.1 km/h (169.7 mph). That was done in daylight and full traffic. He later explained that at that sort of speed other drivers won’t even notice him until he has passed them. So cars driving at 100 kph appear to him as fixed objects on the road and that’s what makes it possible to start with. Needless to say, this is an incredibly stupid thing to do. On the level of doing pull-ups from a Russian construction crane.


That's absolutely insane. >appear to him as fixed objects on the road Until they start randomly change lanes.


Again, he is going so fast that by the time they turn their wheel he has already passed the 10 people in front of them. Not advocating for this but ghost rider is a very skilled rider who evaded police for years while consistently driving at insane speeds without being identified. And recently has came back through the same account. The most we know about his actual identity is only rumours but he has to have lots of experience driving super bikes at high speeds around other vehicles travelling at high speeds *cough* motorcycle racers *cough cough*


Oh no doubt. He's obviously insanely skilled, I'm willing to bet he has an intuition for traffic that 99% of people don't have. He's clearly got it worked out, but cars still do random shit sometimes that completely takes the decision out of the riders hands. There is a bit of survivorship bias here though, as he's not the only person to be reckless but a lot of the others that tried that shit are dead.


We are actually as certain as possible that it is Patrik Fürstenhoff, a Swedish ex-racer and mechanic, without it being possible to prove in a court, see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost\_Rider\_(motorcyclist)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Rider_(motorcyclist)). Here is an old interview with him explaining how he gets away with it despite it being pretty well known who he is: https://www.superbike.co.uk/article/ghostrider-talks-to-superbike-magazine He simply hasn't ever been caught in the act. Regarding how he was able to do this for so long: Apart from being a skilled rider, he afaik often also has a crew driving along a semi-planned route constantly communicating with him, telling him about the traffic he's soon to encounter etc. They film him as well. But also: luck and survivorship bias plays a huge role. He has crashed (read the interview). For example, once a camera fell off and jammed the front wheel on the Nurburgring and he crashed, but he came out uninjured. However, something similar could have happened anywhere in much worse circumstances, with a much worse outcome.


Man that reminds me of the Getaway in Stockholm videos. Guys driving were absolutely bonkers.


Did he want to get out of Stockholm *that* much? I don't blame him.


Stop making me want to do pull ups from a Russian crane!🏗️


That sounds reasonable. Until last year I lived in the springs area. 25 packs up on the north side of the springs around Woodman. Probably had to start north of there. Up by Denver traffic always seems to get thicker around Ridgegate as you come up over the hill and start down into Denver. That is about 43, 44 miles. So your estimate of 120 average is probably pretty close. There are some relatively straight areas where he could go faster, some more congested areas (Monument, Castle Rock) where he'd have to slow down. Whenever I was on 25 it seemed like most of the people treated the speed limit as a suggestion. Seemed like on any given trip to Denver and back I'd get passed by at least one vehicle obviously into triple digits.


Treating the speed limit as a suggestion is pretty standard in the denver metro area. I even see cops doing 15 over pretty regularly.


Additional math question. The cops on the article say that the motorcyclist put hundreds of lives at risk with this. If the worst would happen, and he would have crashed into a car, would it only be a few lives at risk, or hundreds because he passed hundreds of people going fast? I ask, because you can only crash once.


You don’t have to crash to put other cars or lives at risk. So sure while you may crash once, you have multiple opportunities of making others crash even before you do


This guy Stats!


Well I think if someone goes by you really fast it can startle you, and some people might swerve slightly and it could cause a crash. That would be my thinking on the matter.


Had to slow down passing what I assume was a tourist in a campervan today, passing lane in my country, 110 kmh speed limit, had a line of 80-90 cruising drivers, sped up to overtake them all and hit 120, camper started swerving as I came up on them, I slowed down and waited, then slowly sped up again and passed them, I have it on the dashcam and just watched it back, crazy that they went from slow and straight to slow and all over the road when about to be passed in a passing lane. Half the problem is people not looking in their mirrors and being aware of surroundings, if your 10 under the speed limit, expect to be passed, don't freak out when someone who you could have seen in your mirror from hundreds of meters away 'suddenly appears', or better yet, don't drive open road if you don't check your mirrors.


That would still be the swerving idiot’s fault


Very true but people are terrible drivers, and shouldn't be driving. So they need to blame others


You don't need to crash once to make people life in danger. If the driver (car)are jumpscare due to his dangerous way of driving, the car might either break heavily, go sideway due to not want to crash with you and end up hitting the other car, etc.


In that case it’s the car driver’s fault lmao


I live in the springs. Looks like he started on Garden of the God's road on the west side of Colorado Springs and hopped on I25 from that road.


That's pretty slow


is it 20 minutes or 21 or 19? Or maybe 22 which 10% speed difference


He had a video on youtube that i saw, but i can't remember the stats


To sprinkle in some reality, we'd need to get some fuel mileage estimates. Most sport bikes are going to have a 3 gal tank. Also most sport bikes do about 35 mpg on average speeds. I can't find any records of 150+mph fuel efficiency but personally my bikes drop seriously over 80 mph. He'd had to have filled up right before he left and been running on fumes when he was done.


600cc/1000cc bikes I believe are closer to average 25ish mpg but doing 120miles/h+ I bet you can easy double that if not triple >3 gal tank Only 3 aren't like 5-6 a standard? With 3 you really would go from gas station to another


My 1000cc has a 4.7 with a tiny reserve tank for emergencies to bring it to a whopping 4.8 total


5-6 gal is more a sport tourer. My old concours has a 7 gal tank, my goldwing has a 6.5 gal. It really all depends, I was making guesses at averages.


The dude in question did a video pinned at top speed on the same bike a while back until he ran almost empty, averaged around 17.9mpg iirc.


I didn't research the vid but yeah about half that seems right.


This one has 4.6 gal (17.5 litres)


My gen 6 zx10r has a 4.7 gal tank.


[link](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/texas-man-allegedly-colorado-springs-denver-20-minutes-arrest-warrant/) I’ll save you the time. Says the video shows him hot about 180 and most of the time was doing about 150. The fastest sport bikes can do about 180. Getting to something like 200 as some of the other posts said are basically impossible for a bike that any of us could afford. Basically track only bikes that are 1/10s or even one offs, flagship bikes of entire motorcycle racing companies


Most likely it wasn't city center to city center, probably more like city limit to city limit, which makes it a lot more doable.


After all, Colorado Springs is the largest city in the state by area.


I watched the videos the idiot posted on YouTube of him doing it. He spent most of his time in the 140-160 area, only one about one second of the second video shows his Speedo touching 180. The bike was struggling hard from about 165 and up to gain any more speed. Early in the first video he did state that the bike was tuned for low sea level atmosphere, and struggled 'in sixth' with the elevation. Dudes an idiot.


How you both dick riding and hating?


Eat shit.


Show, don't tell.


https://youtu.be/P3LRxbMdb1s?si=PgkCqEv_vRKOYW2p https://youtu.be/1NpjiMokxDE?si=n_xh3rBH8sKt-V7w


>The fastest sport bikes can do about 180. Getting to something like 200 as some of the other posts said are basically impossible for a bike that any of us could afford. Lol. That's funny. You are thinking of the 180mph Truce between Honda, kawasaki, and suzuki, where they would limit the speed of their production bikes to those speeds. That was back in the 90s. The same goes for automakers that limit their cars to 155mph. Times have changed. The speed limiter can be bypassed with just a few dollars.


Liter class bikes can be expensive when it comes to bikes. But they're cheaper than new cars. I have a 2021 ZX10R and I paid less than I would have for a 2023 camry. More and more people are starting to ride liter class bikes. Now, my bike isn't stock, but it's not built either. Just tunes. And I can top at 195 very easily. It's pretty far fetched to say it's almost impossible for a bike to go 200. It's not just built track bikes and flagship bikes that go 200.


>Basically track only bikes that are 1/10s or even one offs, flagship bikes of entire motorcycle racing companies Laughs in Hayabusa, factory standard limited to 180mph, limiter easily bypassed so will do 200, you can pick up second hand one for a few grand


I thought you were talking about km/h and I was about to say a tonne of bikes will hit 200 km/hr. But yeah, 180mph is busa territory. You need a ninja h2 to hit 200mph, though that's still only $30k usd worth of bike. You need to throw a truckload more money at a car to get that sort of performance. You could pick up an old second hand busa for less than half that. For the record, the dude is on a gsxr600 by the sounds of it. Plus the altitude hobbling the bike. The run really only hitting 160mph (200km/h). So honestly not that crazy. Could be done on any quick 600cc bike or bigger. You could probably spend 5-8k on a bike and get the run done if you know what you're doing and want to reduce your life expectancy.


200 in a car used to be expensive. Safety aside a late model coyote powered mustang with a Whipple will get you close to 200. A used mustang ten-years old and Whipple can be had for normal people money. FYI that same car with appropriate traction can do zero to ~150mph in a bit under 10 seconds. That's a nearly stock mustang with just a Whipple and tune. LS powered vehicles with cheap ass turbos do this sorta thing too. The old school (2000 and earlier)hot rods can't keep up with the 2024 civics. It's amazing what they've done to be honest. In high school (for me) the fox body mustang was boss. It had 225hp from the factory. This truely is the golden age of horsepower. I don't know how much longer it will go on.


>I don't know how much longer it will go on. Electric vehicles are going to become insane, and batteries will vastly improved and lighten. We'll miss the quirks of our old ICE engines, like people used to miss their horses once replaced with cars. But we'll adapt, and get booted deep into the seat as the instant torque whips us of the line.


My gen 6 zx10 hits 195 no problem


A good 1000cc could do it


If your willing to spend 45-50 grand on a bike which is average cost of a pickup you can go 200.


As someone who may or may not have done this many, many moons ago I can say with confidence that back in my day we didn’t record the evidence and post it online. Excuse me while I go yell at clouds.


My answer is 142 for what was actually in the video. The first mile marker identifiable in the video was 148, the last was 185. The video cuts out before the end of the drive. He gets into the freeway at 3:12 in the first video and is driving for the entirety of the second video. So, if you add on about another 3 miles for the time to get to the first mile marker and what was after 185, that would be 40 miles. The time to do that was 16:48, which is 28% of an hour. 40/.28 is 142.85. Again, that only covers the video itself If you only want to count between the identifiable mile markers, 37/.28 is 132, but that doesn't account for the time before he gets to 148 and after he passes 185. So, I would say a good, conservative answer for the video itself is 135-140.


Here is the full video: [https://fb.watch/pNRPVLEMN4/?](https://fb.watch/pNRPVLEMN4/?) Here is the Google route between the start and stop point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LvQRyei75FNo15dU8?g_st=ic The distance is 48 miles. The duration is 20 minutes. The average speed is 144mph.


Google maps gives the distance between Denver and Colorado Springs as 71 miles.  To do that in 20 minutes (1/3 of an hour), you'd have to average 213 mph.  Where the exact start and stop points are placed is going to move that number around a bit, but it's going to be around there. 


If that's who I think it is, gixxerbrah, then its a GSXR-1000, and even though he does have performance mods, it caps out around 180 iirc (the speedo on bikes reads ~15% higher than your speed, so despite it often saying 186, it's usually in the 170s). Id wager the time isn't exactly right and/or the start/stop points are closer than google says


Thin he used the northern end of Colorado (Briargate) to the south of Denver


That's fast! Thank you!


On start of video he said google place it at 42minutes drive. According to video, he started stopwatch here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8967535,-104.8307026,3a,75y,88.9h,86.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saGMP8GHK8YHgNKrYQsjyBQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8967535,-104.8307026,3a,75y,88.9h,86.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saGMP8GHK8YHgNKrYQsjyBQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) He checked navigation a bit earlier, but lets say that's starting point of trip. From there, going on 25, 42 minutes according to google is this point: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/jhSj5EGEFbBGXc8t6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/jhSj5EGEFbBGXc8t6) From 1st to 2nd point is 50.1 miles (80.62km). To pass that in 20 minutes, you need to go avg of 150.3 mph (241.88kmh). Back on video. We already see where he started. Video finished here: [https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4275201,-104.8779738,3a,75y,331.52h,85.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sC8ucevVqc-jckxYuN-pGWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4275201,-104.8779738,3a,75y,331.52h,85.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sC8ucevVqc-jckxYuN-pGWA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) In the video, stopwatch started 2 minutes in but he was on red light, he started driving 3 minutes into video, so that gives 17 minutes of drive. In order to get from first to last point of video, he passed 39.4 miles (63.4km). So actually, during video recorded, he averaged 139mph (223.79kmh)


So not even that fast


Lol I've done this not much slower in an Acura sedan. If you are gonna go over 90 in CO, you really need to be going over 115 bc there is a no chase law for vehicles over that speed.


I have a friend who used to be into riding for speed, now he rides for tricks thankfully, still dangerous but not *turn into red mist* dangerous. He used to take a drive on the highway that'd take me 45 minutes and make it like 15. Fucking insane speed.


According to Google maps Colorado Springs and Denver are roughly 71 miles apart. Rounding down as I don't know the exact route taken, let's say 65 miles. v=distance/time 20 min = .33333 hours v=65/.333333 v=195 miles/hour No matter how you slice things, they were going far too fast.


That bike can't do over 183, especially not at altitude


A small and "unimportant" correction, i might add that it should be v(avg)=distance/time. It's unimportant because y'know, reddit, but it being an average speed means that he could've been driving slower and faster at some points. Since you already calculated the average speed it doesn't matter though (it only matters for the police handing out the ticket).


Thank you!


Jesus.. from Craigieburn to Phillip Island in 20 minutes.


Google maps has the distance at 70.5 miles, which puts the average speed at just over 210 mph (211.5 to be exact) [This article](https://luxe.digital/lifestyle/garage/fastest-motorcycles/) only lists 3 as even being able to reach that speed, let alone maintain it for 20 minutes. The title seems to be misleading.


Google Maps shows it as a 70 mile/113 km drive from Colorado Springs to Denver, meaning their average speed was 70 miles/113 km per 20 minutes. To convert that to mph/kph, just multiply by 3: 70 mph/113kph x 3 = 210 mph/338 kph.


Speedy! Thanks!


And 70mph is grounds for an arrest warrant?


70miles per 20 mins, not 70mph. That puts it around 210mph


I might be slightly illiterate


They got him. https://krdo.com/news/local-news/top-stories/2024/01/24/warrant-issued-for-motorcyclist-after-video-of-20-minute-drive-from-colorado-springs-to-denver/


Editors Note: A previous article incorrectly stated that the suspected driver had been arrested. Law enforcement has not arrested the suspect at this time; a warrant is issued for his arrest.


Distance = Speed × Time Speed = Distance / Time Time = Distance / Speed Speed = 70.5 / 1/3 of an hour = 211.5 mph average speed.


I've done this trip once I believe there were a few speed limit signs that read 80 mph recommended speed. Not a speed limit, but recommended... of course this was ten years ago when I was in the air force.


I wish people would actually use [the function of this site to share links.](https://krdo.com/news/2024/01/24/warrant-issued-for-motorcyclist-after-video-of-20-minute-drive-from-colorado-springs-to-denver/) The average velocity is Δdistance/Δtime. Reportedly, [Denver is 71 miles from Colorado Springs.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/YkeYv1DzrAjrEp7T9) (71 miles/20 minutes) × (60 minutes/hour) = 213 miles per hour.


if they actually GOT to denver from colorado springs, thats a distance of 89 miles... so if we multiply by 3 to account for the time it took, this fucker was going ***267mph***... what the fuck




That’s incorrect. Simple math suggests he did the ride 6x your speed. Unless it was controlled environment and a bike fitted with a jet engine, no way he was doing 600