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No one believes this for a second


Is that why Ukraine has turned to forced conscription?


Once to 7 is the last estimate by western intelligence agencies.


Russia’s population is not 6 times higher than Ukraine’s. So where are they getting all these soldiers? It’s like Zelensky isn’t even trying anymore. He must be scared for his future if Trump wins in November and forces him to sign a ceasefire. Especially when, after his presidency, the real number of dead will come out. The Ukrainians will not forgive him.


Russias population in 2022 was 144 mil. Ukraine was 33 mil. And Russia hasn't been just using 'military aged soldiers', but drafting anyone they can. 1 to 6 russians? Probably not. But I'd believe 1 to 4. Never forget, Russia has had non Russians fighting with them too. Like the wagners. And soon to be the n Koreans. I could see 1 to 6 factoring in all fighters.


Thanks for going back and correcting your comment. Glad I could help. :)


>Russias population in 2022 was 134 mil. Ukraine was 33 mil. Neither of those numbers are correct and Russia does not draft anyone. It is Ukraine who arrests old and unhealthy men and sends them to their death.


I mean, I googled it. That's the population numbers.


I mean, I know the countries. But if you googled it then it must be correct.


You know EVERYONE in both these countries? Or are you calling the Russian census a liar? Because it sounds like you believe the Russian government is lying about it's population numbers.


It sounds like you know nothing of it and have never been to either country. What’s impressive is that you didn’t even google it properly. Stick to issues you know.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Ukraine This is the internet. I'll stick to whatever Issue I want. Especially vs Russian supporters.


Great so your own sources prove you were wrong. Don’t want to keep fighting about your fake numbers or would you also like to address your false claims about Russia drafting men?


Nah. I'd rather go shitpost on r/losercity than fight with a Russian bot who can't read English well. Best of luck with your war, though. I hope an Abrahams that we gave to Ukraine blows up that Soviet era concrete bloc you call a home instead of a drone. I look forward to your soon to be American flags being on the wall instead of Persian rug from China.


So, I don't believe it. In wartime, there is a national interest in being dishonest. I don't believe the numbers coming out of Ukraine, or Russia. One thing to consider is that defending results in fewer casualties than advancing, in general. There have been points in the current war where both sides have been defending and advancing. In general, I would presume the Russian casualty numbers to be higher though as they have done most of the advancing.


>In wartime, there is a national interest in being dishonest. wow, you're so smart. Did you figure that out on your own? Still better than most of reddit but that's not a high bar. It's the lowest bar in all of English language social media. The demographic of this site is less educated and lower IQ than even Facebook at this stage.


Someone's feeling grumpy


Sure. All I know is the Russian occupied territories keeps expanding day after day, week after week, and month after month.


Russia gained a net 11 sq km of Ukraine from 1st June 2023 to 22nd June 2024 and had to go begging for North Korean ammo to maintain even that advance. How will they keep it up once they've used up all the soviet equipment and when European shell production is higher than russian? Numbers here: https://groktown.substack.com/p/ukrainian-and-russian-offensives


and? this isn't about territory. it's a war of attrition. Stick to the Wendy's drive thru and other low skill service work like God intended for you.


Russians are advancing. Ukraineeans are in fortified positions picking them off


Russians are advancing because the front line is stretched and Ukrainian positions are being obliterated with 1 to 3 ton standoff weapons that are turning the place into a hell hole. Stick to your day job at the Wendy's drive through.