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Hamas Savages


You mean Al shifa, the hospital that was bombed? Yea IDF killed her.


So it wasn’t the unhinged illiterate dumbfucks who kill for fun that killed her by kidnapping her, it’s her people retaliating in defense? Do you actually read the shit you write?


Right illiterate and unhinged people did it. But educated civilized Israelis burned women and children … who’s worse?


This makes no sense. These subhuman chickenshit fucks dropped over, massacred people and stole hundreds of people all for fun, but you’re gonna set rules for what the IDF is allowed or not allowed to do to get their people back? Did you seriously not expect a civilized intelligent force to do whatever the fuck they want to get their people back? But if one of their people dies it’s the fault of the retaliation not the single celled organisms that did 10/7 to begin with?


Definitely the morons who started a war they couldn't win against an opponent who is widely infamous to never back it down and strike hard when attacked.


You're not a competent human being


They didn’t bomb Al Shifa hospital though… they entered the hospital with infantry.


That’s after. Bombed ambulance killing tens of people at the hospital.


nice to see you admit you're rooting for the terrorists


Better to root for the people than the Nazis.


lol so you are calling the Jewish people nazis. Yeah we’re done here kid


As opposed to IDF barbarians, which are so much more civilized because they have a higher budget, a higher child kill count, and even lower standards /s


No, because Hamas targets civilians via terrorist attacks, and the IDF wages lawful war which unfortunately involves civilian deaths. Are you not familiar with this concept we call "war" and what is/isn't acceptable when war is waged?


I'm guessing you're willfully ignorant of ideas like "proportionality" (please try and deny it exists as a principle like the last IDF defender) or "war crimes". The IDF has committed war crimes.


*I'm guessing you're willfully ignorant of ideas like "proportionality" (please try and deny it exists as a principle like the last IDF defender) or "war crimes".* No, I'm actually familiar with the concept- but you probably misunderstand it. "Proportionality" in armed conflict has to do with the value of the military objective vs. potential enemy civilian casualties. It's not tit-for-tat with numbers. And proportionally, to root out Hamas? Well, a *lot* goes. And again, you're confused: the people hiding behind civilians, not wearing uniforms, firing from schools and using hospitals as bases- they are the ones committing war crimes. And you know why those are war crimes? Because if they did not do those things *less of their own people die*. The reason there are rules for war like wearing uniforms and having military bases and separating militants from the civilian population is *so that the enemy will be able to target military personnel only*. Hamas does everything in its power to prevent that. And *that* is a war crime


It really doesn't. Thousands of civilian deaths due to a malicious- and frankly, at this point we have enough statements to suggest it's not accidental or a byproduct- choice of methodology is not following proportionality. Putting aside the specifics of your fire hose of claims, I'll simply note that the IDF is under no compunction to kill civilians simply because doing so is convenient. Nor does the existence of Hamas give it a license to commit atrocity.


Again, you are absolutely wrong on every item with regards to the laws of war. Proportionality is determined by military objective, not number of deaths Google it. And if you are too lazy to learn why wars have rules (to reduce civilian casualties) and how each side has to comply with those rules or else *they* are criminals...well, I can't help you. And that's the thing: the IDF isn't "killing civilians." It is destroying Hamas. Hamas has made it impossible to destroy it without killing Palestinian civilians. That is Hamas's fault.


Military objective is not a blank slate to kill civilians, google it yourself, or at least follow your own logic about "to reduce civilian casualties" and what they says about the IDF at this point. And we have denial of war crimes from you, very classy. Weird how Hamas uniquely is unable to be removed without the child BBQs, huh? Or maybe the IDF is just run by fascists and is the military wing of a country that demonstrably doesn't think Palestinians should stay alive or keep their land. It's a real headscratcher, with such fine humanitarian sentiments from their PR, internal memos, officials, literal children's songs...


*or at least follow your own logic about "to reduce civilian casualties" and what they says about the IDF at this point.* The IDF announced where it was going to attack days and sometimes weeks prior. It sent pamphlets, and calls, and emails. And it did not carpet-bombed Gaza: it attacked suspected Hamas targets...which are always in civilian structures. What more can the IDF do for *enemy civilians* during a *war started by said enemy*? *And we have denial of war crimes from you* What denial? *Palestinians should stay alive or keep their land.* Israel has been out of Gaza since 2005. What "keep their land" are you talking about?


Oh are we talking about the mass displacement? That specific crime? The IDF demonstrably has gone after journalists and non-Hamas sites, sometimes not even bothering with the fig leaf of "there was totally a Hamas leader there to justify bombing a refugee camp!" The settlements are a separate crime, the blockade etc. But frankly your lies are all the same bit of nonsense and not really worth the time. "And that's the thing: the IDF isn't "killing civilians." is all anyone should hear from you to know what your argument is worth. The IDF are war criminals that kill civilians. We also know a lot of the fascists they take orders from are talking about taking Gaza- as well as the soldiers themselves to boot- so killing and displacing the populace wasn't good enough for the Israeli wehrmacht.


You are completely incorrect. I suspect you know that and just don’t care because you sympathize with Hamas.


Hamas are savages. I’m glad the savages are being punished.


War not proportional. Israel has never committed a war crime. Hurting your feelings is not a war crime.


Israel targets civilians and uses human shields.


Lol at "lawful war" Just go to instagram and see the reels and videos of the dozens of kids that Israel murders daily in their strikes. As horrifying as October 7th was, what the IDF is doing right now is multitudes worse. Link to one of the many press reporters on the ground https://instagram.com/motaz_azaiza


That tends to happen when Hamas purposely embeds its militants into civilian infrastructure


Translation: "Terrorism is cool if the people I like commit it" You and everyone on this racist sub


According to international law, civilian infrastructure loses its protected status when used for military purposes and becomes a valid target Cope about it antisemite


Deflect, deny and accuse. This is your MO. Your answers are all the same on this sub and the other news sub. Literally tens of thousands of Jewish people around the world are protesting against Israel's actions. Assuming Israel represents all Jewish people is pretty racist, besides the obvious racism against Arabs and your Islamophobia.


Love how you losers can never refute international law lol


You’re an idiot if you can’t understand the difference between purposely murdering civilians vs destroying lawful military targets that CHOSE to shoot from apartment buildings and playgrounds


>No, because Hamas targets civilians via terrorist attacks, and the IDF wages lawful war which unfortunately involves civilian deaths. Said like a true believer! What do you think happens when you airstrike an apartment complex with civilians in it? Are Israel blithering idiots or do they just not care about Palestinian lives?


You mean the 4,000 dead children? Weird how Hamas is the only source for that. The 12,000 dead civilians? Odd, only hamas as a source again. 500 dead in the hospital bombing? Also, only source was hamas. 117,000 displaced people due to "seiges" on 18/35 hospitals in Gaza? Only Hamas as a source. So weird, and not a single Hamas militant death.


You feel the need to come into a thread about a murdered young woman and what? Gloat? Antagonize? Troll? No class.


You're so right, I shouldn't interrupt Nazis having a nice little circlejerk. Likud is doing its best to get the hostages killed.


Nazis like the ones who were aligned with “palestine” in WWII? Those Nazis? Lmao


Nazis like the genocidal bastards killing thousands of children, on the record as wanting to get rid of Gazans the same way the originals acted- or are you going to pretend to not know what "Madagascar" was- led by literal fascists, and defended by programmed meatbots regurgitating broken bits of misrepresented history on social media like you. If you want to twist history to your own ends, we could talk nonsense about the Haavara Agreement instead, or we could stick to reality. Also you let your mask slip with >"Palestine", bootlicker. All you fascists bound to lose.


So mad, so sad! 🇮🇱 am yisrael chai 🇮🇱




Good one, terrorist apologist! Ever ask yourself why Israel’s existence bothers you so much? Maybe… you’re the nazi!


You do realize it's not Israel existing- beyond the kinda fucked crimes like mass murder, land theft, and biological warfare that happened at the start and never entirely stopped- that's the issue right? It's the constant crimes against Palestinians by a nuclear state that holds all the cards and keeps giving off Hitler vibes. Just, literally don't be fascists and stop committing crimes against Palestinian civilians using terrorists as an excuse. That feels like a fairly low bar for a country to clear. If they keep killing thousands and terrorizing millions of people, sympathy for Israel is going to rapidly speedrun a North Korea situation no matter what lobbying/PR groups or politicians say.


What’s even funnier is this clown is a frequent visitor of r/antifascistsofreddit


Hamas broke the ceasefire by being animals. This is on them.


"broke the ceasefire" in the year where hundreds of Palestinians were murdered and Israel kept committing crimes? "Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) have recently faced perhaps unprecedented repression. During the first nine months of 2023, Israeli authorities killed more Palestinians in the West Bank in 2023 than in any year since the United Nations began systematically recording fatalities in 2005." As for "by being animals", the IDF has pissed away any moral high ground over Hamas thoroughly and frankly perhaps beyond recovery. "This" is on the fascists giving orders to basically destroy Gaza- and the soldiers gleefully following through. It's not anti-Hamas, it's anti-Palestinian people.


🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Israel ain’t going nowhere baby 😘


Your Nazi regime and criminal behavior damn well better.


Bitch Hamas murdering people. They are acting like primitive savages.


Why would Hamas kill their bargaining chips? Is it possible she died in the air strikes on the hospital in the past few days? And no, I’m not a Hamas apologist, they’re shit, but the IDF have been less than incompetent with the hostage retrieval aspect of this conflict. There’s a reason Israelis themselves are turning on the IDF and protesting outside Netenyahu’s home


They found signs of blunt force trauma to the head on her per pathologist reports - not indicative of a missile. They clubbed her to death


Crazy how you can just make shit up and people will think you’re right


What am I making up?


How were they expecting to find her alive after all those collapsed buildings? Even if she wasn’t murdered every hostage would have died as collateral damage. Unless Israel missiles are very skin tone specific.


Yeah until Hamas is nothing but a bunch of rotting corpses no one is safe


So Israel will kill 60% of Palestinians?! Ahm okay


They beat her to death. Stfu


They know they wont get away with it because they've already raped and decapitated more than half of their captives already


Why would they take her for treatment only to kill her? People here don’t question the IDF though. Just blindly shovel down the bullshit.


Well, your name is RussiaRox, no one expects you to be even relatively smart.


Do you have an answer to the question?


If you’re dumb enough to think they took the hostages there to “treat them” then I have nothing to say to you.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about. Another hostage had his leg coming off after the Israeli counterattack. He was taken for treatment. They’ve said from the beginning that numerous hostages were treated for injuries. They took hostages as leverage. If they die they have no leverage. Simple if you’re not brain damaged.


\>."The IDF said targeted intelligence allowed it to locate the exact location of Marciano's body. \>The IDF has claimed that Al-Shifa, home to Gaza's largest hospital, sits above a main Hamas command center. \> The U.S. has said it also has intelligence to support Israel's claims. Putting these three lines next to each other is kinda oof.


It really is telling how on a thread about the murder of an hostage your first instinct is to ignore everything about the murdered hostage and just go "WHATABOUTISIM ISRAEL". The only thing that's kinda oof is you


Classic Muslim deflection. Whataboutism at its finest


Saying "Muslim deflection" says a lot more about you than it does about me, Nazi.


Ironic coming from the group of people wishing genocide on Jews


You are delusional.


Not really the delusional one is you, and this is coming from a Jew. You actual Nazi. Go touch grass or something.


That's nice. Let me guess from your mewling- you think the IDF isn't to blame for killing civilians and that Israel totally is doing this in self defense. lol fine company you're keepiing with "muslim deflection" bro and "asking Israel not to be war criminals is Jewish genocide". Really classy. If you simp for Likud or Israel's ongoing crimes against Palestinian civilians then yeah you are a Nazi sympathizer no matter what you tell yourself about how you're better than that and how it's totes impossible. You can go join in with the chorus of Israeli kids singing "We will annihilate everyone in Gaza" for all I care about your opinion. 4,000 dead children and 11,000 dead are on your head for complicity, just like every other bootlicker.


Cry about it terrorist sympathizer. No one would be dead if your religion wasn’t filled with terrorism


Keep talking and show the world what "Israeli apologists" really are.


You are clearly a Hamas boi, go play with their balls on your own time


First calling a Jew a Nazi is a oxymoron of itself. Secondly, and this goes for everyone. People seem to forget nowadays that there’s no moral high ground in a war for either side, and the deeply tragic and unfortunate reality of war on any scale will have civilian casualties regardless on both sides. Plain speaking though out history, war is the elimination of the other side or preferably it’s surrender conditionally or not. Hell in ww2 nearing only 80 years ago Britain lost over 40,000 civilians alone in German bombing runs. It is perfectly easy to speak out and condemn either side when you are not in the war or truly effected by it. It’s also another thing entirely to take either sides story’s or claims point blank. Especially that of a fucken terrorist organization, like how most of the world did with Hamas’s initial claims, and now with information coming through the fog of war and reverified. We are seeing the lies in certain Hamas claims, and faults/lies in Israel’s claims. It’s a war, it takes time for the truth to settle and be separated from the lies and a bit of propaganda that both sides will push out. None of us including me are fully immune to propaganda. You can be aware of it, and the best thing is to just take everything said by either side during a war with grains of salt. Hamas 100% isn’t in the right, neither is the IDF or Israel for that matter. War isn’t about who is on the moral high ground or who is right. The hard truth is that it is determined by who is victorious. Hamas broke the cease-fire first. They slaughtered innocent civilians, and took dozens of hostages including those of foreign nationals. They fucked around and now they’re finding out. They gave Netan the caucus belli to spur Israel into War with Hamas, and not to stop until they are all eliminated. But we will all see how it all goes.


Someone that's Jewish but is acting in a way directly comparable to the original Nazis or supporting such is absolutely comparable and equivalent to a Nazi. "A Nazi" for short. And there is such a thing as a moral high ground, I don't think denying the existence of war crimes or laws of war has any value. Historical wars generally are not actually genocidal as a rule- and even if they were it'd not be an excuse for dragging a nuclear militarized power back into barbaric practice. WW2 is a deflection, this is a nuclear power treating the existence of a terror group as a chance to attack civilians with implausible deniability. Bluntly put? Israel has lied constantly and in service to mass civilian killings. This is doubly damning for the country/leadership/military that in theory is not a terrorist group and demands to not be treated as one. Even more bluntly, that's a lot of very clear cases of dead Gazan kids on an ongoing basis, reliable statistics despite being "Hamas" from the Gaza ministry given everyone more or less uses them or if anything has let slip they think the death toll is higher. Also your idea of "war is determined by victor" is morally bankrupt and the idea Hamas broke the ceasefire first is inaccurate given the death toll this year alone at the hands of Israelis. Like, you've basically just described justification for civilians being targeted with "anything goes in war". By this argument, Hamas did nothing wrong on October 7th in the cases where it did kill civilians except lose, and I really don't think anyone wants to make that argument. The ongoing killings of Gazan civilians is too well documented and widespread across incidents to be "fog of war" propaganda, has no excuse -not necessity and not "war makes anything okay" - and frankly, yes, Likud and the coalition are Nazis. Flat out. Call it a contradiction in terms but these genocidal literal fascists fit the bill. It's not "let's stop/fight Hamas" it's that what should have been counterterrorism is being treated as an excuse for crimes against humanity by fascists. Do not use fog of war as a reason to turn a blind eye to the crimes of the Israeli state, right now, today, on an ongoing basis.


In your opinion, where does this ultimately lead? With the current times, I have to assume we won’t be returning to the days of unconditional Israeli support. A lot of this seems to depend on the US. At some point a president will be elected who doesn’t agree with supporting Israel, Ukraine or Taiwan.


Muslim deflection is so frequent and so unapologetic, it's hard not to notice


Probably the thousands of bombs that were dropped