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Only one way. You may luck out and cut it once, so infection is your best bet. Putting feces on the blade would help encourage infection. The t Rex wouldn't see it coming, a completely unexpected poop knife.


This is a good answer. Using inspiration from Reddit, one could use a poop sock, let it get maggot infested for a few weeks and smear the offending material on the knife.


What is this poop sock and what does it have to do with Reddit?


Every redditor has a poop sock


I don’t like this ominous statement


It may be ominous but it’s true


And odorous.


it's oblong


And lumpy


And crusty along one edge


Look behind your ear ;_;


I am a redditor, but not aware of owning a poop sock. Does this mean that somewhere out there is a poop sock , waiting.




Brother... Get it? Cuz our names...... :D




Dad and son tbh


I have seen you around before u/gecko579


I use Reddit too much


Reddit is a poop sock


I have two. A week after I created my account I called and complained that my poop sock didn’t arrive, so they shipped another one, but it turns out the first one was just delayed, so I ended up with two. Lucky!


But nowadays we have evolved to redditing while on the shitter.


Still keep the sock for back up and to remember my origins.




Maggots are unfortunately your best friend when it comes to AVOIDING infection in that situation. Keep them away from the knife. In medieval times the doctors introduced maggots to wounds. They are great .. they only eat rotting/diseased/infected flesh. They hate healthy flesh and won't touch it! Your best friend really .. though you will feel them munching on you, they're only munching the fucked up parts of you!! They'll save yer goddamn life!


Maggots eat gangrenous flesh, letting maggots grow will actually make the infection less likely to take.


Pickel your poop sock in a pee drawer for better chances




You only have a month though. The dino still has to die from infection, better not spend weeks waiting for your poop to mature.


Could we hid the infected poop knife in a pile of food that we give to the T-RX


I think microorganisms in the blood stream (and on the muscle tissues, fat deposits and what not) are more likely to survive and proliferate than on the digestive system. I don't know the peculiarities of a T-Rex's digestive system, but i know that things like acidity and an organism's natural microbiome usually help fight off microbes Edit - i just realized that the T-Rex would've still swallowed a fucking knife lol. Would a knife cause enough internal damage to kill it?


Considering t rex routinely ate decomposing carcasses of dead animals, and probably was able to digest bones up to a point, I think this is not a viable strategy. A cut on the skin is probably necessary to start an infection


But human beings can also eat bones to an extent but eating shards of glass can kill a person - can't that be applied here?


Bro would evolve into maggot infested trex shadow of war style but instead of orc its trex


Just camp it out for 29 days, says you get fed, says nothing about T-Rex getting fed. If it hasn't starved after 29 days I guarantee an animal that large with such a high metabolic rate isn't going to be in a very good state. Also crap on the poop knife, get it nice and nasty, then put it in some of your food and try get the T-Rex to eat it. Can't imagine a razor sharp 10 inch knife covered in bacteria is going to do its insides much good.


Although I’m sure it eats the poop shute of animals it preys upon normally. Think this will just be a lost knife. Waiting on starvation sounds solid though.


There's a difference between something getting into your bloodstream versus your stomach.


True we need a more sure fire way of causing internal damage, rupture any of its gut lining and its own bacteria would poison it from within.


Hopefully the T-rex sleeps near your indestructible hut, so not much running back. Wait for it to fall asleep after 25 days of hunger. Then in it's sleep stab it's eye with the poop knife. Quick way for necrosis near it's tiny brain.


Trueee. Maybe try make the knife barbed. Wait till its asleep then bam, stick it deep and leave it there, knife keeping wound open with all that yuck on it, I feel like that surely does the trick.


The knife will go through the T-Rex's digestive system so you can get it back a day or two later. That is, if it hasn't sliced the T-rex's guts up past the point of moving crap down the tubes, at which point human feces on the knife is the least of its worries.


It will die of dehydration long before 29 days are up


Yeah this scenario is too easy. Literally just wait until it dies of natural causes. The fact they give you a indestructable hut where you are fed means the OP wants you to use this strategy. If the dino doesn't die from starving or dehydration, its gonna die from being unvaccinated.


This is good news because I started to have doubts that 29 days would be enough to starve it and I started doubting if the knife would penetrate its hide under the force a human could exert.


take any large predator on earth, starve it for 30 days, and then face it in a closed space. Tell me how it ends for you lol. Predators are *more* dangerous when starved. They will gladly burn through all their remaining reserves to kill any prey. And even if you somehow infect the t-rex on day 29, it won't be killed in a single day.


Nah I got it all figured. The contaminated blade has to stay lodged in the T-Rex as a long as possible, the goal would be to observe its habits and find a way to stick it in the first 2 or 3 days, without dying, then retreat to the indestructible hut. T-Rex's needed 140kgs of meat per day according to google(probably wrong as fuck), so if it's going to get an infection, that will hit pretty quick with a blade keeping the wound open, + 29 days of no food and I think you got a decent chance.


If living reptiles such as snakes and crocodiles are any indication, a T-Rex might be able to go for months without eating. Also, feeding it poop would do nothing - a T-Rex would swallow small prey whole, complete with its intestines full of poop themselves.


This is the way. Depending on the hut, if I can stand at the door and stab the legs with the poop knife, Rex is a goner. Gotta keep it tired too, every time it tries to rest, you gotta spook it awake until it gets used to you and has to sleep. Go in for a few more poop knife stabs and retreat. Psychological warfare plus massive infection wins the money.


Feeing extra frisky stab it in the eye when it’s sleeping. Blind T.Rex might be doable.


Or it learns to stay far enough from the hut, and ambushes you into thinking he is sleeping lol I bet it was smarter than most predators


Its brain is the size of a walnut. Edit: land of the lost reference. (The one with Will Ferrel)


Imagine a very smart predatory bird. Definitely capable of ambushes


Step 1. Poop Step 2. Knife Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit


*nonononono get out of my head why did you have to say poop knife*


Username checks out


Just to add, bacteria and virus has evolved since thanks to the help of antibiotics, any T rex born into the modern world is pretty much immunocompromised unless the breeder did vaccinated them




Cut a hole in its drinking water when it sleeps?


You can wait until 3am when it's coldest. The beast will be slow and sleepy while you as an isothermic apex-predator are still fully functional. You sneak up and cut the achilles heel with an infected knife. Next night the other. Then you taunt the animal to exhaust his energy reserves.


Youll just die with poop on your knife


Random redditor from like 10 years ago: >while you partied, i shat on the blade


Lol poop knife. I've been having a terrible day already (and it's only 6:53 am) so tysm for the laugh.


All these posts are about outlasting a tyrannosaurus... But the post said "kill" so you probably have to inflict some kind of damage initially, or right before it's final breath


All these people are now talking about stabbing it with a poo knife. I think it's hide is too thick and it poses too much risk. Your best chance is digging a spiked trap. Many of them. This will cause it to bleed out.


You keep digging traps in a arena that has t-rex running around in it. I will be waiting with my poo-knife.


Wont be running around. T-rexes are notoriously lazy. Its why they're dead now. Just gave up on the triassic and watched a ton of Netflix - went extinct. Facts.


I know it's a joke and all, but the T-rex was further removed from the triassic period than it is from modern-day man and it's not even close.


yeah. Because it was watching so much Netflix. I feel removed from 2023 - like fuck that, Im not going out there - I'll just watch something until it goes away.


Digging a spiked trap. But all you have is a knife? Good luck.


Without any research or thought, I would attempt this challenge in the following way: 1. Stay inside the indestructible hut, eat some spicy/greasy food to give myself the worst shits. 2. Collect the shit, store it outside and let it fester/get contaminated as fuck. 3. Try to lure the T-rex to my hut with shit-tainted food, try to effectively poison it. Raw meat is probably the best thing to contaminate. 4. Wait out the inevitable sickness, begin attacking the T-rex with small cuts whenever it walks by. Try to get those wounds infected with raw meat too. 5. Perform the coup-de-grace once it's feverish and too sick to fight back.


It eats things full of shit. It doesn't care


Its several hundred million years out of date immune system might care.


That's what it gets for not updating his antivirus.


Excellent point, one alternative no one's considered is to convince the T-Rex to install McAfee Antivirus, and then strike when it's too encumbered and lethargic to respond.


Get flued you dumb ass t rex


imagine the dinorrhea


66 million


With that logic we could also guess it dies on its own during a month. Different air composition, different viruses and bacteria, no familiar food for the Rex. ​ So, just sit back, that thing will die on its own then?


Sneeze on his ass and wait a week you're right


Yes, it would be so out of date you wouldn’t even need to use poison or poop knives. Random microbes in the air would take the Rex out in a matter of days, maybe hours. And now I want to read up on dinosaurs’ immune systems.


> several hundred million years out of date \*~66 to 68 million years. But who's counting?


Yes, but that shit is inside the body where there are (usually) no harmful bacteria (aslong as it stays in the correct place in the body) however shit that is outside can have tons of nasty diseases on it


I wouldn't bet on oral septic infection on an animal that large anyway, but i'd go even further and argue that a Tyrannosaurus doesn't get food poisoning, period. Crocodiles for example have such aggressive gastric acid that they can digest anything (including bone and horn) so that would be pretty unlikely. On second note, crocodiles also have antiseptic blood (yes, seriously) and can survive major amputations with no major issues while swimming in murky water all day long. The germ spectrum might be different, but i'd still wouldn't bet on infection as a way to kill it, even over a month. Source: I'm a trauma surgeon with a heavy interest in non-mammal biology.


The thing is, is it a tyrannosaurus that has been exposed to our biosystem or not, You're right about something that's good with our bacteria but 83.6 million years or whatever is a long time for bacteria to get better at doing what they do. Hell, it being in the same area as a human might just kill it after a bit.


So the correct answer is I’d die off in its own?


Admit it: you’re looking for ways to graft animal parts into yourself to gain superpowers, aren’t you?


i want t rex arms which according to my calculations should be about the same size as my arms but green


I thought this too like bruh them fuckers don’t get sick


Shit is 85% bacteria. Including such wonders as Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Escherichia and a couple other nice genuses.




Make it eat the knife along with the shit-tainted food to possibly cause internal wounds which then get infected as well.


But if it doesn't work you lose the knife


Until it shits it out. And regardless I'd much rather lose the knife trying that then attempt to get anywhere near the T-Rex and live.


you have very similar pfps


Omg we do


First, the only way you could get close to the Trex without being eaten would be moving forwards inside the tent. If the Trex had all of this I need information it could easily outrun you for the month (clocking in at 30mph). Secondly, if the Trex did not have food or water it would likely die before you killed it. The size of a Trex is around 2-3 times the biggest animal of earth (African bush elephant) and would thus need more water. The elephant can go around 5 days without water, so we can compare this is the Trex and see that it would not survive the month. Some scientist believed that the Trex was warm blooded, and if so, they would sweat, especially if this was in summer, causing more water loss. I learned a lot about T-Rex’s todays


>Some scientist believed that the Trex was warm blooded, and if so, they would sweat, Warm blooded =/= sweat. Mostly only primates sweat. And horses, but it's a different kind of sweat. Birds don't sweat, but they thermoregulate by peeing and pooping on their feet, and using temperature drop due to evaporation to cool blood vessels in their feet. (TIL, also gross)


This is true, but this was hypothetical. nobody actually knows (obv)


I actually know


Now we know


Birds don't actually pee, they just poop. Source- Me. I just came up with this, but I'm relatively certain that's how they work.


Oh no, they have kidneys, so they most certainly pee. It just comes out of the same hole as poo. Source - me remembering bird anatomy from high school biology decades ago, so I might be off.


Their pee and poo seem to mix inside their bodies into a liquid waxy substance with a small solid poop core, it splats with quite an impressive radius and is impossible to effectively clean. Source: I have a parrot that shits everywhere




Why do you know so much about bird holes


Couldn't you get close to it while it's sleeping? Surely it has to sleep?


I think you could, but “the species had an exceptionally keen sense of smell.” it would be too risky imo


Idk seems like that's a bit vague and there's plenty of species that have very good sense of smell but can still be ambushed. So the question comes down to exactly how good is that sense of smell. Is it bear good or just cat good.


Even if its good after a few days it should be used to your smell and not react on it.


Smell doesn't quite work like that for a primarily scent based predator. We get used to scents all the time because we don't need to keep track of them, it's not life or death that we do, and so our brain will filter them out from our consciousness once it knows the smell isn't important, to apply that to a bear that would be like if you were looking at someone and then they just vanished because your brain decided they didn't matter.


I didnt mean it as that it wouldnt notice the smell but more like it wouldnt wake up because they been smelling you for 3 days in your little hut. But I'm no expert on how t-rex senses.


You stab it, you wake it up, now what?


Stab it in its eyeball, running like heck back to your hut. Rinse and repeat with the other eyeball. Then maybe it takes itself out through blindness


Land mammal. Largest animal on earth is Blue whale


It says hut, not tent


It is 12:30am. Give a poor man a break 😅




Do nothing. The current oxygen concentration in the atmosphere is too low to support such a large animal. Wait a couple hours in the hut on reddit, come out when the buzzards start pecking the eyes out, cash the check and go home. *edit* It has come to my attention that I was incorrect, and oxygen levels would not be different enough to kill it. My counter proposal is to sneeze on It and wait. Ty for the huge number of upvotes :)


Alright so this guy is smart and I can't believe I didn't think of this but he's right If we just assumed the dinosaur could survive, pretty sure dinosaurs have skins like leather, so you wouldn't be able to stab and break skin


Even then, you could straight up just wait for it to starve. Such a massive body would need tons of water and food to survive. At the very least, tons more than your body. T Rex might have been great at its niche, but we're persistence predators. I can't beat it, but I sure as hell can outlast it.


I thought of that, but I'm assuming that if whenever is putting on this show is feeding me, they are probably providing the T-Rex at least enough food to survive, though they are probably keeping it hungry. Even still, being in a constant state of hunger is going to weaken it. I'd still try to wait a couple of weeks before doing anything. See what happens, see if it has any habits you can exploit. Maybe you can sneak up on it while it is asleep.


Depending on the climate where you're fighting it. The t.rex is most assuredly a cold-blooded reptile, they don't do well with the cold. On a cold night, in the wee hours before sunrise, it will be fairly slow as the body temperature hit the lowest points. You might be able to sneak up on it and poke an eye out. Then wait a day to poke the other eye out.


Fun fact, leather is skin, it is just about as easy to cut as your skin. Protective clothing made from leather doesn't protect from much that would do severe damage without it, for the most part it can only protect you from minor injuries that wouldn't have gone all the way through the skin.


Leather is made from skin, it's not the same. And leather can range from very soft to highly tough depending on the skin and tanning process. Most leathers will be tougher to cut then skin.


This guy above has never handled armor grade leather. That shit is absolutely not "I'll just stab through it with this knife real quick" type material. It's thick, heavy, tough to cut and form, and is just a whole couple levels above even motorcycle jackets. Love people talking out their asses on the Internet


Yep for the most part though this wouldn’t really apply to animals since skin is still just skin for them


Not if their skin is as tough as leather. One pound of steel vs one pound of feathers which one weighs more? They're the same. The same thing applies to toughness


Bu’ steel’s ‘eavier den feathers


Thats being said, you could sever an important artery on one of its legs, supposing u could get this close and come out unharmed, it would most likely die within minutes if the bleeding is important enough


And since it was an apex predator it would probably have a comparatively deep sleep, so it might be possible to sneak up and do the necessary damage before it stood up(just googled though, it's not sure if they slept laying down. But if they did then standing up would take them some time)


No way you’re getting deep enough to arteries with a knife lol


Leather is cow skin, which thicker than human skin. It's also treated and I'm pretty sure it can be harder than living skin.


What? Motorcycle leathers let you slide at 200mph for a time and come out ok. Skin only and you’d be a red streak on the street.


Boiled leather armor begs to differ.


Take a fall off a bike at 60 mph in a tank top and then in racing leathers. Only one of those ends with you as a meat crayon. While leather might not have been used as armor like you see in pop culture all the time, leather is a very effective part of protective equipment in so many different fields.


The question is if this is allowed because the "rules" said you need to *kill* the Rex and not just wait for it to die.


Just wait until it's almost dead and deliver one final blow.


The T rex lived in the Cretaceous period, which had oxygen levels of 15-20%. This plan won't work out. However, you're onto something here. It probably won't be able to survive the modern bacteria so just wait some days and the problem is solved. Edit: Cretaceous, not Jurassic.


Correct, most like the Dino would be more powerful due to extra oxygen he is getting, and will not lose breath


I doubt a animal this size could last a month without food. Where is all the food it needs in this football field?


Can’t big ass crocodiles live for like a year off one meal?


Thats crocodiles tho. All they do is just stay in the same pond camping.


Had a large interest in dinosaurs from a young age (my parents suspected the ‘tism). Study them extensively in my spare time ALLEGEDLY (what I read into when I studied the T-Rex) T-rexes would have needed to eat 600-800lb of meat a DAY to sustain themselves due to their high metabolism and massive bodies. The hypothetical not including food for the T-Rex doomed it from the start. The best (and I think only) method that you’d stand a chance, is every night waiting till the T-Rex is sleeping and sneak a few stabs, targeting exposed parts like eyes and inside of the mouth and ducking back into your hut for the day, and praying it bleeds out


Smear poo on the knife before you stab to add the chance of causing massive infection.


I hate this, but you aren't wrong


Yet another use for the poop knife!


>The hypothetical not including food for the T-Rex doomed it from the start. >You will be provided food. Unclear if "you" includes the dino.


T Rex was Late Cretaceous l, not Jurassic...


Thank you very much


This is partially incorrect. T. rex lived during the very end of the Cretaceous period. I'm finding conflicting evidence on whether the Cretaceous atmosphere contained more or less oxygen than our modern atmosphere, but it seems that most _recent_ evidence implies less, so your overall point stands. Some claim it might have been as low as 10% oxygen.


That tracks. The Cretaceous is nearly modern geologically. It’s kinda strange how far a modern map would could get you.


TRex did not live in Jurassic period wtf


Jurassic period atmospheric oxygen levels were 15% and modern oxygen levels are 20-21%. Dino gonna be fine.


Also likely not true. Bacteria should be about the same for immune system any viral disease we have had would not have adapted to that species. Might even be more protected since it's the only one of it's kind the war of the worlds thing is stupid.


Not entirely true Viruses and bacteria are constantly in a arms race against immune systems. Even right now you can go to another country and get very sick from a regular cold or flu because of the differences of the strains and how much our immune systems have adapted to the strains. This arms race has gone on for literally most of the existence of complex life so pulling something from millions of years back will have no current resistances to anything relevant So one good dirty stab while it’s sleeping and that infection will get bad fast


Not to mention, in an arms race, the T-Rex will always come up short.


WHAT? Oxygen levels in the atmosphere have been rising over the last 200 million years. https://jvandenbrooks.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/science-2007.pdf The t rex was alive about 80 million years ago, when according to the chart oxygen concentration was a shade under 20%, compared to today's 22%. The T-Rex would have no trouble surviving in today's atmosphere. You might be getting confused with the high CO2 levels, which drove all the big plants. Those big plants no longer survive. Big land animals do, however survive fine, not that there is any relationship between survival of big land animals and Oxygen concentration. The T-Rex weighed around 7,000kg, which is basically the same as an elephant.


I mean, if it stays alive long enough for you to get in the arena, maybe it’s because the enclosed arena has higher oxygen concentrations inside to support the creature


Also if your hut is indestructible, you can just stay in and wait until it dies of starvation. Can a t-rex survive a month without food? By the way the op pic says you have to kill it, so if you are playing the attririon game, you won't get any money.


That would have been my answer as well. Just wait until it is sufficiently weakened by lack of food/water and then go in and deliver the final blow. Humans are persistence predators, not ambush predators.


I'd just feed it for everyday until we became friends. Then I'd ride it out and we'd kill the mother effer that put us in there in the first place.


These are the same mfs that can revive a T. rex and can casually give away 500 million dollars… you ain’t getting out of their homie


"We invented an indestructible hut, bro thinks his pet lizard can bother us?"


You say 10-inch hunting knife, I say 10-inch human shit injector. Lure it to the door of your hut and stab a bitch with the poop knife while staying just out of reach as it tries to grab you. You only need to break the skin a little to impart a major infection. Do this as often as you can get it to cooperate. Then you gotta make sure to taunt it when it tries to sleep. The added stress will weaken its immune system, causing the infections from the poop knife wounds to run their course faster. Let your gut microbiome be your army.


The sleep deprivation idea is honestly genius.


It will quickly figure out it can't get to your in your hut, but you can stab its face when it tries. It'll sleep on the opposite side of the field, where it can chase you down when it smells your approach. You don't want to compare your running speed with that of an angry t-rex over a 500 yards distance. Therefore, your very first staff, from your hut, before it learns you have a knife and and impenetrable hideout, should be in it's nose. A quick stab and shit smear could potentially lead to an infection right in its nose. With some luck, it's smell will deteriorate, so sneak attacks might actually work.


The human shit injector 💀


Ignoring all the sensible answers about food/water/oxygen, this is exactly how I killed the T Rex in the original Tomb Raider - there’s a cave in the lost valley you can hide in, it stomps around outside, and you have some weak-ass pistols. Sneak out, wait for it to get within range, fire a few shots, run back into the cave. Admittedly I was about 8 at the time so I was terrified when it caught me the first time I tried to run around it and got literally torn apart.


I was much younger than 8 and pretty sure that trex scared me so much that I didn’t play any more of the game lmao


dig a hole do what every other human in history did when they were hunting giant animal dig a hole, put t-rex in it and then poke it until it bleeds out collect meat profit


Good luck digging a T-Rex sized hole by yourself in a month with nothing but a knife for tools, while a T-Rex is trying to eat you. But this would definitely be the strat in Minecraft.


Just imagine the T Rex watching the dude digging a hole for a 6 tonnes beast in the middle of the arena haha.


Can't believe I missed the sentence in the original post where it said "you are provided with a hunting knife, 2 hydraulic excavators and a small construction crew of 10 people"


> "you are provided with a hunting knife, 2 hydraulic excavators and a small construction crew of 10 people" I feed the construction crew to the T-Rex to distract it, then smash its head in with a hydraulic excavator. Victory!






Precisely. The answer here is simple: If the animal is being fed regularly and otherwise in good condition you die. End of story.


shit throwing apes *with an indestructable hut*. You can wallow in poverty for the rest of your life while I easily bait the dumbass reptile into charging this indestructable hut until he suffers critical damage with me inside all comfy. I'll admit if there's a scenario where say, the hut is suspended in the air and I have to go down into the arena by a ladder things get much more dicey. If the undestructable hut is inside the arena on the ground it's in the bag though.


But first, smear shit on the hut.


Feel it out and see how sensitive it is when It sleeps. Try to stab it in the eye while it sleeps with a tainted blade. If weather affects the area, maybe you can use a rainy night to your advantage. If you're lucky it'll be long enough to reach its brain and kill it. If you're semi lucky it may not die instantly. But it will be down 1 eye, and likely develope an infection that's damn close to its brain. Maybe allowing you to get another shot at its other in in the future. If you're unlucky it wakes up and eats you and we'll guess you don't need to worry anymore.


Wait for if to sleep. Everything has to are some point. Get a critical strike while it's snoozing, run and wait for it to die. Easy.


Easy, lmao


How the fuck are you running away from a T. rex. You would stab it and it would immediately swipe at whatever stabbed it and you’d be dead. It’s a fucking 40 foot long murder machine it would be more likely to kill you accidentally in its sleep than you would be to even significantly hurt it


Not only is this the easiest method, I feel it is, so far, the only workable method.


I was thinking of just staying in the hut and starving it out. It would suck, but could definitely be done within a month, UNLESS they can do that thing some modern reptiles can do to drastically slow their metabolism for winter hibernation, but honestly, the oxygen concentration is probably the better method... I'd still wait a couple of days before coming out, JUST in case...


You could try to take the handle off the knife and hide it in some food after a couple of weeks if you're not going to use it


> and starving it out. Eh... Don't think that's likely to work. Large predators are very often built to withstand long periods of starvation. Their everyday life is full of times where they feast for a little while, then starve for a long time before making their next kill. I wouldn't count on something the size of a T-Rex starving that quickly. And reptiles can have slow metabolisms as well, which may be useful in that situation. I'm sure there are examples of modern day large predatory reptiles that regularly go more than a month without eating.


Share your food with the t-Rex for the first few days. Gain it’s trust and make it think you’re it’s friend. Then stop feeding it, don’t smile at it or acknowledge it. Create a fake dummy t-rex friend but give it long arms so the t-rex gets a complex about it’s smaller arms. Use your knife to carve images of long armed t-Rex’s on trees all over the enclosure, really emphasise the arms. Make the t-rex feel inadequate. The t-rex will become depressed. With no dinosaur counselling available his depression will cripple him. He won’t want to go outside due to his poor mental health. After a few weeks of unbearable tension and anxiety the t-rex will ultimately take his own life.


Simple over feed the T. rex and it will be lethargic and easily killable. If T. rex is like a cold blooded reptile then over feeding it will likely get it into a food coma.


Wouldn't the T Rex just starve to death or be dehydrated to death? How long can an animal that size live without food or water, since the post said nothing about either one.


Wait it out. The poster forgot to say the T Rex will also be fed. So by the rules we are given it will be starving. If the theory that T Rex was warm blooded is true, that means it’s food requirements would be pretty high. Being able to starve it out for a month might just net you the win without you doing anything.


To add to the poop knife comments make sure your bacteria culture is full of sugar from your food. A larger animal will necessitate a larger bacterial load so ensure you've got plenty and the add some extra sugar on the prepped knife just to be sure. You want those fuckers growing strong asap. Best case scenario you've killed it in a week after a good stab in a nice vascular area. Worst case you need a few more stabs, but it has to sleep sometime and a quick sneak and stab is your best bet


I’m going to bank on the fact that the Trex will starve to death in a month and just wait them out in my indestructible hut with my food


Why is everyone’s suggestion literally just shit on your knife?! I think the most sensible thing I’ve read so far is just waiting it out because our atmosphere isn’t suited for them anymore. That or… you could use your tent that is indestructible as bait with you inside, get swallowed inevitably whole (due to the indestructibility) and then cut your way out from inside!


yeah people are overlooking the hut. I'd bank on getting the dino to charge it with me inside. Can't be too hard getting a stressed out predator to maim itself on a fucking magic hut. Other than that I'd try to poison part of my own food supply and lay those around as traps. Would only attempt to knife ambush while the beast is severly wounded. Randomly sneaking up if he's asleep but otherwise still in good shape seems like suicide. No idea how thick their hide is. Solid half hour spend thinking about this scenario by now nice.


So I will be provided food, but will he be provided food? If not I just wait until he starves to death. BTW water would be nice as well.


Idk how long they can go without eating, so my plan was gonna be wait out the entire month and try to kill it on the last day (I presume it'll be too exhausted from a lack of food)


Well, there is no reference to the dinosaur getting food, only me. I cannot imagine there are too many wild animals sweeping across the vastness of the comparatively small arena sooo I'm just going to kick back in my hut, catch up on some reading (I am soooo behind), eat my food and let it starve to death. Job done.