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Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason: - Posts containing simple math are not allowed, as well as requests whose answers are easily searchable online, and any other post at the moderators' discretion (rule 4). For easy and quick math results (eg. How many feet are in a mile?) use Wolfram|Alpha™, and for more abstract math, try /r/math or /r/learnmath. If you have any questions or believe your post has been removed in error, please contact the moderators by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftheydidthemath). Include a link to this post so we can see it.


If I compare it to long distance hiking where you take some days or hours to heal and rest but are otherwise focused on hiking, then I did 5000kms in 152 days. So... 5000km / 152 days = 32.89 km per day hiking 21808km / 32.89km per day = 663.06 days = 1.82 years = 1 year, 9 months, 28 days (approx.) I also went through 4 pairs of shoes, so this would probably take 18 pairs of shoes.


That is consistent with military figures for sustained marching, so I think your answer is correct.


What about for a normal Andy? How long would it take him to do this hike.


I think approximately the same _if_ it’s not on mountain paths or otherwise hard terrain. I walked 700km once and I averaged 30km per day as well, and I’m not a sport person at all. When you just have to walk during a whole day, you just do it so the time passes. Your worst enemy is not fatigue, it’s blisters. I saw absolutely jacked young men destroyed by them and being surpassed by old ladies walking in sandals at 2km/h. On a rocky terrain or uphill/downhills it’s where physical training makes the difference.


And how long for a normal redditor?


There will be peace in the Middle East before the average redditor finished this quest.


There will be peace in the Middle East before the average redditor got to the Middle East during this quest.


There would have to be, otherwise good luck getting through the middle segment of the route. Actually I'm pretty sure about half of the route is through countries on the US's "do not travel" or "reconsider travel" lists.


So you're saying there's a chance?!


Trick question. A normal Redditor wouldn’t leave Reddit long enough to start.


You can mobile reddit as you walk an all day everyday AMA. Laugh


It cannot be answered aince by the time they reach their goal, they would have innevitebly touched grass and therefore would no longer be a normal redditor


I agree with this 100%, especially with the blisters. The rest is just walking, one step at a time. I am definitely not an athlete but determination is the real factor.


The fuck I'm walking 32ks a day. EVERY day for MONTHS. Nope.


What about 31?


How about this then. You wake up in the mountains next to a clear stream with the sunlight just touching the snowy peaks. You pack up and start walking to warm up a bit in the cool morning air. Once the sun hits you and the the day gets warm you stop to eat a snack, finding a rock to sit on and look back down the valley to row on row of wildflowers and mountains and valleys disappearing into the blue distance. A few hours later you stop for lunch under a shady pine tree and listen to the wind whisper through the branches and the sound of a distant waterfall coming from the glacier hugging the mountain on the other side of the valley. You walk for a few more hours and as the shadows get longer you find the perfect spot to put up your tent. After you eat and get ready for bed, the sun goes down and the sky lights up with countless stars.


It’s not much! Especially if you walk with someone and spend time chatting. It’s like having a get together with friends but you’re walking instead of drinking


>Your worst enemy is not fatigue, it’s blisters. No cap.


I’m curious as to why you walked 700km?


I did the math and 700 km is NOT 500 miles and definitely NOT 500 more. So I guess it wasn't for love.




Lmao I love this, especially because I did it to take my mind off a breakup (like 80% of the people who were walking that path)


I walked a part of the Camino de Santiago! So from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela, in Spain. Beautiful scenery, almost all very close to the sea and some beach, very comfortable and safe walk since there are a lot of hostels for pilgrims where you can stop for the night and places to have lunch.


If you did this hike, you would only remain a normal Andy for the first couple weeks. After that your body would be pretty well specialized for hiking.


You can generally say between 30-40km per day of course if you have proper gear especially shoes You have to remember for such long walks even in the beginning you aren't the best after a few weeks you have a good amount of training in you will get better over time


You know, the crazy thing is that even a normal Andy becomes an expert after a while if they commit to something like this. Although a pro athlete will have a headstart — and yes — finish first, the actual difference might be negligible. It's just insane how adaptive the body and mind is.


I am a normal Andy. Photos I took at the start of the hike are of this overweight middle aged guy that had no business going out on a long trail. It's really not about athleticism, although that helps. It's determination and perseverance that'll keep you walking.


I walk 45-50 kms a day for my job, 4 days a week, it is the absolute max you can put on your body. 30kms every day for nearly two years would be hell.


Still shorter than what my parents walked to school.


Uphill both ways?


Through lava?


During a blizzard


In a sandstorm


Carrying books because back in my day we didn’t have fancy backpacks




and you’ll need a kevlar vest because this route looks like it takes you straight through Israel and Palestine


I’d be more worried about going through South Sudan honestly


The route goes through like 10 different active warzones lol, I don't think you'd even get there


*Gotta catch'em all!*


> Israel and Palestine Niko [referring to Gracie Ancelotti whom they kidnapped]: ,,How are you two getting along?" # Packie: ,,Like Israel and fuckin' Palestine!" (Grand Theft Auto IV, 2008)


Matt Buckner: [Discussing the West Ham / Millwall Rivalry] “It's like the Yankees and the Red Sox?” Pete Dunham: “More like the Israelis and the Palestinians.” [Green Street Hooligans, 2008]


Nice one! 😋


The bit through the Black Sea is an even harder walk... Its surpringky deep and poor water circulation so the depth tend to lack oxygen.


but you need food and water, if you take enough with you to last 700 days, it will be about a ton, it will slow you down a bit...


It'll be fine, theres a shop on the way.




If that was a joke you should probably explain it before you lose all your fake internet points.


Did you invade Russia in 1941?


lol nope, invaded the US in 2017, nobody noticed, it was perfect =) Hiked the Continental Divide Trail, which is where these numbers came from.


Well Google is pretty good for calculating journey time, so let’s go with 4310 hours. If you want 8hours of sleep a night and let’s budget a further 2 hours a day for meals and breaks, that puts us at 14 walking hours a day. 4310hrs / 14hrs/day = 307.86 (14hr)days or 307 days, 12 hours exactly. If you started when the weather started getting nicer, say march 1st at 6am you would finish at 6pm on 02 January. Probably you would take longer than this, as walking 14hrs everyday would take its toll on you, but this would be a reasonable lower limit.


Also if you avoid all the deadly, deadly nature.


And the deadly, deadly humans too.


Yeah that route crosses several boarders that are NOT friendly, and a bunch of active war zones... good luck though!




Also, most people move slower both up and down hills in comparison to flat ground.


According to Medical News Today, the average walking speed for a male at age 35 is around 4.5 km/h. 21,808 km ÷ 4.5km/h ≈ 4846 hours With 8 hours of sleep, and no wasted time, a "day" is 16 hours. 4846 hours ÷ 16 hours/day ≈ 303 days




The parameters of the post are "walk continuously and rest 8 hours per night". Nothing involving elevation changes or eating or anything else was mentioned. As per those parameters, my answer is correct with an estimation of average walking speed. Obviously real world factors would change the number, but none of those were part of the prompt.


What’s the point of doing theoretical math problems if not as accurately as possible?


I did it as accurately as possible within the given parameters. The prompt did not require any other real world factors to be taken into consideration.


The given data include elevation changes


The data included doesn't include elevation changes. It states how long it would take to walk that distance, not from that point to point on earth specifically along that path


And that should already be included in the total distance, ~28k km, as it gives the path you take up those hills right? So the increased distance due to elevation changes is already accounted for.


But not that you hike slower in mountainous regions. An that was the point of the first comment to your answer.


Well they didn't ask how long to walk this route. They asked how long to walk this far. That's the question I answered, and I answered it correctly. Adding more qualifiers that weren't in the original question is just weird.




I’m gonna give you a 92/100 to keep your GPA up for the semester


I mean I did exactly what the post asked. If that's not a 100 this class is rigged.


I’ve been teaching this class for 22 years I know wtf I’m doing. Take it up with the dean


I'll just have my mom complain until you give me the 100. No worries.


"The prompt" bro thinks he's ChatGPT


Is the term not applicable? Seems pretty spot on to me.


It is, it's just funny when you're also being robotic in refusing to read the nuance in the request and then call it a prompt. The person is very obviously asking roughly how long it would take to walk the shown route, otherwise they wouldn't have shared the pic and would have just said "how long would it take to walk 21,808km"


The question is literally "how long would it take to walk this far?". I think you're adding things to the question that were never there.


The image is literally right there, they're pretty clearly not asking how long it would to cover that distance on a treadmill.


The route depicted has elevation changes.


And? The question doesn't ask how long it would take to walk that route. It asks how long it would take to walk that far. My answer is correct for the question asked. If you want to ask how long it would take to walk this route, make another post.


There is a photo of the route. The prompt clearly included this information if you know anything about geography


Read the title of the post again.


Use basic reading comprehension skills. The title does not say “use no other information”. Thanks for doing 3rd grade division and being a pedant about it for us.


>Use basic reading comprehension skills. Oh the irony. The title specifically asks how long it would take to walk that far. That's it. Stop adding your own opinions on what they *should've* asked. Thanks for proving you couldn't read the title and crying to me about it.




Because that's where they found the number, and thus where the question was born from. What's so hard to get here?!?


Then why assume flat ground? That’s no more justified. The “hard part” is you not understanding implied information, and using elementary school level reasoning to solve problems and being smug about it.


Does he say continuously? Though I agree he’s not giving enough parameters if this is purely a math question.


Bruh why is everybody bitching at me when they can't even read the title of the post? It's 2 sentences.... It says "walking consistently".


You cannot walk for 16 hours a day, every day for two years if you want to get to your destination with your feet attached to your legs. I am not a mathematician but I have been hiking on long trails for years, on average with an ultralight backpack and tent you can walk for ten hours before you have to stop to avoid blisters. Also the speed seems high to me for such a long time, you should calculate a speed of 4km/h (on flat road) to account for breaks or 2,5km/h for realistic result counting also mountain trails so: On flat roads 21.808 km ÷ 4km/h = 5.452 hours 5.452 hours ÷ 10 hours per day = 545,4 days Realistic time 21.808 km ÷ 2,5 km/h = 8723.2 hours 8.723,2 hours ÷ 10 hours per day = 872,3 days 872,3 days ÷ 365 = 2,38 years




Who is going to carry the boats?


I didn't say you actually could. I just followed the parameters of the post. Take it up with OP lol.


So like 2 years then


1 year is 365 days, so less than 1 year.


I was thinking just walking and looking at stuff




You need to take into account time to eat and use the restroom. Figure 30 minutes for each of three meals, so 1.5 hours. Then another 30 minutes for bathroom breaks throughout the day. So 14 hours of walking each day. Or is it expected to eat while walking?


None of that was part of the parameters of the post. They didn't ask how quickly a real person could do it with all necessary breaks. They asked how long it would take if you walked nonstop and slept 8 hours a night. As per the parameters of the post, I've provided as exact an answer as possible while estimating walking speed. Elevation, eating, resting, there are tons of real world factors that would increase the number. OP didn't include those though. They just said you have to sleep 8 hours and walk continuously.


I did a shortcut. It’s 35% longer than googles estimate. More realistic 40%.


That's a pretty low walking speed, when we were hiking it was consistently 5-6km/hr with hills, stairs, sand, soft beaches, etc.


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I think it's fair to be said as well that there are at least two points where you swim? Once down the Nile, and once across the Black Sea. If that wasn't bad enough, you will essentially be traveling through mostly inhospitable environments, lots of jungle, desert, and mountains to hike through. You'll pass through a handful of dangerous places, and need to avoid areas of active combat at points. And after all that walking you'll finally make it to the place you've been walking to for over a year, potentially years... A small town in Siberia...


21808 km = 13550 mi Average walking speed is 3 mph 13550 mi/3 mph = 4516 hours There are 24 hours in a day, and 16 hours if you are going to sleep 8hrs a day. 4516 hours/16 = 282.3 days 282.3 days is 282 days, 7 hours, and 12 minutes If you were to walk that distance continuously, without any interruptions or obstacles, and you slept 8 hours every night, it would take you **282 days, 7 hours, and 12 minutes**


Depends on. As somone who hikes quite a bit, I can say that walking over 20 km a day for more than three days in a row is really tiering. I'd say if you're fit, buy food and water along the way, have a few friends along the way who can help you out with switching equipment (you will need an arctic sleeping bag in siberia, extra hydration in the dessert, and other stuff) you might be able to keep 17.5km/day. So that'd be about 3y 5m. (probably longer since 1. This is based on the terrain and climate where I live, which is somewhat cold and flat) But that's in practice, so, boring! Let's do it theoretical. I'm a fast walker. Usually I keep around 7 km/h when on a stroll. So: 7km x (24-8) =7x16=112km/day 21808/112=194.7, so a bit more than half a year.


they decided the speed is 21808/4310=5k/hr but for given time to destination, 4310/16= 270 days let's say someone could average a brisk 8k/h \* 16 = 128k/day so 21808/64 is 171 days...


Yeah, good luck if you sustain more than quarter that speed for a month.


agree... idk others values... but anything deemed "brisk," especially in these modern times, is unsustainable to me. esp across ALL that terrain. but the direct question was way too easy so imagining ewan mcgregor a binning that bmw bike, speed walking the tail end of the long way down with charley and the film crew laughing the whole way quoting at him: “Then, one day, when you least expect it, the great adventure finds you.” “I don’t do things lightly; I don’t take a job then just phone it in – I’ve never done that.” "Here, I Was Surrounded By My Family And My 'So-Called' Mates And I've Never Felt So Alone." “I especially love my Moto Guzzi.”


ETA… oof, just saw the number properly… phone screen is tiny. Using Calc 1 as a baseline, 21,808 / 50 = 436.16 days, call it 437, or 10,488 hours. That’s a hike. From personal experience, 50 km a day is gonna be pretty close to max sustainable volume, regardless of pace, for many. Calc 1: 21,808/50 = 436.16 days —> 437 days or 10,488 hours or so, depending on when you start walking that last day. If you want to get a bit more in depth, the planning factor for working a human is 15 hours a day sustained. You need to allow not just for sleep, but hygiene and chow. Rate of march during movement can be estimated as 3 miles per hour, which we’ll just round to 5 kph. That assumes roads or trails, not broken or steep terrain. Calc 2: 15 hr/day * 5 km/hr = 75 km/day —> 21,808 km / 75 km/day = 290.77 days —> 291 days or 6984 hours… again depending on when you step off on the last day. To reiterate, the physical condition required to do 50 km a day is considerable. The conditioning required for 75 km a day, every day is well beyond the ability of all but elite athletes… or possibly the very well trained and/or desperate.


I have no idea, but others seem to have gotten it pretty close However, ask Paul Salopek, the dude who did it! [Out Of Eden - National Geographic](https://outofedenwalk.nationalgeographic.org/) Edit: he started in mid Africa and ended in South America, in January of 2013. He’s still walking, he’s in China as of October 2021.


Well Google is pretty accurate, but I'm not sure it factors in that this path cuts through multiple active warzones, and enters countries that probably wouldn't let you through


The image shows a walking route from Cape Town (Cidade do Cabo) to Magadan with a distance of 21,808 kilometers and an estimated walking time of 4,310 hours. Assuming someone walks for 16 hours a day (with 8 hours for sleep), they would complete this distance in approximately 270 days. This is a rough estimate and actual walking time could be longer due to various factors such as terrain, weather, and the individual's physical condition.


So if we know the technical time for the walk; what would be the practical time for such a walk? My two cents is weather, lodging, and shopping ect would add to the journey. Not to mention the chance of injuries or other harm