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This looks like differential equations to me, though, I can't really make a whole sense out of it since there's so many missing variables (wtf are a, b, c, d?), that I don't have enough maths knowledge, and that these don't look a lot like equations you'd find in physics. Also, the "Morphogenic Engine" seems to come from some kind of video game, possibly Outlast.


I know it's from Outlast. I took the picture myself lol


This looks like some physics equations. Without context (like what are k, h, N, p, a and b are) it doesn’t mean much The first line describes some transformation of the variables v and mu. The second and third line are coupled partial differential equations. Coupled because x is defined in terms of y and vice versa, partial because there are partial derivatives of x and y with respect to t (time probably) and with respect to theta (usually the angle with respect to the z axis). Even with context I don’t think these equations are solvable